Title: rubber
1(No Transcript)
2LaTeX is not...
- rubber
- a Bill Gates product
- WYSIWYG (see)
- VooDoo
- just something for crazy (nerdy) people with lots
of equations and math symbols
3LaTeX is...
- document markup language
- document preparation system for TeX typesetting
- collection of TeX macros
- plain text with formatting cmds
- WYMIWYG (mean)
4Basic Concept
- write text in editor of your choice (.tex)
- compile (latex)
- results in .aux, .log and .dvi file
- convert dvi to ps, pdf, etc
- or create pdf directly from source (pdflatex)
- done!
5LaTeX - What Do You Need?
- editor of your choice
- WinEdt (compiles and generates pdf for
you)http//www.winedt.com/ - LaTeX environment (UNIX)
- MikTeX (WIN)http//miktex.org/
6LaTeX Document Structure
- \documentclassarticle(article, report, book,
letter) - preamble
- \begindocument
- body
- \enddocument
7LaTeX Title Page
- \titleThis Is My Title
- \authorMartin Klein
- \date16. May 2007
- \date - to leave it out
- \date - to have LaTeX do it
- \maketitle (in body)
8LaTeX Structures
- \chapterName of the Chapter(not in article)
- \sectionMy Section
- \subsectionA Subsection
- \subsubsectionSubsubsection
- \tableofcontents (in body)
- e.g. \sectionwithout numbering, not in index
9Some LaTeX Commands
\textbfbold text \textittext in italics \textttteletype \scriptsize - 7pt \small - 9pt \normalsize - 10pt \large - 12pt \Large - 14pt \beginverbatim ... \endverbatim \beginitemize \item my item \enditemize \beginenumerate.... \item first item \endenumerate
10Equations in LaTeX
- \beginequation ... \endequation
- \begineqnarray ... \\ ... \endeqnarray
- ...
- \labelmylabel
11Tables in LaTeX
- \begintable\centering
- \begintabularrlc (ccc)
- columns divided by
- rows end with \\
- \endtabular\captionmycaption \labelmylabel
- \endtable
12Figures in LaTeX
- \usepackagegraphicx (in preamble)
- \beginfigure
- \centering
- \includegraphicsfilename (pdf, png, jpg)
- \caption...
- \label...
- \endfigure
13EPS Figures in LaTeX
- \usepackageepsfig (in preamble)
- \epsfigfileepsfig.eps, scale0.6
- use latex, dvips/dvipdf(m), ps2pdf/pstopdf
- use convert fig.png eps3fig.eps
14Referencing in LaTeX
- \refmylabel for figures, tables, (sub)sections,
equations - \beginfigure...\labelmylabel...\endfigure
- \sectionmysection \labelmylabel
15Citations in LaTeX
- data about cited paper stored in .bib file
- \citemypaperid
- before \enddocument
- \bibliographystyleabbrv
- \bibliographymybibfile
- bibtex command creates .bbl file
- latex, bibtex, latex, latex
16Sample BibTeX File Structure
_at_inproceedingsbergmarkpaper, author
Donna Bergmark, title Collection
synthesis, booktitle JCDL '02
Proceedings of the 2nd ACM/IEEE-CS Joint
Conference on DL, year 2002,
isbn 1-58113-513-0, pages
253--262, location Portland, Oregon,
USA, doi http//doi.acm.org/10.1145/54
4220.544275, _at_articlebekaertdidl,
author Jeroen Bekaert and Patrick Hochstenbach
and Herbert Van de Sompel, title
Using MPEG-21 DIDL to Represent Complex
Digital Objects in the Los Alamos National
Laboratory Digital Library, journal
D-Lib Magazine, volume 9,
number 11, month November,
year 2003, note "doi10.1045/novem
ber2003-bekaert" http//portal.acm.org/citation
17Books about LaTeX
- Lamport LaTeX A Document Preparation
r8-1 - Kopka Guide to LaTeXhttp//www.amazon.com/Guid
8qid1179321727sr8-1 - Mittelbach LaTeX Companionhttp//www.amazon.co