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Web: www.triumphregister.com


The Triumph Register Of America National Committee Is Pleased To Present the 32nd Annual Gathering of the Faithful: TRA National Meeting 2006 Burr Oak State Park ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Web: www.triumphregister.com

The Triumph Register Of America National
Committee Is Pleased To Present the 32nd Annual
Gathering of the Faithful
TRA National Meeting 2006 Burr Oak State Park,
Ohio 14-18 June 2006 drive, intimate, family,
rustic, fun, drive
TRA 79 Marty Lodawer (TRSC) Artist
Welcome home to the rolling forested hills of
Eastern Ohio, caves, waterfalls, quaint Pioneer
villages, fantastic roads, and fervent TR passion!
Web www.triumphregister.com Phone Call Bruce
Clough at (937) 376-9946 Email clough_at_erinet.com
Information needed? Three Ways To Get It
Its For The Cars...
Where else can you spend an intensive four days
eating, breathing, living the 4-cylinder TR
experience? Driving tours, rallies, auction, car
shows, parking lot chats and late night banter
over a cold brew better the breed!
Its For The Fun...
Where else can you breeze past historic
homesteads through wooded hills, wind blowing in
your hair, part of a long British iron caravan,
challenge fellow TR in games of chance skill,
purchase unique items in quaint shops, feast and
drink while enjoying conversation, and staying
out late at the bar since now youre old enough
and dont have to drive anywhere!?!
Its For The Camaraderie...
Where else can you spend hours that seem as
minutes renewing old friendships and developing
new ones? Where else can you network with such
an expert and sociable group of TR experts?
Where else can build lasting relationships with
fellow humans that share your intensity for the
cars that started a legend? Where else can you
spend the day in idle conversation with a bunch
of folks quaffing good brew that someone else
Lodging At One Of Ohios Most Rustic Parks
Burr Oak State Park Lodge This is site for TRA
2006, situated in the wooded hills of Eastern
Ohio. We have lodge rooms and cabins reserved,
but you must make your reservations by April 30th
2006. Reserve early since the rooms will fill up
quick! Oh, and please mention youre with the
Triumph Register Of America! Phone (740)
767-2112 Web Site www.burroakresort.com - check
it out! Room Cost 99/night (does not include
taxes) Cabin are rented by the week (Sunday
Sunday) for 650 great deal for larger groups
since that includes 2 bedrooms and a kitchen
thats where youll find the Clough
Clan! Cancellation 30 Days w/o 48 Hours. For
more information on reservations please contact
the lodge staff.
Your Car Here
The Itinerary
At the heart of any good Meeting is an itinerary
filled with fun events. This year is no
different. The key word this year is tour.
This implies driving, which implies tops-down,
hair blowing in the wind. You can smell that
country air now! As with all itineraries, this is
subject to change we might add more drives! The
detailed agenda will be in the TRA 2006 packet
set to each TRA 2006 registrant after we receive
your registration.
  • Wednesday
  • TRA 2006 Tour 1 Dairy Barn Head down
  • to the Athens area to take in some rural
  • arts crafts
  • Evening Staff Mixer - All Invited, bring your
  • banjos, dulcimers, guitars
  • Thursday
  • Early Morning Run Blow out the carbon
  • and grab some breakfast!
  • TRA 2006 Tour 2 Trains Pioneers
  • Trip to living museum Railroad Tour
  • (museum, train fees extra)
  • Judging School Increase your knowledge of
  • Early TRs
  • Late-Afternoon Tour To Picnic Picnic
  • TRA Membership Reception Meeting
  • Parking Lot Tech Sessions/Hall Parties
  • TRA Officers Reception Yes, yet
  • another excuse to stand around with a
  • mug and kibitz!
  • TRA Auction The favorite is back yet
  • again. Empty out your garage and
  • bring all that stuff, 80/20 consignment
  • Parking Lot Tech Sessions/Hall Parties
  • Saturday
  • Son of Early Morning Run Still have
  • any carbon left? Not for long!
  • LeTech Session Topic TBD, but one
  • example might be Buying Selling
  • Stuff On eBay
  • TRA 2006 Tour 5Them Thar Hills!
  • Cocktail Reception Still another excuse
  • to stand around and tell tall TR tales!
  • Banquet Food, organized like, and
  • dont worry, were not serving Potted

Directions Burr Oak State Park is roughly
between Zanesville and Athens (north-south line).
From I-70, go south from Zanesville on Ohio
Routes 60, 93, and 13, heading east on Ohio 78
from where it runs into 13. From the south come
north on US 33 from Athens, take the Ohio 13 exit
and head north, also turning east on 78. Once on
78 the park entrance will be a few miles up on
the left.
Hello - Triumph Enthusiasts,
especially those with a wet-liner 2l engine in
their hearts! The TRA National Committee is
pleased to host the 2006 Meeting at Burr Oak
State Resort Park, Glouster, Ohio, 14-18 June
2006. Nestled in the rolling hills of Southeast
Ohio, Burr Oak is far from the busy bustle of
everyday living but close to wonderful rural
roads that bring back the exciting motoring of
yesteryear, before the advent of interstates and
fast food. Our themes this year can be summed
up in six words drive, intimate, family,
rustic, fun, drive. Drive since that is what
cars are about. Art hangs on a wall, cars you
drive we will have plenty of chances for you to
air your cars out in organized tours. Intimate
since the lodge is small enough so TRA can have
the whole thing. Family since we encourage the
whole family to attend with events catering to
young, old, gear-head and not-so-gear-head.
Rustic since not only the location in wooded
hills, but also the hearkening back to meetings
long past when impromptu gatherings chatting
about Triumphs, while Triumph mugs in hand held
the beverage of choice. Fun since we decided
to focus on events all can enjoy, without the
hectic events schedule that leave one breathless
or in a quandary as to which to attend. This is
a wonderful place to relax, and relax we will.
Drive at the end just reflects the meet we
will start with a driving tour, and end with one
also! The location is no accident TRA was last
here in 1979 for one of the most memorable
meetings, and this will be one also to remember.
For more information please contact Bruce
Clough, TRA National Meeting Coordinator at (937)
376-9946 or clough_at_erinet.com. If you want to
reserve a room, please call the resort at (740)
767-2112 and let them know you are there for the
Triumph Register Of America Meeting. Reserve
early due to limited rooms weekly cabin rentals
are also available, and a small block of those
have been reserved for TRA. Another thing we are
trying this year is no on-site registrations
they will all be done before hand via mail/web.
This frees the registration staff to join us for
the events. Registration packets are also
available on the TRA web site www.triumphregister.
com, with updates posted as they occur. See you
in June! Bruce CloughTRA National Meeting
TRA 2006 Registration Check
List Mark Your Calendar June 14-18 2006 Call
The Lodge At Burr Oak (740) 767-2112 To Reserve
Room Or Cabin Fill Out Both Sides Of The
Registration Form Make Out A Check Payable To
Triumph Register Of America For The Total
Amount Address An Envelope To TRA 2006 c/o Stan
Seto, 1754 Lindenhall Dr., Loveland, OH 45140
Put Registration Form And The Check Into An
Envelope, Attach Postage, And Mail.
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