Wire bond Concern on Actel Devices with Au wire - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Wire bond Concern on Actel Devices with Au wire


Wire bond Concern on Actel Devices with Au wire Raymond Kuang Manager, Packaging Engineering May 08, 2002 Background Failure Analysis Low Wire Pull Strength on ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Wire bond Concern on Actel Devices with Au wire

Wire bond Concern on Actel Devices with Au wire
Raymond Kuang Manager, Packaging
Engineering May 08, 2002
  • An Actel device RT54SX16 with date code 9937 was
    found by GSFC having the following
  • Strength of some wires pulled were below the 2.5
    Grams Mil-std minimum limit
  • Parts exhibited intermetallic halo at ball
  • Watermelon stripes were suggested to be
  • GSFC inspected additional samples taken from 11
    Actel lots bonded with Au wires and result as
  • All samples exhibited intermetallic halo around
    the ball periphery.
  • Except on RT54SX16 with date code 9937, all
    sample parts passed the required minimum wire
    pull test limits.
  • The bonding quality issue on RT54SX16 with date
    code 9937 was discovered in year 2000, resulting
    to PCN to customers with affected lots in July,

Failure Analysis Low Wire Pull Strength on
9937 Lot
This issue was due to the use of insufficient
bonding power and force that resulted in immature
welds consisted of cluster of isolated
micro-welds. Since isolated micro-welds offers
more grain surfaces, and therefore more vacancies
defects, a rapid intermetallic diffusion
characterized by vacancies defects concentration
(voids) on Al-Au interface had occurred. The use
of insufficient bonding force and power is
evident on the shape of the ball see photos
Al pad
Cross section image of RT54SX16 (9937 date code
Ball bonding on Pad

Critical Factor for Reliable Au Ball Bond
The only way to prevent rapid intermetallic
formation and growth from happening is to
assemble the part with very high quality wire
bonds which exhibits a uniform metallurgical
Figure 2 Poor quality bond with Non-uniform
Intermetallic thickness
Figure 1 High quality bond with uniform
Intermetallic thickness
A bond with uniform intermetallic formation will
have stronger bond strength than a bond with
spotty intermetallic formation. Figure 1 above
shows an example of an ideal bond while Figure 2
shows a spotty bond that resulted to formation of
Actel Corrective Actions
  • Equipment OptimizationUpgraded bonding machines
    with Ultra Sonic Generation (USG) delay and
    Gradual Power Application features. These
    allow for application of sufficient bonding
    force and power in a gradual schedule to avoid
    damaging pad metallization.
  • Plasma Clean Prior to Wire bondHelps to expose
    a fresh, unoxidized bonding surface in order to
    achieve a stronger bond interface
  • Units must be bonded within 3 hours after plasma
  • These enhancements are essential to ensure a
    uniform Au-Al intermetallic interface that is
    strong and stable being created during the wire
    bond process.

Bond pull Quality Analysis
RTSX Wire pull (1.0 mil wire)
Post Burn-In 100 wire pull
Std Group B
Bond pull Quality Analysis
RTSXS Wire pull (1.0 mil wire)
Break mode of minimum reading from Std. Group B
and Post Burn-in 100 wire pull were wire
break at wire span.
Actel Preventive Actions
  • Preventive Actions with Wire Bond Process Monitor
    --- Wire Pull Testing
  • Enforcing extensive wire pull testing during
  • To detect any sign of process or material issue
    that may affect bonding quality.
  • Require a minimum of 2 set up units prior to
    start of production
  • Production wont start until set up units have
    passed pull test requirement.
  • In-Process Monitor
  • E-flow Devices 2 additional units must go
    through bond pull testing in every 2 hours of
  • A minimum of 4 units per lot must be wire pulled
    if bonding process is completed within 2 hours.
  • 100 of the wires must be pulled in each sample
  • Class B devices 2 additional units must be wire
    pulled at the completion of the production lot.
  • 50 of the wires must be pulled from each sample

Actel Preventive Actions .. Continue
  • Preventive Actions with Wire Bond Process Monitor
    --- cont.
  • Wire Pull Process Control limit
  • A guard-banded minimum allowable bond pull
    strength during set-up and in-process monitor is
    4.5 grams.
  • Pre-cap Source Inspection (CSI) is required for
    all E-flow production lots by Actel.
  • Inspector will witness wire pull of 50 of the
    wires on 2 units randomly selected from
    production lot.
  • Disposition of Non-Conforming Lots
  • All production lots fail to meet minimum bond
    strength limit will be put-on hold for
    disposition from Actel
  • Actel will evaluate if the failure modes are true
    or equipment and/or operator errors
  • For equipment and/or operator errors, additional
    units must be tested and no failures allowed
  • Failed lots will be down graded to commercial or

Actel Preventive Actions .. Continue
  • Preventive Actions with Wire Bond Process Monitor
    --- cont
  • Post burn-in wire pull monitor
  • 100 wire pull is perform on 2 units of the group
    B samples.
  • Tracking wire pull data on assembly set-up and
    group B testing on a routine base.

Wire Bond Reliability Study

Parts from known bad lot (9937 d/c) and good lots
were subjected to Temperature Cycle Testing (TCT)
for 1,000 cycles from -65C to 150C per
Mil-Std-883, TM1010, Condition C. Wire pull test
data conducted before and after TCT are compared
as bellow
  • The above result shows no significant degradation
    of bond pull strength after 1,000 Temperature
  • No ball lifting exhibited on units from known
    good lots.

Wire Bond Reliability Study .. Continue
  • Wire pull test data on one unit exposed to 1,000
    hours of life test at 150oC are as follows
  • Post Lid Seal Post 1K hours _at_150C
  • Min. Strength 5.8 4.8
  • Max. Strength 8.1 6.6
  • Avg. Strength 6.72 5.78
  • Sample size 100 235
  • No significant degradation of bond pull strength,
    and no ball lifting observed.
  • Picture on the right is taken after 1K hours life

Wire Bond Reliability Study .. Continue
  • Wire pull test data on one unit exposed to 2,000
    hours of life test at 150oC are as follows
  • Post lid Seal
    Post 2K hours _at_150C
  • Min. Strength 5.2 3.4
  • Max. Strength 12.7 9.5
  • Avg. Strength 6.83 7.28
  • Sample size 88 117
  • Minimum reading is way above the mil-std 883
    minimum bond strength requirement after exposure
    of unit to 150C.

Engineering Analysis Intermetallic Mass
(Halo) at Ball Edge
Intermetallic mass
Intermetallic mass
RT54SX16 / 9937
RT54SX32S / 0049
RT54SX32S / 0049
Photo taken by Actel after 1000 hrs
exposure to 150C.
Photo taken by GSFC ( No 1000 hrs burn-in
test )
Intermetallic mass at ball edge
RT54SX16 / 9937
RT54SX32S / 0049
  • Intermetallic mass can be seen also on units with
    good bond quality.
  • Presence of intermetallic mass around the bond
    edge is normal and is not an indication of poor
    bond quality.

Engineering Analysis Intermetallic Mass
(Halo) at Ball Edge .. Cont.
Ceramic Capillary

Footprint of X-Y displacement of Au ball
Active contact area of Pad and Ball
Engineering Analysis Intermetallic Mass
(Halo) at Ball Edge .. Cont.
  • Formation of Intermetallic Mass (Halo) at Ball
  • The intermetallic mass at the edge of the ball is
    a result of displaced intermetallic footprint by
    the scrubbing motion on both X and Y directions
    during the initial stage of bonding.
  • The footprint of this Au-Al intermetallic mass
    will grow when the device is exposed to heat
    during the lid seal process.
  • The size of the exposed intermetallic mass around
    the edge of the ball is also dependent to the
    final ball shape. If the ball is squashed, it
    may cover all intermetallic mass at the ball
  • Bonding force and power are less on area near the
    ball edge
  • than at the bond center. As a result, void
    is normal to occur on area near the ball edge.
    This void, however, will not propagate toward the
  • bond center and degrade the bond strength.

Engineering Analysis Dark (Watermelon)
Stripes on Ball Surface
  • EDX analysis show no difference on the
    composition of dark and light spot at the ball

Light spot
Dark spot
Engineering Analysis Dark (Watermelon) Stripes
on Ball Surface Cont.
Light spot EDX analysis at 5KeV
Dark spot EDX analysis at 5KeV
Engineering Analysis Dark (Watermelon) Stripes
on Ball Surface Cont.
  • It is suggested to be an effect of reaction
    between the doping materials within the wire and
    the heat energy of the Electronic Flame Off (EFO)
    spark generated during free air ball formation.
  • Wire Composition Analysis (Au wire vendor
    American Fine Wire)
  • 1998 1999 Currently
  • Au 99.99 99.99
  • Ag 19 ppm 20 ppm
  • Be 6 ppm 5.2 ppm
  • Ca 1.5 ppm ---
  • Fe --- 0.8 ppm
  • The EDX analysis shows no evidence of organic

  • The affected lots, assembled in 1999, with weak
    bond strength and formation of voids within the
    Al-Au intermetallic interface were due to
    insufficient power and force at the wire bond
  • The intermetallic mass (Halo) around the edge of
    the ball is typical.
  • The dark stripe at the ball surface is not an
    indication for contamination
  • based on EDX analysis.
  • Au-Al intermetallic formation will always exist
    in Au wire bonded devices.
  • Optimized bonding process to achieve uniform
    intermetallic formation and high bond strength is
    essential to maintain device reliability.
  • Actel maintains tight process control and
    stringent wire pull monitors to ensure bond
  • Thanks !
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