Alcohol Social Marketing Project - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Alcohol Social Marketing Project


Alcohol Social Marketing Project Henna Ali Health Improvement Commissioning Manager/ Trainee Health Psychologist Local Picture NHS South West Essex serves a ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Alcohol Social Marketing Project

Alcohol Social Marketing Project
  • Henna Ali
  • Health Improvement Commissioning Manager/ Trainee
    Health Psychologist

Local Picture
  • NHS South West Essex serves a population of
  • Covers a mixed urban/rural geography including
  • relatively affluent towns of Billericay and
  • relatively deprived towns of Basildon and
  • Ten year gap in life expectancy exists between
    the most and least deprived areas

How Research was Conducted
  • Understand local attitudes towards problematic
    drinking, alcohol-related harm and access to
    alcohol services
  • Ipsos Mori commissioned to carry out this piece
    of research
  • Method adopted
  • Desk Research
  • Stakeholder Interviews
  • 2 x Workshops
  • 8 x Mini Groups
  • Ethnography (4 people)
  • Frontline Staff Discussion Group

Phases of Social Marketing Research
  • Phase 1 Scoping
  • Understand target audience, segment population
    and collate recommendations for campaign
  • Phase 2 Development
  • Develop intervention campaign, pre-test and
    produce implementation and evaluation plans
  • Phase 3 Implementation
  • Programme intervention takes place, followed by
    an evaluation
  • Phase 4 Follow-up
  • Feed back and discuss evaluation findings, agree
    next steps and disseminate these

Stakeholder Consultation
  • Funding not distributed equally between drugs and
    alcohol services
  • Alcohol consumption interventions need to begin
  • The large cost variations that influence alcohol
  • If you buy 21 units if you bought cheaper cider
    for around about 2 you could spend over 20 if
    you bought those same 21 units in a bottle of
    single malt whiskey

Stakeholder Consultation
  • Alcohol acceptable component of contemporary
    social life
  • Poor unit awareness can serve to confuse drinkers
    when similar types of alcoholic drink are
  • If they have a poor understanding of units then
    they wont know that the pint of Stella that they
    drink has more units in it than a pint of Carling

Findings from Primary Research
  • Lack of understanding about alcohol unit
  • Social acceptance of alcohol consumption far
    beyond the unit allowances
  • Becoming a parent seems to have the most
    significant impact on drinking behaviour
  • Residents tend to differentiate between valid
    and non valid drinking habits, linked to
  • drinking a lot after working all day- accepted
  • unemployed person, or a young mother who drinks
    the same amount- less accepted

Findings from Primary Research
  • Binge-drinking is strongly associated with
    excess, and being out of control
  • The ASB links are more widely cited than the
    health effects
  • Awareness of local alcohol rehabilitation
    services is low
  • Where services are cited- alcohol dependency
    rather than providing advice on managing
  • Alcohol and drugs services together puts
    residents off

  • How the target audience differs
  • Four segments established during research
  • Concerned parents
  • In denial homely drinkers
  • Working hard, playing hard
  • Hedonists

Concerned Parents
  • Profile
  • Characteristics Fatalistic about own consumption
    but keen to see children make healthier
    decisions. Responsibility is passed to them
  • Interventions
  • Emphasise that responsibility for healthy
    drinking can be actively demonstrated, rather
    than being simply shrugged off and passed to

  • Both my kids I worry about because it seems to
    be a big thing with kids these days, they seem to
    think its big and clever to go out drinking on a
  • Female, workshop

In-Denial Homely Drinkers
  • Profile
  • Characteristics Mainly drinking in private.
    Often based around family time and mealtimes,
    although drinking habits can extend beyond just
    these times. No real health concerns. Units seen
    as not applicable either- healthy, wholesome
    lifestyle cancels these out
  • Interventions
  • Emphasise benefits of moderation That it neednt
    affect lifestyle and that small changes can make
    positive health differences
  • Highlight longer term health effects of regular
    consumption, as these are harder to conceive

  • My dad will go to work Monday to Friday and on a
    Saturday hell sit indoors on his own and hell
    drink 24 cans of beer
  • Male, workshop

Working hard, playing hard
  • Profile
  • Characteristics Drinking is integral part of
    social life, and justified as such. Not seen as
    deviant or as representing binge-drinking, but as
    respite from work. Unit guidance seen as
  • Interventions
  • Isolate health aspects of consumption from social
    aspects and justifications that residents give.
    Realistic advice will resonate more than
    evangelical-sounding promotion, which are seen as
    unrealistic and preachy, and so ignored

  • You dont go out to get lashed but you work so
    hard that you have very little time to socialise
    anyway, so therefore you try to cram it all inI
    think its the state of the UK generally
  • Female, discussion group
  • Ive never had a drink which has made me
    violent, Im just out there having a better time.
    Its just nice to relax
  • Male, workshop

  • Profile
  • Characteristics No concern for health
    consequences of drinking. Where applicable, other
    exercise and lifestyle choices seen to balance
    these out. Hedonists are mainly men but can be
    women, too
  • Interventions
  • Hedonists want to switch off, they will not, and
    believe they cannot, adhere to drinking
    guidelines seen as intruding on activity they
    cherish. If they can be captivated and shown that
    moderation can have positive results they may be
    more receptive
  • Emphasise that exercise does not cancel out all
    the effects of consumption

  • The measure of a good night out is how much
    damage youve done to yourself the next day
  • Male, workshop

  • People are not willing to manage their drinking
    within unit allowances as these are seen as
    unrealistic, and are often ignored
  • Health messaging needs to move beyond the limits
    of units and align itself more closely with the
    lifestyles of people
  • Little awareness of alcohol health services in
    the area- much larger development needed
  • A clearer separation between alcohol and drug
    services would help improve perceptions

Way Forward
  • Any questions?
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