Title: 75 Arlington Street, Suite 704
175 Arlington Street, Suite 704 Boston, MA
02116 (617) 904-3100 (617) 904-3109 fax Web
www.cape wind.org
- Photovoltaic
- Tidal
- Wave
- Biomass
- Wind- Onshore
- Wind- Offshore
3Technology Criteria
- Commercially feasible technology
- Commercial size technology availability
4Alternative Wind Park Screening Analysis Criteria
- Renewable resource availability
- ISO New England grid connection availability
- Suitable land or offshore area
- Legal/regulatory constraints
- Engineering limitations
- Availability of larger continuous areas
- Higher wind speeds
- Less turbulence
- Low wind shear
- Utilization of larger turbine designs
6Typical Offshore Wind Turbines
7The Offshore Environment
- Ambient turbulence
- Salinity, humidity temperature
- Icing and snow
- Ship impact, breaking ice
- Waves and their variation in time space
- Current, tides and scour effects
- Foundation behavior
- Marine growth
8Important Concepts
- ESW-extreme storm wave (50 or 100 year return)
- Breaking wave
- Hydrodynamic loading
- Fatigue life
- Aerodynamic fatigue
- Hydrodynamic fatigue
- Dynamic behavior
- Wind Resource
- Water Depth
- Energy Loss
- Available Space
- Environmental Conditions
- Grid Connection
10Economic Sitting Issues
- Grid connection cost AC-high dielectric loss
conversion -
commercial availability - Foundation cost
- Accessibility construction and OM
11Power in Wind
- Kinetic energy gt mass of air moving through a
unit of area - Power is proportional to the cube of wind speed
- Wind speed varies with height
- Surface roughness influences wind speed
12Met-ocean Design Parameters
- Wind
- Waves
- Wind and Wave correlation
- Currents
- Bathymetry Sea Level Variations
- Marine Growth
- Icing and Sea Ice
13Design Criteria-Extreme Conditions
- Wind
- Wave
- Current
- Coincident Conditions (wind, wave and current)
- Coincident Flood Level (storm surge)
14Breaking Waves
- As waves approach shallower waters they become
steeper and the probability of breaking increases
significantly - Breaking can be surging, spilling or plunging
- Plunging breakers occur in shallower water
- The normal breaking limit is ( height.78depth)
- Plunging breakers cause very high impact loads
- Designing may be impractical due to large stiff
structures and economic impact
15Analysis of Aerodynamic and Hydrodynamic Fatigue
- Wind Contribution
- Wave Contribution
- Simultaneous Response
16Typical Foundation Types
a) Gravity Base
b) Monopole
c) tri-pod Hybrid
17Proposed Wind Turbine Generator Profile Detail
18Design Extreme Wave Comparison
- Nantucket Sound
- Storm tide 12 feet
- Design wave 16 feet
- Total 28 feet
- Georges Bank Nantucket Shoals
- 5 feet 6 feet
- 85 feet 42 feet
- 90 feet 48 feet
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20North America Offshore Challenges as Compared to
- Wave heights in the Atlantic are on the average
higher than those in the North Sea Baltic - The North Atlantic has 30 higher wave height
than the North Sea - Fetch length and wind speed is reason
21Wind Park Siting Analysis Nantucket Sound
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