By Forrest Evans - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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By Forrest Evans


By Forrest Evans Their Lives and Power Mesopotamian history extends from the emergence of Urban societies in Southern Iraq in the 5th millennium BC to the arrival of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: By Forrest Evans

  • By Forrest Evans

Their Lives and Power
  • Mesopotamian history extends from the emergence
    of Urban societies in Southern Iraq in the 5th
    millennium BC to the arrival of Alexander the
    Great in the 4th century BC (which is seen as the
    hallmark of the Hellenization of the Near East,
    therefore supposedly marking the "end" of

Location, Location, Location
Mesopotamia was a cradle of civilization
geographically located between the Tigris and
Euphrates rivers, largely corresponding to
modern-day Iraq.
This is a map of some Mesopotamian trade routes.
Mesopotamia people created new trade routes and
eased the transport of goods to various areas.
Trade provides mankind's most significant meeting
place, the market.
Trade Route
  • These trade routes provided a marketplace for new
    ideas and technologies.
  • Mesopotamian people developed many technologies
    to fill the marketplaces among them metal making,
    glassblowing, lamp making, textile weaving, and
    could predict eclipses and solstices.

Pictures of inventions
New ideas and Inventions
Mesopotamians were also one of the first Bronze
Age people in the world. Early on they used
copper, bronze and gold, and later they used
iron. More Innovations They invented things
such as beer, wine, wooden plows, brick, the
wheel(possible), the reed boat and sail,
cuneiform script Glass blowing, electric
battery(no one is sure how they used it), the
Zodiac, the current 60-minute hours and 24-hour
days, as well as the 360 degree circle were also
invented by them. Their calendar was one of the
first to measure weeks of seven days each.
Pictures of inventions
Reed boat and sail
Known Artifacts
Some Gold Artifacts
Mesopotamian "map of the world" in the British
Museum, London. It is the earliest extant map.
The clay tablet is 12.2 cms tall. The map was
composed in Babylon(a city in Masopotamia) and is
the only Mesopotamian map drawn on an
international scale. It is also the only known
map of the world dating from the Neo-Babylonian
Period(Persian Period, circa 500 BC).
Lamp leaves
Helmet Lyre Detail
Coin of Herod Philip II (4 BC to 34 A.D.
Other Mesopotamian coins
Mesopotamian pots/jugs/jars/vases
Statues, tablets, hieroglyphics, etc.
Marble Mask 3000 B.C.
Stone tablet 2100 B.C.
Statue of a woman2600 B.C.
Lyre 2600 B.C.
"God Kill" at Sin Temple 1800 B.C.
Statue of a man
Hieroglyphics from Inana Temple 2900 B.C.
Sitting Figure 6000 B.C.
Game Board2660 B.C.
Nimrud 880 B.C.
These very sophisticated people can up with flood
control, water storage, as well as irrigation.
This allowed them to create Babylon, a major city
in Mesopotamia, which is home to one of the 7
Wonders of the Ancient World the Hanging
Gardens of Babylon
  • Religion
  • - Mesopotamian religion was the first to be
    recorded. Mesopotamians believed that the world
    was a flat disc, surrounded by a huge, holed
    space, and above that, heaven. They also believed
    that water was everywhere, the top, bottom and
    sides, and that the universe was born from this
    enormous sea. In addition, Mesopotamian religion
    was polytheistic.
  • Primary Gods and Goddesses
  • El- father of Godsmankind
  • Anu -god of heaven may have been the main god
    before 2500 B.C.
  • Ninhursag- mother goddess progenitor with An of
    the gods assists in creation of man.
  • Enlil)- god or air pantheon leader from 2500
    B.C. father of the gods king of heaven earth.
  • Enki -lord of the abyss, semen wisdom god of
    water, creation, fertility.
  • Nanna- moon god.
  • Inanna -- love and war.
  • Utu- god of the sun and justice.
  • Mot- sterility, death, and the underworld
  • Ninlil -bride of Enlil.

Music, holidays, housing, clothing.
  • Music-Cuneiform sources reveal an orderly
    organized system of diatonic scales, depending on
    the tuning of stringed instruments in alternating
    fifths and fourths. Instruments of Ancient
    Mesopotamia include harps, lyres, lutes, reed
    pipes and drums. The vocal tone or timbre was
    probably similar to the pungently nasal sound of
    the narrow-bore reed pipes, and most likely
    shared the contemporary "typically" Asian vocal
    quality and techniques, including little dynamic
    changes and more graces, shakes, mordents, glides
    and microtonal inflections. Singers probably
    expressed intense and withdrawn emotion, as if
    listening to oneself, as shown by the practice of
    cupping a hand to the ear. Mesopotamia music was
    very loud and weird. Musicians were trained in
    schools and formed an important professional
    class in Mesopotamia.
  • Holidays- The Mesopotamians were also the first
    to celebrate the Sabbats, which were held in
    accordance with the lunar calendar. The very word
    Sabbat (or Sabbath) derives from the Assyrian
    word Sabattu, which means a day of rest for the
    heart, The celebrations are traditionally marked
    by the observance of the moon, and thus begin at
    night. In August 1st , is a festival marked by
    the baking of loaves of bread to represent an
    aspect of the Sun God. Following this is October
    31 or Scorpio astrologically. This is a good time
    for honoring the Dead and Ancestral spirits, as
    the Mesopotamian tradition focused heavily on
    ancestor worship. This is also a time to honor
    Ereshikgal and Ningal, the Goddess and God of the
    Underworld, and perhaps to retell the stories of
    exceptional or deified heroes (sometimes called
    the honored dead) such as Gilgamesh. This is
    kind of like Halloween.
  • Houses- The materials used to build a
    Mesopotamian house were the same as those used
    today mud brick, mud plaster and wooden doors,
    which were all naturally available round the
    city,8 although wood could not be naturally
    made very well during the particular time period
    described. Most houses had a square center room
    with other rooms attached to it, but a great
    variation in the size and materials used to build
    the houses suggest they were built by the
    inhabitants themselves.
  • Clothing- Both men are wearing traditional
    ancient Mesopotamian clothing long, fringed,
    robelike garmentseither skirts or
    tunicsprobably made of wool.

Food, Government, Games, Family.
  • Food- Normally people ate two meals a day. Except
    for the rich, most people ate unleavened bread,
    and drank large amounts of beer (up to one gallon
    a day). Cow's milk was also drunk, but it quickly
    turned sour in the hot climate. Because meat was
    expensive, most people ate cooked vegetable
    stews. Fish was an important source of protein.
    Fruits included apples, pears, grapes, figs,
    quinces, plums, apricots, mulberries, melons, and
    pomegranates. Pistachio nuts were also enjoyed.
    Cakes for special occasions were also made with
    butter, cheese, dates, flour, and raisins.
  • Government-    The Mesopotamians seem to have
    developed one of the world's first systems of
    monarchy the early states they formed needed a
    new form of government in order to govern larger
    areas and diverse peoples. The very first states
    in human history, the states of Sumer, seemed to
    have been ruled by a type of priest-king, called
    in Sumerian among their duties were leading the
    military, administering trade, judging disputes,
    and engaging in the most important religious
    ceremonies. The priest-king ruled through a
    series of bureaucrats, many of them priests, that
    carefully surveyed land, assigned fields, and
    distributed crops after harvest.
  • Games- Hunting was popular among Assyrian kings.
    Boxing and wrestling were featured frequently in
    art, and a form of polo was probably popular,
    with men sitting on the shoulders of other men
    rather than on horses.3 They also had the first
    board game similar to one we have now
    (backgammon)It's called the UR game board. It's
    from the city called Abraham which they believed
    came from god.
  • Family- Mesopotamia was a patriarchal society,
    the men were far more powerful than the women. As
    for schooling, only royal offspring and sons of
    the rich and professionals such as scribes,
    physicians, temple administrators, went to
    school. Most boys were taught their father's
    trade or were apprenticed out to learn a trade.
    Girls had to stay home with their mothers to
    learn housekeeping and cooking, and to look after
    the younger children. Some children would help
    with crushing grain, or cleaning birds. Unusual
    for that time in history, women in Mesopotamia
    had rights. They could own property and, if they
    had good reason, get a divorce.
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