Title: Bringing My Class Back To Life
1Bringing My Class Back To Life
Adult S.S. Conference
2All authority has been given to Me in heaven and
on earth. Go, therefore, and make disciples of
all nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
teaching them to observe everything I have
commanded you. And remember, I am with you
always, to the end of the age. Matthew
3- Our Mission is the Great Commission!
- Matthew 2818-20
4S.S. and the Three leg Stool
- Reaching
- Teaching
- Ministry
5Biblical Principles
- The Great Commission (Matt. 2819-20)
- Five Functions (Acts 238-47)
- Evangelism (v.38-41)
- Discipleship (v.42)
- Fellowship (v. 46)
- Ministry (v. 44-45)
- Worship (v. 47)
- Leadership (Ephesians 411-12)
- Corporate Prayer (Acts 423-31)
6Biblical Results
- Numerical Growth
- Acts 241,47
- Spiritual Transformation
- 2 Corinthians 318
- Ministry Expansion
- Acts 61-3 131-3
- Kingdom/Gospel Advance
- Acts 18
7S.S. Class Leadership T.E.A.M.S.
8S.S. Class Leadership T.E.A.M.S.
- T - Teach
- E - Evangelism
- A - Administration
- M - Ministry
- S - Service
9T.E.A.M.S. Positions
- Teaching
- Lead Teacher
- Teacher in Training
- Assistant Teacher
10T.E.A.M.S. Positions
- Evangelism
- Evangelism/Outreach Leader
- Outreach Team Member
11T.E.A.M.S. Positions
- Administration
- Class Administrator
- Secretary
- Prayer Leader/Coordinator
12T.E.A.M.S. Positions
- Ministry
- Care Group Leader
- Ministry Coordinator
- Fellowship Coordinator
13T.E.A.M.S. Positions
- Service
- Missions/Service Coordinator
- Class Missionary Leader
- Class Host/Hostess
14Enlisting and Building a Team
- Start with prayer.
- Survey the class.
- Make an appointment for a personal visit.
- Share up front the reason for your visit and what
events led you to each person.
15Enlisting and Building a Team
- Provide prospective workers with a written list
of job responsibilities. - Discuss the details of the assignment(s).
- Provide encouragement and objectives appropriate
to achieve the assignment. - Talk honestly about the assignment.
16Enlisting and Building a Team
- Ask each person to pray with you about
opportunities for service. - Set an appropriate date to follow-up with the
prospective worker for an answer. - Make the follow-up visit.
17Enlisting and Building a Team
- If the prospective leader turns you down, believe
thats Gods intention. - Provide potential leaders with a list of training
events and opportunities.
19Ministering to the Saints
- Sunday School provides us with a platform to be
intentional, practical and successful in our care
and ministry to Gods people. - Care Groups provide the principle means of
accomplishing the third task of Sunday School
Ministry and Care. - Happens best in a small group.
20Care Group Ministry
- What is a Care Group?
- What does a Care Group Leader do?
- How do we organize into Care Groups?
21- Of the three tasks of Sunday School Reaching,
Teaching and Ministering, the most important task
is reaching people with the Gospel.
22We must keep the flame hot!
- What if Jesus were your S.S. teacher?
- Luke 1910
- John 317
- John 1010
- John 1247
23Keeping The Flame Hot
- Every Class should have a prospect list.
- Every Class needs an Outreach/Evangelism Leader
. - The Outreach/Evangelism Leader champions the
cause of evangelism in the class.
The process where people join a local church, are
accepted and incorporated into the Body of
believers, have a sense of belonging and are
actively contributing to the health and growth of
the body.
- Active Attendance
- Serving within the church
- Connected to others
- Reproducing
Responsible, Productive Church Members
26Am I Liked?
Fun to be with Relational Inspirational Encouragin
g Nurturing Devoted
70 of the folks that stay at a church for any
length of time do so because of the significant
relationships they have with others in that
27People are more willing to volunteer/give
Am I Liked?
Am I Valuable?
- Where there is a need.
- When asked to make a written commitment
- To values and goals rather than guilt and
judging. - To causes that attract their interest.
- Best through personal invitation.
28Am I Liked?
Am I Valuable?
Am I Accepted?
Small Group
- Sharing
- Study
- Support
- Service
29Am I Liked?
Am I Valuable?
Am I Accepted?
Small Group
I am enthusiastically challenged to go with them
on this journey.
Am I Challenged?
30I am growing in my faith and moving forward to
more of what God wants in me and through me.
Am I Liked?
Am I Valuable?
Am I Accepted?
Small Group
Am I Challenged?
Spiritual Growth
Am I Growing?
31Am I Liked?
Am I Valuable?
Small Group
Am I Accepted?
Accepted A sense of belonging Actively
contributing Growing
Am I Challenged?
Spiritual Growth
Am I Growing?
- New Believers
- Intentional outward focus
- Prospects lists
- Organized outreach
- New Leaders
- Within the class and sent out of the class
- New Classes
- Growing and birthing should be on-going.
33Bringing My Class Back To Life
- Sunday School has three functions or tasks
Reaching, Teaching and Ministry. - A Sunday School class will be effective in these
areas as they organize and build a team of
leaders to accomplish these tasks.
34Bringing My Class Back To Life
- A successful Sunday School Class will be
intentional in the areas of evangelism and
ministry. - Care groups and an intentional evangelism
strategy are important parts of a Sunday School
Class. - The S.S. teacher/leader has the responsibility to
cast the vision for his/her class.