Title: The Ideal of Womanhood: sposa devota, madre premurosa
1The Ideal of Womanhood sposa devota, madre
2Coventry Patmore, The Angel in the House"
(originally published in 1854, revised through
- Man must be pleased but him to pleaseIs woman's
pleasure down the gulfOf his condoled
necessitiesShe casts her best, she flings
herself.How often flings for nought, and
yokesHer heart to an icicle or whim,Whose each
impatient word provokesAnother, not from her,
but himWhile she, too gentle even to forceHis
penitence by kind replies,Waits by, expecting
his remorse,With pardon in her pitying eyesAnd
if he once, by shame oppress'd,A comfortable
word confers,She leans and weeps against his
breast,And seems to think the sin was hersOr
any eye to see her charms,At any time, she's
still his wife,Dearly devoted to his armsShe
loves with love that cannot tireAnd when, ah
woe, she loves alone,Through passionate duty
love springs higher,As grass grows taller round
a stone.
3Millais, Emily Augusta Andrews Patmore
4Ford Madox Brown, 1821 - 1893 Oure Ladye of
Good ChildrenDate 1847-61
5Ford Madox Brown 'Take Your Son, Sir!'
6Womans Mission, Companion of Manhood,George
Elgar Hicks, 1863
7The Order of Release, by John Everett Millais
8"King Cophetua and the Beggar Maid," 1884, by
Edward Burne-Jones,
9Alfred, Lord Tennyson (The Beggar Maid, written
1833, published 1842)
- Her arms across her breast she laidShe was more
fair than words can sayBarefooted came the
beggar maidBefore the king Cophetua.In robe and
crown the king stept down,To meet and greet her
on her wayIt is no wonder, said the
lords,She is more beautiful than day. As
shines the moon in clouded skies,She in her poor
attire was seenOne praised her ankles, one her
eyes,One her dark hair and lovesome mien.So
sweet a face, such angel grace,In all that land
had never been.Cophetua sware a royal
oathThis beggar maid shall be my queen!