Environmental Health Investigations: Conducting Environmental Health Assessments - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Environmental Health Investigations: Conducting Environmental Health Assessments


Environmental Health Investigations: Conducting Environmental Health Assessments Goals Describe the basic steps of conducting an environmental health assessment ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Environmental Health Investigations: Conducting Environmental Health Assessments

Environmental Health InvestigationsConducting
Environmental Health Assessments
  • Describe the basic steps of conducting an
    environmental health assessment
  • Identify when it is appropriate to conduct an
    environmental health assessment

What is an environmental health assessment?
  • A systematic, detailed, science-based evaluation
    of environmental factors that contributed to the
    transmission of a particular disease in an
  • It is not a general inspection of operating
    procedures or sanitary conditions like that used
    for licensing
  • Focuses on the problem at hand and considers how
    the causative agent, host factors, and
    environmental conditions interacted to result in
    the problem

Environmental Health Assessment
  • Often focuses on a vehicle implicated in an
    outbreak investigation such as
  • Contaminated food item
  • Cosmetic
  • Blood product
  • Medicine
  • When no specific vehicle has been implicated the
    assessment focuses on the setting where the
    problem occurred

Environmental Health Assessment Goals
  • Identify
  • Possible points of contamination with the
    causative agent (ie. microbe or toxin)
  • Determine whether the causative agent could have
    survived or not been inactivated
  • Determine whether conditions were conducive to
    growth/toxin production by the causative agent

  • Introducing or allowing the introduction of
  • Pathogenic microorganisms, natural toxins or
    other poisonous substances
  • Problem sources may include
  • Contaminated raw materials, an infected person,
    cross-contamination or unclean equipment
  • Influencing factors
  • Breaks in packaging, poor storage practices

  • Factors may allow survival of pathogenic
    microorganisms or fail to inactivate heat-labile
  • Factors supporting survival may include
  • Inadequate sterilization/heat-processing
  • Inadequate reheating
  • Inadequate use of preservatives

  • Factors may allow pathogenic bacteria and fungi
    to multiply or allow toxigenic bacteria and molds
    to elaborate toxins
  • Conditions supporting growth include
  • Inadequate refrigeration
  • Inadequate hot-holding
  • Prolonged storage (preservatives break down)
  • Anaerobic packaging
  • Inadequate fermentation

Important points to remember Critical Control
  • Factors that lead to contamination, survival and
    growth of causative agent may not be sufficient
    to cause a health problem
  • Subsequent steps in production/use of the vehicle
    may control the problem by eliminating it or
    reducing it below a critical level.

Important points to remember Critical Control
  • Critical control points steps in the
    preparation of a food item where action can be
    taken to prevent/eliminate a food safety problem
  • Example food item contaminated through
    bare-handed contact by infected worker
  • If food is not cooked after this contact (ex.
    tuna salad), the pathogen could survive, multiply
    and cause illness
  • If the food item is cooked after contact (ex. raw
    chicken), pathogens will likely be destroyed

Important points to remember Antecedents
  • In addition to identifying possible points of
    contamination, survival and growth, identifying
    antecedents is very valuable
  • Antecedents circumstances behind the problem
    such as
  • Inadequate worker education
  • Behavioral risk factors
  • Management decisions
  • Social and cultural beliefs
  • Identifying antecedents allows development of
    effective interventions to prevent future
    occurrences of the problem

Important points to remember Antecedents
  • Example outbreak of salmonellosis linked to
    potato salad Salmonella contamination was from
    chicken thawing above salad ingredients in
  • Important antecedents
  • Recent hire of more part-time workers over
    full-time workers
  • Part-time workers lacked experience and did not
    make good decisions on foodhandling practices
  • Workers not closely supervised
  • Correction required
  • Education of workers on handling raw chicken AND
    general education on good foodhandling practices
  • Ongoing oversight of foodhandling activities by
    experienced person

Conducting an environmental health assessment
  • Sources of information
  • Product information
  • Written policies or procedures
  • Direct observations and measurements
  • Interviews with employees and managers
  • Lab testing of suspect vehicles, ingredients and
    environmental surfaces
  • Lab testing of employees/others in contact with
    suspect vehicles

Conducting an environmental health assessment
  • Specific activities differ depending on causative
    agent, suspect vehicle and setting
  • Useful example of typical activities
  • Environmental health assessment of a food
    implicated in a foodborne disease outbreak

Environmental health assessment of food
implicated in an outbreak
  • Steps to be undertaken
  • Describe the implicated food
  • Observe procedures used to make food
  • Talk with foodhandlers and managers
  • Take measurements
  • Collect specimens
  • Collect documents on the source of the food

Describing the implicated item
  • Investigator first describes the item by
  • Obtaining the recipe (in writing if possible)
  • Determining the quantity prepared and sources of
  • Considering the intrinsic chemical and physical
    characteristics including
  • Expected microbial/toxin content, pH, water
    content, sugar content
  • Determining whether the food is likely to allow
    survival and growth of the causative agent

Observing procedures used to make implicated food
  • Investigator observes procedures from receipt of
    raw ingredients to finished product including
  • How ingredients were cleaned and stored
  • How foods were thawed, cooked, cooled, reheated,
    served and transported
  • What equipment was used in preparation and
    condition of the equipment
  • Whether the floor design of facility and employee
    traffic patterns would prevent cross-contamination

Talking with foodhandlers and managers
  • Investigator talks with staff familiar with the
    food preparation process and
  • Determines the food preparation schedule
  • Dates, times and persons involved
  • Collects information about the food handlers
  • Use of gloves, handwashing, recent illnesses
  • Asks about standard operating procedures
  • Sick foodhandler policies, food safety education

Measurements and collecting samples
  • Investigator measures
  • Time and temperature conditions to which food
    and/or ingredients were exposed
  • If not known, measurements may also be taken of
    water activity, sugar content and pH of suspected
  • Collecting samples
  • Leftovers of implicated food and all its
  • Swabs of food preparation surfaces or equipment

Reviewing records and collecting identifying
  • Final steps are to collect information which may
    include records such as
  • Results of past inspections or complaints
  • Worker logs or time cards
  • Monitoring cards (e.g. temperatures in walk-in
  • Investigators may also collect identifying
    information about the implicated food
  • Brand name, distributor, batch and lot number,
    dates produced/shipped/received and quantities

Flow Diagrams
  • Investigators often draw a flow diagram to
    summarize information from an environmental
    health assessment
  • Flow diagrams show each step in the production
    and use of the vehicle
  • Can help verify production activities
  • Can help identify possible points of
    contamination or microbial growth and survival

Sample Flow Diagram
Who should conduct an environmental health
  • Investigator needs a good understanding of the
    following factors
  • Causative agent
  • Factors necessary to cause illness
  • Implicated vehicle
  • Typically requires someone with special training
    such as a sanitarian or environmental health
  • May require someone with special
    knowledge/experience of particular causative agent

Where should an environmental health assessment
be conducted?
  • Should take place where the problem leading to
    the outbreak occurred
  • Could be where the suspect vehicle was produced,
    processed, stored, used or transported
  • Could involve several of these places
  • Decision about where to focus the assessment may
    be obvious or may require collection of
    information (ie. traceback investigation) to
    determine where the problem occurred

When should an environmental health assessment be
  • Timing depends of specifics of the outbreak
  • Early investigation and collection of specimens
    are most revealing
  • Important to act as quickly as possible
  • Vehicles such as food can be discarded
  • Individuals/groups involved in production,
    processing, storage and transportation can change
    practices and procedures as a result of the

What not to do
  • The Burrito Blunder example
  • Oct. 1997 Oct. 1998, 16 outbreaks of
    gastrointestinal illness in 7 states
  • All but one outbreak occurred in a school
  • 1,700 persons affected
  • Predominant symptoms were abdominal cramps,
    vomiting, headache and nausea
  • No etiologic agent isolated but burritos
    implicated as the source in one outbreak

The Burrito Blunder continued
  • Investigators next steps
  • By the time a source was identified, the school
    cafeteria had discarded the leftover burritos and
    garbage pick-up had occurred
  • Investigators went to the dump and used a
    forklift to find the burritos under a huge pile
    of other garbage
  • Burritos were not in good shape and investigators
    were unable to identify a causative agent

When should an environmental health assessment be
  • If you have no clues on a source, it is difficult
    (and wasteful) to initiate an environmental
    health assessmentmay need to wait until
  • A causative agent is isolated
  • Results from epidemiologic studies or
    hypothesis-generating interviews are available
  • Analytic epidemiologic studies have implicated a
    specific vehicle

  • Environmental health assessments provide valuable
    insights into an outbreak
  • Identify breakdowns in techniques, system design
    and/or operation, or human error
  • Allow you to identify points where you can
    intervene to stop the problem and prevent future
  • Combining information from epidemiologic,
    laboratory, and environmental health studies puts
    the characteristics of the agent, host and
    environment together
  • Control measures can therefore be implemented
    more quickly and they are more likely to be

  • 1. CDC. Outbreaks of gastrointestinal illness of
    unknown etiology associated with eating
    burritosUnited States, October 1997-October
    1998. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 199948210-213.
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