[VII]. Regulation of Gene Expression Via Signal Transduction - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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[VII]. Regulation of Gene Expression Via Signal Transduction


[VII]. Regulation of Gene Expression Via Signal Transduction Reading List VII: Signal transduction Signal transduction in biological systems Structure of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: [VII]. Regulation of Gene Expression Via Signal Transduction

VII. Regulation of Gene Expression Via Signal
  • Reading List VII
  • Signal transduction
  • Signal transduction in biological systems

External Signal Regulating the Expression of Genes
Signal transduction cascades
Gene Expression
Cytoplasmic mechanism/muscle contraction/etc.
New Proteins
Communication between Matting Yeast Cells
  • Yeast cells use chemical signaling to communicate
    with the opposite mating types and initiate
    mating process
  • Two mating type factors are a and b
  • The mating factors are peptides of about 11 amino
    acid residues
  • Receptors on the surface of the yeast cells
    recognize the specific mating type factor

Communication among Bacteria
Aggregation in progress
Individual cells
Spore forming
Myxobacteria (Myxococcus xanthus, slime bacteria)
use chemical signaling to share information about
nutrient availability. When food is limited,
starving cells secrete a molecule that enters
neighboring cells and stimulate them to
aggregate. The cells form a structure that
produces thick-walled spores capable of surviving
until the environment improves.
Characteristics of Signals
  • Have specificity unique, can only be detected by
    the molecular machinery designed for the
  • Small and easy traveling to the site of action
  • Easily made, mobilized, altered relatively
    quickly, and easily destroyed

Signaling Via Cell-Surface Receptors (I)
  • Synthesis and release of signaling molecules by
    signaling cells (step 12)
  • Transport of signaling molecules to the target
    cells (step 3)
  • Binding of the signaling molecule with a specific
    receptor protein on the membrane leading to
    activation (step 4)

Signaling Via Cell-Surface Receptors (II)
  • Initiating one or more intracellular
    signal-transduction pathways initiated by the
    activated receptor (step 5)
  • Specific change in cellular response (cellular
    function, metabolic change or gene expression)
    (step 6a 6b)
  • Removal of the signal to terminate the cellular
    response (step 7)

Different Ways Cells Signal Each Other
  • Endocrine signaling
  • Paracrine signaling
  • Autocrine signaling
  • Signaling by plasma membrane-attached proteins

Chemical Identity of Signals
  • Peptides Protein Hormones (most abundant)
    e.g., thyrotropin, Gonadotropin releasing hormone
    (GnRH), growth hormone (GH), prolactin (PRL),
    Insulin etc.
  • Amino Acid Derivatives thyroid Hormone,
  • Steroid Hormones testosterone, estrogen,
    cortisone etc.
  • Lipids prostaglandin retinoic acid
  • Nucleotides cAMP, cytokinins, 1-methylalanine
  • Oligosaccharides a-1,4-oligogalaturonide
  • Gases CO, ethylene etc.

Receptor Proteins Exhibit Ligand-Binding
Effector Specificity
  • Each ligand binds to its specific receptor due to
    binding specificity and the receptor-ligand
    complex in turn will exhibit a specific effect
    (effector specificity)
  • Different receptors of the same class that bind
    different ligands often induce the same cellular
    response in a cell

Receptor Ligand Interaction
At equilibrium
Where R and L are the concentration of free
receptor ligand at equilibrium. RL is the
concentration of the receptor-ligand complex. Kd
is the dissociation constant

Ka (association constant) 1/Kd RL/R.L
From this equation, one can see that Ka equals to
the ratio of bound RL to free ligand L
Binding Assays Are Used to Detect Receptors and
Determine Their Kd Values
  • Binding assay is used to demonstrate the presence
    of receptors. Both the number of the
    ligand-binding sites per cell and the Kd value
    are easily determined from the binding assay
  • Figure in the left shows the binding of ligand
    (insulin) to the receptors with high affinity

(Free Ligand)
  • High affinity binding, Kd 10-8 M or lower Low
    affinity binding, Kd 10-7 M or higher (larger)
  • If the Kd is larger than 10-7 M, the bound ligand
    can easily fall off the receptors in the process
    of separating unbound ligand from the bound
    ligand. A competitive binding assay can be used

Scatchard Plot
  • Slop -1/Kd
  • n number of receptors number of binding sites
  • From this plot, one can easily figure out Kd and
    number of the binding site of the receptor

Scatchard Plot
  • If the plot gives a bi-phasic line, it means that
    the receptor contains multiple binding sites with
    different affinities or the presence of multiple
    receptors binding to the same ligand

Insulin-Like Growth Factor (IGF) I
Multiple Forms of Pro-IGF-I E-Peptide
Anti-Tumor Activities of the Pro-IGF-I E-peptide
  • Induces morphological differentiation and
    inhibits anchorage-independent growth in
    oncogenic transformed cell lines (Chen et al.,
    2002 Kuo and Chen, 2002)
  • Inhibits tumor cell growth and invasion, and
    tumor-induced angiogenesis in developing chicken
    embryos (Chen et al., 2007)
  • Induces programmed cell death of cancer cells
    (Chen et al., 2012)
  • Up-regulate fibronectin 1 and laminin receptor
    genes and down-regulate uPA, tPA and TIMP1 genes
    (Siri and Chen 2006a, 2006b Chen et al., 2007)

Is there a specific membrane receptor present on
the membrane of cancer cells that binds to
To answer this question, we used binding assay to
demonstrate the presence of specific receptor
molecules on the membrane cancer cells
Binding of 35S-E-Peptide to SK-N-F1 Cells
Human Eb-peptide
Trout Ea4-peptide
Kd 2.9 1.8 x 10-11 M
Kd 2.9 1.8 x 10-11 M
Competitive Displacement Assay
  1. Labeled hEb was competed out with unlabeled hEb
  2. Labeled rtEa4 was competed out with unlabeled

Competitive Displacement Assay
  • C. Labeled hEb competitive with unlabeled rtEa4
  • Labeled rtEa4 competitive with unlabeled hEb

(No Transcript)
Competitive Binding Assay with hIGF-I
The data suggest that E-peptide does not bind to
the same receptor that binds IGF-I
Use of a Competitive Binding Assay to Detect
Binding of Low Affinity Ligands to Receptors
  • One way to determine weak binding of a ligand to
    its receptor is in a competition assay with
    another ligand that binds to the same receptor
    with higher affinity
  • Alprenolol, a synthetic high affinity ligand to
    epinephrine receptor Epinephrine, natural
    hormone isoproternol, an antagonist to
  • The Kd of the competitor can be determined at the
    50 competition. The Kd for epinephrine is 5 x
    10-5 M

Maximal Physiological Response to Many External
Signal Occurs When Only a Fraction of the
Receptor Molecules are Occupied by Ligand
  • In all signaling systems, the affinity for any
    signaling molecules to its receptor must be
    greater than the normal physiological level of
    the signaling molecule
  • Take insulin for example, the kd of insulin to
    its receptor is 1.4 x 10-10M, and the circulating
    insulin is 5 x 10-12M. By substituting

these number into the equation Kd RL/RL,
at equilibrium, about 3 of the total insulin
receptors are bound by insulin. If the
circulating concentration of insulin rises five
fold to 2.5 x 10-11M, the number of the
receptor-hormone complexes will rise about 5 fold
to 15 of the total receptors are bound by
  • In many cases, the maximum cellular response to a
    particular ligand is induced when less than 100
    of its receptors are bound to the ligand. The
    example is shown in the figure above

Sensitivity of a Cell to External Signals is
Determined by the Number of Surface Receptors
  • The cellular response to a particular signaling
    molecular depends on the number of
    receptor-ligand complex. The fewer receptors
    present on the surface of the cell, the less
    sensitive is the cell to the ligand
  • In the erythroid progenitor cells, the Kd for
    binding of erythropoietin (Epo) is 10-10 M. Only
    10 of the 1000 cell-surface erythropoietin
    receptors must be bound to ligand to induce
    maximum cellular response. By following the
    equation below, we can calculate the L needed
    to induce the response
  • Kd
  • L
  • RT/ RL - 1
  • If the RT1000, Kd 10-10 M, RL 100, the
    Epo 10-11 M will elicit the maximal response.
    If RT 200, 10-10 M of erythropoietin will be
    required to occupy 100 receptors to elicit the
    maximum response

Purification of Membrane Receptors
  • Membrane receptors can be purified by
  • Affinity binding method
  • Label the ligand with isotope
  • Binding of the labeled ligand to cells that may
    contain the desired receptor, washing off the
    unbound ligand and covalent bound the ligand to
    the receptor
  • Isolate the membrane fraction, dissolve the
    membrane protein and purify the receptor
  • Affinity Chromatography
  • Link the ligand to beads (agarose or
    polyacrylamide) and pack the beads in a column
  • Pass the crude extract of membrane fraction
    containing receptors through the column, wash
    column several times to remove the contaminants
  • Elute the column with excess amounts of ligand
    and the receptor will be eluted from the column
  • These methods are suitable for the isolation of
    high affinity membrane receptors

A Functional Assay to Confirm the Identity of a
Receptor cDNA
  • Once a receptor is purified, the partial sequence
    of the receptor can be identified mass
    spectrometer analysis. This information can be
    used to clone the full-length cDNA of the
  • The identity of the receptor cDNA can be
    confirmed by the method depicted in the figure on
    the left of this slide
  • An expression construct with the full-length of
    receptor cDNA is transfected into a cell line
    that dose not have the endogeneous receptor in
    question. The transfected cells will express the
    desired receptor which can be detected by
    receptor binding assay

  • Reading List VII
  • Isolatiion and characterization of colagen
  • Isolation of interleukins by immunoaffinity-recept
    or affinity chromatography
  • Isolation, characterization and regulation of the
    prolactin receptor
  • Isolation and characterization of human prolactin

The General Structure of a Membrane Receptor
  • A signal molecule binds to a receptor protein,
    causing to change shape
  • Most signal receptors are plasma membrane
  • G-protein-coupled receptor, tyrosine kinase
    receptor, ligand-gated ion-channel receptor etc.

Receptors Activate a Limited Number of Signaling
Pathways (I)
  • There are seven classes of membrane receptors
    that can receive external signaling molecules
  • G-protein-coupled receptors, cytokine receptors,
    receptor tyrosine kineses, TGFb receptors,
    Hedgehog receptors, Wnt receptors, Notch receptor
  • External signals induces two types of cellular
  • Change in the activity or function of specific
    pre-existing proteins (Activating enzymes)
  • Changes in amounts of specific proteins produced
    by a cell as a result of activation of genes
    (gene expression)
  • Signaling from G-protein-coupled receptors often
    results in changes in the activity of
    pre-existing proteins, but it can also result in
    activation of gene expression

Receptors Activate a Limited Number of Signaling
Pathways (II)
  • The other classes of receptors operate primarily
    to modulate gene expression
  • The activated TGFb and cytokine receptors
    directly activate a transcription factor in the
  • The Wnt receptors assemble an intracellular
    signaling complex to the cytosol transcription
  • Tyrosine receptor kinases activate several
    cytosolic protein kinases that translocate into
    nucleus and regulate the activity of nucleus
    transcription factors
  • Some classes of receptors can initiate signaling
    via more than one intracellular
    signal-transduction pathways, leading to
    different responses. This is typical of
    G-protein-coupled receptors, receptor tyrosine
    kinases and cytokine receptors
  • Only limited number of signal transduction
    mechanisms are responsible for signal transduction

Seven Major Classes of Cell-Surface Receptors
Four Common Intracellular Second Messenger
  • Besides signaling molecules from outside of the
    cells, there are additional micromolecules from
    inside of the cells that are involved in signal
    transfer. These are second messengers
  • Second messengers carry and amplify signals from
  • Binding of the signaling molecules to many cell
    surface receptors leads to a short-lived increase
    in the concentration of low molecular weight
    intracellular signaling molecules (i.e. second
  • These molecules include cAMP, cGMP, DAG, IP3,
    Ca, and inositol phospholipids
    (phosphoinositide embedded in cellular membranes)

Appropriate Cellular Responses Depend on
Interaction and Regulation of Signal Pathways
  • Activation of a single type receptor often leads
    to production of multiple second messengers which
    have different effects
  • The same cellular response may be induced by
    activation of multiple signaling pathways. Such
    interaction of different signaling pathways
    permits the fine-tuning of cellular activities
    required to carry out complex developmental and
    physiological processes
  • Regulation of signaling pathways is critical for
    the cell to response to signals properly
  • Cells down regulate the effects of signal
    transduction processes by degrading second
    messengers, deactivate signal transduction
    proteins, desensitizing the receptors or removing
    the signaling molecules by endocytosis etc.

Overview of Cell Signaling
Reception Transduction Response
The components of intracellular signal
transduction pathways are highly conserved
Signal Transduction Pathways
  • Signal on the membrane receptors will be
    transduced by a multi-step pathway in order to
    amplify a signal
  • Protein phosphorylation by protein kinase is a
    major mechanism of signal transduction
  • Unlike receptor tyrosine kinases, cytoplasmic
    protein kinases do not phosphorylate themselves
    but phosphorylate other substrate proteins on
    serine/threonine residues (serine/threonine
  • About 1 of our genes are thought to code for
    protein kinases, indicating the importance of
    protein kinases in the cell
  • The activated protein kinases are quickly
    reversed by protein phosphatases

Protein Kinases
  • Protein kinases and phosphatases are used in
    virtually all signaling pathways
  • Protein kinases enzymes add phosphate groups to
    the OH-group of tyrosine, serine or threonine of
    its own or other proteins
  • Phosphatases enzymes remove phosphate groups
    from proteins
  • In human genome, there are at least 600 genes
    encoding for different protein kinases and 100
    genes encoding different phosphatases
  • In some of the signaling pathways, receptor
    itself possesses intrinc kinase activity. It can
    phosphorylate itself upon binding to its ligand
  • The activity of all protein kinases is opposed by
    the activity of protein phosphatases

A Phosphorylation Cascade
  • G-Protein Coupled Receptors
  • G-protein-coupled receptors that regulate ion
  • G-protein-coupled receptors that activate or
    inhibit adenylyl cyclase
  • G-protein-coupled receptors that activate
    phospholipase C
  • Activation of G protein-coupled receptors leading
    to gene expression
  • Receptor Tyrosine Kinase

General Elements of G Protein-Coupled Receptors
  • G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are the most
    numerous class of receptors found in organisms
    from yeast to human
  • All GPCR signaling pathways share the following
    common elements
  • A receptor that contains seven membrane-spanning
    elements (transmembrane domains)
  • A coupled trimeric G protein which functions as a
    switch by cycling between active and inactive
  • A membrane-bound effector protein
  • Feedback regulation and desensitization of the
    signaling pathway
  • A second messenger also occurs in many GPCR
    pathways, and these components are modular and
    can be mixed and matched
  • GPCR pathways have short term effects in cells by
    quickly modifying existing proteins or enzymes or
    ion channels, but also long term effects
    involving change in transcription leading to

General Structure of G Protein-coupled Receptor
  • G Protein-coupled receptors are a large and
    diverse families with a common structure and
  • GPCR activate exchange of GTP for GDP on the
    a-submit of a Trimeric G protein
  • G-protein coupled receptors consists of
    hydrophobic amino acids that allow proteins to be
    stabled anchored in the hydrophobic core of the
    membrane (seven membrane spanning domains)
  • Loops C3 and C4 are involved in binding to G
    protein. In some cases, C 2 is also involved
  • There are several sub-families of G
    protein-coupled receptors with high conservation
    of amino acid sequence and structure

Switching Mechanism for Monomeric Trimeric G
  • External signals induce two types of cellular
  • Change the activity or function of specific
    enzymes or proteins
  • Change the amount of proteins in the cell via
    modification of transcription factors
  • Trimeric and monomeric G proteins
  • GTPase Switch Proteins, belong to GTPase
    superfamily proteins. These guanine
    nucleotide-binding proteins are turned on when
    bound to GTP and turned off when bound to GDP.
    The signal-induced conversion from the inactive
    to active state is mediated by a guanine
    nucleotide-exchange factor (GEF)
  • Subsequent binding of GTP induces a
    conformational change in two segments of the G
    protein, switch I and II, allowing the protein to
    bind to and activate other downstream signaling
  • The rate of GTP hydrolysis is enhanced by
    GTPase-activating protein (GAP) and a regulator
    of G protein signaling protein (RGS)

Structural Model of Complex Formed between
Epinephrine the b-Adrenergic Receptor
  • The amino acids that form the interior of
    different G protein-coupled receptors are
    diverse, allowing different receptors to bind to
    very different small molecules
  • b-adrenergic receptor binding to epinephrine
  • Three a-helices are involved in binding of
    b-adrenergic receptor to epinephrine
  • Examples Binding of epinephrine to
    b-adrenergenic receptor in the liver and adipose
    tissue results in liberation of glucose and fatty
    acids. In heart muscle cells, binding of
    epinephrine to b-adrenergeic receptor results in
    increase of heart contraction rate

(No Transcript)
Studies with Chimeric Adrenergic Receptors
Identifying the Long C3 Loop as Critical to
Interaction with G Proteins
  • Although all a- and b-adrenergic receptors bind
    to epinephrine, different receptors coupled to
    different G proteins that induces different down
    stream signaling pathways, leading to different
  • This slide describes an experiment demonstrating
    that the specificity of G protein is determined
    by the cytosol-facing C3 loop between helices 5
    and 6 of the receptor

Activation of Effector Proteins Associated with G
Protein-Coupled Receptors
  • G protein-coupled receptors activate exchange of
    GTP for GDP on the a subnit of a trimeric G
  • A built-in feedback mechanism is present to make
    sure that the effector protein is only activated
    for a short period of time

Activation of G Protein Occurs within Seconds of
Ligand Binding in Amoeba Cells
The experiment shown above is fluorescence
energy transfer experiment
CFP cyan fluorescent protein, excitation at
440nm, emision at 490 nm YFP yellow fluorescent
protein, excitation at 490 nm, emision at 527 nm
cAMP is a ligand of G protein coupled receptor in
Dictyostellium discoideum cells
  • Different G proteins are activated by different
    GPCRs and in turn regulate different effector
  • Adenylyl cyclase and phospholipase C are
    different effectors

Activation of the Muscarinic Acetylcholine
Reporter and Its Effector K Channel in Heart
  • G protein-coupled receptors can activate ion
  • Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor is in cardic
    muscle cells which control muscle contraction
  • Gbg submits of the G protein activate K channel
    protein by opening the channel

Hormone-Induced Activation and Inhibition of
Adenylyl Cyclase in Adipose Cells
  • Binding of ligan to Gas or Gai protein activates
    or inhibits adenylyl cyclase to synthesize cAMP
  • cAMP, in turn, activates cAMP-dependent protein
    kinase that phosphorylate target proteins
  • PGE1 postaglandin

Mammalian Adenylyl Cyclases with Gas.GTP
  • Structural studies established how Gas.GTP binds
    to and activate adenylyl cyclase
  • Interaction of Gas.GTP with the catalytic domains
    of adenylyl cyclase
  • The ligand of the system is epinephrine

cAMP Activates Protein Kinase A by Releasing
Catalytic Submits
  • cAMP-dependent protein kinase has regulatory and
    catalytic submits
  • Binding of cAMP to the regulatory submit results
    in release of the catalytic submits

Synthesis and Degradation of Glycogen Is
Regulated by Hormone-Induced Activation of
Protein Kinase A
  • Adding of glucose to glycogen is catalyzed by
    glycogen synthetase, and removal of glucose
    moiety from glycogen is by glycogen phosphorylase
  • Glucose-1-phosphate is converted to G-6-P in the
    liver and then de-phosphorylated by phosphatase
    and released into blood stream
  • Epinephrine-stimulated activation of adenylyl
    cyclase resulted in increase of cAMP which in
    turn activates protein kinase leading to increase
    of G-1-P from glycogen

Regulation of Glycogen Metabolism by cAMP in
Liver and Muscle Cells
cAMP-mediated activation of protein kinase A
produces diverse responses in different cell
types. It is phosphorylated at ser and thr in a
motif X-Arg-(Arg/Lys)-X-(Ser/Thr)-F where X
denote any AA and F, hydrophobic AA
A Phosphorylation Cascade
Amplification of an External Signal Downstream
from a Cell-Surface Receptor
Several Mechanisms Down-Regulate Signaling from
  • There are several mechanisms contribute to
    termination of cellular responses to hormone
    mediated by b-adrenergic receptors and the G
    protein coupled receptors coupled to Gas
  • The affinity of the receptor to its ligand
    decreases when GDP bound to Gas is replaced with
    GTP. This increase in Kd of the receptor-hormone
    complex enhances the dissociation of ligand from
    the receptors and thereby limits the number of
    Gas protein that are active
  • The intrinsic GTPase activity of Gas converts the
    bound GTP to GDP, resulting in inactivation of
    the protein and decreased adenylyl cyclase
  • The rate of hydrolysis of GTP bound to Gas is
    enhanced when Gas binds to adenylyl cyclase thus
    by decrease the duration of cAMP production
  • cAMP phosphodiesterase acts to hydrolyse cAMP
  • Receptors can also be down regulated by feedback
    repression because the phosphorylated Gas protein
    can not be activated by ligand again
  • Heterologous desentization

Synthesis of Second Messangers DAG and IP3
  • Ca ions play an essential role in regulating
    cellular responses to external signals and
    internal metabolic changes
  • A small changes in levels of cytosolic Ca ions
    induces a variety of cellular respomnses
    inclusing hormone secretion by endocrine cells,
    secretion of digestive enzymes by pancretic
    exocrine cells and contraction of muscle
  • Acetylcholine stimulates G-protein receptors in
    secretory cells of pancreas to rise Ca ions
  • Analogues to Adenylyl cyclase, Phospholipase C is
    also an effector protein in this system, and DAG
    and IP3 are the second messengers

IP3/DAP Pathway and the Elevation of Cytosolic
Protein Kinases
  • There are following protein kinases involved in
    signal transduction
  • Protein Kinase A (PKA) PKA is activated by cAMP
  • Protein Kinase B (PKB, Akt) PKB is activated by
    receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK)
  • Protein Kinase C (PKC) Activated by DAG
  • Protein Kinase G (PKG) Activated by cGMP

Some Receptors and Signal-Transduction Proteins
Are Localized
  • Clustering of membrane proteins mediated by
    adapter domains
  • Distribution of signals release in the
    presynaptic cells and receptors in the
    postsynaptic cells is the best example clustering
    of receptors
  • Proteins containing PDZ domains play fundamental
    role in organizing the plasma membrane of the
    postsynaptic cell
  • The PDZ domain was identified as a common element
    in several cytosolic proteins that bind to
    integral membrane proteins
  • The PDZ protein is a small domain containing 90
    amino acid residues, that bind to three-residue
    sequences at the C-terminus of target proteins.
    Some PDZ domains bind to the sequence
    Ser/Thr-X-F, others bind to F-X-F, where X
    denotes any amino acid and F denotes any
    hydrophobic amino acid
  • Most receptors contain multiple domains that
    binds to PDZ. This interactions permit
    clustering of membrane proteins into complexes

Clustering of Membrane Proteins Mediated by
Cytosolic Adaptor Proteins Containing Protein
Binding Domains
  • Three dimensional surface structure of a PDZ
    domain showing the backbone of the bound peptide
    shown in red
  • Regions in the PDZ domain that bind to the COO-
    group and the side chain to the C-terminal
    residues colored in yellow blue

Clustering of Membrane Proteins Mediated by
Cytosolic Adaptor Proteins Containing Protein
Binding Domains
  • Schematic diagram of protein-protein interactions
    that cluster several different membrane proteins
    in a postsynaptic segment of a nerve cell and
    anchor the resulting complex to cytoskeletal
    actin filaments
  • PDZ adaptor protein Ank ankyrin repeats
    Neuroligin adhesive protein that interacts with
    component of the extracellular matrix

Activation of Gene Transcription by G
Protein-Coupled Receptors (I)
  • Intracellular signal pathways (such as GPCR
    pathway) can result in short-term effect (seconds
    to minutes) to modulate the pre-existing enzymes
    or long-term (hours to days) effect to modulate
    gene expression leading to cell proliferation or
  • Membrane-localized tubby transcription factor is
    released by activation of phospholipase C
  • Tubby gene is expressed primarily in certain
    areas of the brain involved in control of eating
  • Tubby gene encodes a protein that contains a
    DNA-binding domain and a transcription-activation
  • Tubby protein is localized near the plasma
    membrane which binds to PIP2

Activation of Gene Transcription by G
Protein-Coupled Receptors (II)
  • Binding of hormone to Go- or Gq-coupled receptors
    resulted in activation of phospholipase C leading
    to hydrolysis of PIP2 and release tubby protein
    into cytosol
  • Tubby then enters the nucleus and activates
    transcription of a still unknown gene or genes
  • Tubby protein(s) may regulate the expression of
    the following genes
  • Up-regulation erythroid diffrentiation factor 1
    (erdr 1) and capase 1 genes
  • Down-regulation tripartite motif proteinss 3
    (Trim 3), cholecys-tokinin 2 receptor (Cck 2) etc.

Activation of Gene Transcription by G
Protein-Coupled Receptors (III)
  • Binding of ligand to Gs protein-coupled receptor
    results in activation of adenylyl cyclase leading
    to production of cAMP
  • Activation of Protein kinase A by cAMP
  • The activated protein kinase A is translocated
    into the nucleus
  • Activated protein kinase A phosphorylates CREB
    (c-AMP-response element binding protein)
  • CREB and CBP/P300 together activate the
    transcription of the responsive genes (c-fos,
    neurotrophin, brian-derived neutrophic factor
    (BDNF), tyrosine hydroxylase genes)

Receptor Tyrosine Kinase
  • Ligands for receptor tyrosine kinases are soluble
    or membrane bound peptide or peptide hormones
    including NGF (Nerve growth factor), PDGF
    (plated-derived growth factor), FGF (fibroblast
    growth factor), EGF (epidermal growth factor)
    and insulin
  • Ligand induced activation of RTK stimulates
    tyrosine kinase activity, which subsequently
    stimulates the Ras-MAK pathways and several other
    signal-transduction pathways
  • RTK signaling pathways have a wide spectrum of
    functions including regulation of cell
    proliferation and differentiation, promotion of
    cell survival and modulation of cellular
  • Some studies have indicated that RTKs are
    involved in human cancers
  • Constitutively activated Her2 (a receptor for
    EGF-like protein, a mutant form) enables
    uncontrolled proliferation of cancer cells in the
    absence of EGF
  • Over-production of wild type EGF receptor in
    certain human breast cancer results in
    proliferation of cancer cells at low EGF levels
    that do not stimulate normal stimulation

Ligand Binding Leads to Transphosphorylation of
Receptor Tyrosine Kinases
  • RTKs contain an extracellular ligand bind domain,
    a single transmembrane domain, regulatory domain
    and a cytosolic domain with a protein kinase
  • Upon binding to one molecule of ligand, the
    receptor forms a dimer
  • Some monomeric ligands, including FGF, bind
    tightly to heparin sulfate that enhances ligand
    binding to the monomeric receptor and formation
    of a dimeric ligand-receptor complex
  • Binding of ligand to the receptor will result in
    the kinase in one submit to phosphorylate one or
    more tyrosine residues in the activation lip near
    the catalytic site in the other submit. This
    leads to a conformational change that facilitates
    binding of ATP

  • The resulting enhanced kinase activity then
    phosphorylates other sites in the cytosolic
    domain of the receptor. This ligand-induced
    activation of RTK kinase activity is analogous to
    the activation of the JAK kinase associated with
    cytokine receptors
  • As in signaling by cytokins receptors,
    phosphotyrosine residues in the activated RTKs
    serve as docking sites for proteins involving in
    downstream of signal-transduction. These adaptor
    proteins contain SH2, PTB or SH3 domains but have
    no intrinsic enzymatic or signaling activity

Characteristics of the Common Classes of Receptor
Tyrosine Kinase
Structural Features
Cysteine-rich sequence
EGF receptor, NEU/HER2, HER3
Insulin receptor, IGF-I receptor
Cysteine-rich sequences disulfide-linked
PDGF receptors, c-Kit
Contain 5 immunoglobulin-like domains as well as
kinase insert
FGF receptors
Contain 5 immunoglobulin-like domains as well as
kinase insert acidic domain
VEGF receptor
Contain 7 immunoglobulin-like domains and the
kinase insert domain
HGF and SF receptors
Heterodimeric like the class II receptors
Neurotropin receptor family and NGF receptor
Contain no or few cysteine-rich domain NGFR has
leucine rich domain
Down Regulation of RTK Signaling by Endocytosis
and Degradation
  • There are two mechanisms that down regulate RTK
  • Ligand induced endocytosis Ligand induced
    endocytosis of the ligand-receptor complex
  • Sorting of the internalized receptor-ligand to
    lysosome for degradation

Ras, a GTPase Switch Protein, Cycles Between
Active and Inactive States
  • Ras is a monomeric GTP-binding switch protein
    that alternates between an active on state with
    a bound GTP and an inactive off state with a
    bound GDP. This is like the trimeric G proteins
    in the G protein coupled receptor system
  • Ras activation is accelerated by a guanine
    nucleotide-exchange factor (GEF) which binds to
    Ras-GDP complex causing dissociation of bound GDP
    from Ras
  • Due to the presence of high levels of GTP in the
    cytosol, GTP binds quickly to the empty Ras to
    form Ras-GTP
  • Deactivation of Ras-GTP requires the assistance
    of GTPase-activating protein (GAP). GAP binds to
    specific phosphotyrosine in the activated RTKs so
    that it can get close to the Ras-GTP to exert its
    accelerating effect on GTP hydrolysis
  • Both trimeric G proteins and Ras are members of a
    family of intracellular GTP-binding switch
    proteins referred to as GTPase superfamily
  • Mutation of Ras oncogene (i.e., gly 12 to any
    amino acid except Pro) results in blocking to GDP
    and thus locks Ras in activated form

Receptor Tyrosine Kinases Are Linked to Ras by
Adapter Proteins
  • Cultured fibroblast cells can be induced to
    proliferate by PDGF and EGF, and microinjection
    of anti-Ras antibody into these cells blocked
  • Injection of RasD, a constitutively active mutant
    Ras that hydrolyzes GTP very inefficiently and
    thus perisists in the active state, causes the
    cell to proliferate in the absence of growth
  • GRB2 and Sos provide the key links with the Ras
  • SH2 in GRB2 binds to a phosphotyrosine of the
    activated receptor. GRB2 has two SH3 domains
    which bind and activate Sos
  • Sos son of sevenless protein

  • Sos is a guanine nucleotide-exchange protein
    (GEF) which catalyzes conversion of inactive
    GDP-bound Ras to the activate GTP-bound form

Key Signal-Transduction Proteins Downstream from
  • The compound eye of Drosophila is composed of
    about 800 individual eyes called ommatidia. Each
    ommatidium consists of 22 cells 8 of which are
    photosensitive neurons called retinula, or called
    as R cells designated R1-R8
  • Sevenless (Sev) encode an RTK that regulate the
    development of R7. Mutant of Sev gene fail to
    development R7 ommatidia
  • A protein called Boss (Bride of Sevenless) is
    expressed on the surface of the R8 cells. This
    protein is the ligand for the Sev RTK on the
    surface of the neighboring R7 precursor
  • Mutants Boss or Sev RTK that do not express Boss
    or Sev RTK fail to develop R7 cells

Genetic Studies Reveal that Activation of Ras
Induces Development of R7 Photoreceptor in the
Drosophila Eye
Temperature sensitive mutants were used to
demonstrate the importance of Boss and Sev on R7
neuron development RasD constitutive expression
of an activated Ras
Binding of Sos Protein to Inactive Ras Causes a
Conformational Change That Activates Ras
  • The adaptor protein GBR2 contains two SH3 domains
    which bind to Sos in addition to SH2 domain
  • SH3 domains are present in a large number of
    proteins involved in intracellular signaling
  • Figure in the left shows the 3-D structure of SH3
    interaction with a target protein through the
    proline residues

Structures of Ras Bound to GDP, Sos Protein and
  • Binding of Sos to inactive Ras causes a large
    conformational change that permits release of GDP
    and binding of GTP, forming active Ras. GAP,
    which accelerates GTP hydrolysis, is localized
    near Ras-GTP by binding to active RTKs

Kinase Cascade That Transmits Signals Downstream
from Activated Ras to MAP Kinase
RTK Ras Raf MEK MAP kinase
  • Raf, a serine/threonine kinase, is activated by
  • Activated Raf activates MEK by phosphorylating
  • Activated MEK phosphorylates and activates MAP
  • Activated MAP phosphorylates another proteins in
    the nucleus including transcription factors
  • MEK MAP and ERK kinase

(No Transcript)
Induction of Gene Transcription by Activated MAP
  • MAP kinase induces the expression of genes
    including c-fos gene by modifying two
    transcription factors ternary complex factor
    (TCF) and serum response factor (SRF)
  • It is done through activating p90RSK in cytosol
    and both the activated MAP kinase and p90RSK
    activates TCF and SRF

  • TGFb Receptors and the Direct Activation of Smads
  • Cytokine Receptors and JAK/STAT Pathways

TGFb Receptors and the Direct Activation of Smads
  • TGFb (Transforming Growth Factor ß) superfamily
    proteins play important roles in regulating
    development of vertebrates and invertebrates
  • Bone Morphogenic Protein (BMP) is one of the TGFb
    superfamily important in regulating formation of
    mesoderm and the earliest blood forming cells
  • TGFb-1 is another member of the TGFb superfamily
    proteins which can induce a transformed phenotype
    of certain cells in culture
  • There are three human TGFb isoforms known to have
    potent anti-proliferative effects on many types
    of mammalian cells. Mutation of TGFb will result
    in releasing cells from growth inhibition
    (frequently occurs in human tumors)
  • TGFb also promotes expression of cell-adhesion
    molecules and extracellular matrix molecules
  • TGFb can induce some cells to produce growth
    factor to overcome TGFb-induced growth
    inhibition. This is why it was considered as a
    growth factor initially

TGFb Is Formed by Cleavage of a Secreted Inactive
  • TGFb consists of three protein isoforms, TGFb1,
    TGFb2 and TGFb3
  • Each isoform is encoded by a unique gene in
    tissue specific and developmental stage specific
  • Each TGFß is synthesized as a larger precursor

4 antiparallel ß strands
TGFß Receptor Signaling
  • TGFß TGFß-1, -2, -3.
  • TGFß receptors type RI, RII, RIII
  • Smad R-Smad, Co-Smad, I-Smad
  • SnoN Ski, I-Smad feedback control

TGFb Signaling Receptors Have Serine/Threonine
Kinase Activity
  • TGFb signaling receptor is isolated by first
    conjugating I125-labeled TGFb to receptors on the
    cell membrane and then fractionate the membrane
    proteins to isolate the membrane protein that
    associates with I125-TGFb
  • Three different polypeptide with apparent
    molecular weights of 55, 85 and 280 kDa were
    purified, referred to as types RI, RII and RIII
    TGFb receptors
  • Type RIII TGFb receptor is a cell-surface
    proteoglycan, also called b-glycan which bind and
    concentrate TGFb near the cell surface
  • Type RI and type RII receptors are dimeric
    transmembrane proteins with serine/threonine
    kinases as part of their cytosolic domains
  • RII is a constitutively active kinase that
    phosphrylates itself in the absence of TGFb
  • Binding of TGFß induces the formation of two
    copies each of RI and RII. A RII then
    phophorylates serine/threonine of RI adjacent to
    the cytoplasm and thus activate the RI kinase

Activated Type I TGFb Receptors Phosphorylate
Smad Transcription Factors
  • Smads are transcription factors. There are three
    types of Smads, receptor-regulated Smads
    (R-Smads), co-Smads, inhibitory Smads (I-Smads)
  • R-Smads contain two domains, MH1 and MH2,
    separated by a flexible linker region. The
    N-terminus of the MH1 contains a specific DNA
    binding segment and a NLS sequence
  • When R-Smads are in inactive state, the NLS is
    masked and the MH1 and MH2 domains associate in a
    way that they can not bind to DNA or to a co-Smad
  • Phosphorylation of three serine residues near the
    C-terminus of a R-Smad (Smad2 or Smad3) by
    activated type I TGFb receptors separates the
    domains, allowing binding of importin b to the

Plasmanogene activator inhibitor API
  • Simultaneously a complex containing two molecules
    of Smad3 (or Smad2) and one molecule of a co-Smad
    (Smad4) forms in the cytosol
  • The complex is stabilized by binding two
    phosphorylated serines in both the Smad3 and the
    Smad4 MH2 domains
  • The importin bbound heteromeric R-Smad3/Smad4
    complex will translocate into nucleus
  • After importin b dissociates from the complex in
    the nucleus, the Smad2/Smad4 or Smad3/Smad4 will
    cooperate with other transcription factors to
    turn on specific target gene
  • In the nucleus, R-Smads are continuously being
    dephosphorylated, which results in the
    dissociation of the R-Smad /co-Smad complex and
    export of these Smads from the nucleus.
    Therefore, the concentration of the active Smads
    in the nucleus closely reflects the levels of the
    activated TGFb receptors on the cell surface
  • One of the genes that is regulated by this signal
    transduction pathway is plasmanogene activator
    inhibitor (API)

Oncoproteins and I-Smads Regulate Smad Signaling
via Negative Feedback Loop
  • Smad signaling is regulated by additional
    intracellular proteins including SnoN and Ski
    (Ski stands for Sloan-Kettering Cancer
  • These proteins are oncoproteins since they cause
    abnormal cell proliferation when over expressed
    in cultured fibroblasts

HDAC histone deacety-lase
  • SnoN and Ski can bind to Smad2/Smad4 or
    Smad3/Smad4 complex after TGFb stimulation
  • Binding of SnoN and Ski to Smad2/Smad4 or
    Smad3/Smad4 will block transcription activation
    of the target gene and renders cells resistant to
    the growth inhibition induced by TGFb
  • PAI-1 gene encodes plasminogen activator

Cytokines Influence Development of Many Cell Types
  • Cytokines form a family of small secreted
    proteins of about 160 amino acids that control
    many aspects of growth and differentiation of
    specific types of cells
  • Prolactin induces epithelial cells lining the
    immature ductules of the mammary gland to
    differentiate into acinar cells to produce milk
    proteins secreted into the ducts during
  • Interleukin 2 (IL-2) is essential for
    proliferation and functioning of the T-cells of
    the immune system
  • IL-4 is essential for formation and function of
    antibody-producing B cells
  • Interferon a is produced and secreted by many
    types of cells following virus infection. Then
    secreted interferon acts nearby cells to induce
    enzymes that render these cells more resistant to
    virus infection
  • Many cytokines induce formation of important
    blood cells. Granulocyte colony stimulating
    factor (G-CSF) induce progenitor cells in bone
    marrow to differentiate into granulocyte,
    thrombopoietin acts on megakaryocyte progenitors
    to differentiate into megakaryocytes which then
    fragmented into cell pieces called platelets

Cytokine Receptor Signaling
  • Similar to Receptor Tyrosine Kinase signaling
  • Receptor dimerization
  • Phosporylation and activation of JAK kinase
  • Binding of STAT to p-Receptor via SH2 domain
  • Phosphorylation of STAT by JAK kinase
  • Translocation of p-STAT into nucleus
  • Activation of transcription
  • Feedback regulation SHP1 and SOCS

Cytokine Receptors and Jak-Stat Pathway
  • The cytosolic domain of the cytokine receptor
    associates with a family of cytosolic protein
    tyrosine kinase, the JAK kinase
  • Receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) also contain
    intrinsic protein tyrosine kinase activity in
    their cytosolic domains
  • The mechanisms by which cytokine receptors and
    receptor tyrosine kinases become activated by
    ligand are very similar, and there is
    considerable overlap by activation of receptors
    in both cases
  • The figure on the left shows the dimerization of
    cytokine receptor after binding to EGF

Cytokine Receptors and Receptor Tyrosine Kinases
Share Many Signaling Features
  • Ligand binding to both cytokine receptors and
    receptor tyrosine kinases triggers formation of
    functional dimeric receptors
  • In some cases, the ligand induces association of
    two monomeric receptor subunits diffusing in the
    plan of the plasma membrane in other cases, the
    receptor is a dimer in the absence of ligand and
    ligand binding alters the conformation of the
    extracellular domains of the two subunits
  • In either cases, formation of the functional
    dimeric receptor causes the cytosolic kinases to
    phosphorylate the second kinase

The Role of Erythropoietin in the Formation of
Red Blood Cells (Erythrocytes)
  • Erythroid progenitor cells colony-forming units
    erythroid (CFU-E) are derived from
    hematopoietic stem cells, which also give rise to
    progenitor cells of other blood cell types
  • Binding of erythropoietin (Epo) to its receptor
    on a CFU-E induces transcription of several genes
    encoding proteins preventing apoptosis of CFU-E
    and allow the cells to go through several rounds
    of proliferation
  • Epo also stimulate expression of specific genes
    leading to differentiation of CFU-E into red
    blood cells

Structure of Erythropoietin Bound to the
Extracellular Domains of a Dimeric Erythropoietin
  • All cytokines have a similar tertiary structure
    consisting of four long conserved a helicies
    folded together in a specific orientation
  • Similarly, all cytokine receptors have quite
    similar structures, with their extracellular
    domains consisted of two subdomains, each of
    which contains seven conserved b strands folded
    together in a characteristic fashion
  • One molecule of erythropoietin binds to two
    monomers of EpoR
  • All cytokines and their receptors have similar
    structures and activate similar signal pathways

Overview of Signal-Transduction Pathways
Triggered by Ligand Binding to the Erythropoietin
Receptor, a Typical Cytokine Receptor
GRB2, a linker protein (adaptor protein)
All of these four pathways lead to eventual
increase or decrease in transcription of target
Both the Erythropoietin Receptor and JAK2 Are
Essential for Development of Erythrocytes
  • Mice embryos in which both alleles of EpoR or
    JAK2 gene are knocked out, can develop normally
    until embryonic day 12 and at which they begin to
    die of anemia due to lack of erythrocyte-mediated
    transport of oxygen to fetal organ
  • These results suggest that EpoR and JAK2 are
    required for erythrocyte development in early
    embryonic development

JAK-STAT Signaling Pathway
  • Once the JAK kinases become activated, they
    phosphorylate several tyrosine residues on the
    cytosolic domain of the receptor. Some of the
    phosphorylated tyrosine residues serve as binding
    sites for a group of transcription factors, STATs
  • All STAT proteins contain an N-terminal SH2
    domain that binds to phosphotyrosine in the
    receptors cytosolic domain, a central DNA
    binding domain and a C-terminal domain with a
    critical tyrosine residue
  • Once the STAT is bound to the receptor, the
    C-terminal tyrosine is phosphorylated by an
    associated JAK kinase
  • The phosphorylated STAT dissociates from the
    receptor, and two activated STATs form a dimer
    and then enters the nucleus

Signaling from Cytokine Receptors Is Modulated by
Negative Signals (Feedback Loop) (I)
  • Signal-induced transcription of target genes can
    not last for too long and needs de-sensitized
  • Signaling from cytokine receptor is usually
    dampened by two classes of proteins short term
    regulation by SHP1 phosphatase and long term
    regulation by SOCS proteins
  • SHP1 Phosphatase
  • Mutant mice lacking SHP1 phosphatase die because
    of producing excess amount of erythrocytes and
    other blood cells. These results suggest that
    SHP1 negatively regulates signaling from several
    types of cytokine receptors in several types of
    progenitor cells
  • Binding of an SH2 domain SHP1 to a particular
    phospho-tyrosine in the activated receptor
    unmasks its phosphatase catalytic site and
    position it near the phosphrylated tyrosine in
    the lip region of JAK2
  • Removal of the phosphate from this tyrosine
    inactivates the JAK kinase

Signaling from Cytokine Receptors Is Modulated by
Negative Signals (Feedback Loop) (II)
  • Signal blocking and protein degradation induced
    by SOCS proteins
  • STAT proteins induce a class of small proteins
    termed SOCS proteins. These proteins terminate
    signaling from cytokine receptors. These
    negative regulators are also known as CIS
  • CIS proteins act in two ways to negatively
    regulate cytokine receptor stimulated signaling
  • The SH2 domain in several SOCS proteins bind to
    phosphotyrosines on an activated receptor,
    preventing binding of other SH2-containing
    signaling proteins and thus inhibiting receptor
  • SOCS-1 can bind to critical phosphotyrosine in
    the activation lip of activated JAK2 kinase
    thereby inhibiting its catalytic activity
  • All SOCS proteins contain a SOCS box that
    recruits components of E3 ubiquitin ligases. As
    a result of SOCS-1 binding, JAK2 becomes
    polyubiquitinated and then degraded in
    proteasomes and thus terminate the signaling

Two Mechanisms for Terminating Signal
Transduction from the Erythropoietin Receptor
Components Modularity of Major Signaling
Cross Talk in Signal Transduction Pathways
  • For cells to carry out all the cellular
    functions, different signal transduction pathways
    may communicate among one another. This is
    called signal transduction pathway cross talk
  • Examples
  • There two types of estrogen receptors (i)
    nuclear ER (ii) membrane bound ER. While
    nuclear ER activates the expression of
    estrogen-responsive gene, membrane bound ER
    activates protein kinases to activate steroid
    receptor co-activator (SRCs) and CREB binding
    protein-associated factor by phosphorylation
    (Reading list VII Cross talk between membrane
    and nuclear pathways by steroid hormone)
  • cAMP-responsive genes are modulated by CREB (cAMP
    responsive binding protein), CREM (cAMP
    responsive modulator protein) and ICER (inducible
    cAMP early repressor). CREM gene can encode two
    isoforms, CERM and ICRE, by differential use of
    prompters. While CREB and CREM activate the
    expression of cAMP-responsive genes, ICER
    represses the expression of these genes. The
    expression of ICER is regulated NGF (Reading List
    VII Cross-talk in signal transduction
    Ras-dependent induction of ICER by NGF)

More Examples of Cross Talk of Signals
  1. Win.Wingless and TGF-b/BMP
  2. TGF-b/BMP and Hedgehog
  3. Estrogen receptor and progesterone receptor
  4. Angiotensin II receptor between AT1 and At2
  5. Androgen reeptor and vitemin D receptor
  6. Chemokine receptors and epidermal growth factor
  7. Epidermal growth factor receptor and c-Met
  8. FGF-receptor tyrosine kinase and G-protein
  9. Glucocorticoid receptor, C/EBP, HNF3 and protein
    kinase A
  10. GABA receptors and dopamine D5
  11. FGF receptor and N/E-cadherin
  12. RTK-RSK
  13. PKC, cAMP and MAP kinase
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