Title: Prepare specifications/requirements
1SC Magnet development plan at KEK
K. Tsuchiya
Prepare specifications/requirements
magnetic and mechanical characteristics
operation mode Development of Test
facility - dedicated test facility
to study the detailed characteristics
( - cryomodule to confirm the real operation)
Development of SC magnet new
type magnet would be studied and developed
6 magnets should be built for RD
Quad Gradient 60
T/m Beam aperture gt 70 mm
Current 100 A (?)
Magnetic length (?)
Physical length (?)
Field quality b6 _at_
mm ?
other multipoles ?
? Operation temp.
2 K (?) Cooling method
(?) Leakage field
Alignment errors ?x , ?y, ?q?
? Dipole BL
0.05 Tm
3Test facility and items to be studied
- 1) dedicated test facility to study the detailed
characteristics - transfer func. and multipole
measurement - hysteresis measurement
- magnetic center movement (magnet
body) - leakage field measurement
- 2) cryomodule to confirm the real operation
- cool down test
- quench recovery test
- magnetic center movement
- leakage field confirmation
4SC magnet RD
- Magnet design
- - type
- TESLA type
- easy coil winding but
messy wire connection - ---gt new type - conduction cooling
- - simple
assembling - - where is the best place for the
dipoles ? - - how to reduce the leakage field ?
- 2) How many magnets should be built ?
- - 3 prototype magnets
- - 3 magnets to confirm the final
5Budget and manpower
- Budget
- - dedicated test facility
1.5 M - cooling system
- field measurement system
- - 6 magnets
1.5 M - - magnet installation into cryomodule
0.3 M - and test operation
- Manpower
- magnet design fabrication 2
FTE/ year - cooling system
1.5 FTE/ year - field measurement system
1.5 FTE/ year