Title: Celebration Assembly
1Welcome to our Celebration Assembly
Celebration Assembly
4House Points
5Golden Dustpan this was last year
6This week, the prefects will be looking for
children who are Taking care of the school
building particularly acting sensibly and
responsibly with ICT equipment.
Prefects Certificates
7The winners are...
3GB for making us all proud about the way they
have been coping without Mr Blackhurst in school
Courtesy Cup
8Well done we raised around 450!
Red Nose Day
9Stars of the Week
Stars of the Week
103GB Alfie Penton 3HP Bradley
Jeffery 3ZB Callum De-Ste-Croix 4JM Alima
Khatun 4SP Ryan Carruthers-Clark 5RM Taya
Fitzgerald 5VP Ellie Nash 6SP Hollee
Lyons 6TH Chloe Williams
Stars of the Week