FIRST AID COURSE NO. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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FIRST AID COURSE NO. Unit I: lecture 1 Objectives of the lecture At the end of this lecture the student will be able to: Define FIRST AID. Identify the Purposes of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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  • Unit I lecture 1

Objectives of the lecture
  • At the end of this lecture the student will be
    able to
  • Define FIRST AID.
  • Identify the Purposes of first aid.
  • Determine the Principles of first aid
  • List the first aid kit.
  • Discuss Cleanup, Handling and Location of body
    fluids or matter
  • Describe the major first aid techniques.

  • It is the immediate and temporary care given to
    any victim of an accident or having sudden
    illness until medical help can be obtained.
  • Any person at any level of education or even lay
    person need to learn first aid to save the life
    of people in the accident situation, at home or
    in work settings

What are the purposes of first aid?
  • The purposes of First Aid are to
  • save life
  • Prevent deterioration of the victims condition
  • Reduce level of pain
  • Promote recovery

What are the principles of first aid
  • Emergency action principles are the guiding
    rules to be employed by the first person (s), on
    the scene of an emergency. The nature of
    emergencies is such that it is impossible to
    prescribe a specific list of actions to be
    completed before the event happens, so principles
    form a framework on which to base forward actions.

What are the principles of first aid cont.
  • The rescuer should assess the situation for
  • The reason is that rescuers do not become
    secondary victims of any incident.
  • A typical assessment for Danger would involve
    observation of the surroundings, starting with
    the cause of the accident (e.g. a falling object)
    and expanding outwards to include any situational
    hazards (e.g. fast moving traffic) and history or
    secondary information given by witnesses,
    bystanders or the emergency services (e.g. an
    attacker still waiting nearby).
  • If at any time the risk from any hazard poses a
    significant danger to the rescuer, they should
    consider whether they should approach the scene
    (or leave the scene if appropriate).

What are the principles of first aid cont.
  • Remain calm in an emergency situation
  • Determine which person is to be attended first
  • First, restore breathing, then control bleeding
    and prevent shock
  • Remember that first aid is only a temporary step
    and medical help should follow
  • Keep the victim away from danger sources

What are the principles of first aid? cont.
  • Help the victim quickly and
  • carefully
  • Unbutton shirts, clothes
  • and unit belts.
  • Tear clothes over wounds
  • or burns
  • Keep the person quiet, calm
  • and warm to conserve oxygen
  • Make sure that he does not se
  • the injury if possible
  • Do not tell him the gravity of
  • the situation

What are the principles of first aid cont.
  • Quickly collect information from the person (if
    possible) or surrounding people. This information
    usually includes assessment, which include CHALET
    (Casualties, Hazards, Access, Location, Emergency
    Services, Type of Incident)

What are the principles of first aid cont.
  • Use the ABCD E system and it's variations,
    where the rescuer checks the basics of life on
    the casualty (primarily their breathing in modern
  • Call for medical help. Accurate reporting of
    this important information helps emergency
    services dispatch appropriate resource to the
    incident, in good time and to the right place.
  • Or if it is possible, transfer the afflicted
    person (s) to the nearest hospital if you can
    without harming him
  • Carry out the steps of first aid quickly and
  • Cleanup, Handling and Locate body fluids or
    matter using the universal precautions

Cleanup, Handling and Location of body fluids
or matter
  • Whenever it is necessary to clean up or handle
    any blood, body fluids, vomit, fecal matter and /
    or urine, the following should be observed
  • Disposable gloves
  • should be worn during
  • the clean up process
  • Surfaces soiled with
  • the above substances
  • should be promptly
  • disinfected using a bleach
  • solution (1 part bleach to 10 parts)

Cleanup, handling and Location of body fluids or
matter cont.
  • Whenever possible, disposable towels, tissues, or
    other materials should then be placed in a
    plastic bag and discarded.
  • Non-disposable cleaning equipment and materials
    such as towels and mops, should be also
    disinfected with bleach solution
  • Those who are cleaning should avoid exposure of
    open skin lesions or mucous membranes to the
    blood or body fluids
  • Persons involved in the cleanup should thoroughly
    wash their hands afterwards even when wearing

What are the first aid kit?
  • The first aid kit consists of two elements which
    are medical supplies and certain drugs
    antiseptic solution
  • 1-Medical supplies
  • Medical supplies, sterile gauze, hot water
    bottle, sling, thermometer, adhesive tape,
    scissors, cotton, tongue depressor, torch, ice
    bag, plastic gloves.

What are the first aid kit? Cont.
  • 2- Certain drugs antiseptic solution as
  • Alcohol, antipyretic, antidiarrhea, piece of
    sugar, disinfectant solution as betadine

Location and Contents of the First Aid Kit
  • Each place as home, school, university, should be
    equipped with Grade A metal first aid kit,
    mounted in an accessible place and in full view
  • The content includes
  • Four (4) inch bandage compress (2 package)
  • Two (2) inch bandage compress (1 package)
  • One (1) inch adhesive compress (2 package)
  • Forty (40) inch triangular bandage (2 package)
    with (2) safety pins
  • Eye dressing packet (1 package)
  • 24x72 inch gauze compress (1 package)
  • One (1) pair latex gloves (1 package)
  • One (1) mouth to mouth airway (1 package)

Major first aid techniques
  • 1-victim assessment
  • Find the most life-threatening conditions by
    assessing and caring for the three most
    important systems in the ABCD order of importance
  • Determine consciousness by tapping the victim on
    the shoulder and asking loudly, ARE YOU OK? A
    person who is conscious will respond and will not
    have stopped breathing.

1-victim assessmentcont.
  • Respiratory system ( A-airway open?
  • Is there (B-breathing?)
  • Circulatory system ( C-circulation pulse?,
    hemorrhage, skin condition color, moisture)
  • Nervous system ( D- disability spinal cord
    response? Level of responsiveness?
  • Remove the victim from the offended area i.e.,
    prevent Exposure (E-xposure?)

Major first aid techniques cont.
  • 2-Save lives by maintaining a victims vital
    need. The ABC rules of first aid are
  • An open Airway
  • Adequate Breathing
  • Sufficient Circulation

3- Positioning the victim
  • If the victim is unconscious, position him on
    his back. Roll him as a unit without twisting
    any body part. Tip the head
  • and check for breathing
  • then for obstruction
  • in the mouth

Major first aid techniques cont.
  • 4- Mouth to mouth breathing
  • If the victim is not breathing,
  • keep the head tilted,
  • pinch the nostrils together
  • and blow into the mouth
  • while covering the victims
  • mouth with your mouth.
  • Be sure you have made
  • a good seal.
  • Give two (2) big breath. Use barrier provided in
    the first aid kit.

4- Mouth to mouth breathing cont.
  • Then check the pulse breathing. If the person
    is still not breathing but have pulse, continue
    mouth to mouth breathing.

  • If the victim does not have pulse and not
  • CPR is needed.
  • If you are not
  • trained in
  • CPR,
  • give mouth to
  • mouth breathing.

Major first aid techniques cont.
  • 5- Clearing the airways
  • On occasion, someone gets something lodged in
    their throat. If the object completely stops the
    breathing process, the person only has four
    (4)minutes then he will have brain damage due to
    lack of oxygen. A person whose airway is blocked
    can not cough, speak, or breath

5- clearing the airwayscont.
  • Steps of clearing airway
  • 1- stand behind the victim
  • 2-thumb side of the fist should be against the
  • 3-fist should be between the naval and the rib
  • 4-grasp the fist with other hand
  • 5- give four quick upward thrusts
  • 6- repeat until effective
  • NB when giving abdominal
  • thrust to an unconscious victim,
  • he should be lying on his back
  • with the head sideway

Major first aid techniques cont.
  • 6-Controling bleeding
  • A person can bleed to death in less than a
    minute there for, it is imperative that action
    be taken immediately. The loss of a pint of blood
    by a child and a quart by an adult may have
    disastrous results.
  • Even loss of small amount of blood produces
    weakness and possibly shock.

6-Controling bleedingcont
  • Methods used to control bleeding
  • A- direct pressure
  • Place a gauze pad, clean handkerchief, clean
    cloth ..etc directly on the wound and press
    firmly with gloved hand. If no materials are
    available, apply pressure with your hand or
    finger. Raised the inured part higher than the
    heart except where there is a broken bone.
    Maintain pressure until bleeding subsides

6-Controling bleedingcont.
  • Methods used to control bleeding cont.
  • B- pressure point
  • Severe bleeding may be partially controlled by
    using the fingers or hand to press the supplying
    blood vessels against the underlying body. Point
    for pressure are underneath the upper arm and in
    the groin are near the pelvis of each side of the
    body. Pressure at these points slow bleeding

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