2What is brown and says neigh?You can ride it and
it eats hay.
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4What has spots and is black and white and gives
us milk and beef too?It eats grass and hay and
says moo.
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6What says quack and swims all day and makes a
nest in the hay?
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8What says naa and eats everything in sight and it
gives us milk and cheese that tastes just right?
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10I roll in mud to stay cool each day and I say
oink when I play.I give you pork and bacon too
and some like the ham I give to you.
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12I wake you up with my cock-a-doodle- doo . I am
the boss of the chicken coop.
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14What gives you eggs for a morning treat and also
chicken for you to eat?
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16A dog will herd me all around and they shave my
wool off onto the ground.
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18I bray and say hee haw to greet you.I like to
kick my feet , do you?
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20Honk! Honk!I like to swim and fly.I lay eggs.
Do you know why?
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22I chase mice and keep them out of the farm house.
I like to meow to scare each mouse.
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24Bow wow, ruff ruff is the way I bark at you. I
play tricks, herd sheep, so much more I can do.
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26I eat carrots and live in a hutchnoises you will
not hear much.
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