Title: Morning Overview
1(No Transcript)
2- Morning Overview
- Significant Changes to the Student Assessment
Program - 2012 Test Administration
- Test Security
- Scoring and Reporting
- Assessment Management System
- Test Materials and Shipping
- Assessment of English Language Learners
3- Afternoon Overview
- Assessment of Students Served by Special
Education - Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
- Daily Wrap-up / Questions Answers
4Please Note This training does NOT take the
place of reading the appropriate manuals.
5Question and AnswersPlease use parking lots
posted on walls.
6Significant Changes to the Texas Student
Assessment Program
7Policy and Procedure Highlights
- STAAR Standard-setting Activities and Report
Dates - STAAR (38), STAAR Spanish (35), STAAR L (38)
- Raw score reports April/May 2012
- Standard setting Fall 2012
- Results w/ standards applied January 2013
- Standard-setting February 2012
- Results w/standards applied June 2012
8Policy and Procedure Highlights
- STAAR Standard-setting Activities and Report
Dates - STAAR Modified
- Raw score reports June 2012
- Standard setting Fall 2012
- Results w/ standards applied January 2013
- STAAR Alternate
- Raw score reports May 2012
- Standard setting Fall 2012
- Results w/ standards applied January 2013
9Policy and Procedure Highlights
- Student Success Initiative (SSI)
- No grades 5 and 8 SSI retesting in 2012
- Standards will not be set until fall 2012
- Districts should use other relevant academic
information to make - promotion/retention decisions
- Assessments for Students Receiving Special
Education Services - Accommodated forms of STAAR are not available
- Format changes made to STAAR that are similar
to - TAKS (Accommodated)
- STAAR Modified and STAAR Alternate assessments
available to - students who meet participation requirements
10Policy and Procedure Highlights
- STAAR Assessments for English Language Learners
(ELLs) - No exemptions for STAAR program
- STAAR L is a linguistically accommodated
English version of - STAAR for ELLs in grades 3 8 and on EOC who
meet specific - participation requirements
- STAAR Spanish is available for ELLs in grades 3
5 who meet - specific participation requirements
- ELLs not eligible for STAAR L or STAAR Spanish
may be provided - allowable linguistic accommodations on STAAR
11Policy and Procedure Highlights
- Scheduling Test Sessions
- Four-hour time limit policy and procedures
- Extra time or extra day accommodation available
only to - students who meet eligibility criteria
- Testing should end by the close of the regular
school day - (with exceptions for campuses testing more
than one session) - Make-up Testing
- Available for all grades, all subjects, and
courses - Available for all administrations
12Policy and Procedure Highlights
- Security Training for Testing Personnel
- Only one annual training in general test
security and procedures - required
- Oath requires signature and initials after
training - Optional Test Administration Materials and
Procedures - More allowable materials and procedures
available to all students
13Policy and Procedure Highlights
- Testing Materials
- Grade 3 students record answers on separate
answer document, not scoreable test booklet - Separate test booklets and answer documents for
each EOC - subject area
- Manuals
- STAAR District and Campus Coordinator Manual
(DCCM) - STAAR Test Administrator Manuals
- - Grades 35
- - Grades 68
- - EOC
14Policy and Procedure Highlights
- STAAR Grades 4 and 7 writing
- English I, English II, and English III
- Organization
- Test design
- Dictionary policy
- Time limits
- Duplication/photocopying
15Policy and Procedure Highlights
- Organization of grade 4 STAAR writing assessment
- Assessment split evenly over two days
- Day 1 First half of the multiple-choice
questions and - first composition
- Day 2 Second half of multiple-choice
questions and - second composition
- Field testing
- Both multiple choice questions embedded
- Mini stand-alone field test every three years
to try out - prompts
16Policy and Procedure Highlights
- Organization of grade 7 STAAR writing assessment
- Assessment split evenly over two days
- Day 1 All the multiple-choice questions and
- first composition
- Day 2 Second and third compositions
- Field testing
- Both multiple choice questions and prompt
embedded -
17Policy and Procedure Highlights
- Organization of English I, English II, and
English III STAAR assessments - Writing and reading assessed separately
- Writing component administered on Day 1
- Reading component administered on Day 2
- Scores reported separately for writing and
reading - Students retest only in the component they fail
- Both reading and writing field tests embedded
in operational - assessments
18Policy and Procedure Highlights
- Two-day design key test administration issues
- Grades 4 and 7 writing one test booklet with
each day sealed - separately
- English I, II, and III separate test booklets
for writing and reading - Answer documents
- Allowable space to write compositions and
short-answer reading - responses
- New dictionary policy
- 4-hour time limit (especially as it relates to
compositions and - short-answer reading responses)
- Duplication/photocopying of compositions and
short-answer - reading responses
19Policy and Procedure Highlights
- Mathematics and Science
- Reference materials
- Work space
- Calculators
20Policy and Procedure Highlights
- Reference Materials for Mathematics and Science
- Consists of formulas, constants, conversions,
periodic table, etc. - Are used for grades 38 mathematics, grade 8
science, Algebra I, - geometry, Algebra II, chemistry, and physics
- Are not used for grade 5 science or biology
- Will be embedded in the paper test booklets and
perforated so - students can tear them out
- Will be embedded in online tests as a pop-up
window - May be printed from the TEA website and
distributed to students to - use during paper and online testing
21Policy and Procedure Highlights
- Work Space for Mathematics and Science
- Paper tests will have blank space around test
questions for students - to make notes and perform calculations.
- Online tests will have new tools for making
notes and performing - calculations.
- Math tests will have graph paper embedded in
the paper test - booklets and perforated so students can tear
it out. - Online math tests will have a new pop-up window
of graph paper. - Campuses may print copies of the graph paper
from the TEA website - and distribute to students to use during paper
and online testing.
22Policy and Procedure Highlights
- Calculators for Mathematics and Science
- A graphing calculator must be provided to each
student taking the - Algebra I, geometry, and Algebra II
assessments. - A scientific or graphing calculator must be
provided to each student - taking the chemistry and physics assessments.
- A calculator must be available for every five
students taking the - biology assessment.
- Will be embedded in online math tests as a
pop-up window - A calculator must not be provided to students
taking the grades 38 - assessments unless eligibility criteria for an
accommodation is met.
23- Test Administration
- Calendar
- Manuals
- STAAR Resources
24Texas Student Assessments
- New STAAR Assessments
- 2012 STAAR tests
- grades 38 mathematics
- grades 38 reading
- grades 4 and 7 writing
- grades 5 and 8 science
- grade 8 social studies
- End-of-course (EOC) twelve tests
25Texas Student Assessments
- New STAAR Assessments
- 2012 STAAR includes
- STAAR Spanish - grades 35
- STAAR L - grades 38
- - EOC
- STAAR Modified - grades 38
- - EOC (English I, Algebra I, biology,
world geography, English II field test, and
geometry field test) -
- STAAR Alternate - grades 38
- - EOC (except Algebra II, physics, and
- chemistry)
26Texas Student Assessments
- grades K 12 - all English language
learners - classified as limited English
- proficient (LEP)
- TAKS grades 10 11 exit - English language
arts, - mathematics, science, and social
studies - TAKS LAT - English language arts,
- - grade 10 eligible immigrant ELLs
mathematics, and science -
- TAKS exit level retest - English language
arts, - mathematics, science, and social
studies -
282012 Calendar
Notice that 2012-2013 calendar is posted on
website and is available for comment until
January 13, 2012.
292012 Calendar
- Pointing out 2012 dates
- STAAR Alternate Window January 9April 20
- grades 10, 11, exit level retest March 5,
March 7-9 - - Schedule affected by election
- - Ship scorables Monday, March 12
- TELPAS March 19April 11
302012 Calendar
- Pointing out 2012 dates
- STAAR /STAAR Modified March 26-29
- - English I and III writing Monday
- - English I and III reading Tuesday
- - English II writing Wednesday
- - English II reading Thursday
- - Grades 4 and 7 writing Tuesday
Wednesday - - Grades 5 and 8 math Tuesday
- - Grades 5 and 8 reading Wednesday
- - ship scorables grades 4, 5, 7, 8
Friday, March 30 - - ship scorables English I, II, III
Monday, April 2 -
312012 Calendar
- Pointing out 2012 dates
- grades 10, 11, exit level retest April 23
27 - - ship scorables Monday, April 30
- STAAR/STAAR Modified April 24 27
- - ship scorables Wednesday, May 2
- STAAR/STAAR Modified EOC May 7-18
- - ship scorables Tuesday, May 22
- STAAR July 9 13
- - ship scorables Monday, July 16
- TAKS exit level retest July 9 12
- - ship scorables Monday, July 16
322012 Manuals
- 2012 District and Campus Coordinator Manual
332012 Manuals
- Key Changes to the
- 2012 District and Campus Coordinator Manual
- Approximately half the length of last years
coordinator manual - DTC and CTC activities
- interwoven
- Limited to action items
- Supporting material moved to Web
- Notes column with live links
342012 Manuals
- DCCM Design
- Enhancements
- Uniform style
- Streamlined and simplified
- content (bullet points and
- subheads)
- Action-oriented checklists
- embedded in text
- (also available on website)
- Activities are designated DC,
- CC, or DC/CC
- Notes column for jotting down information
352012 Manuals
- DCCM Online
- Enhancements
- Icons indicate additional resources
- - Calendar of Events
- - additional information
available online -
- - TexasAssessment website
- - Coordinator Manual Resources
- Icons include live, light-blue links
underneath them for accessing other resources
362012 Manuals
- DCCM Resources Pages
- DCCM posted
- Online resources as noted in
- the "Notes" column of the
- Some materials available only online include
- - Checklists for STAAR and
- TELPAS administrators
- - Seating charts
- - Planning Checklist for Campus
Coordinator Training - - Diagram of shipping box
- contents
372012 Manuals
382012 Manuals
- STAAR Test Administrator Manuals
- Three Test Administrator Manuals
- - Grades 3-5
- - Grades 6-8
- - End-of-Course
- Include general information and
- test administration directions for
- and STAAR Modified
- (STAAR Alternate, TELPAS, and TAKS manuals
are separate) - Will only be shipped once
- Due in districts by February 24, 2012
392012 Manuals
- Test Administrator Manuals New Look
- New styles also applied to
- Test Administrator Manuals
- Fewer scripts covering multiple subjects and
programs - To accommodate some differences in programs, the
new manual will use callout boxes
402012 Manuals
- Test AdministratorManuals New Look
- Wider boxes have program-specific and subject
specific instructions - Please retain your manuals for use throughout the
testing year!!
412012 Manuals
TAKS - Grades 10 11 - Due in campuses by
January 13
- STAAR Alternate
- Available online
- http//www.tea.state.tx.us/student.assessment/spe
42STAAR Resources
- Test Administration
- www.tea.state.tx.us/student.assessment/staar
- Optional Test Administration and Procedures
- - May be provided to any student based on
his or her needs - - Student must have experience with the
specific procedure or - material
- - Must have been determined effective in
meeting student needs - - May not require students to use them
- - Not intended for every student
43STAAR Resources
- Test Administration
- www.tea.state.tx.us/student.assessment/staar
- STAAR Time Limits Policy and Procedures
- - Start and stop times
- - Test administrator SAY directions
- - Breaks
- - Lunch
- - Announcement of time to test
- - Late-arriving students
44- Test Security
- Resources
- New to Test Security
- Highlights
45Test Security Resources
- Test Security
- http//www.tea.state.tx.us/student.assessment/secu
rity/ - 2012 Test Security Supplement
- Launch of Web-based Texas Test Administrator
- Online Training Modules
- - www.TexasAssessment.com/TAonlinetraining
- PowerPoint from 2011 Assessment Conference
- - Tips for Conducting Thorough
Investigations - - Test Security Update
46New to Test Security
- Security Training
- all district and campus personnel who
participate in state- - mandated testing and/or handle secure test
materials - any person who has more than one testing role
must receive - training and sign an oath for each role
- only one training on general test security and
administration - procedures required for 2012 testing year
(administration specific - training must be provided)
- Oaths Superintendent, DTC, and CTC
- located in DCCM www.tea.state.tx.us/student.as
sessment/security/oaths/ - superintendent signs at end of testing year
- DTC and CTC sign after training and at end of
testing year - return to Pearson at end of year
47New to Test Security
- Oaths Test Administrators, Materials Handlers,
and - Technology Support
- required to sign only one oath for 2012 testing
year - (exception STAAR Alternate and TELPAS)
- required to initial and sign oath only after
training - additional section to be signed for Viewing
Secure Test Materials - separate oaths for test administrators and
technology staff - located in Test Administrator Manuals (coming
soon to online) -
48New to Test Security
- STAAR Oaths Test Administrators, Materials
Handlers, and Technology Support -
49New to Test Security
- Student Cheating
- determined by districts
- IF cheating determined, district MUST
invalidate (other) the test - report discipline taken locally through the
Locally Determined Disciplinary Action Form
(online) - http//www.txetests.com/DAF/index.asp
50New to Test Security
- Irregularities Procedural vs. Serious
- new terms
- simpler reporting procedures
- new online reporting form
- http//www.tea.state.tx.us/student.assessment/s
ecurity/incidents/ - documentation requirements differ for two types
of irregularities - district coordinators responsible for
evaluating errors, determining - the severity (type of error), and summarizing
the incident
51New to Test Security
- Procedural Irregularities
- - reflect minor errors, minor deviations in
testing - - do not represent severe breaches in
security or confidentiality - - call to TEA not required unless guidance
needed by the district - - require an online incident report
submission - - require an accurate summary of event
- - do NOT require supporting documentation
- - must be submitted within ten working days
52New to Test Security
- Serious Irregularities
- - constitute severe violations of test
security or confidentiality - - can result in the individual(s)
responsible being referred to the - TEA Educator Certification and Standards
Division for - consideration of disciplinary action
- - must be reported to TEA as soon as
coordinator is made aware - of situation
- - coordinator responsible for
investigating, filing incident report, - and submitting required documentation in
a timely manner
532012 Highlights
- Seating charts
- - require start and stop times
- - record names of all assigned test
administrators - - districts keep for five years
- Honor statements
- - STAAR, STAAR L, and STAAR Modified EOC
exams - Maintain test security materials for 5 years
- - signed test administrator and technology
staff oaths - - seating charts
- Investigations
542012 Scoring and Reporting
- Components of the 2012
- Texas Assessment Program
- State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness
(STAAR) - STAAR Spanish
- STAAR Modified
- STAAR Alternate
- TAKS and TAKSM (grades 10 and exit level)
- Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment
System (TELPAS)
552012 Scoring and Reporting
- Answer Documents
- STAAR, STAAR Spanish and STAAR L one combined
answer document - STAAR Modified separate answer document
- STAAR Alternate no answer documents should be
submitted for students assessed with STAAR
562012 Scoring and Reporting
- Answer Documents
- (continued)
- Grade 3 answer document, not a scorable booklet
- Precoded labels EOC, Modified, and grade 4 and
7 writing - Precoded answer documents STAAR grades 3-8
reading, mathematics, science, and social studies
572012 Scoring and Reporting
- Answer Documents
- (continued)
- TELPAS no answer documents should be submitted
except in rare circumstances - TAKS and TAKSM no changes from last year
582012 Scoring and Reporting
- Answer Documents
- (continued)
- Less score codes in STAAR!
- S tested
- A absent
- O other (illness, testing irregularity,
EOC/above grade level, etc.) - paper/online or STAAR/STAAR Modified
- NOTE For each subject area, only ONE score code
should be gridded.
592012 Scoring and Reporting
- Answer Documents
- (continued)
- An score code is present on all STAAR and
STAAR Modified answer documents that have two
subject areas tested. - NOTE For each subject area, only ONE score code
should be gridded.
602012 Scoring and Reporting
- Answer Documents
- (continued)
- TEST TAKEN INFO field information about the
test form (STAAR or STAAR L) and the language
version (English or Spanish) must be recorded in
this field. - EN or SP for grades 3, 4, and 5
- Blank bubble for grades 6, 7, 8
- L bubble for math, science and social studies
612012 Scoring and Reporting
- Answer Documents
- (continued)
- For each subject area tested, only ONE bubble, if
applicable, should be gridded in the TEST TAKEN
INFO field to show which assessment the student
was administered. - Determine if the student is eligible for STAAR or
STAAR L. - Next, determine the language version of the
assessment that the student will take (grades 3,
4, and 5 only). - Follow the same steps to grid the TEST TAKEN INFO
field even if the student is absent from the test
or illness/test irregularity occurs during
622012 Scoring and Reporting
STAAR Modified
632012 Scoring and Reporting
STAAR English I, II, III
642012 Scoring and Reporting
Precoding STAAR Grades 38
- March Grades 4, 5, 7, 8 Administration
- Submit for these grades only
- April Grades 38 Administration
- Submit only grades 3 6 other grades will be
loaded from data submitted for March
administration can download students and update
if needed - If a student will be testing one subject on grade
level and one above grade level, the above grade
level answer document will need to be hand
652012 Scoring and Reporting
Precoding STAAR EOC
- There is NO PEIMS option for EOC all districts
must submit a file or hand-grid/hand-enter
information - Records must indicate if the student will test
online or on paper - Districts will receive precoded labels for
registered students that are designated as
paper-mode testing - Students designated as online testing will be
registered into the online system - Students taking STAAR L or STAAR Modified should
be noted as paper-mode
662012 Scoring and Reporting
Precoding STAAR EOC (cont.)
- For March and May, records should be only for
students with a STAAR EOC testing requirement for
graduation (first enrolled in grade 9 and below
in 20112012). - The only exception should be for campuses that
were selected to participate in mandatory testing
for STAAR EOC. Those campuses will also submit
records for students enrolled in grades 10, 11,
and 12 (students with a TAKS graduation
672012 Scoring and Reporting
Precoding STAAR EOC (cont.)
- March English I, II, and III Administration
- Submit for English I, II, and III only
- May Administration
- Submit only for Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II,
Biology, Chemistry, Physics, World Geography,
World History, and U.S. History - July Administration
- Pearson will load students who did not meet Level
II Satisfactory according to mode specified by
district (paper or online testing)
682012 Scoring and Reporting
- STAAR Scoring and Reporting
- NOTE Information presented is the current plan
although we believe this plan will be
implemeted as is in 2012, it could possibly
change. - A document will be posted in early 2012 with
finalized plans.
692012 Scoring and Reporting
- STAAR Reporting
- EOC and 38 will have separate data files/reports
- All reports will be provided online in PDF format
- STAAR, STAAR Spanish, STAAR L, STAAR Modified,
and STAAR Alternate will all be reported on the
same file
702012 Scoring and Reporting
- STAAR Standard Reports
- Confidential Student Reports (CSRs)
- Confidential Student Labels
- Confidential Campus Rosters
- Campus and District Summary Reports (including
phase-in) - Data Files
712012 Scoring and Reporting
- STAAR Optional Reports (Formats)
- CSRs extra copy or PDF on CD-ROM
- Labels extra copy or no labels
- Rosters paper or PDF on CD-ROM
- Summaries paper or PDF on CD-ROM
- Data Files CD-ROM
722012 Scoring and Reporting
- EOC Reporting CSRs
- One page per subject
- Includes explanatory text (no parent brochures)
- PDF online
- Paper copies shipped to district
- Same data will be available in the student portal
732012 Scoring and Reporting
- EOC Reporting Labels
- Labels will be the same size as TAKS labels
- Will provide current administration results
- Up to eight rows (one row per assessment) per
label - Students will have two labels if takingmore than
eight assessments
742012 Scoring and Reporting
- EOC Reporting Rosters
- One page per subject reading and writing on
separate pages (English I, II, and III) - Separate rosters for STAAR, STAAR L, STAAR
Modified, and STAAR Alternate - All Students and Students Not Achieving
Satisfactory Performance - PDF online
752012 Scoring and Reporting
- EOC Reporting Rosters (cont.)
- Student ID
- Scale Scores
- Performance Levels
- Achieved Minimum Score
- Level II Satisfactory at Initial Standard
- Level II Satisfactory at Final Standard
- Level III Advanced
- Reporting Category Results
762012 Scoring and Reporting
772012 Scoring and Reporting
- EOC Reporting Summaries
- One page per subject writing, reading, and
constructed responses on separate pages (English
I, II, and III) - Separate summaries for STAAR, STAAR L, STAAR
Modified, and STAAR Alternate - All Students only
- PDF online
782012 Scoring and Reporting
- EOC Reporting Summaries (cont.)
- Administration Summary
- Students Tested
- Absent
- Other
- Total
- Demographic/Program Information Groups
- Number of Students Tested
792012 Scoring and Reporting
- EOC Reporting Summaries (cont.)
- Passed ( and )
- Level II Satisfactory (and above)
- Level III Advanced (subset of Level II)
- Did Not Pass ( and )
- Level I Unsatisfactory (all students that did
not pass) - Achieved Minimum Score (subset of Level I)
- Average and of items correct for each
reporting category by demographic group
802012 Scoring and Reporting
812012 Scoring and Reporting
- English Writing Summary
- RC 4 broken out into two subcategories (one for
each essay)
822012 Scoring and Reporting
- English Reading Summary
- RC 1 broken out into three subcategories (two
short-answer items and multiple-choice items)
832012 Scoring and Reporting
- EOC Reporting Summaries (cont.)
- Constructed Responses Summary (English I, II, and
III) - One page for reading showing the distribution of
score points for the reading open-ended items - One page for writing showing the distribution of
score points for the written compositions
842012 Scoring and Reporting
EOC Reporting Summaries (cont.)
- Phase-In Summary one for each content area
- Number and percent of students at Level II (and
above) for the Initial Standard and Final
Standard - One each for STAAR, STAAR L, and STAAR Modified
852012 Scoring and Reporting
- EOC Reporting Data Files
- Two data files for EOC
- Administration data file will only have
information for the administration being reported
one record per student/assessment - Will have student response information 1 for
correct items and 0 for incorrect items - Student Expectation information will beposted on
TEA website
862012 Scoring and Reporting
- EOC Reporting Data Files (cont.)
- Cumulative History data file will have history
and cumulative score information - One record per student that tested during the
administration with information about all 12
subjects and cumulative score information for
each content area - First used in Summer 2012
872012 Scoring and Reporting
- EOC Reporting
- Cumulative information in the data portal
- TBD please provide any input that you have
- Who needs to have access?
- By student or groups of students?
- Send suggestions to Paul.Matzen_at_pearson.com
882012 Scoring and Reporting
EOC Reporting Data Availability
- First Phase Part One
- STAAR and STAAR L will have standards set
performance levels will be reported - STAAR Modified and STAAR Alternate will NOT have
standards set until fall will only report raw
score information for Alternate and information
about which students tested for Modified
892012 Scoring and Reporting
EOC Reporting Data Availability
- First Phase Part One (cont.)
- For spring reporting, reports will first be
available on or about Monday after the test
window closes (May 21) this will include online
testers and possibly some students that tested on
paper and were submitted early by districts - Rosters and data files
902012 Scoring and Reporting
EOC Reporting Data Availability
- First Phase Part One (cont.)
- Rosters and data files will continue to be
provided - Every 24-48 hours data will be reported for
students that tested on paper in the order it was
received - The incremental rosters and data files will
only include the students that were processed
after the last group was reported
912012 Scoring and Reporting
EOC Reporting Data Availability
- First Phase Part Two
- When all documents for a district are processed,
CSRs and summaries will be posted online, and a
complete set of rosters and a complete data file
will be posted - CSRs and labels will be shipped to thedistricts
along with any optional reports (formats) ordered
(due in districts 6/8/12)
922012 Scoring and Reporting
EOC Reporting Data Availability
- Second Phase
- Late June Data files will be updated and
reposted with possible information pertaining to
AYP reporting - STAAR Modified records will include raw score
932012 Scoring and Reporting
EOC Reporting Data Availability
- Third Phase
- January 2013 after standards for STAAR Modified
and Alternate are set, CSRs and labels will be
sent to districts CSRs, rosters, summaries, and
data files will be updated and posted
942012 Scoring and Reporting
38 Reporting CSRs
- Not provided until standards are set (January
2013) - PDF online
- Paper copies shipped to district
- Same data will be available in the student
952012 Scoring and Reporting
38 Reporting Labels
- Same format as TAKS labels
- Will not receive labels until January 2013
962012 Scoring and Reporting
38 Reporting Rosters
- One page per subject
- Separate rosters for STAAR, STAAR Spanish, STAAR
L, STAAR Modified, and STAAR Alternate - All Students and Students Not Achieving
Satisfactory Performance - PDF Online
972012 Scoring and Reporting
38 Reporting Rosters (cont.)
- Same type of information available as for EOC
- Because standards will not be set initially, raw
score will be reported instead of scale score - STAAR Modified will initially only have
information about which students tested and which
ones did not
982012 Scoring and Reporting
38 Reporting Summaries
- One page per subject writing will also have a
constructed responses page - Separate summaries for STAAR, STAAR Spanish,
STAAR L, STAAR Modified, and STAAR Alternate - All Students Only
- PDF Online
992012 Scoring and Reporting
38 Reporting Summaries (cont.)
- Same type of information available as for EOC
- Because standards will not be set initially, raw
score averages will be reported instead of scale
score averages - STAAR Modified will be reported by form no
summaries until standards have been set
1002012 Scoring and Reporting
38 Reporting Summaries (cont.)
- Phase-In Summary one for each grade
- Number and percent of students at Level II (and
above) for the Initial Standard and Final
Standard for each subject - One each for STAAR, STAAR Spanish, STAAR L, and
STAAR Modified
1012012 Scoring and Reporting
38 Reporting Data File
- One data file for 38
- Similar type of information that was reported for
TAKS - Will have student response information 1 for
correct items and 0 for incorrect items - Student Expectation information will beposted on
TEA website
1022012 Scoring and Reporting
38 Reporting Data Availability
- First Phase
- When all documents for a district are complete,
rosters, summaries, and data files will be posted
online - Only raw score information will be reported
STAAR Modified will only haveinformation about
which studentstested
1032012 Scoring and Reporting
38 Reporting Data Availability
- Second Phase
- Updated data files will be provided online
- Will provide information pertaining to AYP
reporting - Will also provide updated STAAR Modified records
with raw scores
1042012 Scoring and Reporting
38 Reporting Data Availability
- Third Phase
- January 2013 after standards are set for 38,
CSRs and Labels will be sent to districts - CSRs, rosters, summaries, and data files will be
updated and posted online
1052012 Scoring and Reporting
Test Taken Information Changes
- A different process will be used for STAAR than
for TAKS (TAKS will use the same process as in
the past) - Updates will be made through the Texas Assessment
Management System - An area within Test Results will be available
to search for the student and make the
appropriate updates - Because this is a pilot year, there will be no
charge for making Test Taken Information Changes - Updated CSRs and data files will be provided
online will be a charge if districts require
hard copy updates
1062012 Scoring and Reporting
Score Code Changes
- A different process will be used for STAAR than
for TAKS (TAKS will use the same process as in
the past) - Updates will be made through the Texas Assessment
Management System - An area within Test Results will be available
to search for the student and make the
appropriate updates - Because this is a pilot year, there will be no
charge for making Score Code Changes - Updated CSRs and data files will be provided
online will be a charge if districts require
hard copy updates
1072012 Scoring and Reporting
Student Test Warning (Record Changes)
- A different process will be used for STAAR than
for TAKS (TAKS will use the same process as in
the past) - Updates will be made through the Texas Assessment
Management System - An area within Test Results will list all of
the students that require an update (update
required because the student has invalid ID
information PEIMS ID, name or DOB or the
students PEIMS ID matches the student directory
but the name/DOB do not) - Warnings can be updated as soon as records are
processed (do not need to wait until reports are
produced) - Updated CSRs and data files will be provided
online (if the updates are made after the reports
have been sent)
1082012 Scoring and Reporting
- Same reports will be offered as in previous years
- In 2011, all TELPAS reports were offered online
this will also occur for TAKS in 2012 - Record Changes, Test Taken Information Changes,
and Score Code Changes done through SchoolHouse
109Texas AssessmentManagement System
- ESC Training
- January 2012
110Texas Assessment Management System
- Updates in the Texas Assessment Management
System for 2012-2013 - STAAR Alternate tab and new Manage Teacher
Assignments - Sending files Student Data, Roster, and User
Account files - User roles and permissions
- Student directory and student registration data
111Texas Assessment Management System
- There are also updates to the teacher portal for
2012-2013. -
- All topics are in presentations from the
conference and are located on the resources page
of the Assessment Management System. - http//www.texasassessment.com/tx_conference
112Texas Assessment Management System STAAR
Alternate Manage Teacher Assignments
- Updates include
- Changes in User Role Set-up
- Changes to Adding and Registering Students
- New process for linking teachers to students
113STAAR Alternate Manage Teacher Assignments
Changes in User Role Set-up The Alternate
Assessment Teacher role cannot be paired with a
District Testing Coordinator, Campus Testing
Coordinator, District Testing Assistant and
Alternate Assessment Assistant roles. The
Alternate Assessment Teacher role does not need
to be associated with registration groups of
students. Once the teacher is set-up, linking to
a student by subject is now completed in the new
Manage Teacher Assignments section in the STAAR
Alternate tab.
114STAAR Alternate Manage Teacher Assignments
Changes to Adding and Registering
Students When adding new students and
registering them for the 2012 STAAR Alternate
administration the user no longer has to create
or add them to a registration group to link to an
alternate assessment teacher. Additionally,
students in grades 3-8 will have the subject
assignments made automatically. The subjects will
have to be chosen for students in grades 9-12.
115STAAR Alternate Manage Teacher Assignments
New process for linking teachers to
students Alternate assessment teachers are
linked to the students and subjects using the new
Manage Teacher Assignments section of the new
STAAR Alternate tab. For all registered students
the user can assign assessment subjects and link
teachers to students by assessment subject from
this new tab.
116STAAR Alternate Manage Teacher Assignments
Additional information covered in the STAAR
Alternate training presentation includes changing
a registered students campus and/or grade. This
can occur as a result of electing to have Pearson
roll over the TAKS-Alt registered students for
the STAAR Alternate administration. It also
includes how to handle students that move
campuses or districts during the test window.
117User Roles and Permissions
New assistant roles have been added for
delegation flexibility District Testing
Assistant District User Account Assistant
Student Data Assistant Test Setup Assistant
Alternate Assessment Assistant Also Mark Test
Complete can be added to roles that do not
already have that ability.
118Send File Processes
- Updates to the file processes include
enhancements to - Send student data
- Send roster data
- Send user account data
119Send File Processes Student Data File
- There are two new options for the send student
data process. - Validation Only
- Send student data for Validation Only is used to
identify errors before the registration window is
open. Students will not be registered - Student Directory Only
- Send student data for Directory Only is used to
add students to the directory so they can be
added to Rostered Groups.
120Send File Processes Roster File
- New for the roster file process is the ability to
request a roster group file. New actions
available with the roster group file are - Remove Student matches on Group Name and PEIMS
ID and removes student - Rename Group matches on Group-Name-Current and
renames group to Group-Name - Delete Group matches on Group-Name and removes
students from group and deletes group
121Send File Processes User Account File
- Updates include
- Forgot password/user ID
- Updating accounts through file submission
- Locking and Deleting accounts
- Expired accounts
122Send File Processes User Account File
If the user forgets their user ID or password
they can use the link on the log in page to have
that user ID emailed to them or to reset their
123Send File Processes User Account File
The user can submit user account files to perform
user account maintenance including -
Updating e-mail address - Authorizing
organizations/classes - Editing roles
- Locking/unlocking accounts - Updating
start/end dates - Deleting accounts This
information is explained in the Users Guide for
the Texas Assessment Management System, section
Creating a User Account File
124Send File Processes User Account File
All Alternate Assessment Teacher and TELPAS
Rating Entry Assistant accounts have been locked
until the DTC can verify the user has
successfully completed training. The DTC will
need to unlock those accounts when the test
windows open. Additionally, accounts set-up last
year may have expired preventing the user from
logging into the system. The DTC will need to
reset the end date for those accounts.
125Student Directory and Student Registration Data
- There are 3 levels of data for a student in the
Assessment Management System. - Student directory (PEIMS demographic) data
- Student administration registration data
- Student test data
126Student Directory Data
Because assessment data is retained, students are
not removed from the directory when they graduate
or otherwise withdraw from Texas schools.
Enrollment is not removed when a student is
promoted from Elementary School to Middle School.
127Student Directory Data
Permanent and Temporary Students A Permanent
student is one who is already in the Student
Directory, either from the student assessment
history or a PEIMS snapshot. A Temporary student
is a student who did not already exist in the
Student Directory. For reference, see the
Student Directory Overview document available on
the Resources page of TexasAssessment.com.
128Data Sources
Student Directory Data
October PEIMS snapshots Send Student Data or
manually adding students within the Assessment
Management System Assessment data from
completed test administrations
129Student Directory Data
Districts can update Student Directory data
during Record Changes / Student Test Warnings
process. Districts can correct a
students PEIMS-ID (for suspect records
130Student Administration Registration Data
- At Registration-level
- Grade
- Administration Demographics (Demographics left
blank will initially default from the Directory
when Sending Student Data) - Registered Group
- Assigned Tests
131Student Test Data
- At Test-level
- Accommodations
- Score Code
- Format
- Do Not Report
- Do Not Report Reason
132Teacher Portal
- New Manage Teacher Directory
- Link Teachers to PEIMS classes
- Export Teacher file
- Teacher Home
- View Rostered Groups and PEIMS Classes
- A training module for district coordinators
showing how to use the new Manage Teacher
Directory is at http//www.TexasAssessment.com/tra
133Available Resources
- Assessment Management System Resources
- There are many sources of support for the Texas
Assessment Management System. All support
documentation and resources can be found on the
Support page of the Texas Assessment website.
There you will find - User's Guide for the Texas Assessment Management
System located on the Resources page of the Texas
Assessment website at http//www.TexasAssessment.
com/guide - Guide to the Student Portal of the Texas
Assessment Management System - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- Support Center Information
- If you have questions about the Assessment
Management System, you can call Pearsons Austin
Operations Center at 800-627-0225 (MondayFriday,
730 AM530 PM, Central Time) to talk to a
support specialist. - E-mail Information
- To contact system support personnel, email
134Test Materials and Shipping Update
135Test Materials
- Aids/Tools Available
- Distribution Model
- Additional Orders
136Test Materials
- Aids/Tools
- Advance Letters/Materials List
- Available online at http//www.TexasAssessment.com
/login - E-mails will be sent to district testing
coordinators as soon as the documents are posted
to the website above
137Test Materials
- Aids/Tools, Cont.
- Advance Letters/Materials List, Cont.
- Instructions for accessing can be found in the
Users Guide for the Texas Assessment Management
System located under Resources at
138Test Materials
- Aids/Tools, Cont.
- Advance Letters/Materials List, Cont.
- District Level
- Available approximately one month before each
test administration - Quantities listed show district totals including
district overage - Numbers are based directly on the participation
counts submitted during the fall and January
update periods
139Test Materials
- Aids/Tools, Cont.
- Advance Letters/Materials List, Cont.
- Campus Level
- Quantities show number of materials being shipped
for individual campuses - Numbers are based directly on the participation
counts submitted during the fall and January
update periods
140Test Materials
- Aids/Tools, Cont.
- Advance Letters/Materials List, Cont.
- Campus Level, Cont.
- Can be downloaded individually by campus and
- forwarded electronically OR
- printed and distributed by campus
- Use to compile list of additional materials
needed for each campus and the entire district
141Test Materials
- Aids/Tools, Cont.
- White Boxes
- First box in shipment will always be white
- Easy to find
- Contains packing lists
- Contains District Coordinator Packets
142Test Materials
- Aids/Tools, Cont.
- Schools Boxed Separately
- Schools will always be boxed separately from one
another - No need to open at district office
- Forward directly to school to inventory
- Exceptions very small schools
143Test Materials
- Aids/Tools, Cont.
- Packing Lists
- Packing lists indicate materials in each box
- Detailed materials descriptions
- Pallet Detail Report indicates box numbers and
the number of boxes for each campus
144Test Materials
- Distribution Model
- All initial distributions are combined shipments
NEW for 2012 - Nonsecure and secure materials are packed
together in one shipment - Precoded materials will be shipped separately for
most administrations
145Test Materials
- Distribution Model (cont.)
- Precoded materials for all retest administrations
will arrive in the shipment of testing materials,
not as a separate shipment - Important Reminder
- Precoding files have no impact or connection to
the quantity of materials shipped to a district
or campus. Distribution numbers are based
directly on the participation counts submitted
during the fall and January update periods
146Test Materials
- Additional Orders
- Must be submitted via the online system
- Access through the Texas Assessment Management
System website at http//www.TexasAssessment.com/
login - Instructions for accessing the system can be
found in the Users Guide for the Texas
Assessment Management System located in the
Resource section of the website listed above
147Test Materials
- Additional Orders, Cont.
- Many items will be available in packages
- Read order form carefully to ensure ordering the
right amount of material - Assessment Management System allows districts to
view and track all orders
148Test Materials
- Additional Orders, Cont.
- E-mails containing shipping information will
continue to be sent out the day after the order
leaves Pearson - Back-order capability for items temporarily
149Test Materials
- Additional Orders, Cont.
- Braille orders
- New process for 2012
- 2012 Braille Ordering broadcast email sent to
districts on November 7th, 2011 - Posted under Communications in the Resource
section of the Assessment Management System
150Test Materials
- Additional Orders, Cont.
- Braille orders. Cont.
- Deadline to submit initial orders for 2012 Spring
administrations was November 30, 2011 - Districts will have an opportunity order
additional materials and change braille order
information during an update period before each
administration - Deadline for updating orders for braille for the
March administrations is February 20, 2012
151Test Materials
- Additional Orders, Cont.
- When To Order
- As early as possible
- Review the Advance Letter and Materials List as
soon as it is available - Distribute Campus Materials Lists to individual
campuses for their review - Fill shortages from district overage materials
152Test Materials
- Additional Orders, Cont.
- When To Order, Cont.
- Compile additional district needs and submit one
order per test administration - Do NOT wait until the materials have arrived and
been inv