Gurmeet S Jakhu, Partner Hamilton Pratt Solicitors Birmingham, United Kingdom - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Gurmeet S Jakhu, Partner Hamilton Pratt Solicitors Birmingham, United Kingdom


Gurmeet S Jakhu, Partner Hamilton Pratt Solicitors Birmingham, United Kingdom Topic 8: The Relevance of Dispute Resolution Mechanisms in Franchising – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Gurmeet S Jakhu, Partner Hamilton Pratt Solicitors Birmingham, United Kingdom

Gurmeet S Jakhu, Partner Hamilton Pratt
Solicitors Birmingham, United Kingdom
  • Topic 8 The Relevance of Dispute Resolution
    Mechanisms in Franchising

Dispute Resolution Mechanisms in Franchising
  1. Introduction
  2. Types of disputes
  3. How to Approach disputes?
  4. Termination Provisions
  5. The relations comes to an end
  6. Forms of Dispute Resolution
  7. Court Action Restrictive Covenants and
  8. Mediation
  9. Arbitration
  10. Distinguishing Features
  11. Other forms of ADR

  • Disputes arise as with all other business
  • Franchise Agreements are long term relationships
  • Disputes in franchising are a fact of
  • Complex provisions
  • Long term contract
  • Frsor obliged to take action

Types of Disputes
  • Disputes can arise
  • At the beginning misrepresentation
  • Overselling - Financial projections, business
    plans, website, advertising literature
  • Figures must be capable of verification
  • Disclaimers
  • During the course of the Agreement
  • Breach of contract Eg not following the System
    renewal terms not complied with
  • Minimum performance clauses

Types of Disputes (contd.)
  • Disputes can arise
  • Upon termination
  • Validity of termination
  • Enforceability of the termination provisions
  • Post termination restrictive covenants
  • Post termination obligations

Approach to Disputes
  • Guiding principles in franchise disputes
  • Avoid heavy handed legal approach
  • Dont bee seen as a soft touch and allow Frees
    to cherry pick
  • In the UK the BFAs Code of Ethics
  • Resolve complaints and disputes in good faith
  • Written notice of contractual breach, reasonable
    period of time to remedy default.
  • In non-life threatening disputes Frsor should
    seek a dialogue and seek commercial resolution

Termination Provisions - Generally
  • Tough provisions
  • Set out grounds for immediate termination
  • Serial breaches
  • Minor breaches time to rectify
  • Be careful not to be seen by a court to act in
  • Move onto Under Performance, contractual breaches
    and termination

Termination Provisions
  • Under Performance
  • Comfort zone issue
  • Exclusive territory - Body Shop experience
  • Whether to grant exclusivity?
  • retail it does not matter where your customers
    come from
  • Avoid comfort zone
  • do not grant exclusivity- impact on ability to
    recruit new frees
  • Incorporate Minimum Performance clauses
  • Failure to meet, reduce territory or visit on
  • Options link renewal to network performance or
    Free to use best endeavours to promote and
    extend the Frsors business

Termination Provisions
  • Breach by the Franchisee
  • Right to terminate important since Frsor has
    to protect his brand
  • 3 Layers of breach as follows (UK)
  • Automatic termination eg for de-registeration
    for VAT/competing business
  • So serious entitles termination only if
    material/fundamental breaches
  • Minor breaches

Termination Provisions
  • F Agmnt set out provisions for immediate
  • bankruptcy/insolvency
  • Incurable breach of a material provision in the
  • Failure to rectify within a specified time
  • Repetitive breaches
  • Abandonment of business

The relationship ends
  • When the relationship comes to an end
    (Restrictive Covenants)
  • FAgmnts contain both in term and post term
    non compete covenants
  • Against Corporate franchisee and individuals
    behind it
  • Why have Restrictive Covenants?
  • Protect the network and brand
  • Know how and knowledge of system
  • Local good will
  • RC are prima facie, in restraint of trade to be
    enforceable, must be
  • a legitimate interest to protect and
  • not to wide both in terms of geographical remit
    and duration.

Forms of Dispute Resolution
  • Parties can meet with or without legal
  • Court Action (injunctions, claim for damages,
    account of profits)
  • ADR Alternative Dispute Resolution
  • In the UK ADR describes all forms of dispute
    resolution methods other than court and
    arbitration and includes
  • Mediation (most common form of ADR)
  • Early neutral evaluation
  • Expert Determination

Court Action Restrictive Covenants Injunctions
  • Enforcing Restrictive Covenants
  • Seek compliance via written undertakings
  • Most FAgmnts contain a buy back provision on
    termination consider its use!
  • Claim in court
  • for Interim or full Injunction
  • for damages for breach
  • Injunctions - Order of the court
  • Negative Injunction - refrain the franchisee
    from doing whatever he should not do under the
    terms of the RC
  • Positive/Mandatory Injunction compelling
    franchisee from delivering up customer lists,
    artwork (print franchises) equipment, manuals etc

Court Action RC Injunctions
  • Often used because of the difficulty in
    quantifying damages delay in damages claim
  • Injunction Court order which is discretionary
  • UK courts view FAgmnts akin to business sale
    agreement as opposed to employment contract
  • Persuade a court that the purchaser requires
    protection from competition by seller/former

Court Action RC Injunctions
  • Need additional ground eg
  • dishonesty,
  • continued use of trade marks or
  • enticing the franchise network to follow.
  • Reluctance since RC are prima facie restraint of
  • Have to show a legitimate business interest to
  • Court not want to restrain a person from earning
    a living
  • Cross claims by Free for misrepresentation and
    breach of contract

Court Action RC Injunctions
  • Questions of construction of the RC will be
    determined at the interim injunction stage
  • Too widely drawn struck out for not being
  • Too narrow may not cover the mischief and will be
    of no effect to the employer/Frsor

Court Action RC Injunctions
  • Key when drafting or reviewing a RC is
  • the identification of some advantage or asset
    inherent in the business which can properly be
    regarded as, in a general sense, his property,
    and which it would be unjust to allow the
    employee to appropriate for his own purposes,
    even though he, the employee, may have
    contributed to its creation (per Lord
    Wilberforce in Stenhouse Australia Ltd v Philips
    1974 1All ER 117)

Court Action RC Injunctions
  • Urgency - interim injunctions
  • speed, clean hands and balance of convenience
  • Advantage of applying for an injunction - case
    heard quickly (weeks rather than months) even if
    not granted an interim injunction
  • Israel unable to enforce RC
  • California not enforceable if the franchise
    term has expired
  • Can seek damages claim instead of interim
  • No need to establish above grounds
  • Request Free keeps account of turnover and
  • Pursue claim with speed/vigour

  • Negotiations is the most common way of resolving
  • Most litigations settled before trial
  • Mediation can be distinguished from both
    litigation Arbitration (and from negotiations)
    see later.

  • What is it
  • Mediation can offer a cost effective and flexible
    alternative to litigation as a dispute resolution
  • Its the main form of ADR alternative dispute
  • Can be used pre-litigation and during litigation
  • BFA IFA encourage mediation
  • BFA have a specified Dispute Resolution Procedure
    Mediation Scheme experienced franchise lawyer
    appointed by BFA
  • USA The Franchise Mediation Programme
    (endorsed by the IFA and Asian Hotel Owners
    Association AHOA)

  • Most Franchise Agreements do contain a provision
    which requires a party to enter into ADR
    mediation prior to taking court action
  • Civil Procedure rules in England and Wales now
    actively encourage parties to mediate
  • Its part of active case management
  • Rules enable court or parties to direct one month
    stay to allow ADR
  • costs sanctions if not.

Mediation The Statistics
  • Breakdown of case load by sector and quantum
  • Reference PLC (1999) magazine and CEDR Centre
    for Dispute Resolution

Breakdown of commercial caseload by sector
Breakdown of caseload by quantum for commercial
  • Mediator not decide case, facilitate
  • Not binding until settlement agreement is signed
  • Mediation is often business driven and result
  • Flexible and informal
  • Disclose sensitive information that parties not
    willing to disclose in conventional litigation

The Role of the Mediator
  • Is to facilitate settlement by
  • Improve effectiveness of communication between
  • Helping parties to clarify its business interest
  • Probing strengths and weaknesses of respective
  • Exploring commercial consequences of failing to
    reach settlement
  • Not binding until settlement agreement is signed

  • Mediation is often business driven and result
  • Flexible and informal can be used at any time,
    esp. after interim injunction has been
  • Disclose sensitive information that parties not
    willing to disclose in conventional litigation
  • Most cases are suitable to mediation only
    requirement being that there be enough
    information and willingness to negotiate.

  • Most disputes can with the help of a skilful
    mediator can develop a business solution
  • But need a willingness by the parties to resolve
  • Advantages
  • Reduce costs (as cf to court action)
  • Speed
  • Confidentiality
  • Voluntary
  • Non binding
  • Opportunity to air issues in person
  • If not resolve may serve to refine issues in
    dispute and bridge gaps
  • gain a better understanding of the opponents case
  • Ideal where parties want to foster continuing

Outline of a typical Mediation
  • Preparing for Mediation
  • Exchange of information
  • Case Summary
  • Mediation Agreement
  • Location
  • Initial Joint Session
  • Initial Separate Sessions
  • Subsequent Separate and Joint sessions
  • Completing the process

  • Arbitration is a procedure in which a dispute
    is submitted, by agreement of the parties, to one
    or more arbitrators who make a binding decision
    on a dispute.
  • ( WIPO Dispute Resolution for 21st Century
  • Arbitration is consensual
  • Arbitration is neutral
  • Arbitrator holds formal hearings, hears evidence
  • Findings of the Arbitrator are binding
  • Challengeable in the UK on application to the
    High Court

Arbitration the Process
  • Request for and submission of dispute to
  • Parties agree on arbitrator/arbitrator is
    appointed and accepts appointment
  • Preliminary hearing may be a joint session or
    telephone conference
  • Arrangements for arbitration
  • Venue
  • Travel arrangement
  • Arbitrator issues directions

Arbitration the Process, cont.
  • Preliminary hearings and interim awards
  • Submissions of pleadings
  • Disclosure of agreed documents
  • Preparation of expert reports
  • Hearing with all parties and representatives
  • Award decision and costs
  • In case of non-compliance an action for
    enforcement of challenge of or to award

Arbitration v Mediation
  • In mediation parties select a neutral party
  • Mediators task is to facilitate an attempt to
    settle a dispute by voluntary agreement of the
  • Unlike an arbitrator, a mediator has no authority
    to decide the facts or make rulings

WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Centre
  • Promote resolution of intellectual property
    disputes through ADR
  • The only international provider of specialised
    intellectual property ADR services
  • Centre deals with both contractual (e.g. patent
    and software licences, trademark coexistence
    agreements, distribution agreements for
    pharmaceutical products) and non-contractual
    disputes (patent infringement)

WIPO Procedures
  • Mediation a non-binding procedure in which a
    neutral intermediary assists the parties in
    reaching a settlement
  • Arbitration a neutral procedure in which
    dispute is submitted to one or more arbitrators
    who make a binding decision on the dispute
  • Expedited Arbitration an arbitration procedure
    that is carried out in a short time and at
    reduced cost
  • Mediation followed, in the absence of settlement,
    by arbitration procedure that combines
    mediation and arbitration

Distinguishing features
  • Litigation mediation is different in that
  • It is consensual not an adjudicative process
  • Hence no unpredictability of outcome which in
    inherent when a third party settles a claim
  • In 85 of mediations parties are willing to
    accept and be bound by solution.

Distinguishing features (litigation mediation)
  • Costs are less than if litigation takes its
    normal course
  • Mediation, focuses on current and future problems
    rather than who is to blame for past problems
  • Serves to move emphasis from strict legal rights
    to commercial interests
  • Flexible and adaptable

Distinguishing features
  • Negotiations features which distinguish it from
  • It is a distinct process agreed beforehand by
    adoption of a model procedure sometimes
    described as a structured negotiation
  • The creation of a best possible negotiation
    scenario mediation should put together the best
    possible people needed with authority to settle
  • Involvement of mediator is the crucial difference
  • Mediator neutral not decide case, facilitate

Other forms of ADR
  • Expert Determination
  • Binding, inquisitorial process
  • Used as means to settle technical disputes
  • May be provided for in the agreement
  • Adjudication
  • Hybrid procedure, which provides for adj decision
    to be binding but only for a limited period eg
    until the project or review
  • Mainly used in the construction field

Other forms of ADR
  • Early Neutral Evaluation
  • Non Binding
  • Neutral is often a retired judge or QC
  • Hears each parties submissions and then states
    his views on likely outcome at trial
  • This is a without prejudice view

In Conclusion
  • There is an absolute need to preserve the
  • hence Frsors really do not have a choice other
    than to enforce its RC
  • Consider whether urgent interim injunctions are
  • Are the RC enforceable (construction issues)
  • if granted that may be an end to the competing
    activity (this involves court action) if not is
    a claim in Dm available.

Conclusion (contd.)
  • Also bear in mind that there are other
    alternatives to court action
  • Does the F Agmnt bind you to use ADR
  • The main one being, mediation informal,
    flexible and driven by commercial objections and
    not always be reference to the parties strict
    legal positions

  • The contents of this presentation are not meant
    to be legal or professional advice. The presenter
    and/or Hamilton Pratt do not accept any
    responsibility for any loss or damage arising out
    of any attendees reliance on the contents of
    this presentation.
  • Gurmeet Jakhu
  • Partner
  • Hamilton Pratt, Birmingham, England
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