Title: Lullaby and Good Night
1Lullaby and Good Night.
- Lisa B. Flatt, RN, MSN, CHPN
2Rest vs. Sleep
- Calm state
- Relaxation
- Physical activity
- No physical activity
- Altered state of consciousness
- Perception and reaction are decreased
- Varying levels of reaction (dog barking, lawn
mower, smoke detector)
3Types of Sleep
- Non-rapid Eye Movement (NREM)
- 25 of sleep in young adults
- Recurs every 990 minutes and lasts 5-30 minutes
- Increases as you become more rested
- Active dreaming, remembered dreams, difficulty
awakening, depressed muscle tone, irregular
heart, respiratory rates and muscle movements,
increased brain activity
- Most sleep is non-REM
- slow-waves
- 4 Stages
- Ilast few minutes drowsy, relaxed, eyes roll
side to side RR and HR decrease - II 10-15 minutes, eyes still HR, RR and T
decrease - III HR, RR, T decrease MS relaxes decreased
reflexes snoring - IV deep sleep HR and RR drop to 20-30 waking
rate some dreaming, eye rolling decreased BP
blood vessels dilate MS relax decreased BMR
increased GI activity
4How long do they last? Not Long enough!
- REM recurs every 990 minutes, lasts 5-30 minute
- NREM - about one hour in adults
- Stage II and III 20-30 minutes total
- Stage IV 30 minutes
- Cycle REM, St I,II and III then IV then III,
II and REM --- cycle4-6 times every 7-8 hours - Each cycles lasts about 70 minutes
- If you wake up, start all over again!
- More rested, cycles last longer, less time in
Stages II and IV and NREM - Different developmental levels, different time
5Circadian Rhythm Not to be confused with Cicadas
- 24 hour Daily cycle, all living things do it!
- Biorhythms humans only. These are controlled
with light and darkness, gravity and
electromagnetic stimuli. - Infants as young as 6
- months have circadian rhythms very much like
- adults!
6How well do you sleep? What to assess and
- Age and developmental level
- Individual preferences
- Physical condition
- Cultural, spiritual and religious practices
- Living conditions and socioeconomic status
- Environmental factors
- Psychological factors
- Medications
7Age and Developmental Level the need for sleep
Age Hours/day Other
Newborns 16-18 50REM mostly St III and IV NREM
Infants 12-22 Light sleep, end of 1st year 14 of 24 hrs with 1-2 naps
Toddlers 10-12 20-30REM, 1 nap, bedtime resistance
Preschoolers 11-12 20-30REM,less St I NREM, consistency, may need naps
School-age 8-12 20 REM
Adolescents 8-12 20 REM
Young adult 7-8
Middle-age adult 6-8 St IV decreases, aroused more easily
Older adult Awaken more frequently, longer to get back to sleep
- Sleep patterns
- Lifestyle
- Work schedule and changes sleep pattern changes
- Caffeine
- Alcohol speeds up REM sleep
- Smoking nicotine is a stimulant
- Vigorous exercise at wrong times releases
9What kind of shape are you in?
- Illnesses require more sleep
- Altered health status
- Obesity difficulty breathing
- Nocturia
- Activity level
- Ineffective breathing
10And more
- Cultural, Spiritual, Religious
- Socieeconomic, Living conditions, Environmental
- Co-sleeping (babies and young children sleeping
with parents)
- Sanitation
- Safety
- Noise
- Temperature extremes
- ventilation
11.. And more
- Anxiety
- Stress
- Depression
- Beta blockers
- Sedatives
- Narcotics
- Diuretics
- Amphetamines
- Bronchodilators
- Decongestants
- Steroids
12Disturbing my Sleep!
- Primary Sleep Disorders
- Narcolepsy excessively sleepy during day could
be in middle of driving, talking, etc.. starts
with REM - Unknown, possible genetic defect
- Insomnia unable to fall asleep psychological
(anxiety, etc) pain nocturia environmental
(lights, etc.) chemical (medicine, caffeine,
etc.) - Full assessment needed, usually no meds
modification of habits, etc.
- Secondary Sleep Disorders
- Hypersomnia excessive sleeping during the day,
r/t CNS damage, kidney, liver or metabolic
disorders - Sleep apnea periods of apnea during sleep last
10 sec 2 min 50-600 x/night tired during day
middle-aged overwt males and post-menopausal
women - Parasomnia-behaviors that interfere with sleep
- Sleep deprivation decrease in amount,
consistency and quality of sleep
13Sleep Apnea
- Three types
- _Obstructive tongue, tonsils_
- __Central Apnea- chest movement, air flow stops,
respiratory center defect in brain__ - __Mixed both combined_____
- Causes
- ___remove and hopefully correct__________
- ___modify reasons as above__________
- Treatments
- __CPAP_____
- __BiPAP____________
- ___Surgery, adjust body habitus, sleep sitting
14Parasomnia- behaviors
- Somnambulism - ___sleep walking______
- Sleeptalking - ___holler out, tell secrets_______
- Nocturnal enuresis - __pee at night___
- Nocturnal erections - ___speaks for itself_____
- Bruxism - ___teeth grinding____
- Medications
- Age
- Activity - patterns
- Diet
- Alcohol/drugs
- Disease process - labs
- Sleep patterns
- Stress, anxiety, depression
16Nursing Diagnosis
- Insomnia R/T ____anxiety, stress, depression
- Impairment of normal sleep pattern R/T _____shift
work, SOB, ________ - Sleep deprivation R/T _____fan running at night
for wife to sleep, dementia, nightmares,
narcolepsy, sleep walking, idiopathic CNS
- Collaborate with team to get an ideas on how to
promote sleep - Assess sleep pattern daily
- Client will verbalize plan to sleep at night,
wake in am - Reduce environmental noise
- Monitor fluid intake after 6PM
- Instruct family on sleep patterns and disease
- Provide Calm environment by closing door at night
- Rub lotion on back before bed at 10PM
- Turn off tv at 8pm
- Administer sleeping pill by 9pm
- Keep sleep log
- Educate family on need to give diuretic before
- 6 of 7 nights closed door before 9PM
- Did not rub patients hairy back at all
- Wife turned off tv at night before 11pm
- Gave extra sleeping pills and benadryl to keep
patient off call light 7 of 7 nights - Sleep log kept by nurse first two days, family
kept last 5 days (instructed not to hit patient
with sleep log) - Wife took patients diuretic related to her
swollen ankles discuss this with social work