Boundary conditions for FLICA3 and COBRA 3-CP benchmark - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Boundary conditions for FLICA3 and COBRA 3-CP benchmark


Comparative Analysis of PWR Core Wide and Hot Channel Calculations ANS Winter Meeting, Washington DC November 20, 2002 M. Avramova S. Balzus K. Ivanov R. Mueller – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Boundary conditions for FLICA3 and COBRA 3-CP benchmark

(No Transcript)
  • Introduction
  • COBRA-TF Code
  • PWR Core Model
  • Code-to-Code Comparison
  • Conclusions

  • In the framework of joint research program
    between the Pennsylvania State University (PSU)
    and Framatome ANP the COBRA-TF best-estimate
    thermal-hydraulic code is being validated for LWR
    core analysis
  • As a part of this program a PWR core wide and hot
    channel analysis problem was modeled using
    COBRA-TF and compared with COBRA 3-CP

PSU COBRA-TF Simulations
Framatome ANP COBRA 3-CP Simulations
  • COBRA-TF Code - developed to provide
    best-estimate thermal-hydraulic analysis of LWR
    vessel for design basis accidents and anticipated
  • COBRA 3-CP - used at Framatome ANP as a
    thermal-hydraulic subchannel analysis and core
    design code

COBRA-TF Modeling Features
COBRA-TF Thermal-Hydraulic Code
COBRA-TF Application Areas
PWR Primary System LOCA Analysis
LWR Rod Bundle Accident Analysis
Continuous Vapor
Continuous Liquid
COBRA-TF Thermal-Hydraulic Code
COBRA-TF Regimes Maps
Normal Flow Regime
Hot Wall Regime
COBRA-TF VESSEL Structures Models
Heat-Generating Structures
Unheated Structures
Nuclear Fuel Rods
Heated Flat Plates
Hollow Tubes
Flat Plates
COBRA-TF PWR Core Modeling Background
COBRA-TF PWR Core Modeling Stand Alone and
PWR Core Model
The Simulated PWR Core Contains 121 14x14 FA The
hot assembly is located at the center of the core
A quarter core model was chosen for the
COBRA-TF model similar to the COBRA 3-CP model
The sub-channels surrounding the limiting rod
were represented on a sub-channel basis The
remaining part of the quarter-core was modeled as
lumped channels
PWR Core Model
Subchannel layout of the macro-cell
  • The macro-cell is comprised of subchannels 1
    through 7
  • The subchannels surrounding the limiting rod have
    been modeled exactly as subchannels 1 through 4
  • Surrounding this area are lumped in channels 5,
    6, and 7

PWR Core Model
Layout of the ΒΌ core model
Subchannel 9
Subchannel 8
Instrumentation Tubes
Macro-cell (Subchannels 1-7)
COBRA-TF Modifications
  • In order to define an identical basis for the
    comparative analysis two modifications were made
    to COBRA-TF as code features
  • The same correlation for the rod friction factor
    used in the COBRA 3-CP code was introduced in
  • The W3 Critical Heat Flux correlation was also
    added to the code

Code-to-Code Comparisons
STEADY STATE The codes demonstrate steady-state
results with excellent agreement The axial
distributions of the mass flow rate, calculated
by the two codes differ by only about 1 (on
Code-to-Code Comparisons
STEADY STATE The codes predict a similar
DNBR COBRA 3-CP tends to predict a MDNBR at
higher elevation
COBRA-TF - constant F factor COBRA 3-CP -
dynamically computed F factor
Transient Models
Main differences COBRA 3-CP - the wall heat
flux time history is specified as a
boundary condition COBRA-TF - the wall heat
flux was calculated from the rod heat
conduction solution in the code Therefore in
COBRA-TF the rod power was specified and during a
transient the heat flux took into account the
stored heat release
Transient Models
  • Solution
  • These differences between the two transient
    models for the wall heat flux are eliminated in
    the following way
  • In the COBRA-TF input deck the fuel rods are
    modeled as tubes with very small thickness of the
  • In this case the generated heat in the fuel rods
    is neglected
  • Wall heat flux time history is specified as a
    boundary condition (in a similar way as in the
    COBRA 3-CP code)

Code-to-Code Comparisons
50 Loss of Flow Transient The maximum heat
flux to flow ratio is predicted at two seconds
into the transient by both codes and as a result
the minimum DNBR is reached at about two seconds
into the transient for both code simulations
  • The PWR core-wide and hot channel analysis
    problem was modeled with both COBRA 3-CP and
    COBRA-TF computer codes
  • Identical modeling basis for rod friction has
    been defined and the COBRA 3-CP correlation has
    been implemented into the COBRA-TF source
  • In COBRA 3-CP the Critical Heat Flux is
    calculated using the W3 correlation and this
    correlation was added to the current version of
  • Consistent transient surface heat flux boundary
    conditions were used such that more exact
    comparisons can be made between the two different
    code calculations

  • Results from the codes show a very good agreement
    for the initial steady-state conditions as well
    as for the simulated loss of flow transient
  • The only difference in the two calculations is
    the location of the minimum DNBR
  • This is explained by the fact that in COBRA-TF a
    constant Tong F factor (which accounts for a
    non-uniform axial power shape) is used while in
    COBRA 3-CP this F factor is dynamically
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