Title: Construction Association of Bhutan
1- Presentation
- by
- Construction Association of Bhutan
2Summary of Points
- Publication of BSR
- Allocation of Contract durations
- Departmental Execution of Works
- Publication of Construction Cost Indices
- Tendering Issues
- Cost of Tender Documents
- Informing the bidders in case of re-tendering
- Compensation for cancellation of work award
31. Publication of BSR
- Problem Statement
- BSR is published only after few years time.
- Un-realistic rates in the BSR
- Cost index calculation is not carried out
properly and on a project specific basis. Rather
some fixed cost index is used all year around.
41. Publication of BSR
- Submission
- BSR may be published annually
- Instead of three base towns, Phuntsholing,
Samdrupjongkhar and Gelephu, the rates be may be
published for Phuntsholing, Thimphu, Bumthang and
Trashigang. - The work of compilation and publication of BSR
may be tendered out to the private sector and
accordingly approved by the government.
52. Allocation of Contract Duration
- Problem Statement
- Contract durations are fixed on an arbitrary
basis - Some contractors are provided with very relaxed
Contract durations while the contract durations
of some contractors are un-reasonably
constricted. - Various factors affecting the implementation are
not considered while framing the contract
62. Allocation of Contract durations
- Submission
- The following factors needs to be considered
while allocating contract durations - climatic conditions of project site (conditions
during rainy season and winter season) - project location (remoteness, transportation of
materials) - Availability of materials (materials
availability in third countries) - Complexity of project (installation of heating
system etc,) - Mobilization of resources
73. Department Execution of Works
- Problem Statement
- Dzongkahgs executing farm road constructions
- Field Divisions of Department of Roads are
executing rehabilitation works departmentally. - Contractors mostly at Class C and Petty are
83. Department Execution of Works
- Submission
- CAB would like to request the government to
contract out all works to the private sector.
94. Publication of Construction Cost Indices
- Problem Statement
- Bhutan doesn't have our own cost indices to
calculate cost escalation - Some projects use Whole Sale Price Index of India
which may not reflect the Bhutanese Scenario. -
104. Publication of Construction Cost Indices
- Submission
- The government need to mandate one relevant
organization to compile construction cost indices
on a monthly basis. -
115. Tendering issues
- Problem Statement
- Un-uniform application of rules as listed below
- Bid is not opened in case of single bidder
- Bids are rejected for simple reasons
- Qualification criteria applied for works up to
Nu. 5 million. - Extra criteria are set such as requirement of
proprietor to be present at the bid opening. -
125. Tendering issues
- Problem Statement
- Un-uniform application of rules as listed below
- Bid is not opened in case of single bidder
- Bids are rejected for simple reasons
- Qualification criteria applied for works up to
Nu. 5 million. - Extra criteria are set such as requirement of
proprietor to be present at the bid opening. -
136. Cost of Tender Documents
- Problem Statement
- Different agencies are setting varying cost of
tender documents - Some procuring agencies are setting un-reasonably
high cost of tender documents (as high as Nu.
20,000.00) -
146. Cost of Tender Documents
- Submission
- To have a uniformity in setting cost of tender
documents. - To charge minimal cost covering for petty
expenses -
157. Informing Bidders while re-tendering
- Problem Statement
- Re-tendering is often imitated by procuring
agencies - Bidders are not informed after a decision has
been made to re-tender. -
167. Informing Bidders while re-tendering
- Submission
- Bidders may be informed right after a decision
has been made by the tender committee to
re-tender. - This would enable the bidders to collect their
bid security and prepare accordingly for the
next biding. -
178. Compensation for Cancellation of work
- Problem Statement
- Sometimes work award is cancelled due to
inability to secure funds for the work - It becomes a case of complete lapses of the
client. -
188. Compensation for cancellation of work
- Submission
- Bidding may be initiated only after securing the
funding. - The winning bidder needs to be fairly compensated
in case of cancellation of work award. -
19Tashi Delek!