Title: Viability for a Hybrid Control System Yan Gao(? ?)
1Viability for a Hybrid Control System Yan
Gao(? ?)
- University of Shanghai for Science and Technology
- Email gaoyan_at_usst.edu.cn
The 4th China-Europe Summer School on Complexity
Science 12th August,2010
- Hybrid System
- Viability of a Control System
- Determining Viability
- Multi-Lyapunov ( Nonsmoooth Lyapunov) Function
- Population Control for a City
31 Hybrid System
- Dynamical system with continuous variable
(state) and discrete variable (state). - Usually, there is an interaction between
continuous state and discrete state . - In some cases, discrete state is on logic.
- Discrete state generate a jump.
4- Examples
- Mechanical system continuous motion interrupted
by collisions. - Electrical circuit charging of capacitor,
interrupted by switched opening or closing. - Chemical system continuous evolution of chemical
interaction is control by valves and pumps. - A car with 5 gears, gear shift control generate
a jump for velocity.
5A hybrid system
6 - Modelling of hybrid control
- As a complex system, hybrid systems has
various forms. - A representative model for hybrid control
system is as the following. -
7 continuous part
is discrete part
is state is control
8- Swiched control system
- A hybrid system without jump is said to be
switched. - Even no jumps in a switched system, but
dynamical models changed, it has multi-models.
9A switched system
10- Trajectory of switched control system is
nonsmooth. - Nonsmoothness appears at switching point.
11- An important switched is linear switched system
has of the form - There are m models for the systerm(1).We can
choose the switching rule.
- The earliest publication for hybrid system is
- Witsenhausen,IEEE Transactions on Automatic
Control,1966. - The notion of hybrid system was proposed
formally in 80s .
13- Some periodicals have some special issue on
hybrid system - IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
- Automatica
- Lecture Notes in Computer Science
142. Viability
- Definition of viability
- Consider a control system and a set, if
for any initial point in this set, there
exists a solution of the control system such
that it stays in the set for ever, then the set
is said to be viable under this control system.
Fig1 Viability for a
continuous system
16- .
- Fig2 Viability
for a hybrid system
17- There are three topics in research on viability
- 1.Determining viability
- 2.Finding a variable solution
- 3.Design of viable region.
18Applications of viability
- Safety region design
- Stability and stabilization for a control system
- Differential game ( dynamical game)
- Actually,viable region is a safety region.
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22- Usually a given a set (region) is not viable.
- We try to find a subset, particular a bigest one
which is viable. - Viable region the bigger, the better.
23is viable region in
Fig3 The bigest varible
243.Viabity Condition
- Consider a differential inclusion
(2) - Where is a mapping from to its
subset. -
25- Both linear and nonlinear control systems are
special cases of the differential inclusion (2). - For instance, (2) reduces to a linear control
system if - That is
- For instance, (2) reduces to a nonlinear
control system if
26- Differential inclusion (2) reduces to a
nonlinear control system if
- that is
27- Definition Let be nonempty. The
tangent cone of at is defined
by - where
28Tangent cone of K at
Tangent cone of K at
29Viability conditionThe closed set is
viable for the differential inclusion (2) if and
only if
30 4.Nonsmooth Lyapunov Function Stability of for a
control system is based on Lyapunov function. For
switched system, since it is multy-model,switched
system has two methods Common Lyapunov
functionThere is function, which is a Lyapunov
function for each model.
31- In most applications, there are no common
Lyapunov function. - Multi- Lyapunov function, one is a nonsmooth,
- Lyapunov function, for instance, a piecewise
smooth function.
32- 5. Population Control for a City
- Continuous model of population is
where is population, is a parameter,
which depend on birth rate and health level.
33- Migration for the city is taken as discrete.
- We suppose jump happen once a year
- Example Population of Shanghai in 2007 is
18580,000, .We hope to control the
population in 2012 within 21000000.
34We get imigration to Shanghai
35 Thank You Very Much!