Title: Primitive equation models
1Primitive equation models
These are the most sophisticated type of ocean
circulation model, including more of the physics
than the analysis systems and shallow water
equation models we have discussed previously.
While their increased complexity makes them
applicable to a broader class of applications,
and should result in more accurate solutions, it
can also be more difficult to diagnose their
behavior and to understand how various model
choices affect the results.
2Fixed Vertical Coordinates
Lagrangian Vertical Coordinate
Hybrid Vertical Coordinate
3POMPrinceton Ocean Model
- The first set of models we will examine are based
on the Princeton Ocean Model, which was developed
in the late 1970s by Blumberg and Mellor (of
Princeton University), with subsequent
contri-butions by other people. It is a very
widely used model, both for research and
POM is a sigma coordinate, free surface,
primitive equation ocean model, which includes a
turbulence sub-model. The model has been used for
modeling of estuaries, coastal regions and open
- It contains an imbedded second moment turbulence
closure sub-model to provide vertical mixing
coefficients. The turbulence model does a
reasonable job simulating mixed layer dynamics,
although there have been indications that
calculated mixed layer depths are a bit too
shallow (Mellor, 1998). - Complete thermodynamics have been implemented.
(Mellor, 1998) - The model has a free surface.
6Grid and Coordinate System
- It is a ? coordinate model (vertical coordinate
is scaled on the water column depth). The ?
coordinate system is probably a necessary
attribute in dealing with significant
topographical variability such as that
encountered in estuaries or over continental
shelf breaks and slopes. Together with the
turbulence sub-model, the model produces
realistic bottom boundary layers. (Mellor, 1998) - Significant errors in the pressure gradient terms
can result when sigma coordinate models with
insufficient horizontal resolution are used with
very steep topography. - The horizontal grid uses curvilinear orthogonal
coordinates and an "Arakawa C" differencing
scheme. (Mellor, 1998)
7Time Step
- The model has a free surface and a split time
step. The external mode portion of the model is
2D and uses a short time step based on the CFL
condition and the external wave speed. The
internal mode is three-dimensional and uses a
long time step based on the CFL condition and the
internal wave speed. (Mellor, 1998) - The calculation of the 3D (internal) variables is
separated into a vertical diffusion time step and
an advection plus horizontal diffusion time step.
The former is implicit (to accommodate small
vertical spacing near the surface and bottom)
whereas the latter is explicit. (Mellor, 1998)
8Boundary Conditions
- A number of different conditions may be
implemented along the open boundaries for the
external mode. - Sea surface elevation
- Depth-integrated flow
- Radiation conditions
- There are also numerous options for the open
boundary conditions on the internal mode. - Radiation conditions
- Advection of T and S
- Specified inflow
- Wind stress
- Heat flux
- River inflow
- Tides
- 3D fields of velocity, T, and S
- http//www.aos.princeton.edu/WWWPUBLIC/htdocs.pom/
- Mellor, G.L., Users Guide for a
Three-Dimensional, Primitive Equation, Numerical
Ocean Model, Program in Atmospheric and Oceanic
Sciences, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ,
12MODAS/POMMODAS Relocatable POM Model
- Primary contacts Dan Fox (NRLSSC) Martin Booda
(NAVO) Germana Peggion (USM) - A relocatable version of the Princeton Ocean
Model which takes advantage of MODAS for model
initialization and data assimilation has been
developed at NRLSSC. This model has been run
operationally for a number of domains. It is
likely that in the future, NCOM rather than POM,
will be used for this purpose.
13MODAS/POM http//www7320.nrlssc.navy.mil/modas/po
- Provide short-term (2-day) forecast
- User-friendly interface
- Relocatable from deep to shallow, from open sea
to inlets - Portability (toward PC)
- Primary clients NAVO and Navy operational units
Courtesy of Germana Peggion
- Fine resolution domains may be nested inside
coarser resolution domains. - Domains in recent use include Yellow Sea,
Arabian Gulf, Southeastern US, Strait of
Gibraltar, Taiwan Strait - Establishment of new domains requires care in
picking boundary locations and specifying other
parameters. - The number of domains in use is being reduced
over time with the expectation that a new
relocatable POM version, and eventually NCOM,
will be used in the future.
15Spatial Resolution
- User specifies the resolution in MODAS
- Current domains have resolution anywhere from 0.5
km to over 20 km - Default configuration has 25 ? levels in the
vertical - User may specify up to 100 ? levels, and how they
are distributed in the water column (as a
percentage of depth).
- This version of POM can be initialized in
various ways using the information from the MODAS
analysis. - Cold start MODAS T and S grids, but not
geostrophic currents, are used. - Diagnostic mode POM is run for 1-2 days, holding
initial MODAS T and S fields constant so the
dynamic model develops its own currents
consistent with the user-supplied density field. - Warm start MODAS-estimated geostrophic currents
(default), or currents extracted from a larger
domain numerical ocean model, are used. - (Fox et al. 2002a)
17- Presently, all but one POM domains running at
NAVO use the North Pacific Ocean Nowcast/Forecast
System for initialization. - The area around Cadiz, Spain uses the daily MODAS
analysis for initialization.
18NPACNFS consists of a data assimilative dynamic
ocean model based on POM, with 1/4o horizontal
resolution and 26 sigma levels in the vertical,
the MODAS 3D ocean temperature/salinity analysis,
and a real-time data stream from NRL/NAVO
satellite data fusion center and NOGAPS from
An example of regional finer resolution POM
models initialized from a coarser resolution
basin scale POM, North Pacific Nowcast/Forecast
19The North Pacific Ocean Nowcast/Forecast System
(NPACNFS) is an automated real-time ocean
prediction system for the North Pacific Ocean. It
produces daily nowcast/forecast sea level
variation, 3D current, temperature and salinity
for the North Pacific Ocean.
20(No Transcript)
21From Harding et al.s 2001 GRC poster
22Boundary Conditions
- Radiation-like open boundary condition requiring
reference velocities. - Reference velocity values are held constant
during the forecast. - MODAS T and S are used to calculate baroclinic
geostrophic reference velocity. - Barotropic reference velocity (transport) is
derived from MODAS or a numerical ocean model. - Tidal heights (the same solutions from the
Grenoble tidal model as are used in PCTides and
ADCIRC) applied at open boundaries every
baroclinic mode time step - (Fox et al. 2002a)
- Tidal forcing may be included as a boundary
condition. Product Info should indicate whether
or not tidal forcing has been included.
24Location Strait of Gibralter Type Princeton
Ocean Model Description Currents Surface Series
(U) POC NAVO - Princeton Ocean Model
Library Custodian COMM 228-688-5176
DSN 828-5176 or E-mail Us Update
Cycle 24 hour(s) Typical File Size 35(K)
Level-of-Confidence This product is
unvalidated and fully beyond the control of NMOC
to ensure the quality of the underlying data
and/or availability of product. Current
File Statistics i.cadvelpom000_0000.gif
Size 48 (Kbytes) Last Update
19-Jul-1250 CDT (U) ii.cadvelpom024_000
0.gif Size 51 (Kbytes) Last Update
19-Jul-1250 CDT (U) iii.cadvelpom048_000
0.gif Size 56 (Kbytes) Last Update
19-Jul-1250 CDT (U) Additional
Information i.Product reflects geostrophic
influence on model. (U) ii.Product reflects
wind-driven influence on model. (U) iii.Product
reflects tidal influence on model. (U)
iv.Product does NOT reflect Sea Surface Height
influence on model. (U)
Location Taiwan Strait Type Princeton Ocean
Model Description Currents over Temperature
Surface Series (U) POC NAVO - Princeton Ocean
Model Library Custodian COMM 228-688-5176
DSN 828-5176 or E-mail Us Update
Cycle 24 hour(s) Typical File Size 73(K)
Level-of-Confidence This product is
unvalidated and fully beyond the control of NMOC
to ensure the quality of the underlying data
and/or availability of product. Current
File Statistics i.taivelsstpom024_0000.
gif Size 99 (Kbytes) Last Update
19-Jul-1306 CDT (U) ii.taivelsstpom048_
0000.gif Size 95 (Kbytes) Last Update
19-Jul-1306 CDT (U) Additional
Information i.Product reflects
geostrophic influence on model. (U)
ii.Product reflects wind-driven influence on
model. (U) iii.Product does NOT reflect
tidal influence on model. (U)
25Data Assimilation
- Data assimilation is through MODAS, so in areas
where MODAS doesnt use satellite SSH, that wont
be in relocatable POM either. - No new data is assimilated during the forecast.
- Relocatable POM is included in the full MODAS2.1
version (at NRLSSC) and MODAS-Heavy (at NAVO).
Presently it is not implemented at any of the
METOC regional centers.
- Nowcast, and 24 and 48 hr forecasts
- Velocity, T, MLD, critical depth, deep and
shallow sound channel axes, depth excess - Depths for which V and T are shown vary by domain
- Graphical format
- Animations (of the same 3 pictures as in series)
available for some domains - No byte-encoded or wavelet compressed SV fields
- Some fields for some domains output for REACTs
(viewed with ArcExplorer) - Above is as of 7/19/02
28Example Implementation
- Updates once per day.
- 24 and 48 h forecasts.
- Currents, and currents over temperature, at
surface and selected subsurface layers are
displayed. - Critical depth, shallow sound channel axis, deep
sound channel axis, depth excess, mixed layer
depth, sonic layer depth, and sea surface
temperature are output. - Products may be output in graphical, ArcView (for
REACTS), EOF-compacted, NetCDF or other formats
30(No Transcript)
31Velocity scale arrow is same as in image above
32Taiwan Strait
33Gulf of Cadiz
34POM SST and Sfc. Currents Relative to Satellite
Arabian Gulf Gulf of Oman
Courtesy of John Harding, NRL-SSC
http//www7320.nrlssc.navy.mil/modas/ Fox, D.N.,
C.N. Barron, M.R. Carnes, M. Booda, G. Peggion,
and J. Gurley, The Modular Ocean Data
Assimilation System, Oceanography, 15 (1), 22-28,