Title: A. Biotin probe-isolated template
1A. Biotin probe-isolated template
B. Genomic DNA template
Supplementary Fig. 3. Sequencing of
biotin-purified template vs. sequencing of
non-purified template, following PNA-PCR.
PNA-enriched TaqMan real-time PCR products from
purified targets (A) or genomic DNA (B) were
subjected to sequencing with forward strand.
Duplicate independent experiments are shown. The
arrows indicate the position of T790M CgtT
mutation. When the PNA-PCR amplification is
performed directly from genomic DNA (Panel B),
mutations emerge even for wild-type DNA. Target
purification via biotinylated probe avoids such
false-positive mutations (PCR errors) compared
with non-target enriched genomic DNA (Panel A).
Supplementary Fig. 3