Title: Te estamos buscando a ti ....
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2Te estamos buscando a ti ....
Se parte de la gran experiencia y conquistemos
el Sahara
3 Busca motivar, compartir y retar a los
individuos a traspasar sus fronteras atléticas
mediante tres eventos deportivos
internacionalmente conocidos. 4 deserts series, a
fifth Roving Race y RacingThePlanet 100, mientras
recorren los paisajes más impactantes de las
culturas más antiguas.
- Sahara Race (Egipto)
- Atacama crossing (Chile)
- Gobi March (China)
- The last desert ( Antártica)
4- 6 días
- 250 kilómetros
- Un desierto con mas de 40 millones de años de
antigüedad - Un alma
- Una leyenda
Y un objetivo
5Del 2 al 11 de octubre 2010. Una carrera
legendaria, en uno de los lugares más hermosos e
inhóspitos de la tierra El
desierto del Sahara
6- The Sahara Race is part of the 4 Deserts, named
by TIME magazine as one of the Top 10 Endurance
Competitons in the world. - Roughly 130 competitors from 30 countries will be
competing in the Sahara Race 2009. - Roughly 80 of the competitors are male and
twenty percent are female - One competitor is blind, Ron J. Hackett, of
Canada - The youngest is a 19 year old from Korea, Jye
Seung Lee, and the oldest is Jack Denness, 74,
from Wales, UK. - Four individuals will be eligible for membership
in the 4 Deserts Club upon completing the Sahara
Race. - Ji Sung Yoo of Korea holds the world record for
completing the most 4 Deserts events -- 12
7- There is a Cybertent with fifteen laptops for
emails, blogs and results. - The Sahara Desert is the largest non-polar desert
in the world. - The Western Desert of Egypt, a part of the Sahara
Desert, covers a total area of 2.8 million sq km
and is bordered by Libya in the west, Sudan in
the south and the Mediterranean in the north. - There are only five isolated oasis in this vast
expanse of the Western Desert. - Farafra Oasis is the smallest oasis in the
Western Desert. - The largest excavation of mummies was made in a 6
sq km area around Bahariya in the late 1990s, in
an area close where the Sahara Race will take
place -
8Jack McCluskey is an editor for ESPN.com. He can
be reached at Jack.C.McCluskey_at_espn3.com.
Sahara Race 2009 ESPN
- It sounds like a nightmare.
- You've been dropped off in the middle of the
Sahara Desert. Over the next six days you will
have to run, jog, walk or crawl 155 miles through
the incredible, incessant heat -- temperatures
routinely reach 120 degrees Fahrenheit -- across
soft sand and hard-parked gravel, over sand dunes
multiple stories high and down rocky hills. You
must do this carrying everything you need to
survive -- clothes, food, sunscreen, emergency
medical supplies, sleeping bag -- in a pack on
your back. - After all, this is the Sahara Race 2009,
one-fourth of RacingThePlanet's 4 Deserts Series,
and the people living this nightmare are
world-class athletes. They're here to compete, to
push themselves to the limit and beyond, to run
roughly a marathon a day for four days and a
double marathon on the fifth day, all through one
of the hottest, least hospitable landscapes on
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12Lo que fue Marathon Des Sables
13Cobertura mediática
14Nahila Hernández San Juan
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16- Principales Carreras
- 3er. Lugar Rocky Racoon. 160 km en una sola
etapa. Huntsville, Texas USA. Feb. 2010 - 2do. Lugar Mundial Himalayan 100 mile stage race.
India Octubre 2009. 160 Km. - 5to. Lugar Mundial Marathon de Sables. Marruecos.
Abril 2009. 202 km. - 2do. Lugar Rocky Racoon 80 km USA Feb 2009
- 2do. Lugar. Carrera La Malinche, Octubre 2008
- 2do. Lugar Sunmart Trail, Huntsville, Tx. USA
50 km, Dic. 2008
- Nahila Hernández
- 1019 0804
- Nahilasj_at_prodigy.net.mx
- Leticia Ruiz Merlos
- 55 90 37 88
- 55 90 20 81
- Leticia.86_at_prodigy.net.mx
- Dyrse Charaf
- Relaciones públicas
- 21230438
- dyrsecharaf_at_gmail.com
Facebook nahila hdez Nahilasj_at_prodigy.net.mx Tw
itter _at_nahilahernandez nahilasj_at_prodigy.net.mx
Web site www.nahilarun.com