Title: Gogita Todradze
1Institutional Arrangements for Energy
Statistics in Georgia
- Gogita Todradze
- National Statistics Office of Georgia
2General overview
Responsible institution on energy statistics
National Statistics Office of Georgia -
- Agencies involved in energy statistics
- Ministry of Energy and Natural Recourses of
Georgia - Energy Efficiency Center
3General overview
- Legal basis
- The Law of Georgia on Official Statistics
- The Law on electricity and Natural Gas
- The Law on the Electricity Market Rules
- Annual state program of statistical works
No legal regulation on energy statistics,
publications and energy balance
Five persons are working and responsible for
energy statistics in GEOSTAT
4Data sources
- Surveys
- Quarterly and annual business surveys
- Quarterly households surveys
- Administrative sources
- Customs Office
- LTD Georgian Electric System
- LTD International Gas Transportation Company
- Ministry of Energy and Natural resources of
5Main data sets by sources
- Quarterly and annual business surveys
- expenditure (consumption) of business sector
on energy (only in money terms) - Electricity and heat
- Natural gas
- Oil and oil products
- Solid fossil fuels and manufactured gas
- Renewable and waste
- production of energy forms
- Electricity produced by hydropower plants
- Electricity produced by thermal plants
- Production (mining) of oil and natural gas
- Production (mining) of hard coal
6Main data sets by sources
- Quarterly households surveys
- expenditure (consumption) of households on
energy (only in money terms) - Electricity
- Natural gas
- Fuel
- Coal
- Wood
7Main data sets by sources
Customs office - - export an import of
energy forms LTD Georgian Electric System -
- export and import of electricity LTD
International Gas Transportation Company -
- import of natural gas
8Main problems
- Availability of energy data
- Methodologies
- Accuracy of data
- Not developed adequate system for data
collection - Not sufficient financial recourses
- Not enough experts
9Activities carried out
- International cooperation
- Energy Community Secretariat (ECS)
- International Energy Agency (IEA)
- International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
- Projects related energy statistics
- Energy statistics in the Energy Community
Benchmarking of the energy statistics systems,
assessments of administrative capacity and
resources and drafting road map on the Energy
Community level - Supporting the Development of a National
Infrastructure for the Potential Application of
Nuclear Energy in Georgia - Model for Analysis Energy Demands (MAED)
- Model for Energy Supply System Alternatives
and their General Environmental impacts
10Future plans (1)
- Implementation of international standards and
recommendations related energy statistics - Active cooperation with the Ministry of Energy
and Natural Recourses, with regulatory body and
Energy Efficiency Center - Active cooperation with International
Organizations - Increase number of persons employed on energy
statistics - Participation in the meetings, workshops and
seminars related energy statistics and share
experience of different countries -
11Future plans (2)
- Conduct surveys on energy consumption in four
consumption sectors households, services,
industry, agriculture and transport - Create secondary legislation on energy balances
- Formation of Energy Balance
12Thank you for Attention!