Title: Clarifications and recommendations concerning differences
1Clarifications and recommendations concerning
differences between the OECD guidance manual on
material flows and resource productivity, Volume
II and the SEEA 2003 Karl Schoer and Ole
Gravgård 2nd meeting of the UNCEEA New York, 5
6 June 2007
2- Overview
- Introduction
- Terminology
- Economy-wide MFA
- Structure of the manual
- Questions for discussion
3- Introduction
- - Request of the London Group for summarizing and
clarifying the - differences between the material flow accounts
of SEEA 2003 and - the OECD manual part II and to suggest ways to
change the presentation - of the text in the manual.
- - The paper has preliminary character and
presents only the view of - the authors. It could not be coordinated with
OECD and EUROSTAT - due to time constraints. It is therefore
suggested to put the whole matter - of harmonizing SEEA material flow accounts and
the OECD manual on - the revision issue list.
4- 2. Terminology
- General proposal terminological differences
between the SEEA - And the OECD-manual should be removed completely
- The following issues are discussed
- 2.1 Physical flow accounts, MFA, MFAcc
- 2.2 Socio-economic system versus economic system
52.1 Physical flow accounts, MFA, MFAcc SEEA
2003 The term physical flow accounts is used for
the description of material flows which follow
the SNA concept. Economy wide material flow
accounts is considered as a sub-system of
physical flow accounts (input of material to and
output of material from the Domestic
economy) OECD manual The term MFA is used for
material flow analysis. The term material flow
accounts (MFAcc) is used in a very broad sense.
It includes the SEEA physical flow accounts as
well as a number of non-SEEA MFAcc (e.g. specific
substance flow accounts, life cycle accounts).
Economy wide material flow accounts (EW-MFAcc)
widely corresponds to the SEEA economy wide
material flow accounts
62.1 Physical flow accounts, MFA,
MFAcc Recommendation
Physical Flow Accounts (non-monetary accounts)
Physical Services Accounts (e.g. use of
settlement and traffic area, kilometers driven,
Material Flow Accounts (MFAcc)
7- 2.2 Socio-economic system versus economic system
- The economic system covers all economic
activities related to - production and consumption of products
- OECD manual
- The economic system covers only the production
activities. - The consumption activities are assigned to the
social system - (as the transformation of material is not fully
related to economic - Transactions)
- Recommendation
- Follow the SEEA concept
- The description of material flows consumer goods
should be
8- 3. Economy-wide MFA
- Harmonization issues
- 3.1 Residence versus territory principle
- 3.2 Cultivated crops and trees
- 3.3 Waste
9- 3.1 Residence versus territory principle
- The residence principle is applied in the SNA,
SEEA and - for PSUT/PIOT of the OECD manual
- The territory principle is applied for EW-MFA in
the - OECD manual (but not in the EUROSTAT MFA-guide
for beginners) - Major quantitative differences refer to energy
use and air emissions for transport. - Recommendation
- The residence principle should be adopted also
for the EW-MFA - Bridge tables to the territory concept should be
provided for linking the accounting data to the
international and national reporting systems for
energy and air emissions.
10 3.2 Cultivated crops and trees
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153.3 Waste Treatment of waste disposed on
controlled landfills SEEA 2003 Disposal of
waste on controlled landfills is considered as
remaining within the economic system. It is
booked as an addition to capital stock in the
PSUT/PIOT. For the EW-MFA as an alternative
approach it is was also allowed to book it as a
disposal of a residuals to the environment.
OECD manual Disposal of waste on controlled
landfills is considered as remaining within the
economic system for PSUT/PIOT as well as for
EW-MFA. It is assigned to the special entry
controlled landfills. Recommendation It is
recommended to follow the approach of the OECD
16 4. Structure of the manual
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18- Recommendation
- It is proposed to move the order of presentation.
Instead of presenting the SEEA-MFAcc as a special
case it is proposed to start with the systematic
description of the SEEA-MFAcc. - For the presentation of the SEEA-MFAcc it is
proposed to take the close relationship between
the SNA and the SEEA-MFAcc as a starting point.
The system character of the SEEA type material
flow accounts should be emphasized. For that
purpose it seems useful to introduce the
SEEA-MFAcc with the above diagram. That chart
should guide the further description of the
module in the manual. -
19- 5.1 Questions for discussion
- Does the UNCEEA support the general proposal of
striving for full - harmonization of the SEEA and the OECD manual in
terms of terminology - and demarcation?
- 2. Does the UNCEEA support the general proposal
of striving for full - harmonization of the general SEEA-MFAcc and the
EW-MFAcc? - 3. What is the view of the UNCEEA regarding the
proposal for restructuring - the OECD manual part II?
- 4. Does the UNCEEA support the suggestion to put
the questions raised - by the recommendations for harmonization on the
revision issue list for - further exploration by using the concrete
proposals as a starting point? -
- 5. What is the view of the UNCEEA on the time
frame (quick e-mail discussion - or discussion at one of the next London Group
meetings) for solving those issues?