Part III: Common Good - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Part III: Common Good


Encyclicals: Mater et Magistra (1961) ... It emphasized that we need to transcend an individualistic morality. ( 30) Vatican II: Gaudium et Spes ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Part III: Common Good

Part III Common Good
  • Catholic Social Practices the Health Care

Darren M. Henson, STL913-522-0246
Common Good
  • What comes to mind?

Women men are fundamentally social creatures
Teeter-totter Balancing collectivism and
individualism with the State helping balance.
Three Social Economic Conditions for the
Common Good
  1. Access to Public Goods
  2. Enabling Social Participation in those Goods
  3. Possibility for Human Flourishing at least
  • Boston College https//

Scriptural Roots Hebrew Scriptures
  • 2 Kings 4 the Prophet Elisha receiving bread in
    abundance with much left over.
  • Isaiah, All you who are thirsty, come to the
    water! You who have no money, come buy and eat!
    Come, buy wine and milk without money and without
    price (551)
  • A leading theme in the Hebrew Bible is Gods
    offer of abundance.
  • You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge
    against any of your people, but you shall love
    your neighbor as yourself (Lev 1918).
  • The alien who resides with you shall be with you
    as the citizen among you you shall love the
    alien as yourselves, for you were aliens in the
    land of Egypt (Lev 1934).
  • Bread that fell like des filled Israels hunger
    (Exod 16)

Scriptural Roots New Testament
  • Gospel Acts
  • They devoted themselves to the apostles
    teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of the
    bread and the prayers All who believed were
    together and had all things in common they would
    sell their possessions and goods and distribute
    the proceeds to all, as any had need (Acts 242,
  • Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of
    the least of these who are members of my family,
    you did it to me. (Matt. 2535-40).

Johannine Literature I came that they might
have life and have it more abundantly. (Jn
1010) Love one another, because love comes
from God. (1 Jn 47-10)
Scriptural Roots New Testament
  • Pauline Literature
  • The Body of Christ
  • The eye cannot say to the hand, I have no need
    of you, . On the contrary, the members of the
    body that seem to be weaker are indispensible,
    and those members of the body that we think less
    honorable we clothe with greater honor, and our
    less respectable members are treated with greater
    respect whereas our more respectable members do
    not need this. (I Cor. 1215, 21-25).

Lead a life worthy of the calling to which you
have been called, with all humility and
gentleness, with patience, bearing with one
another in love, making every effort to maintain
the unity of the Spirit, just as you were called
to the one hope of your calling, one Lord, one
faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all.
(Eph 41-7, 12)
Ancient Greeks
  • Polis the commons. The place where citizens
    made decisions about self-governance their
    common life.
  • Noble action or Virtue
  • Private life was incomplete for flourishing
  • Aristotles Nichomachean Ethics the human
    person is by nature a social and political being

Common Good the State
  • Because the common good necessarily involves the
    polis, the State has an important role to play in
    seeking to provide for the good of all.
  • Catholic Social Teaching emphasizes that
    fostering the common good is a primary
    responsibility of the State.

Pre- and Extra-Encyclical Uses
  • Augustine City of God
  • Aquinas Holiness transcending polis justice
  • Enlightenment I think therefore I am.
  • Maritain Pope John XXIII

Encyclicals Rerum Novarum (1891)
  • All citizens, without exception, ought to
    contribute to the common good.
  • The State, and lawmakers, bear special
    responsibility due to the far-ranging impact on
    the community.
  • Working classes ought to enjoy the benefits of
    the common good because their labor contributes
    substantially to the advancement of the whole

Encyclicals Mater et Magistra (1961)
  • The Common Good defined
  • the sum total of those conditions of social
    living, whereby individuals are enabled more
    fully and more readily to achieve their own

Robert Lentz Icon
Encyclicals Pacem et Terris (1963)
  • The Common Good is guaranteed by preserving
    Personal Rights
  • Civil Authorities must show concern for the
    common good of the entire human family.
  • New Universal Common Good
  • Pope John XXIII pursuing the balance between
    Individual Personal Rights ? ? Universal
    Common Good

Vatican II Gaudium et Spes (1965)
  • The joys and hopes, the griefs and the anxieties
    of the people of this age, especially those who
    are poor or in any way afflicted, these are the
    joys and hopes, the griefs and anxieties of the
    followers of Christ. (1)
  • Justice requires a commitment to the common
  • All must consider it their sacred duty to count
    social obligations among their chief duties today
    and observe them as such. It emphasized that we
    need to transcend an individualistic morality.

Encyclicals Solicitudo Rei Socialis (1987)
  • Stresses a global context for the common good
  • Interdependence throughout the world
  • Pope John Paul II challenged the world driven by
    individual profit when he exhorted all people of
    good will to seek the good of all and of each
    individual, because we are all really responsible
    for all. (38)
  • The Gospel call to seek the good for ones
    neighbor and to lose oneself for the sake of
    the other

Encyclicals Centesimus Annus (1991)
  • A critique of pure market forces inadequate
    standards for the common good.
  • Responsibility of the Sate to defend and preserve
    the common good for the peoples.
  • War is a clear threat to the common good.
Encyclicals Caritas in Veritate (2009)
  • Love has 2 forms Justice the Common Good
  • Pursuing the common good is a requirement of
    authentic love.
  • Communal individual dimensions.
  • Economics concerns the communal dimension of
    society, and therefore must be directed toward
    the common good.
  • The upright must attune their consciences to the
    common good.

What stands out in CST regarding the Common Good?

Applications to Health Care
  • Ethical Religious Directives
  • Common Good one of the four central concepts
    for Catholic Healthcare.
  • The common good is realized when economic,
    political, and social conditions ensure
    protection for the fundamental rights of all
    individuals and enable all to fulfill their
    common purpose and reach their common goals.

Applications to Health Care - ERDs
  • Advocacy for those persons who find that the
    conditions in society pushes them to the margins
    and makes them particularly vulnerable to
    discrimination. (ERD, 3)
  • Workplace Collective Bargaining
  • A just and equitable workplace, including the
    right for employees to organize and bargain
  • However, collective bargaining must not undermine
    the common good. (ERD, 7)

Applications to Health Care - ERDs
  • Community Benefit
  • Prohibited procedures
  • HR / Compensation

  • So What?
  • What does this mean for us
  • Individually
  • Communally
  • Globally
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