6. Basic Network Design - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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6. Basic Network Design


6. Basic Network Design – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: 6. Basic Network Design

6. Basic Network Design
6. Basic Network Design
  • Genetic Algorithms (GAs) are one of the most
    powerful and broadly applicable stochastic search
    and optimization techniques based on principles
    from evolution theory (Holland, 1976)
  • Michalewicz, Z. Genetic Algorithm Data
    Structure Evolution Programs, 2nd ed.,
    Springer-Verlag, New York, 1994
  • Gen, M. R. Cheng Genetic Algorithms
    Engineering Design, John Wiley Sons, New York,
  • Recent advances in evolutionary computation have
    made it possible to solve such practical network
    optimization problems
  • Ali, M. F. Kamoun Neural Networks for
    Shortest Path Computation and Routing in Computer
    Networks, IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks, vol.4,
    pp.941-954, 1993.
  • Perfetti, R. Optimization Neural Network for
    Solving Flow Problems, IEEE Trans. on Neural
    Network, Vol.6, No.5, pp.1287-1291, 1995.
  • Gen, M. K. Ida Neural Networks and
    Optimization with Mathematica, Kyoritsu Shuppan,
    1998 in Japanese.
  • Ahn, C. W., R. Ramakrishna, C. Kang I. Choi
    Shortest Path Routing Algorithm using Hopfield
    Neural Network, Electronic Letter, Vol.37,
    No.19, pp.1176-1178, 2001.

6. Basic Network Design
  • In the past few years, the genetic algorithms
    community has turned much of its attention toward
    the optimization of network design problems
  • Munakata, T. D. J. Hashier A genetic
    algorithm applied to the maximum flow problem,
    Proc. of the 5th Inter. Conf. on Genetic
    Algorithms, San Francisco, pp.488-493, 1993.
  • Gen, M. R. Cheng Genetic Algorithms and
    Engineering Design, John Wiley Sons, New York,
  • Munetomo, M., Y. Takai Y. Sato A migration
    Scheme for the Genetic Adaptive routing
    Algorithm, Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. Systems,
    Man, and Cybernetics, pp.2774-2779, 1998.
  • Inagaki, J., M. Haseyama H. Kitajima A
    Genetic Algorithm for Determining Multiple Routes
    and Its Applications, Proc. of IEEE Int. Symp.
    Circuits and Systems, pp.137-140, 1999.
  • Gen, M. R. Cheng Genetic Algorithms and
    Engineering Optimization, John Wiley Sons, New
    York, 2000.
  • Gen, M., R. Cheng S.S. Oren "Network design
    techniques using adapted genetic algorithms",
    Advances in Engineering Software, Vol.32,
    pp.731-744, 2001.
  • Ahn, C.W. R. Ramakrishna A Genetic Algorithm
    for Shortest Path Routing Problem and the Sizing
    of Populations, IEEE Trans. on Evol. Comput.,
    Vol.6, No.6, pp.566-579, 2002.
  • Zhou, G. M. Gen A Genetic Algorithm Approach
    on Tree-like Telecommunication Network Design
    Problem, J. of Operational Research Society,
    Vol. 54, No. 3, pp.248-254, 2003.

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6. Basic Network Design
  1. Shortest Path Problem (SPP)
  2. Maximum Flow (MXF) Problem
  3. Minimum Cost Flow (MCF) Problem
  4. Bicriteria Network Design Problem (BNP)
  5. Multi-criteria Network Design Problem

6. Basic Network Design
  • Shortest Path Problem (SPP)
  • 1.1 Basic Concept of Shortest Path Problem
  • 1.2 Application of Shortest Path Problem
  • 1.3 Methods for solving SPP
  • 1.4 Genetic Approach for solving SPP
  • 1.4.1 Reviewing Encoding Methods
  • 1.4.2 Priority-based Genetic Algorithm
  • 1.4.3 Genetic Operators
  • 1.5 Numerical Examples
  • 2. Maximum Flow (MXF) Problem
  • 3. Minimum Cost Flow (MCF) Problem
  • 4. Bicriteria Network Design Problem (BNP)
  • 5. Multi-criteria Network Design Problem

1. Shortest Path Problem (SPP)
1.1 Basic Concept of Shortest Path Problem
  • SPP is perhaps the simplest of all network design
  • For this problem, the object is to find a path of
    minimum cost (or length) from a specified source
    node s to another specified sink node t, assuming
    that each arc (i, j)?A has an associated cost (or
    length) cij.

Data table of example network
i j cij
1 2 36
1 3 27
2 4 18
3 2 13
3 5 12
3 6 23
4 7 11
4 8 32
5 4 16
6 7 12
6 9 38
7 8 20
8 9 15
8 10 24
9 10 13
1. Shortest Path Problem (SPP)
  • 1.1 Basic Concept of Shortest Path Problem
  • Directed graph G(V, A)
  • where V is a set of nodes, A is a set of links.
  • cij is a cost associated with each arc(i, j)
  • Source node node 1
  • Destination node node n
  • Indicator variable

Data table of example network
i j cij
1 2 36
1 3 27
2 4 18
3 2 13
3 5 12
3 6 23
4 7 11
4 8 32
5 4 16
6 7 12
6 9 38
7 8 20
8 9 15
8 10 24
9 10 13
1. Shortest Path Problem (SPP)
  • 1.1 Basic Concept of Shortest Path Problem
  • SPP can be formulated as follows

1. Shortest Path Problem (SPP)
  • 1.2 Application of Shortest Path Problem
  • This basic model can be applied in many
    applications such as
  • Evans, J. R. and E. Minieka Optimization
    Algorithms for Networks and Graphs.
  • New York Marcel-Dkker, 1992.
  • Transportation Planning
  • How to determine the route road that have
    prohibitive weight restriction so that the driver
    can reach the destination within the shortest
    possible time.
  • Salesperson Routing
  • Suppose that a sales person want to go to Los
    Angeles from Boston and stop over in several city
    to get some commission. How can she determine
    the route?
  • Investment Planning
  • How to determine the invest strategy to get an
    optimal investment plan.
  • Message routing in communication systems
  • The Routing algorithm computes the shortest
    (least cost) path between the router and all the
    networks of the internetwork.
  • It is one of the most important issues that has a
    significant impact on the networks performance.

1. Shortest Path Problem (SPP)
  • 1.2 Application of Shortest Path Problem
  • With the growth of the Internet, Internet Service
    Providers (ISPs) try to meet the increasing
    traffic demand with new technology and improved
    utilization of existing resources.
  • Routing of data packets can affect network
  • Packets are sent along network paths from source
    to destination following a protocol.
  • Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) is the most
    commonly used protocol.
  • Ericsson, M., M.G.C. Resende P.M. Pardalos A
    Genetic Algorithm for the Weight Setting Problem
    in OSPF Routing, J. of Combinatorial
    Optimization, No.6, pp.299333, 2002.
  • OSPF is designed for exchanging routing
    information within a large or very large
  • The biggest advantage of OSPF is that it is
  • OSPF requires very little network overhead even
    in very large internetworks.
  • The biggest disadvantage of OSPF is its
  • OSPF requires proper planning and is more
    difficult to configure and administer.

1. Shortest Path Problem (SPP)
  • 1.2 Application of Shortest Path Problem
  • OSPF uses a Shortest Path Routing (SPR) algorithm
    to compute routes in the routing table.
  • The SPR algorithm computes the shortest (least
    cost) path between the router and all the
    networks of the internetwork.
  • As the size of the link state database increases
  • Memory requirements and route computation times
  • Genetic Algorithm (GA) approaches to the SPR
    problem in OSPF.
  • Ahn, C.W. R. Ramakrishna A Genetic Algorithm
    for Shortest Path Routing Problem and the Sizing
    of Populations, IEEE Trans. on Evol. Comput.,
    Vol.6, No.6, pp.566-579, 2002.
  • Lin, L., M. Gen R. Cheng Priority-based
    Genetic Algorithm for Shortest Path Routing
    Problem in OSPF, Proc. of 3rd Inter. Conf. on
    Information and Management Sciences, Dunhuang,
    China, June 5-10, 2004.
  • The objective of this research considers the
    quality of solution (path optimality) within the
    shortest route computation times.

1. Shortest Path Problem (SPP)
  • 1.3 Methods for Solving SPP
  • Dijkstra Shortest Path Algorithm
  • Dijkstra, E. W. "A Note on Two Problems in
    Connection with Graphs", Numerische Math., No.1,
    pp.269-271, 1959.
  • Dijkstra's algorithm can be implemented
    efficiently by storing the graph in the form of
    adjacency lists and using a heap as priority
    queue to implement the Extract-Min function.
  • Computes shortest paths in a graph with
    non-negative edge weights.
  • Bellman-Ford Algorithm
  • Bellman-Ford algorithm computes single-source
    shortest paths in a weighted graph (where some of
    the edge weights may be negative).
  • Bellman-Ford is usually used only when there are
    negative edge weights.
  • Floyd-Warshall Algorithm
  • Floyd-Warshall algorithm is an algorithm to solve
    the all pairs shortest path problem in a
    weighted, directed graph by multiplying an
    adjacency-matrix representation of the graph
    multiple times.

1. Shortest Path Problem (SPP)
  • 1.4 Genetic Approach for Solving SPP
  • How to encode a path in a network is critical for
    designing a GA.
  • Special difficulties
  • a path contains variable number of nodes.
  • a random sequence of edges usually does not
    correspond to a path.
  • Path 1 1?2?4?8?10
  • Objective function value z110
  • Path 2 1?2?4?7?8?10
  • Objective function value z109
  • Path 3 1?3?5?4?7?8?10
  • Objective function value z110

1. Shortest Path Problem (SPP)
  • 1.4.1 Reviewing Encoding Methods
  • How to encode a solution of the problem into a
    chromosome is a key issue for GAs.
  • For the nonstring coding approach, three critical
    issues emerged concerning with the encoding and
    decoding between chromosomes and solutions
  • The feasibility of a chromosome
  • Feasibility refers to the phenomenon of whether a
    solution decoded from a chromosome lies in the
    feasible region of a given problem.
  • The legality of a chromosome
  • Legality refers to the phenomenon of whether a
    chromosome represents a solution to a given
  • The illegality of chromosomes originates from the
    nature of encoding techniques.
  • Repairing techniques are usually adopted to
    convert an illegal chromosome to a legal one.
  • The uniqueness of mapping
  • The mapping from chromosomes to solutions
    (decoding) may belong to one of the following
    three cases (a) 1-to-1 mapping (b) n-to-1
    mapping (c) 1-to-n mapping.
  • The 1-to-1 mapping is the best one among three
  • And 1-to-n mapping is the most undesired one.

1.4.1 Reviewing Encoding Methods
  • a. Priority-based Chromosome (Cheng Gen, 1997)
  • Cheng Gen proposed a priority-based encoding
    method for solving resource-constrained project
    scheduling problem (rcPSP) first. And also
    adopted this method for solving SPP in 1997.
  • Cheng, R. M. Gen Resource Constrained Project
    Scheduling Problem using Genetic Algorithm,
    Inter. J. of Intelligent Auto. and Soft Comput.,
    Vol.3, pp.273-286, 1997.
  • Gen, M., R. Cheng D. Wang Genetic Algorithms
    for Solving Shortest Path Problems, Proc. of
    IEEE Int. Conf. on Evol. Comput., Indianapolis,
    Indiana, pp.401-406, 1997.
  • They adopted an indirect approach
  • The path is generated by sequential node
    appending procedure with beginning from the
    specified node 1 and terminating at the specified
    node n.
  • At each step, there are usually several nodes
    available for consideration.
  • They gave each node a priority with a random
    mechanism and add the one with the highest
    priority into path.
  • As we know, a gene in a chromosome is
    characterized by two factors
  • locus, i.e., the position of gene located within
    the structure of chromosome,
  • allele, i.e., the value which the gene takes.
  • In the priority-based encoding method, the
    position of a gene is used to represent node ID
    and its value is used to represent the priority
    of the node for constructing a path among
    candidates. A path can be uniquely determined
    from this encoding.

1.4.1 Reviewing Encoding Methods
  • a. Priority-based Chromosome (Cheng Gen, 1997)
  • Example An example of generated chromosome and
    its decoded path as follows
  • Advantage
  • Any permutation of the encoding corresponds to a
    path (legality).
  • Most existing genetic operators can be easily
    applied to the encoding.
  • Any path has a corresponding encoding
    (completeness) any point in solution space is
    accessible for genetic search.
  • Disadvantage
  • At some case, n-to-1 mapping may occur for the

node ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
priority 2 1 6 4 5 3 7
1.4.1 Reviewing Encoding Methods
  • b. Variable-length Chromosome (Munemoto et al.,
  • Munemoto et. al. (1998) proposed a
    variable-length encoding method for network
    routing problems in a wired or wireless
    environment. Ahn et. al. (2002) also used the
    encoding method for solving the shortest path
    routing (SPR) problem.
  • Munetomo, M., Y. Takai Y. Sato A migration
    Scheme for the Genetic Adaptive routing
    Algorithm, Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. Systems,
    Man, and Cybernetics, pp.2774-2779, 1998.
  • Ahn, C.W. R. Ramakrishna A Genetic Algorithm
    for Shortest Path Routing Problem and the Sizing
    of Populations, IEEE Trans. on Evol. Comput.,
    Vol.6, No.6, pp.566-579, 2002.
  • The proposed encoding method consists of
    sequences of positive integers that represent the
    IDs of nodes through which a path passes.
  • Each locus of the chromosome represents an order
    of a node (indicated by the gene of the locus) in
    a path.
  • The length of the chromosome is variable, but is
    should not exceed the maximum length n, where n
    is the total number of nodes in the network,
    since it never needs more than n number of nodes
    to form a path.
  • The gene of the first locus encodes the source
    node, and the gene of second locus is randomly or
    heuristically selected from the nodes connected
    with the source node.

1.4.1 Reviewing Encoding Methods
  • b. Variable-length Chromosome (Munemoto et al.,
  • Example An example of generated chromosome and
    its decoded path as follows
  • Advantage
  • The mapping from any chromosome to solution
    (decoding) belongs to 1-to-1 mapping
  • Theoretically, convergence performance is better
    than the priority-based encoding method.
  • Disadvantage
  • In general, the genetic operators may generate
    infeasible chromosomes (illegality) that violate
    the constraints, generating loops in the paths.
  • Repairing techniques are usually adopted to
    convert an illegal chromosome to a legal one.

locus 1 2 3 4
node ID 1 3 4 7
1.4.1 Reviewing Encoding Methods
  • c. Fixed-length Chromosome (Inagaki et al., 1999)
  • Inagaki et al. (1999) proposed a fixed-length
    encoding method determining multiple routes in
    routing applications.
  • Inagaki, J., M. Haseyama H. Kitajima A
    Genetic Algorithm for Determining Multiple Routes
    and Its Applications, Proc. of IEEE Int. Symp.
    Circuits and Systems, pp.137-140, 1999.
  • The proposed method are sequences of integers and
    each gene represents the node ID through which it
  • To encode a route from node 1 to node n, put i in
    the jth locus of the chromosome.
  • This process is reiterated from the specified
    node 1 and terminating at the specified node n.
  • If the route does not pass through a node x,
    select one node randomly from the set of nodes
    which are connected with node x, and put it in
    the xth locus.

1.4.1 Reviewing Encoding Methods
  • c. Fixed-length Chromosome (Inagaki et al., 1999)
  • Example An example of generated chromosome and
    its decoded path as follows
  • Advantage
  • Any path has a corresponding encoding
  • Any point in solution space is accessible for
    genetic search.
  • Any permutation of the encoding corresponds to a
    path (legality) using the special genetic
  • Disadvantage
  • At some case, n-to-1 mapping may occur for the
  • Furthermore the probability of occurrence of
    n-to-1 mapping is higher than the priority-based
    encoding method.
  • In the special genetic operator phase, some
    offspring may generate new chromosomes that
    resemble the initial chromosomes in fitness,
    thereby retarding the process of evolution.

locus 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
node ID 3 1 4 7 2 4 6
1.4.1 Reviewing Encoding Methods
  • Compared with the Performance of Different
    Encoding Methods
  • Variable-length encoding method
  • Convergence performance is best than others.
  • However, the genetic operators may generate
    infeasible chromosomes (illegality).
  • Repairing techniques have to be adopted to
    convert an illegal chromosome to a legal one. For
    the computation times, variable-length encoding
    method may be slow in several large network
    design problems.
  • Fixed-length encoding method
  • n-to-1 mapping may occur for the encoding.
  • The special genetic operators have to been
    adopted thereby some offspring may generate new
    chromosomes that resemble the initial chromosomes
    in fitness.

1.4.2 Priority-based Genetic Algorithm
  • Priority-based Encoding Method

procedure 1 Priority-based Encoding input
number of nodes n output chromosome vk begin
for j1 to n // step 0 vk(j)? j for i1
to // step 1 repeat j?random1,
n l?random1, n until l?j
swap (vk(j), vk(l)) output the chromosome
vk // step 2 end
1.4.2 Priority-based Genetic Algorithm
  • Decoding Method

procedure 2 One Path Growth input number of
nodes n, chromosome vk , the set of
nodes Si with all nodes adjacent to node
i. output path Pk begin initial source node
i?1, Pk ?? // step 0 while Si ?? do //
step 1 select l from Si with the
highest priority if vk(l)?0 then
vk(l)0 Pk ? Pk?xil i?l
else Si ? Si \l end output the
complete path Pk // step 2 end
1.4.2 Priority-based Genetic Algorithm
  • Illustration of Priority-based GA

Data table of example network
i j cij
1 2 36
1 3 27
2 4 18
3 2 13
3 5 12
3 6 23
4 7 11
4 8 32
5 4 16
6 7 12
6 9 38
7 8 20
8 9 15
8 10 24
9 10 13
Path 1?3?6?7?8?10 Objective function value
1.4.3 Genetic Operators --- Crossover
  • It operates on two parents (chromosomes) at a
    time and generates offspring by combining both
    chromosomes features.
  • In network design problem, crossover plays the
    role of exchanging each partial route of two
    chosen parents in such a manner that the
    offspring produced by the crossover represents.
  • In this study, the nature of the priority-based
    encoding is a kind of permutation representation.
  • Generally, this representation will yield illegal
    offspring by one-point crossover or other simple
    crossover operators.
  • During the past decade, several crossover
    operators have been proposed for permutation
    representation, such as
  • Partial-mapped crossover (PMX)
  • Goldberg, D. R. Lingle, Alleles loci and the
    traveling salesman problem, Proc. of the 1st
    Inter. Conf. on GA, pp.154-159, 1985.
  • Order crossover (OX)
  • Davis, L. Applying adaptive algorithms to
    domains, Proc. of the Inter. Joint Conf. on
    Artificial Intelligence, pp.1162-164, 1985.
  • Position-based crossover (PX)
  • Davis, L. Applying adaptive algorithms to
    domains, Proc. of the Inter. Joint Conf. on
    Artificial Intelligence, pp.1162-164, 1985.
  • Cycle crossover (CX)
  • Oliver, I. J. Holland A study of permutation
    crossover operators on the traveling salesman
    problem, Euro. J. of OR, vol.26, pp.187-210,
  • Heuristic crossover, and so on.

1.4.3 Genetic Operators --- Crossover
  • Partial-Mapped Crossover (PMX)
  • PMX was proposed by Goldberg and Lingle.
  • Goldberg, D. R. Lingle, Alleles loci and the
    traveling salesman problem, Proc. of the 1st
    Inter. Conf. on GA, pp.154-159, 1985.
  • PMX can be viewed as an extension of two-point
    crossover for binary string to permutation
  • It uses a special repairing procedure to resolve
    the illegitimacy caused by the simple two-point

step 3 determine mapping relationship
step 1 select the substring at random
substring selected
2 3 4
parent 1 1 7 2 3 4 6 5 8
3 5 7
parent 2 4 6 3 5 7 1 8 2
step 2 exchange substrings between
step 4 legalize offspring with mapping
parent 1 1 7 3 5 7 6 5 8
offspring 1 1 4 3 5 7 6 2 8
parent 2 4 6 2 3 4 1 8 2
offspring 2 7 6 2 3 4 1 8 5
1.4.3 Genetic Operators --- Crossover
  • Order Crossover (OX)
  • OX was proposed by Davis.
  • Davis, L. Applying adaptive algorithms to
    domains, Proc. of the Inter. Joint Conf. on
    Artificial Intelligence, pp.1162-164, 1985.
  • It can be viewed as a kind of variation of PMX
    with a different repairing procedure.

parent 1 1 7 2 3 4 6 5 8
substring selected
offspring 6 5 2 3 4 7 1 8
parent 2 4 6 3 5 7 1 8 2
Fig. 6.1 Illustration of the OX operator.
1.4.3 Genetic Operators --- Crossover
  • Position-based Crossover (PX)
  • PX was proposed by Syswerda.
  • Davis, L. Applying adaptive algorithms to
    domains, Proc. of the Inter. Joint Conf. on
    Artificial Intelligence, pp.1162-164, 1985.
  • It is essentially a kind of uniform crossover for
    permutation representation together with a
    repairing procedure.
  • It also can be viewed as a kind of variation of
    OX in which the nodes are selected

parent 1 1 7 2 3 4 6 5 8
offspring 3 7 5 1 4 6 2 8
parent 2 4 6 3 5 7 1 8 2
Fig. 6.2 Illustration of the PX operator.
1.4.3 Genetic Operators --- Crossover
  • However, in all of above approaches
  • the mechanism of the crossover is not the same as
    that of the conventional one-point crossover.
  • Some offspring may generate new chromosomes that
    are not possible to succeed the character of the
  • thereby retarding the process of evolution.
  • We proposed a new crossover operator, Weight
    Mapping Crossover (WMX).
  • WMX can be viewed as an extension of one-point
    crossover for permutation representation.
  • As one-point crossover
  • Two chromosomes (parents) would be to choose a
    random cut-point.
  • Generate the offspring by using segment of own
    parent to the left of the one-cut point
  • Then remapping the right segment that base on the
    weight of other parent of right segment .

1.4.3 Genetic Operators --- Crossover
  • Weight Mapping Crossover (WMX)

1.4.3 Genetic Operators --- Crossover
  • Weight Mapping Crossover (WMX)
  • As shown Fig., first we choose a random cut-point
  • calculate l that is the length of right segments
    of chromosomes, where n is number of nodes in the
  • Then get mapping relationship by sorting the
    weight of the right segments s1 and s2.
  • As one-point crossover, generate the offspring
    v1, v2 by exchange substrings between parents
    v1, v2 legalize offspring with mapping

step 1 select a cut-point
parent 1
parent 1
parent 2
parent 2
step 2 mapping the weight of the right segment
offspring 1
offspring 2
step 3 generate offspring with mapping
offspring 1
offspring 2
1.4.3 Genetic Operators --- Mutation
  • It is relatively easy to produce some mutation
    operators for permutation representation.
  • During the past decade, several mutation
    operators have been proposed for permutation
    representation, such as
  • Inversion
  • Insertion
  • Displacement
  • Swap mutation.
  • Insertion Mutation
  • Selects a gene at random and inserts it in a
    random position as follows

1.4.3 Genetic Operators --- Immigration
  • The trade-off between exploration and
    exploitation in serial GAs for function
    optimization is a fundamental issue.
  • If a GA is biased towards exploitation
  • highly fit members are repeatedly selected for
  • Although this quickly promotes better members,
    the population can prematurely converge to a
    local optimum of the function.
  • If a GA is biased towards exploration
  • Large numbers of schemata are sampled which tends
    to inhibit premature convergence.
  • Unfortunately, excessive exploration results in a
    large number of function evaluations, and
    defaults to random search in the worst case.

1.4.3 Genetic Operators --- Immigration
  • To search effectively and efficiently, a GA must
    maintain a balance between these two opposing
  • Michael, C.M., C.V. Stewart R.B. Kelly
    Reducing the Search Time of A Steady State
    Genetic Algorithm using the Immigration
    Operator, Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Tools for
    AI San Jose, CA, pp.500-501, 1991.
  • Michael et. al. (1991) proposed an immigration
    operator which, for certain types of functions,
    allows increased exploration while maintaining
    nearly the same level of exploitation for the
    given population size.
  • Immigration operator
  • step 1 The algorithm is modified to include
    immigration, with each generation generated.
  • step 2 Evaluate µ random members (µ, called the
    immigration rate).
  • step 3 Replace the µ worst members of the
    population with the µ random members.
  • This study experimentally examines the
    immigration operator, and present the
    effectiveness of this approach for solving
    network design problems in next section.

1.4.3 Genetic Operators --- Selection
  • Selection operators two basic types of selection
    scheme used commonly in current practice.
  • Proportionate selection picks out chromosomes
    based on their fitness values relative to the
    fitness of the other chromosomes in the
  • Roulette wheel selection
  • Stochastic remainder selection
  • Stochastic universal selection
  • Ordinal-based selection upon their rank within
    the population. The chromosomes are ranked
    according to their fitness values.
  • Tournament selection
  • selection
  • Truncation selection
  • Linear ranking selection
  • In this study, the roulette wheel selection, a
    type of Proportionate selection, is adopted.

1.4.4 Overall Procedure
  • GA Procedure for Shortest Path Problem

procedure Priority-based GA for Shortest Path
Problem input network data (V, A, C), GA
parameters output best shortest path begin t ?
0 initialize P(t) by priority-based
encoding fitness eval(P) while (not
termination condition) do crossover P(t) to
yield C(t) by weight mapping crossover mutation
P(t) to yield C(t) by insertion mutation
immigration operation to yield C(t)
fitness eval(C) select P(t1) from P(t)
and C(t) by roulette wheel selection t ? t
1 end output best shortest path end
1.5 Numerical Examples
  • Test Problems
  • For examining the effect of different encoding
    methods, we applied Ahn et als method and
    priority-based encoding method to the 6 test
  • Ahn, C.W. R. Ramakrishna A Genetic Algorithm
    for Shortest Path Routing Problem and the Sizing
    of Populations. IEEE Trans. Evol. Comput.,
    Vol.6, No.6, pp.566-579, 2002.
  • OR-Notes. Online. Available http//mscmga.ms.ic
  • Using the following parameter specifications.
  • Population size popSize 20
  • Crossover probability pC 0.70
  • Mutation probability pM 0.50
  • Immigration rate µ3
  • Maximum generation maxGen 1000
  • Terminating condition 100 generations with same
  • Each solution is compared with Dijkstras
    algorithm that provides a reference point
    (optimal solution).
  • Each algorithm was applied to each test problem
    20 times (i.e., 20 runs) using different initial
  • All the simulations were performed with Java on
    Pentium 4 processor (1.5-GHz clock).

1.5 Numerical Examples
  • The first numerical example, presented by Ahn et
    als was adopted. The problem comprises 20 nodes
    and 49 arcs. It is given as follows
  • (Ahn, C.W. R. Ramakrishna A Genetic Algorithm
    for Shortest Path Routing Problem and the Sizing
    of Populations, IEEE Trans. on Evol. Comput.,
    Vol.6, No.6, pp.566-579, 2002.)

Fig.6.3 Example of the first numerical example
1.5 Numerical Examples
  • Convergence property of each algorithm for a
    Fixed Network With 20 Nodes
  • (Ahn, C.W. R. Ramakrishna A Genetic Algorithm
    for Shortest Path Routing Problem and the Sizing
    of Populations, IEEE Trans. on Evol. Comput.,
    Vol.6, No.6, pp.566-579, 2002.)

Dijkstras Algorithm Munemotos
Algorithm Inagakis Algorithm Ahns Algorithm
Objective Function Values
1.5 Numerical Examples
  • Convergence property of Ahn et al.s algorithm
    and proposed algorithm for a Fixed Network With
    20 Nodes

et al.
Fig. 6.4 Convergence property of Ahn et al.s
algorithm and proposed algorithm.
1.5 Numerical Examples
  • Comparison with results
  • (Ahn, C.W. R. Ramakrishna A Genetic Algorithm
    for Shortest Path Routing Problem and the Sizing
    of Populations, IEEE Trans. on Evol. Comput.,
    Vol.6, No.6, pp.566-579, 2002.)

Inagakis Algorithm Munemotos Algorithm Ahns
Objective Function Value
The Number of Nodes
1.5 Numerical Examples
  • Discussion of the Results
  • The quality of solution with different genetic
    operators is investigated in Table 1.
  • The path optimality is defined in all test
    problems, by Alg.6 (WMXInsertion Immigration)
    that the GA finds the global optimum (i.e., the
    shortest path).
  • The path optimality is defined in 1, 2 test
    problems, by Alg.5 (WMXSwap Immigration), The
    near optimal result is defined in other test
  • By Alg.1 Alg.4, the path optimality is not
    defined. Since the number of possible
    alternatives become to very large in test
    problems, the population be prematurely converged
    to a local optimum of the function.

Table 6.1 Performance comparisons with different
genetic operators
Test Problems ( of nodes/ of arcs) Optimal Solutions Best Solutions Best Solutions Best Solutions Best Solutions Best Solutions Best Solutions
Test Problems ( of nodes/ of arcs) Optimal Solutions Alg. 1 Alg. 2 Alg. 3 Alg. 4 Alg. 5 Alg. 6
20/49 142.00 148.35 148.53 147.70 143.93 142.00 142.00
80/120 389.00 423.53 425.33 418.82 396.52 389.00 389.00
80/632 291.00 320.06 311.04 320.15 297.21 291.62 291.00
160/2544 284.00 429.55 454.98 480.19 382.48 284.69 284.00
320/1845 394.00 754.94 786.08 906.18 629.81 395.01 394.00
320/10208 288.00 794.26 732.72 819.85 552.71 331.09 288.00
Alg. 1 FMXSwap Alg. 2 OXSwap Alg. 3 PXSwap Alg. 4 WMXSwap Alg. 5 WMXSwapImmigration(3) Alg. 6 WMXInsertionImmigration(3). Alg. 1 FMXSwap Alg. 2 OXSwap Alg. 3 PXSwap Alg. 4 WMXSwap Alg. 5 WMXSwapImmigration(3) Alg. 6 WMXInsertionImmigration(3). Alg. 1 FMXSwap Alg. 2 OXSwap Alg. 3 PXSwap Alg. 4 WMXSwap Alg. 5 WMXSwapImmigration(3) Alg. 6 WMXInsertionImmigration(3). Alg. 1 FMXSwap Alg. 2 OXSwap Alg. 3 PXSwap Alg. 4 WMXSwap Alg. 5 WMXSwapImmigration(3) Alg. 6 WMXInsertionImmigration(3). Alg. 1 FMXSwap Alg. 2 OXSwap Alg. 3 PXSwap Alg. 4 WMXSwap Alg. 5 WMXSwapImmigration(3) Alg. 6 WMXInsertionImmigration(3). Alg. 1 FMXSwap Alg. 2 OXSwap Alg. 3 PXSwap Alg. 4 WMXSwap Alg. 5 WMXSwapImmigration(3) Alg. 6 WMXInsertionImmigration(3). Alg. 1 FMXSwap Alg. 2 OXSwap Alg. 3 PXSwap Alg. 4 WMXSwap Alg. 5 WMXSwapImmigration(3) Alg. 6 WMXInsertionImmigration(3). Alg. 1 FMXSwap Alg. 2 OXSwap Alg. 3 PXSwap Alg. 4 WMXSwap Alg. 5 WMXSwapImmigration(3) Alg. 6 WMXInsertionImmigration(3).
1.5 Numerical Examples
  • Comparison results of Ahns algorithm and
    Proposed algorithm

Table 6.2 Performance comparisons with Ahns
algorithm and Proposed algorithm.
Test Problems ( of nodes/ of arcs) Optimal Solutions Best Solutions Best Solutions CPU Times (ms) CPU Times (ms) Generation Num. of Obtained best result Generation Num. of Obtained best result
Test Problems ( of nodes/ of arcs) Optimal Solutions Ahns Alg. Prop. Alg. Ahns Alg. Prop. Alg. Ahns Alg. Prop. Alg.
20/49 142.00 142.00 142.00 40.60 23.37 2 9
80/120 389.00 389.00 389.00 118.50 96.80 4 4
80/632 291.00 291.00 291.00 109.50 118.50 19 10
160/2544 284.00 286.20 284.00 336.20 490.50 31 26
320/1845 394.00 403.40 394.00 779.80 1062.50 44 11
320/10208 288.00 288.90 288.00 1028.30 1498.50 38 26
1.5 Numerical Examples
  • Different Parameter Settings

Table 6.3 Performance comparisons with different
parameter settings
Parameter Settings ( popSize / pC pM ) Test Problems ( of nodes/ of arcs) Optimal Solutions Best Solutions Best Solutions CPU Times ( ms ) CPU Times ( ms ) Generation Num. of Obtained best result Generation Num. of Obtained best result
Parameter Settings ( popSize / pC pM ) Test Problems ( of nodes/ of arcs) Optimal Solutions Ahns Alg. Prop. Alg. Ahns Alg. Prop. Alg. Ahns Alg. Prop. Alg.
10 / 0.3 0.1 20/49 142.00 156.20 142.00 10.42 8.37 38 27
10 / 0.3 0.1 80/120 389.00 389.00 389.00 32.80 31.10 5 1
10 / 0.3 0.1 80/632 291.00 313.20 291.00 29.40 34.40 43 16
10 / 0.3 0.1 160/2544 284.00 320.90 284.20 67.10 106.30 48 37
10 / 0.3 0.1 320/1845 394.00 478.70 394.00 120.30 250.20 68 18
10 / 0.3 0.1 320/10208 288.00 444.00 288.30 126.40 400.20 25 59
20 / 0.3 0.1 20/49 142.00 145.23 142.00 22.36 13.34 27 24
20 / 0.3 0.1 80/120 389.00 389.00 389.00 56.30 51.50 4 1
20 / 0.3 0.1 80/632 291.00 303.10 291.00 50.10 56.30 18 10
20 / 0.3 0.1 160/2544 284.00 298.70 284.20 122.10 181.20 44 35
20 / 0.3 0.1 320/1845 394.00 465.70 394.00 213.90 496.70 32 17
20 / 0.3 0.1 320/10208 288.00 373.10 288.60 311.00 631.10 61 35
20 / 0.7 0.5 20/49 142.00 142.00 142.00 40.60 23.37 6 9
20 / 0.7 0.5 80/120 389.00 389.00 389.00 118.50 96.80 1 1
20 / 0.7 0.5 80/632 291.00 291.00 291.00 109.50 118.50 19 10
20 / 0.7 0.5 160/2544 284.00 286.20 284.00 336.20 490.50 31 26
20 / 0.7 0.5 320/1845 394.00 403.40 394.00 779.80 1062.50 44 11
20 / 0.7 0.5 320/10208 288.00 288.90 288.00 1028.30 1498.50 38 26
1.5 Numerical Examples
  • Different Parameter Settings with Ahns algorithm
    and Proposed algorithm

Parameter Settings ( popSize / pC pM ) Probability of obtaining the optimal solutions Probability of obtaining the optimal solutions
Parameter Settings ( popSize / pC pM ) Ahns Alg. Proposed Alg.
10 / 0.3 0.1 16.67 66.67
20 / 0.3 0.1 16.67 66.67
30 / 0.3 0.1 33.33 83.33
50 / 0.3 0.1 50.00 100.00
100 / 0.3 0.1 33.33 100.00
10 / 0.7 0.5 33.33 83.33
20 / 0.7 0.5 50.00 100.00
30 / 0.7 0.5 50.00 100.00
50 / 0.7 0.5 83.33 100.00
100 / 0.7 0.5 83.33 100.00
1.5 Numerical Examples
  • Simulation ( of nodes 100, of arcs 859)

6. Basic Network Design
  • Shortest Path Problem (SPP)
  • Maximum Flow (MXF) Problem
  • 2.1 Basic Concept of Maximum Flow Problem
  • 2.2 Application of Maximum Flow Problem
  • 2.3 Methods for solving MXF Problem
  • 2.4 Genetic Approach for solving MXF Problem
  • 2.4.1 Genetic Representation
  • 2.4.2 Genetic Operators
  • 2.5 Numerical Examples
  • Minimum Cost Flow (MCF) Problem
  • Bicriteria Network Design Problem (BNP)
  • Multi-criteria Network Design Problem

2. Maximum Flow (MXF) Problem
Data table of example network
  • Online. Available http//www-b2.is.tokushima-u.
  • ikeda/suuri/maxflow/Maxfl
  • MXF is in a sense a complementary model to SPP.
  • MXF seeks a feasible solution that sends the
    maximum amount of flow from a specified source
    node s to another specified sink node t.
  • If we interpret uij as the maximum flow rate of
    arc (i, j), MXF identifies the maximum
    steady-state flow that the network can send from
    node s to node t per unit time.

2.1 Basic Concept of Maximum Flow Problem
i j uij
1 2 60
1 3 60
1 4 60
2 3 30
2 5 40
2 6 30
3 4 30
3 6 50
3 7 30
4 7 40
5 8 60
6 5 20
6 8 30
6 9 40
6 10 30
7 6 20
7 10 40
8 9 30
8 11 60
9 10 30
9 11 50
10 11 50
2. Maximum Flow (MXF) Problem
Data table of example network
  • 2.1 Basic Concept of Maximum Flow Problem
  • Directed graph G(V, A)
  • where V is a set of nodes, A is a set of links.
  • uij is a capacity associated with each link(i, j)
  • Source node node 1
  • Destination node node n

i j uij
1 2 60
1 3 60
1 4 60
2 3 30
2 5 40
2 6 30
3 4 30
3 6 50
3 7 30
4 7 40
5 8 60
6 5 20
6 8 30
6 9 40
6 10 30
7 6 20
7 10 40
8 9 30
8 11 60
9 10 30
9 11 50
10 11 50
2. Maximum Flow (MXF) Problem
  • 2.1 Basic Concept of Maximum Flow Problem
  • MXF problem can be formulated as follows

2. Maximum Flow (MXF) Problem
  • 2.2 Application of Maximum Flow Problem
  • This basic MXF model can be applied in many
    applications such as
  • Ahuj, R. K., T. L. Magnanti J. B. Orlin
    Network Flows. Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River,
    NJ, 1993.
  • Scheduling on Uniform Parallel Machines
  • The feasible scheduling problem, described in the
    preceding paragraph, is a fundamental problem in
    this situation and can be used as a subroutine
    for more general scheduling problems, such as the
    maximum lateness problem, the (weighted) minimum
    completion time problem, and the (weighted)
    maximum utilization problem.
  • Distributed Computing on a Two-Processor Computer
  • Distributed computing on a two-processor computer
    concerns assigning different modules
    (subroutines) of a program to two processors in a
    way that minimizes the collective costs of
    interprocessor communication and computation..
  • Tanker Scheduling Problem
  • A steamship company has contracted to deliver
    perishable goods between several different
    origin-destination pairs. Since the cargo is
    perishable, the customers have specified precise
    dates (i.e., delivery dates) when the shipments
    must reach their destinations..

2. Maximum Flow (MXF) Problem
  • 2.3 Methods for solving MXF Problem
  • Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm
  • It works by finding a flow augmenting path in the
    graph. By adding the flow augmenting path to the
    flow already established in the graph, the
    maximum flow will be reached when no more flow
    augmenting paths can be found in the graph.
  • Maximum Flow Algorithm
  • An incremental algorithm for max-flow problem
    that tries to find the max-flow in the network as
    an edge is deleted or inserted in the network, is
  • It has also been shown that other cases of a unit
    change can be considered as a special case of
    insertion and deletion of an edge in the network.

2. Maximum Flow (MXF) Problem
  • 2.4 Genetic Approach for solving MXF Problem
  • Munakata, T. and D. J. Hashier A genetic
    algorithm applied to the maximum flow problem,
    Proc. of 5th Int. Conf. on Genetic Algorithms,
    pp. 488-493, 1993.
  • The maximum flow problem appears to be more
    challenging in applying GAs than many other
    common graph problems (e.g., shortest path,
    minimum spanning tree)
  • Its unique characteristic
  • A flow at each edge can be anywhere between zero
    and its flow capacity, i.e., it has more
    "freedom" to choose.
  • In many other problems, selecting an edge may
    mean to simply add a fixed distance.
  • In the maximum flow problem, two conditions must
    be satisfied
  • The flow at each edge must be between zero and
    its flow capacity.
  • At each vertex, the incoming flow and outgoing
    flow must balance.

2.4 Genetic Approach for solving MXF Problem
2.4.1 Genetic Representation
procedure 1 Priority-based Encoding input
number of nodes n output chromosome vk begin
for j1 to n // step 0 vk(j)? j for i1
to // step 1 repeat j?random1,
n l?random1, n until l?j
swap (vk(j), vk(l)) output the chromosome
vk // step 2 end
2.4 Genetic Approach for solving MXF Problem
  • The decoding procedure is a two-stage process.
  • First stage the path is generated by one-path
    growth procedure
  • It is given in procedure 2
  • With beginning from the specified node 1 and
    terminating at the specified node n. At each
    step, add the one with the highest priority into

2.4 Genetic Approach for solving MXF Problem
  • The decoding procedure is a two-stage process.
  • Second stage overall paths are generated by
    overall paths growth procedure
  • For a given path, we can calculate its flow fk
  • By removing the used capacity from uij of each
    arc, we have a new network with the new flow
    capacity uij.
  • With the one-path growth procedure (procedure 2),
    we can obtain the second path.
  • By repeating this procedure we can obtain the
    maximum flow for the given chromosome till no new
    network can be defined in this way.
  • It is given in procedure 3.

2.4 Genetic Approach for solving MXF Problem
procedure 3 Overall-path Growth input network
data (V, A, U), chromosome vk , the set of nodes
Si with all nodes adjacent to node i output
number of paths Lk , the flow fik of each path,
i?Lk step 0 number of paths l?0 step 1 if
S1?, go to step 7 otherwise, l? l 1,
continue. step 2 the implementation of path Plk
growth is based on procedure 2. Select the sink
node a of path plk. step 3 if the sink node an,
continue otherwise, perform the set of nodes Si
update as follows, return to step 1. step 4
calculate the flow flk of the path Plk. step 5
perform the flow capacity uij of each arc update.
Make a new flow capacity uij as follows step
6 if the flow capacity uij0, perform the set of
nodes Si update which the node j adjacent to node
i. step 7 output number of paths Lk ? l -1, the
flow fik of each path, i?Lk .
2.4 Genetic Approach for solving MXF Problem
Data table of example network
  • Illustration of Priority-based GA

i j uij
1 2 60
1 3 60
1 4 60
2 3 30
2 5 40
2 6 30
3 4 30
3 6 50
3 7 30
4 7 40
5 8 60
6 5 20
6 8 30
6 9 40
6 10 30
7 6 20
7 10 40
8 9 30
8 11 60
9 10 30
9 11 50
10 11 50
node ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
priority 2 1 6 4 11 9 8 10 5 3 7
2.4 Genetic Approach for solving MXF Problem
  • Illustration of Priority-based GA

node ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
priority 2 1 6 4 11 9 8 10 5 3 7
k i Si l Pk S1 fk
1 0 1
1 2, 3, 4 3 1, 3
2 4, 6, 7 6 1, 3, 6
3 5, 8, 9, 10 5 1, 3, 6, 5
4 8 8 1, 3, 6, 5, 8
5 9, 11 11 1, 3, 6, 5, 8, 11 2, 3, 4 20
2 0 1
1 2, 3, 4 3 1, 3
2 4, 6, 7 6 1, 3, 6
3 8, 9, 10 8 1, 3, 6, 8
4 9, 11 11 1, 3, 6, 8, 11 2, 3, 4 50
k number of paths i start node Si the
set of nodes l sink node Pk the kth
path S1 the set of nodes with all nodes
adjacent to node 1 fk maximum possible flow
2.4 Genetic Approach for solving MXF Problem
  • Illustration of Priority-based GA

node ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
priority 2 1 6 4 11 9 8 10 5 3 7
k i Si l Pk S1 fk
3 0 1
1 2, 3, 4 3 1, 3
2 4, 7 7 1, 3, 7
3 6, 10 6 1, 3, 7, 6
4 9, 10 9 1, 3, 7, 6, 9
5 10, 11 11 1, 3, 7, 6, 9, 11 2, 4 60
4 0 1
1 2, 4 4 1, 4
2 7 7 1, 4, 7
3 6, 10 6 1, 4, 7, 6
4 9, 10 9 1, 4, 7, 6, 9
5 10, 11 11 1, 4, 7, 6, 9, 11 2,4 70
k number of paths i start node Si the
set of nodes l sink node Pk the kth
path S1 the set of nodes with all nodes
adjacent to node 1 fk maximum possible flow
2.4 Genetic Approach for solving MXF Problem
  • Illustration of Priority-based GA

node ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
priority 2 1 6 4 11 9 8 10 5 3 7
k i Si l Pk S1 fk
5 0 1
1 2, 4 4 1, 4
2 7 7 1, 4, 7
3 10 10 1, 4, 7, 10
4 11 11 1, 4, 7, 10, 11 2 100
6 0 1
1 2 2 1, 2
2 3, 5, 6 5 1, 2, 5
3 8 8 1, 2, 5, 8
4 9, 11 11 1, 2, 5, 8, 11 2 110
k number of paths i start node Si the
set of nodes l sink node Pk the kth
path S1 the set of nodes with all nodes
adjacent to node 1 fk maximum possible flow
2.4 Genetic Approach for solving MXF Problem
  • Illustration of Priority-based GA

node ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
priority 2 1 6 4 11 9 8 10 5 3 7
k i Si l Pk S1 fk
7 0 1
1 2 2 1, 2
2 3, 5, 6 5 1, 2, 5
3 8 8 1, 2, 5, 8
4 9 9 1, 2, 5, 8, 9
5 10, 11 11 1, 2, 5, 8, 9, 11 2 140
8 0 1
1 2 2 1, 2
2 3, 6 6 1, 2, 6
3 9, 10 9 1, 2, 6, 9
4 10 10 1, 2, 6, 9, 10
5 11 11 1, 2, 6, 9, 10, 11 160
k number of paths i start node Si the
set of nodes l sink node Pk the kth
path S1 the set of nodes with all nodes
adjacent to node 1 fk maximum possible flow
2.4 Genetic Approach for solving MXF Problem
Data table of example network
  • Illustration of Priority-based GA

i j uij
1 2 60
1 3 60
1 4 60
2 3 30
2 5 40
2 6 30
3 4 30
3 6 50
3 7 30
4 7 40
5 8 60
6 5 20
6 8 30
6 9 40
6 10 30
7 6 20
7 10 40
8 9 30
8 11 60
9 10 30
9 11 50
10 11 50
node ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
priority 2 1 6 4 11 9 8 10 5 3 7
Objective function value z160
2.4 Genetic Approach for solving MXF Problem
  • 2.4.2 Genetic Operators
  • Here the position-based crossover operator
    proposed by PMX (Partial Mapped Crossover)
    (Gen-Cheng97, pp.119-125) was adopted.
  • It uses a special repairing procedure to resolve
    the illegitimacy caused by the simple two-point
    crossover as follows

step 3 determine mapping relationship
step 1 select the substring at random
substring selected
2 3 4
parent 1 1 7 2 3 4 6 5 8
3 5 7
parent 2 4 6 3 5 7 1 8 2
step 4 legalize offspring with mapping
step 2 exchange substrings between
parent 1 1 7 3 5 7 6 5 8
offspring 1 1 4 3 5 7 6 2 8
parent 2 4 6 2 3 4 1 8 2
offspring 2 7 6 2 3 4 1 8 5
2.4 Genetic Approach for solving MXF Problem
  • 2.4.2 Genetic Operators
  • Mutation The swap mutation operator was used
    here, in which two positions are selected at
    random and their contents are swapped as follows
  • Selection The roulette wheel approach, a type of
    fitness-proportional selection, was adopted.

2.4 Genetic Approach for solving MXF Problem
  • GA Procedure for Maximum Flow Problem

procedure Priority-based GA for Maximum Flow
Problem input network data (V, A, U), GA
parameters output best maximum flow begin t ?
0 initialize P(t) by priority-based
encoding fitness eval(P) while (not
termination condition) do crossover P(t) to
yield C(t) by partial mapped crossover mutation
P(t) to yield C(t) by swap mutation fitness
eval(C) select P(t1) from P(t) and C(t) by
roulette wheel selection t ? t
1 end output best maximum flow end
2.5 Numerical Examples
  • Test Problems
  • The numerical examples, presented by T. Munak
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