Preventing common hereditary disorders through time-separated twinning - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Preventing common hereditary disorders through time-separated twinning


Preventing common hereditary disorders through time-separated twinning Alexander Tchourbanov1 and Levon Abrahamyan2 1 Beijing Institute of Genomics (BIG), Chinese ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Preventing common hereditary disorders through time-separated twinning

Preventing common hereditary disorders through
time-separated twinning
  • Alexander Tchourbanov1 and Levon Abrahamyan2

1 Beijing Institute of Genomics (BIG), Chinese
Academy of Sciences (CAS)
2 Nebraska Center for Virology, University of
Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
(No Transcript)
Preventing Mendelian disorders
  • Involves two components - Carrier Testing and
    Prenatal Diagnosis
  • Test Accuracy is 98.8, Sensitivity is 94.9 and
    Specificity 99.99.
  • There are 6,700 of them
  • They affect 3-4 of children
  • They cause 20-30 of infant deaths and
  • 11 of pediatric hospital admissions

Bell CJ, Dinwiddie DL, Miller NA, Hateley SL,
Ganusova EE, Mudge J, Langley RJ, Zhang L, Lee
CC, Schilkey FD, Sheth V, Woodward JE, Peckham
HE, Schroth GP, Kim RW, Kingsmore SF Carrier
testing for severe childhood recessive diseases
by next-generation sequencing. Sci Transl Med
2011, 3(65)65ra4.
Aneuploidy prevention at BGI
Complex diseases incidence growth
  • In Finland Type 1 Diabetes 32-year relative
    increase was 338 among children 1-4 yo 17
  • In China, 23.46 million people currently have
    Type 2 Diabetes, and this number is projected to
    increase to 42.30 million by 2030. Associated
    medical costs are predicted to rise from 26.0
    billion in 2007 to 47.2 billion in 2030 18
  • Nearly 5 times as many people have Celiac Disease
    in US today than during the 1950s 19
  • The incidence of Autism among US children has
    reached a staggering 1 (110 out of 10,000)
  • The incidence of Asthma alone has at least
    tripled over the past 25 years and affects more
    than 22 million people in US 22

Autism prevalence in US is 1 in 88!
Complex diseases - the last line of defense
Complex disease prevention
Mendelian disorder prevention
Aneuploidy prevention
Hermann Joseph Muller
  • American geneticist, educator, and Nobel
    laureate best known for his work on the
    physiological and genetic effects
    of radiation (X-ray mutagenesis)
  • Worked in USSR (1933-1937) and openly criticized
    Trofim Lysenko (called him a charlatan)
  • He believed that it was possible to guide the
    evolution of mankind and create a better
    allotment of positive qualities than would
    naturally occur

Genetic load
  • Humans, like all wild animals, are subject to
    continuous change associated with mutations
  • Few mutations can lead to genetic improvements,
    most of the mutations are either neutral or
  • Many non-lethal mutations, compromising different
    genes, accumulate over time and spread through
    breeding increasing genetic load of the human
    race the frequency of potentially lethal genes
    in the gene pool
  • Purifying selection reduces the genetic load by
    eliminating unfit individuals before reproduction
  • Normally, rate in which deleterious mutations
    occur equals to the rate in which they are
    eliminated from the genetic pool

The rate of opportunistic mutations
  • Recent estimation of mutation chance based on
    whole genome sequencing is 77 novel mutations
    per diploid genome per generation
  • Approximately 3-6 of these mutations are
  • There are 100 genuine loss of function variants
    in average human genome with 20 genes completely

Jared C. Roach et. al. Analysis of Genetic
Inheritance in a Family Quartet by Whole-Genome
Sequencing Science 2010, 328, 636-639 MacArthur
DG A systematic survey of
loss-of-function variants in human protein-coding
genes. Science 2012, 335(6070)823-828
Fathers of advanced age
  • Genetic load increases at the rate of 2 de novo
    mutations per year of father's age at the time of
    conception 24
  • Epidemiological studies report significant
    correlation between paternal age and increased
    risk of
  • autism 25
  • schizophrenia 26
  • bipolar disorder 27,28
  • Higher overall mortality has been reported for
    children of elder fathers 29

The mortality of the Australian human population
by agefor 1901-1910 and 1997-1999
Sexual selection still works, natural is blocked
Medical Hypotheses (2001) 57(5), 633-637 (2001)
Harcourt Publishers Ltd Medicine may be reducing
the human capacity to survive C. N. Stephan, M.
The process of elimination
Survive and reproduce 84
Eliminated 16
Mean number of mutations
The process offsets damage from 3 deleterious de
novo mutations per generation
Crow JF The origins, patterns and implications
of human spontaneous mutation. Nature Reviews
Genetics 2000, 140-47
Purifying selection at work
Generation 1
20 mortality due to dysgenic effects
Generation 2
20 mortality due to dysgenic effects
Generation 3
Birth rate should be high enough to sustain
increased mortality before reproductive age
associated with purifying selection
20 mortality due to dysgenic effects
Generation 4
240 years
20 mortality due to dysgenic effects
Generation 5
20 mortality due to dysgenic effects
Generation 6
20 mortality due to dysgenic effects
Generation 7
20 mortality due to dysgenic effects
Generation 8
Taking credit from nature
Generation 1
Generation 2
Generation 3

Generation 4
240 years
Generation 5
Generation 6
Generation 7
2 km from epicenter in a single radiation dose
200 R (40 mortality wounded)
Generation 8
Muller HJ Our load of mutations. Am. J. Hum.
Genet. 1950, 2111-176
A better way to survive
Generation 1
Generation 2
Generation 3

Generation 4
240 years
Generation 5
Generation 6
Strange as it seems, we can in that case both
eat our cake and have it HJ Muller, 1950
Generation 7
Generation 8
Types of stem cells
Microsurgical splitting of human embryo
Illmensee K, Levanduski M, Vidali A, Husami N,
Goudas VT (2010). "Human embryo twinning with
applications in reproductive medicine". Fertil.
Steril. 93 (2) 4237
Embryo twinning by blastocyst bisection
Mitalipov SM, Yeoman RR, Kuo HC, Wolf DP
Monozygotic twinning in rhesus monkeys by
manipulation of in vitro-derived embryos. Biology
of Reproduction 2002, 661449-1455.
Cleavage-stage biopsy for PGD
Time delayed twinning process
Fertilized egg
8-cell stage
3-cell stage
2-cell stage
6-cell stage
Cryoconserve (50 years)
4-cell stage
8-cell stage
3-cell stage
Maximum storage duration
  • There was a recent report on a live birth from a
    frozenthawed pronuclear stage embryo almost 20
    years after its cryopreservation
  • Specimen of Silene stenophylla sucessfully grew
    and flowered after 31,800 years of conservation
    in permafrost
  • Vitality of micro-organisms found in ice up to
    300,000 years old could be reliably
  • DNA half life is 1.1 million years, i.e. in this
    time period DNA gets chopped in half

70-2/abstract Bidle KD, Lee S, Marchant DR,
Falkowski PG Fossil genes and microbes in the
oldest ice on earth. PNAS 2007,
104(33)13455-13460. Yashina S, Gubin S,
Maksimovich S, Yashina A, Gakhova E, Gilichinsky
D Regeneration of whole fertile plants from
30,000-y-old fruit tissue buried in Siberian
permafrost. PNAS 2012, 1118386109v2-201118386.
(No Transcript)
According to Ethics Committee of the American
Society of Reproductive Medicine
  • Splitting one embryo into 2 or more embryos could
    serve the needs of infertile couples in several
  • As long as a couple is fully informed of the risk
    of such an outcome, there would appear to be no
    major ethical objection

The Ethics Committee of the American Society of
Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) Embryo splitting
for infertility treatment. Fertil Steril 2004,
Generation X
Generation Y
Generation Z
Preventing complex disorders
Study Type Disease incidence MZ twins pairwise concordance Prevention odds
Diabetes type 2 Diabetes type 2 Diabetes type 2 Diabetes type 2 Diabetes type 2
1 2 4 7.67-13.5 76 83 85.3 3.75 5.29 6.12
Diabetes type 1 Diabetes type 1 Diabetes type 1 Diabetes type 1 Diabetes type 1
2 3 5 5-8 5 9 10 years old gt 10 years old 0.01-0.034 45 13 27.3 50 16.7 38 1.82 1.15 1.37 2.0 1.20 1.61
Cancer Cancer Cancer Cancer Cancer
11 Breast Colorectum Prostate 1.92 1.55 1.12 14 16 21 1.14 1.17 1.25
Preventing complex disorders
Autism spectrum disorder Autism spectrum disorder Autism spectrum disorder Autism spectrum disorder Autism spectrum disorder
12 13 14 0.1-1 92 91 82 12.37 11.0 5.5
Allergies Allergies Allergies Allergies Allergies
15 Peanut 0.4-0.6 64.3 2.79
16 Astma past year (lt 50 50) yo Hay fever (lt 50 50) yo Seasonal rhinoconjunctivitis (lt 50 50) yo Eczema (lt 50 50) yo Pets (lt 50 50) yo Pollen (lt 50 50) yo Dust (lt 50 50) yo Insect bites (lt 50 50) yo Cat IgE (lt 50 50) yo Grass IgE (lt 50 50) yo Der p 1 IgE (lt 50 50) yo 8 3 30 27 15 11 24 16 13 4 21 14 22 12 10 11 12 4 21 10 22 9 29 0 39 30 31 18 34 30 39 7 32 17 43 8 20 11 28 44 56 35 54 14 1.300.97 1.161.05 1.231.09 1.161.20 1.431.03 1.171.03 1.370.95 1.121.00 1.221.74 1.771.38 1.691.06
23 Celiac disease 0.75 71.4 3.47
Immediate benefits
  • Will facilitate sustainable social development
  • Prevention of further accumulation of undesirable
    mutations (genetic load)
  • Significant reduction in incidence of complex
    diseases and virtual eradication of simple
    Mendelian disorders
  • Having isogenic stem cells of total potency in
    repository will facilitate regenerative medicine
    of the future

Available online at http//
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