Title: Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program
1Energy Employees Occupational Illness
Compensation Program
Savannah River Site Town Hall Meeting Augusta,
Georgia April 17, 2012
2Administrative Issues
- Emergency Exits
- Rest Rooms
- Photos
- Cell Phones
3Administration of the EEOICPA
- Part B (October 2000)
- Part E (October 2004)
- Agencies
- Department of Labor (DOL)
- Department of Energy (DOE)
- Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
- National Institute for Occupational Safety and
Health (NIOSH) - Department of Justice (DOJ)
4EEOICPA Compensation
- 7.9 Billion Total Compensation
- 4.29 Billion Part B
- 2.56 Billion Part E
- 1.06 Billion Medical
Data as of March 26, 2012
5Savannah River Compensation
- 502.8 Million Total Compensation
- 240.0 Million Part B
- 202.9 Million Part E
- 59.9 Million Medical
Data as of March 26, 2012
6Employee Eligibility
Employed By Part B Part E
DOE Contractors and Subcontractors Yes Yes
DOE Federal Employees Yes No
AWE Employees Yes No
Beryllium Vendors Yes No
RECA Yes Yes
7Covered Conditions
Condition Part B Part E
CBD Yes Yes
Beryllium Sensitivity Medical Monitoring Only Yes
Chronic Silicosis Yes Yes
Cancer Yes Yes
Any condition related to toxic exposure No Yes
8Survivor Definition
Type Part B Part E
Spouse at time of death Yes Yes
Children - under age 18 under age 23 if full-time student or any age if medically incapable of self- support Yes Yes
Adult Children Yes No
9Part B Dose Reconstruction Probability of
- Dose Reconstruction
- Conducted by NIOSH
- Level and extent of occupational radiation dose
- Probability of Causation (PoC)
- Scientific calculation of likelihood that
radiation exposure caused cancer - NIOSH-IREP
- PoC - 50 or greater for award
10Part B Special Exposure Cohort
- Worker Group Designation
- Presumption occupational radiation caused
cancer - Employment
- Worked particular location or specific process
- Work day requirement 250 work days
- Specified Cancer
- 21 cancers named in law
11Part B Adding New SEC Classes
- NIOSH designates new SEC classes
- Worker Petition or Agency Decision
- Advisory Board Assistance
- 4 statutory SEC classes (3 GDPs Amchitka)
- As of March 1, 2012, HHS has designated 85
additional SEC classes - DOL administers SEC cases
- No role in designation
12Savannah River SEC ClassEffective March 3, 2012
- Qualifying Employment
- DOE employees (or employees of predecessor agency
AEC) - DOE contractors and subcontractors
- Worked at Savannah River Site in Aiken, South
Carolina, 250 work days from January 1, 1953
through September 30, 1972 - Includes all areas and workers employed at the
Savannah River Site - Those areas not within the boundaries of the
Savannah River Site are not included in the SEC
13Savannah River Site Contractors
- E.I. Du Pont de Nemours and Company
- 1950 1989
- Westinghouse Savannah River Company
- 1989 Present
14Means of Verifying Employment
- EE-5 Employment Verification Form
- Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education
(ORISE) - The Center for Construction Research and Training
(CPWR) - Corporate Verifiers
- SSA wage data
- Affidavits
15Savannah River Site Claim Reviews
- Claims reviewed for SEC inclusion
- Pending dose reconstruction at time of SEC class
- Previously denied for POC lt50
- Potentially affected cases identified tracked
to resolution - Goals for each new SEC class to prioritize SEC
16Part E Means of Verifying Toxic Exposure
- DOL Resource Centers
- Occupational History Questionnaires (OHQ)
- Site Exposure Matrices (SEM)
- Identifies toxic substances related to labor
categories, processes, buildings, and major
incidents - Website available at www.sem.dol.gov
- DOE Document Acquisition Request (DAR)
- Claimant Records
17Part E Employee Impairment
- Determination of permanent whole person
impairment due to covered illness - AMAs Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent
Impairment, 5th Edition - 2,500 awarded for each of impairment
18Part E Employee Wage Loss
- Medical evidence must show decreased capacity to
work - Employee Compensation
- Any year lt50 of the pre-disability annual wage
15,000 compensation - Any year gt 50 but lt75 of the pre-disability
annual wage 10,000 compensation
Part B Part E
150,000 Employee Survivor Impairment 2,500 per (Employee)
50,000 RECA Employee Survivor Wage Loss 10,000 -15,000 per year (Employee)
125,000 Survivor
400,000 CAP for BE combined 400,000 CAP for BE combined
20Decision Appeals Process
- Recommended Decision - District Office
- Preliminary determination
- Cover letter, decision, and rights to object
(oral hearing/review of written record) - Final Decision Final Adjudication Branch (FAB)
- Affirmation of recommendation or remand based on
objection/ independent review - Appeal Rights Reconsideration, Reopening
District Court
21Claimant Responsibilities
- File Claim
- Collect/Copy/Submit relevant records
- Respond to information requests
- Talk to co-workers get affidavits
- Seek assistance if you need help call Resource
Center - Review decision and information for appeal
22Claimant Resources
- Resource Centers 11 locations
- Savannah River Resource Center toll free number
(866) 666-4606 - District Offices 4 locations
- Jacksonville District Office toll free number
(877) 336-4272 - DEEOIC web site
- http//www.dol.gov/owcp/energy/
- General program information
- SEM website
- Forms
- Sample decisions
23Program Statistics
- Program statistics for Part B and Part E
available at DOLs web site http//www.dol.gov/o
wcp/energy/regs/compliance/weeklystats.htm - Program statistics by state and worksite
available at - http//www.dol.gov/owcp/energy/regs/compliance/st
atistics/Statistics.htm - Program statistics updated daily
24District Office Jurisdictional Map
25(No Transcript)