Title: Honeywell Instant Alert
1Honeywell Instant Alert for Schools
2Parent Interface
3Login Screen
If student belongs to only one family, parent
will be brought to this screen. If student
belongs to more than one family, then parent is
asked to match name. If parent first and last
name combination is in district more than once,
then parent is asked to match name and phone
7My Family
Click on names to edit/view.
8My Family Edit Parent Profile
9My Family View Student Profile
10Alert Setup
11Alert Setup Test Message
12Alert History
13Alert History - Details
14Other Contacts
15Other Contacts Add New Contact
16Staff Interface
17Login Screen
19My Profile
20School Administrator Interface
21Login Screen
22Login Choose Role
23Login Choose Role
24Profiles - List of Profiles
25Profiles - List of Profiles
26Profiles List of Profiles
27Profiles Create New Profile
28Profiles Create New Profile Create Student
29Profiles Create New Profile Select Student
30Profiles Deletions
- To delete an entire family parents and all
students associated to it - Delete parents from Parent/Staff tab
- To delete a student from a family that contains
other students - Delete student from Students tab
- To delete a family but retain a Staff role for
one of the parents - Delete students from Students tab
- To delete a family that contains a single student
that belongs to two different families in a
school - Delete one set of parents from the Parent/Staff
tab this will delete both families entirely
31Groups List of Groups
32Groups Create New Group
33Alerts List of Alerts
34Alerts Create Alert
35Scheduling Time
36Reports Alert History
37Reports Alert History Report Detail
38Reports Alert History Report Detail
39Reports Emergency/Child Pickup
40Reports Registration Status
41Reports Alert Settings
42District Administrator
44Groups List of Groups
45Groups Create New Group
46Groups List of Groups
47Configuration Alert Types
Maximum 5 Minimum 1 Cannot delete the Red
48Help Desk
- For school administrators and parents
- InstantAlertHelp_at_Honeywell.com
- For school administrators only
- 1.877.352.8744
- Application Assistance
- Alert Sending
- Voice Recording Line
- Use recording line ID and PIN given to you by
your Champion - Pass through the help desk line to the recording
system - Or, dial 1.888.381.0663 or 1.617.231.2264
- Help desk staff will not record alerts for you,
but will send recorded alert if you provide the
Recording ID