Title: The
1The ROUND TABLE of international shipping
2BIMCO International Chamber of Shipping (Internati
onal Shipping Federation) INTERCARGO INTERTANKO
3Vision for the shipping industry A
responsible, sustainable and respected industry
able to influence its own destiny
4- The ROUND TABLE of international shipping
associations - voluntary cooperation to
- Promote common policy positions
representative of wide common membership - Provide strong and united shipowner voice
in International Forums - Ensure more effective use of limited
resources - Avoid surprises / resolve potential conflicts
in policies
5Examples of Round Table cooperation
- Joint submissions to IMO
- Common positions with respect to EU issues
- Establishment of INTERGROUP as formal stakeholder
interface with EU Parliament,
Commission, Council and EMSA - Tripartite meetings of owners, builders and class
- Flag State guidelines (updated)
- The image of shipping working with IMO et al
- Maintaining Supremacy of IMO International
Maritime Law - Common Structural Rules Goal Based Standards
- Criminalisation of Seafarers
- Challenges to Industry Governance Structures
- Other
- People issues Piracy
- Ship Recycling Environmental Challenges
- Competition Rules Security
- Oil Pollution Liability ( Compensation)
7Maintaining Supremacy of IMO International
Maritime Law Against the challenges of Local and
Regional Legislation
815 years ago the US Today Europe !!
9 Increasing politicization of regulation
- Examples
- Phase out of single hull tankers
- West European Particularly Sensitive Sea Area
- Moves to open up CLC/Fund Convention and link
with substandard shipping - Penal sanctions adopted by EU, criminalising
accidental pollution - Why?
- Coastal state interests versus flag states, and
reduced influence of maritime constituency - Power of EU Commission
Commission (The executive)
European Parliament (Direct election)
Council (Member States)
11HOW IT WAS Examples of positive regulatory
developments (the IMO spirit)
- ISM Code and STCW (training)
- post Estonia passenger ferry measures
- IMO bulk carrier safety package
- Development of ILO Super Convention
- Outcomes broadly based on technical merits of
arguments put forward. - Industry viewpoint understood, if not always
12HOW IT IS The Challenges Today
- More political drivers and less consideration of
the technical, operational, and commercial
interests - More unworkable, inconsistent and illogical
regulation and less consideration of the
practical aspects - More pressure for local / regional regulation and
less willingness to adopt and apply international
13Maintaining Supremacy of IMO International
Maritime Law
- What are the threats?
- 15 Years Ago the United States (OPA90)
- Today the European Union
- Politics post Erika and Prestige
- Conflict with International legislation (UNCLOS,
MARPOL) - Criminalisation
- EU Commission proposals for EU Common Position at
14Maintaining Supremacy of IMO International
Maritime Law
- International Regulation for an International
Industry - What the industry seeks from the Asian region
- Consistent support for IMO and the international
approach - Rejection of regional initiatives
- If possible, avoidance of block voting to
combat EU moves in this direction
15Maintaining Supremacy of IMO International
Maritime Law
- International Regulation for an International
Industry - Questions
- How can we involve Asian industry more
effectively? - What are the principal concerns seen through
Asian eyes? - Can the RT interact better with Asian shipping
community on these matters?
16Common Structural Rules Goal Based Standards
17Common Structural Rules
- Background
- Concerns over erosion of design margins and
construction tolerances due to - Competition for Market Share by Classification
Societies - More refined design capabilities
- Pressure from shipyards to minimise steel weights
- Pressure from owners for lower costs of
18Common Structural Rules
- Consequences of reduced design margins
- Greater focus is placed on ship maintenance
procedures - Increasing concerns expressed by regulators on
structural integrity of existing ships - Challenges to function of classification
societies - Introduction of Goal Based Standards for ship
construction at IMO
19Common Structural Rules
- Current situation
- TANKER rules (JTP) developed by Lloyds Register,
ABS, Norske Veritas (LAN) - Generally acceptable to much of industry (subject
certain caveats) but not all - Limited support from other IACS members
- BULK CARRIER rules (JBP) developed by 7 IACS
members - Mixed reception from industry (many caveats)
- Support from LAN IACS members not forthcoming
- Only limited harmonisation of design assumptions
and modelling techniques between JTP and JBP - IACS under considerable strain to maintain
cohesive position and internal harmony
20Common Structural Rules
- Outstanding issues
- Around harmonisation
- Influence of prescriptive requirements
- Wave shear force and wave loads
- Buckling and ultimate strength
- Finite Element Calculation procedure
- Fatigue analysis
- Industry acceptance of
- Corrosion allowances
- Verification of coatings (application
21Goal Based Standards
- Introduced in to IMO by Bahamas and Greece
following Prestige accident - Initially addressing ship structural standards,
but with potential for extension to much of SOLAS
and MARPOL legislation and more - Principles still being debated versus other
methodologies (prescriptive versus risk based)
22Simplified Tier Concept
Goal-based Safety Objectives
Tier I
Tier II
Goal-based Functional Requirements
Design and Construction
Tier III
Verification of Compliance
Class Rules (Detailed requirement)
Tier IV
Code of Practice for Construction, Maintenance
and Operation
Tier V
23Common Structural Rules
- Is there support for the principle of Common
Structural Rules ? - Subject to clarification of current drafts, is
it now prudent to support the latest versions of
both JTP and JBP rules, while at the same time
encouraging further progressive harmonisation
between the tanker and bulker rules ? - How important is IACS unity and what can
industry do to support encourage this ?
24Criminalisation of Seafarers
- Traditionally accidents have been regarded as
quite distinct from deliberate acts - Attitudes have changed (scapegoat mentality)
- e.g. Captain Mangouras, The Karachi Eight
- EU Directive on Ship-Source Pollution (despite
wide industry coalition) - Canadian Bill C-15
- US approach (whistle blowing, enormous fines and
- INDUSTRY supports the investigation and
prosecution of illegal discharges of oil from
ships. - INDUSTRY strongly objects to criminalising
accidental oil pollution and to treating
seafarers as criminals - Any criminal offence of pollution from a ship
must be clearly defined and in accordance with
international law. - Any penalties imposed on someone found guilty of
such an offence must be proportionate. - There should also be parity with any penalties
imposed for pollution from land based sources. - Any suspects must be treated fairly, impartially
and in accordance with international law on human
- Additionally
- INDUSTRY expects coastal states to comply with
their existing treaty law obligations to provide
adequate, affordable, oil waste reception
facilities. - In order to safeguard the lives of seafarers and
the marine environment, INDUSTRY urges coastal
states to ensure proper contingency plans are put
in place so that adequate assistance and if
necessary a place of refuge can be made available
to a ship in distress.
- Do Asian owners share these concerns ?
- Is there a downside in fighting this?
- How / where should we be concentrating our
efforts? -
- INDUSTRY principles are they universally
29Challenges to Industry Governance
Structures Flag Classification Societies Port
State Control PI Clubs
30The good, the bad and all legitimate
31Challenges for Flag
- IMO Flag State Audit (currently voluntary but
pressure to make mandatory) - Port State Control
- - Currently white, black and grey lists
- - EU moving to target non-audited flags with
preferential treatment measures - Political, public, union and media pressures
especially on open registers - Industry currently providing guidance /
recommendations, and moving to do more
32Flag State Guidelines- industry advice
33Challenges for Classification Societies
- EU Challenge on Role of Class
- perceived conflict of interest between
statutory and classification activities - Common Structural Rules
- ability to deliver while maintaining IACS
harmony - Role relative to Goal Based Standards
- IMO/Flag states versus IACS control of Goal
Based Standards - Who sets class agenda owners, builders, flag
states or class managers ? - Example coatings standards (IMO DE discussion)
34Challenges for Port State Control (PSC)
- Need
- Better harmonisation and consistency of
standards, training, etc. across all PSC regimes - Consistency in inspection and targeting criteria
based in part on analysis of PSC records and
not arbitrary mechansisms, such as quota systems - Global sharing and mutual recognition of records
between MoUs, with data logged in central system
such as EQUASIS - Uniformity in internal procedures, such as clear
grounds for detention, independent appeal panels,
close-out of deficiencies, etc. -
- To ensure that the integrity of PSC is maintained
35Challenges for PI Clubs Club Boards
- OECD Report Role of PI in respect of
substandard shipping - IOPC Revision Procedures
- Pending Compulsory Insurance requirements
- Who manages the agenda
- Shipowners or Club Managers ?
36- Challenges to Industry Governance Structures
- Do Asian shipowners share the same concerns over
these challenges for Flag, Classification
Societies, Port State Control and PI Clubs ? - What are the particular concerns ?
- Could we be doing more collectively to address
any of these concerns ?
37- Two Questions that we have asked ourselves
- Can the Round Table involve regional shipping
voices more effectively in global (and other
regional) arenas ? - Does the Round Table have a role in supporting
local and regional shipping associations in their
local and regional issues ?
- Maintaining Supremacy of IMO International
Maritime Law - Common Structural Rules Goal Based Standards
- Criminalisation of Seafarers
- Challenges to Industry Governance Structures
- Other
- People issues Piracy
- Ship Recycling Environmental Challenges
- Competition Rules Security
- Oil Pollution Liability ( Compensation)
- Heavy recent concentration on hardware issues
- (e.g. accelerated phase-out, CSRs, goal-based
standards etc) - Yet people still cause most incidents
- Industry has to address
- Shortages of qualified officers (BIMCO/ISF 2005)
- Renewed criticisms of training standards (time
to review STCW 95 ?) - Implications/causes of fatigue (ISPS etc.)
- Manning levels
- In the background, CONMARCON
- Extent of the problem
- Focus of attention on Regions
- - Malacca Straits
- - Somalia
- - West Africa
- Developments
42- There is still a problem Worldwide
- - 2003 445 attacks
- - 2004 325 attacks
- Malacca Straits
- - 2003 28 attacks
- - 2004 37 attacks
43Crew Members - 2004 30 killed, 30 missing In
Malacca Straits - 2004 4 killed, 3 injured, 36
kidnapped Indonesia accounts for 25 of all
attacks worldwide
44- Somalia
- Concerted attacks against larger ships
- 60 nm off the coast
- West Africa
- - Denial of a problem
- - Lagos has the highest record of attacks
45- Targets
- Tug Tows
- Low in the water
- Slow moving
- Small Tankers
- Bulk Carriers
46Current developments Improved cooperation and
joint patrols in Malacca Strait, July
2004 Pan-Asia anti-piracy initiative Regional
Cooperation Agreement or ReCAAP Malaysian
Maritime Enforcement Agency 6 patrol boats up
to 40 vessels plus helicopters within 5 years.
47- Current developments (cont.)
- Inventus UAV
- Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
- Reconnaissance system for aerial surveillance
- Secure Ship
- - 9000 volt pulse to deter boardings
- Shiploc
- Ship security alert system
- Ship tracking device
- Hot Pursuit
- Lack of Resources
- Need for an effective deterrent
49Ship Recycling ship breaking, scrapping,
50International guidelines on best practice
51Ship Recycling
- Industry supporting
- measures to ensure that ship recycling not just a
sound but a sustainable industry - development of effective regulation through
adoption of the relevant elements of the - - IMO Guidelines on Ship Recycling
- - ILO Safety Health Guidelines on Shipbreaking
- - Technical Guidelines of the Basel Convention
52Ship Recycling Issues for shipowners
- Green Passport format to be standardised
- IMO Guidelines
- - key elements to be made mandatory via
international convention - - guidance notes being developed on the
implemenation of the Guidelines - Inventory of Hazardous Materials document
- - still only limited utilisation
- Demolition Contract related to the IMO Guidelines
(such as BIMCO Demolishcon) - - only limited application to date
53Ship Recycling Issues for shipbreakers
- In general there is a need for
- development and introduction of Code of Practice
for HSE management - and/or legislation to ensure compliance with
best practice / international conventions - breaking yards to be licensed
- specifically
- Breakers need to adopt and implement
- Ship Recycling Plan as set out in the IMO
Guidelines - Health and Safety plans as set out in the ILO
Guidelines - Plans for the handling of hazardous waste as set
out in the Basel Convention
54Environmental Challenges
- Air Emissions
- (Low sulphur bunker issues)
- Ballast Water Management
55IOPC Compensation Limits- as revised 2003/2005