Title: Lesson number: Title (from syllabus sheet)
4Energy Diagrams
Lesson Outcomes How I did Targets
Task 1Describe some energy transfer in appliances. Level 5
Task 2Explain why transfer may not be 100. Level 6
Task 3 Calculate running costs of an appliance over time. Level 7
Connector (Level 4) Name the different forms of
2BIG picture
- What skills will you be developing this lesson?
- Numeracy
- Literacy
- Team work
- Self management
- Creative thinking
- Independent enquiry
- Participation
- Reflection
- How is this lesson relevant to every day life?
3 Whats the energy transfer?
Discuss the energy transfer involved in each
appliance with the person next to you.
4 Energy transfer in electrical circuits
5 Energy transfer in electrical circuits
Most of the energy from the battery does not
produce light most of it is wasted as heat!
6Is all the energy useful to us?
- List the output energy as useful and wasted
7Discuss the energy transfer
8Sankey diagram (Task 1)
9Draw the Sankey diagram (Task 1)
10Task 1 (Level 5)
- Explain why energy transfer may not be 100.
11Task 1 Review
Go back to your lesson outcome grid and fill out
the How I did and the Targets column.
Lesson Outcomes How I did Targets
Task 1 Level 5 Met? Partly met? Not met? How can I improve on task 1?
12 Calculating energy efficiency
This bulb converts 200 J of chemical energy from
battery into 10 J of useful light energy
13New Information for Task 2
- This radio converts 200 J of chemical energy from
battery into 20 J of sound energy - Calculate the efficiency of the Radio.
14Task 2
- This kettle converts 100 J of chemical energy
from battery into 75 J of wasted sound and light
energy. - Calculate the efficiency of the kettle.
15New Information for Task 2
- Calculate the efficiency of the fuel
16Calculate its efficiency (Task 2)
18Task 2 Review
Go back to your lesson outcome grid and fill out
the How I did and the Targets column.
Lesson Outcomes How I did Targets
Task 2 Level 6 Met? Partly met? Not met? How can I improve on task 2?
19Measuring electricity
Electricity is measured in KWh, this is sometimes
called a unit
A Unit.
1.5 kW 0.08 kW
Energy transferred power x time
2 kW x 3 h 6 kWh
21Cost of energy transfer
How can we calculate the cost of energy transfer ?
22Electrical cost
50 kWh
300 p or 3
The same in both cases the number of
kilowatt-hours is 12.
36 p
8.64 p _at_ 9 p
24Task 3 Review
Go back to your lesson outcome grid and fill out
the How I did and the Targets column.
Lesson Outcomes How I did Targets
Task 3 Level 7 Met? Partly met? Not met? How can I improve on task 3?
- Homework task
- Due date
- Criteria for level 5
- Criteria for level 6
- Criteria for level 7
26Review of lesson