Summary - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Summary (very) short history of public key cryptography Multivariate crypto: Initial designs Multivariate crypto: Initial attacks The revival Noisy schemes Gr bner ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Summary

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  1. (very) short history of public key cryptography
  2. Multivariate crypto Initial designs
  3. Multivariate crypto Initial attacks
  4. The revival
  5. Noisy schemes
  6. Gröbner algorithms
  7. Conclusion

1976-1978 From PKC to RSA
  • 1976 Invention of PKC (Public Key Cryptography)
    by Diffie, Hellman
  • 1978 The RSA cryptosystem and signature scheme
    by Rivest, Shamir, Adleman yxe mod n

PKC yields signatures
  • Apply D to message m to create signature
  • Verify using public key only
  • Grants non-repudiation

Alternatives to RSA
  • El Gamal DSA (1985)
  • ECC Koblitz Miller(1985)
  • Others
  • NTRU Hoffstein Pipher Silverman (1996)
  • Lattice-based (Goldreich Goldwasser Halevi 1996)
  • multivariate schemes (Shamir 1993, Matsumoto Imai

Post-Quantum Crypto
  • May 24, 2036 RSA 2048 BROKEN Most e-commerce
    sites are closing down due to lack of security in
    the SSL protocol, according to interviews by The
    Times.Slide Show Frustration over the
    InternetComplete Coverage Quantum computing
    and the CrisisInterview Can MQ crypto save

Why was RSA so successful?
  • It provided reasonably compact keys
  • It was reasonably efficient
  • It was related to a beautiful mathematical
    problem factoring
  • Until the advent of Quantum Computers, the
    difficulty of this problem was well understood
    both in theory and by means of challenges

What is the paradigm under MQ?
  • Multivariate schemes stem from the basic idea of
    replacing univariate modular equation yxe
    mod n by
  • either a moderate of modular equations of low
    degree modulo a large number
  • or by a large of modular equations of low
    degree modulo a small number

The basic paradigm (2)
  • Start from a set of quadratic equations, which
    are easy, due to some specific underlying
    structure Y F(X) Y (y1,,yk)
  • Hide the underlying structure by using two
    linear (or affine) bijections T,S
  • Obtain public key by writing formulas for ?
  • quadratic comes from practicality

How does it work?
  • for PKC encryption applies ? T?F?S
    decryption solves easy equations by means of
  • for signature take inverse of h(m,i) under ?
    T?F?S by using T, S and solving easy equations

When was it invented?
  • It was invented several times
  • Some believe that MQ crypto started with Shamir
  • Others date it back to Matsumoto-Imai 88
  • A few observe that trapdoor construction goes
    back to the early Mc Eliece 78 scheme
  • Many claim it would never have survived without
    the work of Patarin

Shamir Birational (SB) Schemes
  • At CRYPTO 93, Shamir proposed two signature
    schemes we look at 1st
  • Easy sequentially linearized equations y1 x1
    x2 mod n n RSA integeryi-1 xi
  • ?i linear ?i quadratic
  • k equations in k1 variables
  • solved step by step from chosen x1

How did it look like?
  • Toy example from Shamir 93
  • 2 equations 3 unknowns modulus 101
  • secrety1 x1 x2 y2 (29x143x2)x3
  • public after mixing y1 78x1237x226x32 54x1x2
    19x1x3 11x2x3 y2 84x1271x2248x32
    44x1x233x1x3 83x2x3

Matsumoto Imai (MI) Scheme
  • AT EUROCRYPT88, MI proposed a PK encryption
  • Easy equations come from quadratic polynomials in
    some finite binary field F(2n) YX? with ?
    2i 2j
  • solved by using the inverse of ? mod 2n -1

How did it look like?
  • Toy example from MI 88 8 variables

What about Cryptanalysis?
  • In conventional crypto look for statistical
  • In PK crypto look for algebraic invariants
  • Possible invariants rank, invariant subspaces
    etc. ofmatrices

Did the schemes survive?
  • Shamir Scheme was broken the same year 93 by
    Coppersmith, Stern, Vaudenay
  • Rank Invariants allowed to disclose hidden
  • MI scheme succumbed to an algebraic attack by
    Patarin 95
  • In 95, MQ crypto was considered dead

The Cryptanalysis of MI in short
  • Focus on ? 1 2i set ? 2i - 1
  • Y X?
  • Y? X?? X? with ? 22i - 1
  • XY?1 X?1Y
  • ? 1 and ? 1 are powers of two
  • This is a bilinear relation B(X,Y)0
  • Invariant by S,Tn independent Bs can be found
    by sampling and linear algebra

Was there a revival?
  • moderate of modular equations of low degree
    modulo a large number extinct
  • large of modular equations of low degree modulo
    a small number or more generally in a finite
    field many additional species and variants(work
    of Patarin, Goubin, Courtois, Kipnis, Ding)
  • and many cryptanalysis (Shamir, Kipnis,
    Faugère/Joux, Stern)

for signature and encryption?
  • Some proposals such as HFE yield both signature
    and PK encryption
  • Others such as oil vinegar - an idea pursuing
    Shamirs sequentially linearized schemes-, are
    for signature only
  • Finally, Signatures allow to discard equations
    from public key ? this is a way to rescue
    schemes as MI and turn them into new proposals

What is HFE?
  • Stands for Hidden Field Equation derives from MI
    by replacing Y X? by more general quadratic
    polynomial equation of degree d Y ? ai,j
    X?i,j with ?i,j 2i 2j
  • Solve easy equation by Berlekamp
  • Requires d small

Does this provide compact keys?
  • Private keys are OK
  • Public keys are over 100 kilobytes
  • This is a lot but one could (maybe) live with it
    if RSA is broken!

Is this efficient?
  • Encryption is very fast, even faster than RSA
  • Decryption is very slow this would certainly
    hamper SSL-like environments
  • but one could (maybe) live with it if RSA is

Is this related to beautiful maths?
  • yes and no HFE looks beautiful
  • however (personal view) all the variants using
    perturbations are rather ugly, at least for PK
  • They yield 2r penalty at decryption time, where r
    is the size of the perturbation
  • Furthermore, removing the noise is different from
    the core problem

How is noise added?
  • minus variants discard r equations
  • plus variants add r equations
  • Inner perturbations were invented by Ding at PKC
    04 replace easy F by FH, with H quadratic over
    r linear functionals

How is noise removed?
  • We take the example of Dings inner permutation
  • We try to disclose the kernel M of the r linear
    functionals on which R depends
  • This can be done by the method of differential
    cryptanalysis proposed by Fouque, Granboulan
    Stern at Eurocypt 05

What is Differential cryptanalysis?
  • Difference ?(xk) - ?(x) is an affine map.
    Differential ??k is its linear part
  • rank of differential is invariant under S,T
  • Can be used to remove noise provided
    distributions of ranks for pure and noisy
    systems can be distinguished
  • applied to break Dings perturbated MI pure rank
    was n-8 noisy close to n

Can you protect against DC?
  • Once you know DC you can try to finely tune
    parameters to stop statistics
  • This is along the lines of symmetric block cipher
  • However (personal view), these intricacies make
    schemes ugly and loose relation to core problem

Is core problem well understood?
  • Yes and no
  • For a long time proponents claimed public key
    indistinguishable from random
  • And general problem of solving MQ equations NP
  • In 06, using DC, Granboulan, Stern, Vivien showed
    distinguisher for HFE
  • provable still mildly exponential O(n)dlog d

Is there a general attack?
  • All multivariate schemes yield multivariate
    polynomial equations
  • Can be solved by so called Gröbner basis
  • These output low degree equations and/or
    univariate equations
  • Seems very hard (exp-space complete)
  • However may work in some cases

Gröbner how does it work?
  • uses ? order on monomials (e.g.lexicographic)
  • Combines f,g into u.f - v.g to cancel leading
    monomials LM of f g
  • Reduces f by g, when LM(g) divides LM(f), by
    forming f-hg, g, with lt LM
  • closes under both operations
  • Terminates but no efficient bound
  • More efficient algorithms F4, F5 based on lin al

Was it invented by Gröbner?
  • It was invented by Buchberger in his 74 thesis
  • Gröbner was the thesis advisor!
  • In the early 80s, French mathematician Lazard
    linked Gröbner algorithms and linear algebra
    (through Macaulay matrices)
  • XL algorithm independently found (rediscovered?)
    by CKPS at Eurocrypt 2000
  • motivated by attack of HFE by Kipnis Shamir at
    Crypto 99, using low rank invariants

Did it work against HFE?
  • Fist HFE challenge (degree 96 80 variables)
  • Has been successfully cracked using GB algorithm
    F5 by Faugère and Joux 2003
  • 2 days and 4 hrs
  • 7.65 Gbytes of RAM

Was it simply brute force?
  • Hidden invariant smallest integer m such that ?
    degree 1 (linear) combination of terms xd (? -
    a) for any fixed awith d sum of at most m
    powers of 2
  • m as small as 3 works for degree 80
  • m as small as 4 works for degree up to 1280

Is the complexity understood?
  • For a long time, complexity was unclear, e.g. in
    Kipnis-Shamir 99
  • Work by Granboulan, Joux, Stern at Crypto 06
    showed mildly exponential (heuristic) complexity
    O(nO(log d))

Conclusion (back in may 2006)
  • Many algebraic objects and invariants floating
  • bilinear relations, low degree relations
  • invariant subspaces, rank
  • Noise appears weaker than core system (at least
    for PK encryption, signature may be ?)
  • Large dimension systems may be secure
  • Complexity estimates close to predictive
  • Still time until Quantum Comuters are built
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