Skin and Wound Care - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Skin and Wound Care


Diabetic Foot, Rashes, IAD Section 4 of 7 RN and LPN Self-learning Module DMC Adv Wound Care and Specialty Bed Committee Original authors 1997: Maria Teresa Palleschi ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Skin and Wound Care


Skin and Wound Care Diabetic Foot, Rashes,
IAD Section 4 of 7
RN and LPN Self-learning Module

DMC Adv Wound Care and Specialty Bed Committee

  • Original authors 1997
  • Maria Teresa Palleschi, CNS-BC, CCRN
  • JoAnn Maklebust, MSN, APRN-BC, AOCN, FAAN
  • Kristin Szczepaniak, MSN, RN, CS, CWOCN
  • Karen Smith, MSN, RN, CRRN
  • The authors would like to acknowledge the efforts
    of the 1997 Critical Care Wounds Work Group in
    providing the basis for this self-learning
    module. We thank the following members for their
    expertise and dedication to the effort in
    formulating these recommendations and the ongoing
    work required to communicate wound care advances
    to our DMC staff
  • Cloria Farris RN
  • Evelyn Lee, BSN, RN, CETN, CRNI
  • Mary Sieggreen MSN, RN, CS, CNP
  • Patricia Clark MSN, RN, CS, CCRN
  • Bernice Huck, RN, CETN
  • James Tyburski, MD
  • Michael Buscuito, MD
  • In 2000 the authors acknowledge the following
    staff for assisting with reviewing and revising
    this learning module
  • Mary Gerlach MSN, RN, CWOCN, CS
  • Carole Bauer BSN, RN, OCN, CWOCN


Purposes and Objectives
  • Purposes
  • To communicate DMC standards and policies in skin
    and wound care practice.
  • To provide a study module and source of
  • To prepare RN and LPN orientees for clinical
    validation of skin and wound care.
  • Directions
  • All staff are responsible to read the content of
    these modules and pass the tests.
  • If you are unable to finish reviewing the content
    of this course in one sitting, click the Bookmark
    option found on the left-hand side of the screen,
    and the system will mark the slide you are
    currently viewing. When you are able to return
    to the course, click on the title of the course
    and you will have button choices to either
  • Review the Course Material which will take you to
    the beginning of the course OR
  • Jump to My Bookmark which will take you to where
    you left off on your previous review of this
  • Objectives
  • By completing this module, the RN and LPN
  • 1. Recognize the professional responsibility of
    licensed health care providers.
  • RNs will utilize the knowledge to make clinical
    decisions and enter EMR orders based on DMC
    evidenced based flowcharts found in Tier 2 Skin
    and Wound Policies.
  • 2. Review basic skin and wound care concepts.


Diabetic Foot Ulcer
  • World Health Organization definition
  • The foot of a diabetic that has the potential
    risk of pathologic consequences, including
    infection, ulceration, and/or destruction of deep
    tissues associated with neurologic abnormalities,
    various degrees of peripheral vascular disease,
    and/or metabolic complications in the lower
  • Patients most likely to have a foot ulcer
  • Long standing diabetes
  • Insulin dependant
  • Smokers
  • Common complication
  • 15 develop foot ulcers
  • Prevalence 4-10
  • ALOS infected/ischemic
  • 59 longer than diabetic patients without ulcers
  • 14-20 require amputation
  • Precursor to 85 amputation in diabetic patients

Diabetic Foot
  • Risk Factors
  • Peripheral Neuropathy
  • Primary factor
  • Autonomic neuropathy
  • Structural abnormality
  • Limited joint mobility
  • Foot deformities
  • Abnormal pressures
  • Minor trauma
  • Peripheral Vascular Disease
  • Previous ulcers
  • Previous amputations
  • Assessment and Treatment
  • Ensure podiatry consult
  • Assess for pedal pulse or Doppler signal
  • Blood glucose in target range
  • Educate patient regarding prevention strategies
  • Check feet daily (use mirror) lesions, redness,

Charcot Joint

Leg Ulcers
  • 80-90 of all leg ulcers are vascular in nature
    with the largest number arising from venous
  • Cleanse leg ulcer with normal saline to remove
    wound debris before assessing ulcer.
  • Assess leg for venous versus arterial ulcers
  • VENOUS characteristics ARTERIAL
  • Warm foot, edema Foot cool or cold
  • Brawny discoloration Shiny, dry, pale skin,
    nail deformities
  • Some pain when foot dependent Pain with
  • Pain relieved with elevation Absence of leg
  • May be large size Usually small size
  • Usually above ankle on medial side May be
    below ankle, on toes or
  • May be granulating pressure area(s)
  • Ulcer base moist Elevation pallor,
    dependent rubor
  • Slow
    capillary refill Ulcer base dry
  • Palpate foot and leg pulses. If pulses are
    absent or an arterial ulcer is suspected, consult


Leg Ulcer Dressing Flow Chart
RN TO ASSESS Foot and Leg PULSES / Doppler
Pulse / Doppler Signal Present
Pulse / Doppler Signal Absent
Consult physician
CLEANSING Normal Hygiene Soap Warm H20
CLEANSING Normal Saline
PROTECTION Prevent trauma Refer to Skin Care Flow
ASSESS Ulcer Color, Size, Depth, Necrosis
ASSESS Periulcer skin Refer to Peri-wound Skin
Flow Chart
Clean No Necrotic Tissue
CHOOSE method to Attach Cover Dressing Avoid
Consult APN / CWOCN or Physician
CHOOSE Dressing
Consult APN / CWOCN
Shallow Ulcer
Deep Ulcer
HEAVY Dry Gauze, Alginate Cover with Gauze or
MODERATE Moist Saline Gauze, Hydrogel Gauze
MODERATE Moist Saline Gauze, Hydrogel Gauze Cover
with dry gauze or ABD
NONE TO MINIMAL Hydrocolloid, Hydrogel
Gauze, Moist Saline Gauze
NONE TO MINIMAL Moist Saline Gauze, Hydrogel
These flow sheets do not represent the full scope
of care For evaluation of Compression therapy,
consult APN / CWOCN / Wound Care Specialist .

Surgical Wounds
  • Cleanse wounds with normal saline with each
    dressing change.
  • Assess wound for color, size, depth, drainage,
    necrosis, edges and peri-wound skin.
  • Necrotic tissue is nonviable and needs to be
    removed. Consult for debridement options.
  • Deep surgical wounds may require three layers of
    dressings. See Dressing Section of module for
  • Contact layer Dressings in contact with the
    wound bed should maintain tissue moisture.
  • Fill layer Additional dressing materials are
    placed on top of the contact layer to loosely
    fill dead space.
  • Cover layer Covering is dependent on wound
    location and amount
  • of wound drainage.
  • Shallow wounds may require only one layer of
    dressing that maintains moisture and covers the
  • Cardiothoracic patients with sternal incisions
  • Cover until healed.
  • Cover while patient remains mechanically
    ventilated and/or has a tracheostomy.
  • Do not change dressing for 48 hours
  • Cleanse with sterile normal saline.
  • Bariatric surgery patients are educated


Surgical Wound Flow Chart
Drains in Place
Open Incision
Closed Incision
Cleanse with Normal Saline
Open to Air After Initial Dressing Removed
Assess Wound Color, Size, Depth,
Drainage, Necrosis and Peri-wound Tissue
Use Normal Hygiene for Cleansing
Necrotic Tissue Consult
Non-necrotic Tissue
Monitor for Redness, Pain, Swelling, Drainage
Choose Dressing to loosely fill wound
Choose Dressing to Cover Wound
For Cardiothoracic sternal incisions 1.
Cover until healed 2. Cover while mechanically
ventilated and/or while
pt has a tracheostomy 3. Do not change for 48
hrs stop. 4. Cleanse with sterile normal
saline at each drsing change.
Deep Wound
Shallow Wound
HEAVY Dry Gauze, Alginate Wound Pouch
HEAVY Unlikely Gauze or ABD, Consult
HEAVY Gauze or ABD Consult
MODERATE Damp Saline Gauze, Hydrogel Gauze
MODERATE Damp Saline Gauze, Hydrogel Gauze Plain
NuGauze Strips
NONE TO MINIMAL Damp Saline Gauze, Hydrogel
Gauze Hydrocolloid Transparent Film
NONE TO MINIMAL Damp Saline Gauze Hydrogel Gauze
NONE TO MINIMAL Gauze, Transparent Film
  • These flow sheets do not represent the full scope
    of care.
  • Refer to APN / CWOCN Wound Care Specialist when
    in doubt.

Herpes Simplex
  • Uniform grouped dome-shaped pustule rapidly form
    on a erythematous base, umbilicate, subsequently
    erode,and crust
  • More numerous and scattered with initial
  • May resemble pressure ulcers when pustule merge.
  • Immunocompromised are at increased risk.
  • Do not cover with hydrocolloid dressings or any
    dressing / cream that retains moisture.
  • Area is left open to air.
  • Culture is the most definitive method
  • Sample lesions in the vesicular or early
    ulcerative stage
  • Vesicles are punctured and a swab is then rubbed
    onto the base of the lesion
  • Treatment is dependent upon size and
    dissemination of lesions
  • Topical antiviral
  • IV antiviral
  • Progression from pustules to umbilicated pustules
    to crusts

Umbilicated Pustules
Fungal Rash
  • Fungal rash presents as a pruritic area of solid
    discoloration, associated with
  • Redness or darker pigmentation
  • Extrafollicular red pustules
  • Maceration with white satellite lesions in the
  • Burning sensation
  • Rash is frequently caused by candida albicans, a
    skin flora that proliferates in a warm, moist
    dark environment. Predisposing factors include
  • Diabetes
  • Incontinence
  • Damp dressings
  • Antibiotic therapy
  • Steroids
  • Immunosuppression
  • Use of oral contraceptives
  • Fungal infection is typically seen under

    pendulous breasts,
    overhanging abdominal folds,

    between toes, and in the perineal area.
  • Actions
  • Establish a toilet program
  • Reduce effects of moisture / incontinence
  • Cleanse perineal area with perineal cleanser or
    normal saline with each incidence of

Incontinence Associated Dermatitis
  • Incontinence associated dermatitis (IAD) is
    inflammation of the surface of the skin with
    redness edema and in some cases bullae or
    vesicles. Eroded or denuded areas of superficial
    skin layers are generally associated with severe
    cases. Fungal rash is a common complication.
  • Three principles areas contributing to IAD
    tissue tolerance, perineal environment, and
    toileting ability. Aging skin is particularly
    vulnerable to damage from long term exposure to
    urine and stool.
  • The use of diapers has been identified as a
    primary cause of IAD. Diapers alter the
    microflora by increasing the number of coagulase
    negative staphlococci. Skin covered by a diaper
    has a higher pH than one exposed to air thereby
    increasing the possibility for IAD. Do not use
    closed diapers on patients with IAD.
  • Actions
  • Routine use of skin protectants such as barrier
    creams and ointments e.g., Petrolatum,
    Sensicare, Xenaderm.
  • Cleanse denuded skin with saline.
  • Establish a toileting program when feasible.
  • Avoid scrubbing and using rough towels /
    washcloths over at risk areas.
  • Avoid using diapers in patients
  • Educate caregivers
  • Begin aggressive treatment for underlying
  • Treat fungal rash when present.

  • Intertrigo occurs in between opposed skin
    surfaces. Characterized by erythema, maceration,
    burning, itching, and sometimes erosions,
    fissures, exudate, and secondary infection. Risk
    factors are thought to be obesity and poor
    hygiene. Diabetes may be associated with its
  • Treatment
  • Ordered by APN
  • InterDry Ag is a fabric with Antimicrobial Silver
    Complex that is placed between skin folds and
    other skin to skin areas. It is designed to
    manage moisture, odor and inflammation.
  • Positioned between folds with at least 1 inch
    exposed at either end to allow for moisture
  • Left in place for up to 5 days unless grossly


  • The following definitions apply to the Skin and
    Wound Care Flow Charts
  • A
  • Abscess a circumscribed collection of pus that
    forms in tissue as a result of acute or chronic
    localized infection. It is associated with
    tissue destruction and frequently swelling.
  • Acute wounds those likely to heal in the
    expected time frame, with no local or general
    factor delaying healing. Includes burns,
    split-skin donor grafts, skin graft donor site,
    sacrococcygeal cysts, bites, frostbites, deep
    dermabrasions, and postoperative-guided tissue
  • B
  • Bariatric Term applying to care, prevention,
    control and treatment of obesity.
  • Basic Wound Care RN identifies and orders
    treatment plan based on DMC Skin and Wound Care
  • Blister elevated fluid filled lesions caused by
    pressure, frictions, and viral, fungal, or
    bacterial infections. A blister greater than 1
    cm in diameter is a bulla and blisters less than
    1 cm is a vesicle.
  • Bottoming Out determined by the caregiver
    placing an outstretched hand (palm up) under a
    mattress overlay, below the part of the body at
    risk for ulcer formation. If the caregiver can
    feel less than one inch of support material
    between the caregivers hand and the patients
    body at this site, the patient has bottomed
    out. Reinflation of the mattress overlay is
  • C
  • Cellulitis inflammation of cellular or
    connective tissue. Inflammation may be
    diminished or absent in immunosuppressed
  • Chronic wounds those expected to take more than
    4 to 6 weeks to heal because of 1 or more factors
    delaying healing, including venous leg ulcers,
    pressure ulcers, diabetic foot ulcers, extended
    burns, and amputation wounds.
  • Colonized presence of bacteria that causes no
    local or systemic signs or symptoms.
  • Community Acquired Pressure Ulcer Any pressure
    ulcer that is identified on admission and
    documented in the Adult or Pediatric Admission
    Assessment as being present on admission (POA).
  • Contaminated containing bacteria, other
    microorganisms, or foreign material. Term
    usually refers to bacterial contamination.
    Wounds with bacterial counts of 105 or fewer
    organisms per gram of tissue are generally
    considered contaminated those with higher counts
    are generally considered infected.
  • Cytotoxic Agents solutions with destructive
    action on all cells, including healthy ones. May
    be used by APN / CWOCN to cleanse wounds for
    defined periods of time. Examples of cytotoxic
    agents include Betadine, Dakins Peroxide, and
  • D
  • Debridement, autolytic disintegration or
    liquefaction of tissue or cells self-digestion
    of necrotic tissue.

  • D
  • Denuded Loss of superficial skin / epidermis.
  • Drainage wound exudate, fluid that may contain
    serum, cellular debris, bacteria, leukocytes,
    pus, or blood.
  • Dressings, primary dressings placed directly on
    the wound bed.
  • Dressings, secondary dressings used to cover
    primary dressing.
  • Dressings, alginate primary dressing. A
    non-woven highly absorptive dressing manufactured
    from seaweed. Absorbs serous fluid or exudate in
    moderately to heavily exudative wounds to form a
    hydrophilic gel that conforms to the shape of the
    wound. May be used for hemorrhagic wounds. Non
    adhesive, nonocclusive primary dressing.
    Promotes granulation, epithelization, and
  • Dressings, foam primary or secondary dressing.
    Low adherence sponge-like polymer dressing that
    may or may not be adherent to wound bed or
    periwound tissue e.g., Mepilex. Indicated for
    moderately to heavily exudative wounds with or
    without a clean granular wound bed, capable of
    holding exudate away from the wound bed. Not
    indicated for wounds with slough or eschar. Foam
    and low-adherence dressings are used in wounds
    for granulation and epithelialization stages as
    well as over fragile skin.
  • Dressings, continuously moist saline primary
    dressing. A dressing technique in which gauze
    moistened with normal saline is applied to the
    wound bed. The dressing is changed often enough
    to keep the wound bed moist and is remoistened
    when the dressing is removed. The goal is to
    maintain a continuously moist wound environment.
    Indicated for dry wounds or those with slough
    that require autolytic therapy.
  • Dressings, gauze primary or secondary dressing.
    a woven or non-woven cotton or synthetic fabric
    dressing that is absorptive and permeable to
    water, water vapor, and oxygen. May be
    impregnated with petrolatum, antiseptics, or
    other agents. Indicated for surgical and
    draining wounds.
  • Dressings, hydrocolloid primary dressing. Two
    kinds of wafer, thick and thin. Wafers contain
    hydroactive/absorptive particles that interact
    with wound exudate to form a gelatinous mass.
    Moldable adhesive wafers are made of carbohydrate
    with a semiocclusive film layer backing e.g.,
  • Thick wafers are applied over areas with exudate
    while thin wafers are used over sites with
    minimal or no exudate.
  • Thin wafers may conform to sites easier than
    thick wafers. Contraindicated where anaerobic
    infection is suspected.
  • Dressing is not removed upon external soiling.
    Removing any intact product that adheres to skin
    strips the epidermis, causes damage and increases
    the risk for breakdown.
  • Cover hydrocolloid with a transparent film to
    decrease friction from repositioning patient or
    if dressing is at risk for soiling.
  • May be used for intact skin that requires
    protection against friction.
  • Hydrocydrocolloid and low-adherence dressings are
    for wounds in the epithelialization stage.
  • Used to cover a wound entirely, leaving
    approximately a 1.5 inch border around the wound
  • Does not require a secondary dressing

  • D
  • Dressings, hydrogel or hydrogel impregnated
    gauze primary dressing. A water-based
    non-adherent dressing primarily designed to
    hydrate the wound, may absorb small amount of
    exudate e.g., Skintegrity. Indicated for dry to
    minimally exudative wounds with or without clean
    granular wound base. Donates moisture to the
    wound and is used to facilitate autolysis. May
    be used to provide moisture to wound bed without
    macerating surrounding tissue. Requires a
    secondary dressing.
  • Dressings Primary dressing placed directly on
    the wound bed.
  • Dressings Secondary dressing used to cover
    primary dressing.
  • Dressings, silver Useful for colonized wounds or
    those at risk of infection and decreases wounds
    bacterial load. good for up to 5 - 7 days.
  • Alginate e.g., Aquacel Ag - Highly absorbent
    interacts with wound exudate and forms a soft gel
    to maintain moist environment. May be used in
    dry wounds covered with saline moistened gauze as
    secondary dressing to maintain moisture
  • Foam e.g., Mepilex Ag - Used for colonized wounds
    or those at risk of infection and decreases
    wounds bacterial load. Used in exudating
    colonized wounds
  • Textile e.g., InterDry Ag - Used for Intertrigo
    and other skin to skin surfaces with rash. May
    remain in place for 5 days.
  • Dressings, transparent primary or secondary
    dressing. A clear, adherent non-absorptive
    dressing that is permeable to oxygen and water
    vapor e.g., Tegaderm. Creates a moist
    environment that assists in promoting autolysis
    of devitalized tissue. Protects against
    friction. Allows for visualization of wounds.
    Indicated for superficial, partial-thickness
    wounds, with small amount of slough to enhance
    autolytic debridement. Used in wounds with little
    or no exudate
  • Dressings, wet-to-dry a debridement technique in
    which gauze moistened with normal saline is
    applied to the wound and removed once the gauze
    becomes dry and adheres to the wound bed.
    Indicated for debridement of necrotic tissue
    from the wound as the dressing is removed,
    however method is not selective and removes
    healthy tissue as well. Other methods of
    debridement are considered more effective. Wet
    to dry dressing orders that are changed at a
    frequency that does not allow drying are
    considered continuously moist dressings.
  • Dressing, xeroform primary dressing. Impregnated
    gauze with petrolatum and 3 bismuth. Indicated
    for skin donor sites and other areas to protect
    from contamination while allowing fluid to pass
    to secondary dressing.

  • E
  • Enzymes protein catalyst that induces chemical
    changes in cells to digest specific tissue.
    Indicated for partial and full thickness wounds
    with eschar or necrotic tissue. Gauze is used as
    a secondary dressing, e.g.., Santyl and
  • Epithelialization regeneration of epidermis
    across a wounds surface.
  • Erythema Blanchable (Reactive Hyperemia)
    reddened area of skin that turns white or pale
    when pressure is applied with a fingertip and
    then demonstrates immediate
    capillary refill. Blanchable erythema over a
    pressure site is usually due to a
    normal reactive hyperemic response.
  • Erythema Non-blanchable redness that persists
    when fingertip pressure is applied.
    Non-blanchable erythema over a pressure site is a
    sign of a Stage I pressure ulcer.
  • Excoriation loss of epidermis linear or
    hollowed-out crusted area dermis is exposed
    Examples  Abrasion scratch. Not the same as
    denuded of skin.
  • Exudate any fluid that has been extruded from a
    tissue or its capillaries, more specifically
    because of injury or inflammation. It is
    characteristically high in protein and white
    blood cells but varies according to individual
    health and healing stages.
  • G
  • Gangrene Gangrene is ischemic tissue that
    initially appears pale, then blue gray, followed
    by purple, and finally black. Pain occurs at
    the line of demarcation between dead and
    viable tissue. Consists of 3 types Dry, Wet,
    and Gas
  • Dry gangrene is tissue with decreased perfusion
    and cellular respiration. Tissue becomes dark
    and loses fluid. Area becomes shriveled /
    mummified. Not considered harmful and is not
    painful. Area requires protection, kept dry,
    avoid maceration. Alcohol pads may be used
    between gangrenous toes to dry tissue out.
  • Wet gangrene is dead moist tissue that is a
    medium for bacterial growth. Area requires
    protection, kept dry, do not use a wet to dry
    dressing. Monitor for erythema and signs of
    infection in adjacent tissue.
  • Gas gangrene is tissue infected with an anaerobic
    organism e.g., clostridium. Systemic antibiotics
    are required and tissue must be removed by
    physician in the OR. Keep moist tissue moist and
    dry tissue dry. Monitor adjacent tissue for
    signs of infection progressing
  • Granulation Tissue pink/red, moist tissue that
    contains new blood vessels, collagen,
    fibroblasts, and inflammatory cells, which fills
    an open, previously deep wound when it starts to
  • H
  • Hospital acquired condition (HAC) condition
    that occurs during current hospitalization.
    Formerly known as nosocomial. Ulcers without
    assessment documentation in the patient medical
    record within 24 hours of admission are
    classified as hospital acquired even though they
    were present on admission (POA). Acceptable
    documentation of ulcer assessment for hospital
    acquired conditions / pressure ulcers includes a
    detailed description within any assessment record
    e.g., EMR Adult Ongoing Assessment, Progress
    Note, HP or consultative form.

  • I
  • Incontinence-related dermatitis an inflammation
    of the skin in the genital, buttock, or upper leg
    areas that is often associated with changes in
    the skin barrier. Presents as redness, a rash,
    or vesiculation, with symptoms such as pain or
    itching. Associated with fecal or urinary
  • Infection overgrowth of microorganisms causing
    clinical signs/ symptoms of infection
  • warmth, edema, redness, and pain.
  • Induration an abnormal hardening of the tissue
    surrounding wound margins, detected by
    palpation. It occurs following reactive
    hyperemia or chronic venous congestion.
  • J
  • K
  • L
  • M
  • Maceration excessive tissue softening by wetting
    or soaking (waterlogged).
  • N
  • Negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) provides
    an occlusive controlled sub-atmospheric pressure
    (negative pressure) suction dressing that
    promotes moist wound healing. Controlled
    sub-atmospheric pressure improves tissue
    perfusion, stimulates granulation tissue, reduces
    edema and excessive wound fluid, and reduces
    overall wound size. Some indications for use
    include pressure ulcers, venous ulcers, diabetic
    foot ulcers, dehisced surgical incisions, partial
    thickness burns, grafts, split thickness skin
    grafts, traumatic wounds, fasciotomy,
    myocutaneous flaps, and temporary closure for
    abdominal compartment syndrome (V.A.C. ACS).
  • No Touch Technique Dressing change technique
    where only the outer layer of dressing is touched
    with clean gloves. The dressing surface against
    the wound bed is never touched.
  • O

  • P
  • Pressure Ulcer Staging One of the most commonly
    used systems to classify pressure ulcers. This
    staging system was developed by the National
    Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (NPUAP) and is
    recommended by the AHCPR Guidelines for pressure
  • Stage I Intact skin with non-blanchable redness
    of a localized area usually over a bony
    prominence. Darkly pigmented skin may not have
    visible blanching its color may differ from the
    surrounding area. The area may be painful, firm,
    soft, warmer or cooler as compared to adjacent
    tissue. Stage I may be difficult to detect in
    individuals with dark skin tones. May indicate
    "at risk" persons (a heralding sign of risk).
    Treatment Do not cover, assess frequently for
  • Stage II partial thickness loss of dermis
    presenting as a shallow open ulcer with a red
    pink wound bed, without slough. May also present
    as an intact or open/ruptured serum-filled
    blister. Presents as a shiny or dry shallow
    ulcer without slough or bruising. This stage
    should not be used to describe skin tears, tape
    burns, perineal dermatitis, maceration or
    excoriation. Treatment Hydrogel / hydrogel
    impregnated gauze, or foam / Mepilex dependent on
  • Stage III full thickness tissue loss.
    Subcutaneous fat may be visible but bone, tendon
    or muscle are not exposed. Slough may be present
    but does not obscure the depth of tissue loss.
    May include undermining and tunneling. The depth
    of a stage III pressure ulcer varies by
    anatomical location. The bridge of the nose, ear,
    occiput and malleolus do not have subcutaneous
    tissue and stage III ulcers can be shallow. In
    contrast, areas of significant adiposity can
    develop extremely deep stage III pressure ulcers.
    Bone/tendon is not visible or directly palpable.
    Treatment Hydrogel / hydrogel impregnated gauze
    or continuously moist dressings.
  • Stage IV full thickness tissue loss with exposed
    bone, tendon or muscle. Slough or eschar may be
    present on some parts of the wound bed. Often
    include undermining and tunneling. The depth of a
    stage IV pressure ulcer varies by anatomical
    location. The bridge of the nose, ear, occiput
    and malleolus do not have subcutaneous tissue and
    these ulcers can be shallow. Stage IV ulcers can
    extend into muscle and/or supporting structures
    (e.g., fascia, tendon or joint capsule) making
    osteomyelitis possible. Exposed bone/tendon is
    visible or directly palpable. Treatment Hydrogel
    / hydrogel impregnated gauze, continuously moist
  • Unstageable full thickness tissue loss in which
    the base of the ulcer is covered by slough
    (yellow, tan, gray, green or brown) and/or eschar
    (tan, brown or black) in the wound bed. Until
    enough slough and/or eschar is removed to expose
    the base of the wound, the true depth, and
    therefore stage, cannot be determined. Stable
    (dry, adherent, intact without erythema or
    fluctuance) eschar on the heels serves as "the
    body's natural (biological) cover" and should not
    be removed. Treatment contact APN / CWOCN for
    enzymatic agent for areas outside of the heels.
  • Deep Tissue Injury Purple or maroon localized
    area of discolored intact skin or blood-filled
    blister due to damage of underlying soft tissue
    from pressure and/or shear. The area may be
    preceded by tissue that is painful, firm, mushy,
    boggy, warmer or cooler as compared to adjacent
    tissue. Bruising indicates suspected deep tissue
    injury. These lesions may herald the subsequent
    development of a Stage 3 or Stage 4 Pressure
    Ulcer even with optimal management. Treatment
    protect, reposition off area at all times,
    contact APN CWOCN, assess frequently for
  • Although useful during initial assessment, the
    staging classification system cannot be used to
  • monitor progress over time. Pressure ulcer
    staging is not reversible. Ulcers do not heal in
  • reverse order from a higher number to a lower
    number and are not be described s such e.g.,
  • the ulcer was a Stage II but now looks like a
    Stage I). Wounds with slough or eschar cannot
  • be staged. The full extent or wound depth is
    hidden by slough or eschar.

  • P
  • Present on Admission (POA) Any alteration in
    tissue integrity that is identified on admission
    is defined as community-acquired and documented
    in the Adult Admission History as present on
    admission (POA).
  • Acceptable documentation of ulcer assessment for
    community acquired conditions / pressure ulcers
    includes a detailed description within any
    assessment record e.g., EMR Adult Admission
    History, Progress Note, HP or consultative form.
  • Protective barrier film Clear liquid that seals
    and protects the skin from mechanical injury
    e.g., AllKare wipes (contains alcohol), Medical
    Adhesive Spray (alcohol free). Some contain
    alcohol and require vigorous fanning after
    application to avoid burning on contact.
  • Pustule Elevated superficial filled with
    purulent fluid.
  • Purulent forming or containing pus.
  • Q
  • R
  • Rash term applied to any eruption of the skin.
    Usually shade of red.
  • Shear friction plus pressure causing muscle to
    slide across bone and obstructing blood flow
    e.g., sitting with head of the bed (HOB) at gt 30?
  • Skin Sealant clear liquid that seals and
    protects the skin.
  • Tissue Biopsy use of a sharp instrument to
    obtain a sample of skin, muscle, or bone.

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