?????a, ???? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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?????a, ????


, . . . . . . . . ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: ?????a, ????

?????a, ????
??µ?t??? ????a? ?.?.??.?. ???ast????
?????f?????? G.?.?.
?????a ?a? ??af???
  • a. ?????a ?a? ??af??? pe??e??µ????F?t???af?e?
    S??tsaG?af???? pa?ast?se????a???µµata
    ??????a???µµata ??????s??

ß. ?????a ?a? ??af??? pe??ß?????t??F??t? ??????
???a?e?a p?????s??????t?a e?e??e???
a. ??a??sµat???? e????e? (vector graphics)
?p?te????ta? ap? a?t??e?µe?a s?ed?as?? (??aµµ??,
????????a, e??e??e?? ? t??a) ta ?p??a ßas????ta?
se e?d??? µa??µat??? µ??t??a.
??µ????????ta? ap?
-??? ??f??p???s? e?????? µ?s? sa??t? -?o
Microsoft Office sa? a?t??e?µe?a s?ed?as?? ?a?
??af???? pa?ast?se?? -?a p?????µµata d?µ??????a?
?a? epe?e??as?a? d?a??sµat???? e????a? ?p?? t?
Corel Draw, t? Adobe Illustrator ?.a..
  • ß. ?a?t???af???? ? ??f????af???? e????e?(bitmap

?p?te????ta? ap? µ?a d??ta?? ?a??????? tet???????
??f?d?? p?? e??a? ???st?? ?a? sa? e?????st???e?a
(picture elements ? pixels).
?a?a?t??????ta? ap?
- ??? a????s? (resolusion) (72-100ppi),
(100-250ppi), (250-400ppi) - ?? ???µat??? ß????
(color depth) (1bit_2), (8bit_256), (24bit_224) -
?? d??stas? (size)
???e??? t?? a??e??? ??f????af???? e????a?
(a???µ?? pixels) x (ß???? ???µat??) (pixels
?at? p??t??) x (pixels ?at? ????) x (ß????
???µat??) (a????s? x p??t??) x (a????s? x
????) x (ß???? ???µat??)
(100ppi x 10") x (100ppi x 10") x 24bit
(1.000 x 1.000)p x 24bit 1.000.000p x 24bit
24.000.000 bits 3.000.000 bytes 2,86
MB (2560 x 1920)pixels x 24bit 4.915.200p x
24bit 117.964.800 bits 14.745.600 bytes
14.400 KB 14,06 MB
S?µp?es? a??e??? ??f????af???? e????a?
-S?µp?es? ????? ap??e?e? (LZW) .TIF,
.PSD -S?µp?es? µe ap??e?e? (JPEG) .JPG
?as???? µ??f?p???se?? (formats) a??e??? e????a?
????? ???f?p???s?? ?p??tas? a??e??? ??e??e?t?µata ?e???e?t?µata S?????sµ??? ???s?
TIFF (Tagged Image File) .tif ?s?µp?est? p????f???a ????? ap??e?e?.. S?µßat? µe ??e? t?? p?atf??µe? ?????? ?a? ????sµ???? ?e???? µ??e??? a??e??? ??s???? st?? ap????e?s? ???e????t?s? ??f?a??? e?????? µe ??? t?? a????? p????f???a d?a??s?µ?
GIF (CompuServe Graphics Interface Format) .gif ????? µ??e???, e????? ap????e?s? ?a? µetaf???, d??at?t?ta d?af??e?a? ?e?????sµ?? ???µ?t?? sta 256 ?????e? grayscale, e????e? µe d?af??e?a ? e????e? µe ???a ???µata
JPEG (Joint Photo graphics Expert Group) .jpg ???sf??e? p?a?µat??? ???µa (16,8 ?) ?a? d??at?t?ta ?a????sµ?? t?? ßa?µ?? s?µp?es?? ?p??est??? s?µp?es? ?a???s?as? e?????? s??e???? t???? (p?. f?t???af?e?) st? Web
PSD (PhotoShop images) .psd ??at??e? p????? p????f????? (p?. channels, layers, paths) ??a t?? ????????µ??? epe?e??as?a t?? e????a?. S?µßat? µ???? µe s???e???µ??e? efa?µ???? ?e? ???s?µ?p??e?ta? st? Web ??d??µes? f??µa ap????e?s?? ??a pa?ap??a epe?e??as?a t?? e????a?.
BMP (Standard Windows Bitmap) .bmp ?p?d?de? ?a?? se efa?µ???? t?? Windows ?a? t?? OS/2 ?p??e?a p????f???a?, d?s???? st? d?ap?a-tf??µ??? µetaf??? t?? Se efa?µ???? t?? Windows ?a? t?? OS/2
CDR (Corel Draw)) .cdr ????? µ??e??? a??e???, ?µa?? a?apa??stas? ?aµp???? ?? f?t??ea??st??? G?aµµat?se????, ????t?pa, s?ed?a???µµata
?pe?e??as?a ??f????af???? e????a?
  • ??sa???? e????a?
  • ???µ?s? t?? s?st?? a????s??,
  • ??p? ?a? st????
  • ???µ?s? t?? ???µ?t??, t?? t???? ?a? t?? a?t??es??
  • ?pe?e??as?a se ep??e?µ??e? pe??????
  • ?fa?µ??? e?d???? f??t???
  • ??sa???? ?e?µ????
  • ?p????e?s? - S?µp?es?

??????µµata epe?e??as?a?
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Photo Paint
  • Paint Shop Pro ?.a.

??f??p???s? e????a? µ?s? sa??t?
? e????a ap? t? Photoshop st? PowerPoint
  • a. ???? pe??e??µ????

- ?f???se?? ??a ?e????ta ? pe??stat??? p??
s?et????ta? µe t? ??µa - ?a?t???e? (?st?????
?t????µ??t? ?pa??e??a e??? p???µat??) -
??f???se?? pe??e??µ???? efa?µ???? ?d???e?
p?????s?? ?pe????se??
ß. ???? pe??ß?????t??
- ???s??s? t?? µ???µat?? (a??a? f???? ????) -
???s??? ep??d?s? - ???t??? ef?
  • a. ???? MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital

??µ?????e?ta? ap? ??e?t?????? µ??s??? ???a?a
?????f???e? p?? ?ata???f??ta?
-? ?????? p?? ?µe??e pat?µ??? t? p???t?? -?
??tas? µe t?? ?p??a pat????e -? ??ta -?? ???a??
p?? pa???a?e t? ??ta
  • ß. ??f?a??? ???? µe pa?µ???d??? ??d???p???s?

??µ?????e?ta? µ?s? t?? s??des?? t?? e?s?d?? t??
???ta? ???? µe
-?????f??? -??a?????? ???d? (line out) d?af????
???t???? s?s?e??? (µa???t?f??a, e??s??t??,
??e?t???? µ??s??? ???a?a ??p.)
?a?a?t????eta? ap?
- ?? s????t?ta de??µat?????a? (sampling rate) -
?? µ??e??? de??µat?? (sampling size)
? s????t?ta de??µat?????a? ?a?????e? t?? a???µ?
t?? de??µ?t?? p??t??? t?? a?a??????? s?µat??
(a) a?a?????? s?µa
(ß) ??f?a?? s?µa µe ?aµ??? s????t?ta
(?) ??f?a?? s?µa µe ????? s????t?ta
?? µ??e??? de??µat?? e??a? ? a???µ?? t?? bits p??
???s?µ?p?????ta? ??a t?? ap????e?s? ???e
de??µat?? t?? a?a??????? s?µat??
???e??? t?? a??e??? ????
s????t?ta de??µat?????a? (Hz) x µ??e???
de??µat?? (bits) x d????e?a (sec)
44100Hz x 16bit x 60sec 42.336.000bits
529.2000bytes 5.168 KB 5,046 MB G?a
ste?e?f????? ??? 2 x 5,046 MB 10,09 MB
S?µp?es? a??e??? ????
- ?p?????? p????f????? ap? ????? µe s????t?te?
??? ap? ta ???a t?? f?sµat?? t?? s????t?t?? (20
Hz 20.000 Hz)
-S?µp?es? st?????µe?? st? fa???µe?? t?? ???t????
???t?pa MPEG
- MPEG-1 - MPEG-1 Audio Layer I (41 µe 384
kbps ??a ste?e?f????? ???) - MPEG-1 Audio
Layer II (61 81 µe 256 192 kbps ??a
ste?e?f????? ???) - MPEG-1 Audio Layer III ?
MP3 (101 121 µe 128 112 kbps ??a
ste?e?f????? ???)
- MPEG-2
- ?p?st????e? p??????a?? ???t??? ??d???p???s?
?a? ap?te?e? t? ß?s? t?? DVD Video
- MPEG-3
- MPEG-4
- ? ??e??? t?? s??e???eta? ?a? p??sf??e?
µe?a??te?e? s?µp??se?? e????a? ?a? ???? ??a ???s?
p???µes???? efa?µ???? ?????? st? ??ad??t??
???a p??t?pa
- WMA (Windows Media Audio) ?as??eta? st??
?d?e? ßas???? s?µp?es?? µe t? MP3 µe ???st?
p???t?ta a?apa?a????? ?a? µe µe?a??te?? a??µ?
s?µp?es? sta 64 kbps (ta t?a???d?a p?? e??a?
p??state?µ??a de? µp????? ?a µetad????? e?e??e?a).
- MP3 PRO ???a? ? e?????? t?? MP3 ?a? µp??e?
?a p??sf??e? t?? ?d?a p???t?ta µe t? MP3 st? µ?s?
µ??e??? t?? a??e???.
- RA (Real Audio) ???????eta? ??a t?? ?µes?
a?apa?a???? ???? µ?s? t?? d?ad??t??? ????? ?a
p????e?ta? t? ?at?ßasµa t?? a??e??? ???? st?
s????? d?s?? µe p???t?ta s?ed?? sa? t?? CD.
- AC3 Dolby Digital ?? p??t?p? p??
?p?st????e? ??d???p???s?/ap???d???p???s?
p??????a??? ???? (6 ?a????a) ??a t?? ????a??
?as???? µ??f?p???se?? (formats) a??e??? ????
?p??tas? ???t?p? ?e????af?
.rif RIFF ??apt?????e ap? t?? Microsoft ?a? ?p?st????e? a??e?a ??f?a??? ???? WAV ?a? MIDI.
.wav Wave ?p?te?e? t? p??t?p? ap????e?s?? ??f?a??? ???? ?a? e??a? ?p?s????? t?? p??t?p?? RIFF.
.mid MIDI ??e???? p??t?p? ??a t?? ap????e?s? µ??s???? a??e??? MIDI.
.aif AIFF ??µ?????????e ap? t?? Apple a??? ???s?µ?p??e?ta? se ??e? t?? p?atf??µe?. ?p?st????e? de??µat?????a 32 bit.
.rmi RMI ??apt?????e ap? t?? Microsoft ??a a??e?a MIDI.
.mp3 MPEG-layer 3 ???t?p? s?µp?esµ???? a??e??? ????. ???s?µ?p??e?ta? ?????? ??a t? d?a????s? a??e??? µ??s???? st? d?ad??t??.
.wma WMA Windows Media Audio. ??apt?????e ap? t?? Microsoft µe st??? t?? ?p?st????? ap??est???? s?µp?es??.
.ra Real Audio ???????eta? ??a t?? ?µes? a?apa?a???? ???? µ?s? t?? d?ad??t???.
?pe?e??as?a ???? ??µat?µ??f??
  • ??sa???? ????
  • ??t???af?, ap???p?, ep??????s? ???t???? tµ?µat??
  • ???µ?s? ??tas?? ?a? s????t?ta?,
  • ???a?? ep?p?d?? ?ß??t?s?? (µ??e??? de??µat??)
  • ???a?? ???????? d????e?a?
  • ?e??? ????
  • ?pa???f? ????ß??
  • ??sa???? d?af???? ef?
  • S?µp?es?

??????µµata epe?e??as?a?
  • Sound Forge t?? Sonic
  • SoundEdit t?? Macromedia
  • Adobe Audition (Cool Edit)
  • WaveStudio t?? Creative ?.a.

??f??p???s? a?a??????? ????
O ???? ap? t? Cool Edit st? PowerPoint
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