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The obcene economic world Design: JL Caravias sj From: www.fespinal.com Only 40 billion Dollars yearly would be enough: To care all over the world for a healthy diet ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


I have come to set the earth on fire, and how I
wish it were already blazing! Lk 124920th
Sunday Ordinary Time August 18, 2013
The obcene economic world
Design JL Caravias sj From www.fespinal.com
Only 40 billion Dollars yearly would be
enough To care all over the world for a
healthy diet, for drinking water, for sanitary
installation and basic education, according to a
study made in 1998 by the United Nations
Program for Development (UNPD).
In todays world there is more than
enough technology and money to solve problems
of food, health care and basic
Only 40 billions Dollars yearly!
40 billions
Dollars yearly
Would solve the problem of misery in the world
This is the reality
of people are hungry.
40 billions Dollars yearly for basic needs...
But for that there is no money
But for other things there is. Europe eats
In icecreams,11 billions In cigarettes, 50
billions In alcoholic beverages,
105 billions.
There is money
600 people
each owning
more than 1000 billion Dollars.
The number of billionaires grows 2 annually,
and the volume of their fortunes 3'6.
Fortunes of the rich grow more than the number
of rich people.
So, there is money
The patrimony of these huge fortunes
grows 500 billions yearly.
Why is it that there is no money to solve basic
There is not 40 billions of Dollars yearly for
basic needs
But 400 billions are spent yearly in the world
for publicity. Ten times more!
And in drugs, ten times more!
In weapons of war 780 billions. Almost twenty
times more!
The world invests (in billions of Dollars)
In education for all
6 in cosmetics (only in USA)
In water and health for all
9 in ice-creams (Europe only)
in gynecological health
12 in perfumes (Europa and USA only)
in basic health and food
13 in animal food (Europe and USA)
17 in cigarettes (Europe only)
50 in alcoholic drinks (Europe only)
105 in drugs 400
in military expenses
A European cow receives an average of two Dollars
in daily subsidy, more than the earnings of
about 1,400,000,000 workers, half of the
world working class.
The main problem is not poverty, but the bad
distribution of wealth.
The rich are richer everyday because they make
the poor poorer.

According to the IMF
there are 214 million
people extremely poor in Latin
14 million more than 10 years ago.
A third of them are boys and girls less than 15
years old and almost 60 of them are poor.
Powerful countries want to get rid of violence
are they ready to end with the economic violence
that they excert?
Their weight squash everything
Insted Gods will, is that all His children may
have life, and have it in full. Jn 1010
Our faith in the God of Jesus demands from us to
dennounce this
growing inequality, this established disorder
This obcene sharing is an obscene and unbearable
Woe to you who lie on beds inlaid with ivory
You drink wine by the bowful and annoint
yourslves with the finest perfumes but you do not
grieve over the ruins of my people..
Am 61-6
Ah! Those who join house to house, who connect
field with field, until no space remains, and
you alone dwell in the midst of the land. Is 58
It is obscene for a Christian to remain
indifferent when so many children of God go
hungry, lack medical care and cannot access
so much effort to take care in a dignify way
of Jesus in the Eucharist, while so much scorn
and abandonment towards the suffering Jesus In
the impoverish ones.
Go, cursed people, out of my sight! Because I
was hungry and you did not I was thirsty, and
you did not I was naked and you did not... I
was sick and in prison and you did not
As you did not do it for one of the least of
these, you did not do it for me. Mt 2541-45
You fool! Tonight your life will be taken from
you. . Lk 1220
long to eat just the scraps falling from the
rich mans table, but none Lk 1621
You cannot serve both God and money. Mt 624
Greed is
an idolatry. Col 35
If you give a glass of water to a child, you give
it to Me
Whatever you do to the least of my brothers and
sisters, you do it to Me
I am hungly in two billion people
Why do you abandon me? Why do you mistreat Me
Those of us who believe in the God of Jesus,
believe that another world is possible.

Let us give reason to our FAITH.
Let us build up a united world, where justice
may reign.
Let us devote what we are and what we have to
the preparation and construction of an
alternative world.
We who believe in Jesus Believe that another
world is possible!
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