Title: Prof Myles Bassell
1Prof Myles Bassell
- Individual Income Tax Overview
2Learning Objectives
- Describe the formula for calculating an
individuals tax liability and generally explain
each formula component. - Explain the requirements for determining a
taxpayers personal and dependency exemptions. - Determine a taxpayers filing status.
3Individual Income Tax Formula
- Realized income from whatever source derived
- Minus Excluded or deferred income
- Equals Gross income
- Minus For AGI deductions
- Equals Adjusted gross income
4Individual Income Tax Formula
- Adjusted Gross Income
- Minus From AGI deductions
- Greater of (a) Standard deduction or
- (b) Itemized deductions
- and
- Personal and dependency exemption
- Equals Taxable income
5Individual Income Tax Formula
- Taxable income
- Times Tax rates
- Equals Income tax liability
- Add Other taxes
- Equals Total tax
- Minus Credits
- Minus Prepayments
- Equals Taxes due or (refund)
6Individual Income Tax Formula
- Individuals report taxable income to the IRS
- Reported on Form 1040
- U.S. tax laws use all-inclusive income concept
- Realized income
- measurable change in property rights
- All realized income included in gross income
unless specifically excluded or deferred - Recognized income
- Reported on tax return
7Individual Income Tax Formula
- Excluded income
- Income never included in taxable income
- Municipal bond interest
- Gain on sale of personal residence
- Deferred income
- Income included in a subsequent tax year
- Installment sales
- Like-kind exchanges
8Individual Income Tax Formula
- Character of income or loss
- Determines rates applicable to income or loss in
current year - Tax exempt no tax
- Tax deferred no tax in current year
- Ordinary ordinary rates from tax rate schedule
- Qualified dividends 0 or 15
- Capital gain or loss depends on whether
short-term or long-term - From selling capital asset
- If held capital asset more than a year gain or
loss is long-term, otherwise it is short-term
9Individual Income Tax Formula
- Capital assets
- Generally all assets except
- Accounts receivable
- Inventory
- Assets used in trade or business, including
10Individual Income Tax Formula
- Capital gains and losses
- Long-term capital gains generally taxed at 0 or
15 - Short-term capital gains taxed at ordinary rates
- Net capital losses (losses in excess of gains for
year) - 3,000 deductible against ordinary income for
year - Losses in excess of 3,000 carried forward
11Individual Income Tax Formula
- Deductions for AGI
- Deductions above the line
- Deducted in determining adjusted gross income
- Always reduce taxable income dollar for dollar
12Individual Income Tax Formula
- Deductions from AGI
- Deductions below the line
- Deducted from adjusted gross income to determine
taxable income - Greater of standard deduction or itemized
deductions - Personal and dependency exemptions
- Why might a from AGI deduction not reduce taxable
13Individual Income Tax Formula
- 2011 Standard deduction amounts
- 11,600 Married filing jointly
- 11,600 Qualifying widow or widower
- 5,800 Married filing separately
- 8,500 Head of household
- 5,800 Single
- Additional standard deduction amounts for age and
eyesight (discuss in Chapter 6)
14Individual Income Tax Formula
- Tax calculation
- The U.S. uses a progressive tax rate schedule
- Some items are taxed at preferential rates
- Long-term capital gains
- Qualified dividends
- Tax on these items is calculated separately from
income taxed at ordinary rates.
15Individual Income Tax Formula
- Other taxes include
- Alternative minimum tax
- Self-employment taxes
- Tax credits
- Reduce tax liability dollar for dollar
16Individual Income Tax Formula
- Tax prepayments
- Payments already made towards tax liability
including - Income taxes withheld from wages by employer
- Estimated tax payments made during the year
- Taxes overpaid in prior year and applied toward
current years liability - If prepayments exceed tax liability after
credits, taxpayer receives a refund
17Personal and Dependency Exemptions
- Personal exemptions
- For taxpayer and spouse if married filing jointly
- Dependency exemptions
- For those who qualify as the taxpayers
dependents - Exemption amount for 2011 is 3,700
18Personal and Dependency Exemptions
- Dependency requirements
- Citizen of U.S. or resident of U.S., Canada, or
Mexico - Must not file joint return with spouse
- Exception if no tax liability filing jointly or
separately - Must be qualifying child or qualifying relative
of taxpayer
19Personal and Dependency Exemptions
- Qualifying child
- Relationship test
- Age test
- Residence test
- Support test
20Qualifying Child
- Relationship test
- taxpayers son, daughter, stepchild, an eligible
foster child, brother, sister, half brother, half
sister, stepbrother, stepsister or a descendant
of any of these relatives.
21Qualifying Child
- Age test child must be younger than the
individual claiming the child as a qualifying
child and either- -
- under age 19 at the end of the year,
- under age 24 at the end of the year and a
full-time student, or - permanently and totally disabled.
22Qualifying Child
- Residence test
- Same residence as taxpayer for more than half the
year - Exception for temporary absences such as
education. - Support test
- Child must not provide more than half of his or
her own support - Scholarships of actual child (not grandchild, for
example) are excluded from support computation
23Qualifying Child
- Tie breaking rules
- Parents first
- Days living with each parent if parents living
apart - AGI higher AGI gets exemption
24Personal and Dependency Exemptions
- Qualifying relative
- Relationship test
- Support test
- Gross income test
25Qualifying Relative
- Relationship test
- a descendant or ancestor of the taxpayer (e.g.,
child, grandchild, parent, or grandparent), - a sibling of the taxpayer or a stepmother,
stepfather, stepbrother, stepsister, nephew,
niece, aunt, uncle - in-law (mother-in law, father-in-law,
sister-in-law, and brother-in-law) of the
taxpayer, or - unrelated person who lives in taxpayers home
entire year
26Qualifying Relative
- Support test
- Taxpayer must pay gt ½ of living expenses
(support) - Scholarships of actual child excluded
- Gross income test
- Gross income lt personal exemption amount
27Filing Status
- Five different filing statuses
- Married filing jointly
- Married filing separately
- Qualifying widow or widower (surviving spouse)
- Single
- Head of household
28Filing Status
- Married filing jointly
- Must be married on the last day of the year
- If one spouse dies the surviving spouse is
considered to be married to decedent spouse at
year end - Exception The surviving spouse remarries before
year end - Joint and several liability for tax
29Filing Status
- Married filing separately
- Taxpayers are married but file separate returns
- Typically not beneficial from tax perspective
- Tax rates and other tax benefits
- May be beneficial for non-tax reasons
- No joint and several liability
30Filing Status
- Qualifying widow or widower
- Available for the two years following the year of
spouses death - Surviving spouse does not qualify if remarries
during two-year period. - Surviving spouse must maintain household for
dependent child
31Filing Status
- Single
- Unmarried unless qualify for head of household
32Filing Status
- Head of household
- Unmarried or considered unmarried at end of year
- See abandoned spouse discussion
- Not a qualifying widow or widower
- Pay more than half the costs of keeping up a home
during the year - Lived in taxpayers home with a qualifying
person for more than half of the year - Exception for parents (see below)
33Filing Status
- Qualifying person
- Qualifying child
- Qualifying relative
- Parent (even if parent doesnt live with
taxpayer) - Taxpayer must pay gt ½ cost of maintaining
separate household for taxpayers mother or
father - Parent must qualify as taxpayers dependent
34Filing Status
- Head of household
- Abandoned spouse treated as not married and is
eligible for head of household if - Spouse has not lived in home for last six months
of year and - Spouse who stays in home pays gt ½ the cost of
maintaining a household that serves as principal
abode for qualifying child