Title: < Enter Lesson Title >
1lt Enter Lesson Title gt
Interactivity Type Tetris
In this activity, your goal is to categorize each
word depending on if it needs to be capitalized
or if it does not need to be capitalized. As the
words appear on the screen, click on the
appropriate category to place it into that
Category 1
Category 2
Capitalize Do not capitalize memorial
day fall dell computer the office mesa
verde the lake japanese my attorney english
101 automotive class moby dick industrial
Feedback Section
Feedback when an option is incorrect
Feedback when an option is incorrect
Page of
In this example of Tetris, only 2 categories have
been shown. You can have up to 4 categories.
For an accurate visual representation, refer to
the course Developmental English, Lesson 5. Frame
2Interactivity Type Tetris (Phrase/Sentence style)
In this activity, your goal is to categorize each
sentence depending on whether it is correct or
incorrect. As the sentence numbers appear on the
top of the screen, click on the appropriate
category to move them into that category.
Sentence 1 Who is Caitlins biology instructor?
Correct Sentence 2 Whom is Caitlins biology
instructor? Incorrect Sentence 3 Does anyone
know who won the mayoral election?
Correct Sentence 4 Does anyone know whom won
the mayoral election? Incorrect Sentence 5
You will not believe who Michael is dating now.
Incorrect Sentence 6 You will not believe whom
Michael is dating now. Correct The two
categories here are Correct and Incorrect.
Some short sentences or phrases have been
categorized and depicted in the form of Tetris.
In this case, we have named the sentences or
phrases as Sentence 1/Phrase 1 etc and listed
them for the student to read. As the boxes appear
on screen carry the words sentence 1, sentence 2
etc., the student can click on the appropriate
category, depending on whether the statement is
correct or incorrect. For an accurate visual
representation, refer to the course Developmental
English, Lesson 6, Frame 18.