Title: SpaceWire Components: SpaceWire CODEC IP Update
1SpaceWire Components SpaceWire CODEC IP Update
- Chris McClements, Steve Parkes
- Space Technology Centre
- University of Dundee
- Kostas Marinas
- European Space Agency
- Introduction
- System Overview
- Results
- Conclusion
- Implement serial communications protocol layer in
SpaceWire - SpaceWire interface IP core developed by
University of Dundee - First supplied as IP in 2003 by ESA
- Widely used in over 40 ESA projects 1
- Licensed directly from ESA IP cores website
- Licensed from STAR-Dundee for non ESA contracts
- Current version is version 2.03
- Released by Dundee in Jan 2008
- Fixes all known issues
- Extra features
1. http//www.esa.int/TEC/Microelectronics/SEMKBWS
- The CODEC is implemented in technology
independent RTL VHDL code - Easily implementable in a number of devices
- Reference design for Actel RTAX device
- Tested in STAR-Dundee Actel AX prototype board
5System Overview
- Wrapper of spwrlink with error recovery FIFOs
6System design
- System clock clocks all FFs except receive clock
domain (HCLKBUF) - System clock frequency is 100 MHz generating 100
Mbit/s bit rate (TXCLK_EN) - Internal enabler for divided data rate (TXRATE)
- 100 MHz divides easily to 10 MHz reference
(CFG_SLOWRATE_SYSCLK) - Receive clock is attached to internal RCLK
network (CLKINT) - Frequency is 50 MHz for 100 MHz bit-stream
- System reset is a high fanout net mapped to RCLK
network (CLKINT inferred)
7System Design
- Transmit/Receive FIFO implemented with Actel RAM
block - In the Actel RTAX parts the RAM block can be used
with EDAC protection using an Actel SmartDesign
core - EDAC logic implemented in FPGA fabric
- FIFO control logic and pointers implemented in
FPGA fabric - Scrubbing is not enabled
- Main features
- Error detection and recovery Actel SmartDesign
cores - Single data rate link with one system clock and
one receive clock - Implementation guide using Libero IDE,
Synplify/Synplify Pro and Designer - Layout guidelines and static timing analysis
- Performance
Clock Requested Achievable Description
SYSCLK 100 MHz 112.18 MHz System clock frequency.
RX_CLK 50 MHz 84.97 MHz Receive clock frequency
- Resource Usage
- Global Usage
Used Available Percentage Description
R-Cells 508 6048 8.4 Register
C-Cells 1095 12096 9.1 Combinatorial
RC-Cells 1603 18144 8.8 Combined
RAM 2 36 5.5 Internal RAM
Global Fanout Inferred
System Clock HCLK 434 No
Reset RCLK 344 No
Receiver Reset RCLK 75 Yes
Receive Clock RCLK 114 Yes
- Estimated power consumption
Power (mW) Percentage
Total Power 181.09 -
Static Power 97.01 53.6
Dynamic Power 84.08 46.4
- University of Dundee SpaceWire CODEC widely used
- Licensed in over 40 internal ESA projects
- CODEC is actively maintained by University of
Dundee - RTAX reference design is capable of achieving a
100 Mbit/s data rate - Available under license from STAR-Dundee for non
ESA projects