Title: Complimentary Therapies in Ophthalmology
1Complimentary Therapies in Ophthalmology
- Nicky Finn
- Lecturer Practitioner
- West of England Eye Unit
2What are CAMs ?
- Diagnosis, treatment and /or prevention which
complements mainstream medicine by contributing
to a common whole, by satisfying a demand not met
by orthodoxy or by diversifying the conceptual
frameworks of medicine. - Ernst Cassileth(1998)
3Where do healthcare practitioners stand legally
with regard to CAMs
- They are mostly legal but practitioners are not
regulated. They can be freely prescribed in the
UK, but not in all European countries. - They are considered drugs/treatments and it is
therefore now viewed as good practice to include
them in history taking when assessing patients. - They are not without side effects and contra
indications and these should be considered when
carrying out history taking assessment.
4Unconventional treatments of the past.
- Protein shock (milk, serum or vaccine)
- Biogenic stimulation with tissue such as placenta
injected sub-conjunctivally for a host of
incurable eye conditions. - Cobra venom injected for macular degeneration.
5Past physical treatments for eye conditions
- Environmental therapy for the affluent sick.
- Ocular massage.
- Blood letting.
- Thermotherapy.
- Electrotherapy- a faradic current used to create
an electric eye bath creating a local
gymnastic effect on the sufferer !
6Pre Christian era
- Illness blamed on malignant spirits,
devils, superstition and mystic rites. - Treatment was threw
- Recital of complex incantations.
- Prophylactic measures to prevent the devil
entering the eye however often more vile than the
7By 7th century BC
- Plants extracts minerals applied as powders
blown into the eye. - OR
- Ointment mixed with water, milk, wine or oil.
The role of the priest -magician physician
diverged as therapeutics became more elaborate.
8Dry eye treatment as per Assyrian recipe
- Local application of
- Gall bladder of a freshly disembowelled frog
mixed with raw onion. -
9The modern day approach to CAM in ophthalmology
is holistic
- Diet.
- Nutritional supplements, antioxidants vitamins.
- Physical exercise.
10Treatments used as CAMs in ophthalmology
- Acupuncture
- Faith healing
- Cannabis
- Dietary supplements
- Herbal remedies
- Homeopathy
- Acupuncture is described as a Chinese medical
system which aims to diagnose illness and promote
health by stimulating the bodys self-healing
powers. -
Downey (2001)
12 Acupuncture
- Used to treat alleviate
- Dry eyes
- Myopia
- Paralytic strabismus
- Retinitis pigmentosa
- Optic atrophy
- Iritis
- Conjunctivitis
- Cataracts
- Designed to correct the imbalance of energy
flow along specific channels throughout the body.
13Herbal Medicine
- Herbal medicine is described as the use of
whole plant material by trained practitioners to
promote recovery from disease and to enable
healing to take place. -
Busby (2001)
14 Cannabis
- Used to try and treat glaucoma
- No scientific evidence.
- Initial studies suggested IOP lower 3-4 hours
after administration. - Needs to be used about 5 times a day.
- No effect if used topically.
- Side effects
- Increase heart rate, lower BP this may compromise
optic nerve perfusion. - Smoking increased cancer risk with nicotine.
- Euphoria!
- Pharmacological action
- Antioxidant
- Believed to
- Improve night vision.
- Contra-indications
- Potential to increase anticoagulant action.
16 Gingko Biloba
- Pharmacological action
- Inhibits blood clotting
- Improves central peripheral blood flow
- Antioxidant activity.
- Believed to
- Aid mental alertness
- Improve visual acuity in ARMD.
- Contra-indications
- Combined with aspirin maybe hazardous
associated with pupillary margin haemorrhage.
Comes from the Maidenhair
17 Ginseng
- Potential interaction with other medications
- Increased action of heart medications.
- Increase anti-diabetic effect of anti -diabetic
medication. - Increase in plasma levels with oral
contraception. - Increasing anticoagulation
- Contains over 20 constituents
- Vitamins A
- B1,B2
- Calcium
- Titanium
- Strontium
- Several steroids
- Believed to
- Provide atmospheric energy to the 5 viscera
- Quieting of animal spirits
- Brightening of the eye
- Improvement of vision
- Suggested therapeutic monitoring of
- Blood glucose
18N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC)
- This is a specially modified form of the dietary
amino acid, cysteine. - This is thought to help loosen the thick crusty
secretions that block oil-secreting glands if
taken orally.
19In a study by Yalcin et al(2002)
- This studied the effect of N-Acetyl Cysteine on
50 patients with chronic posterior blepheritis
and found significant improvement. - The limitations of this study are its small size
and the fact it was not a blind study. - An interesting study but more research would be
advisable before it is recommended.
20Other supplements which have been suggested as
helpful in blepheritis
- Flax oil (omega 3 fatty acid)
- Chamomile
- Calendula
- However using herbal remedies in the eye is
described as risky and not suitable without
medical supervision by The Natural Pharmacist
21Dietary supplements
- Nutritional supplements in the form of -
- Trace elements
- Antioxidants
- Vitamins
- Antioxidant vitamin and zinc supplementation
- One systematic review found modest evidence
from one large RCT that, in people with early to
late age related macular degeneration,
antioxidant vitamins plus zinc supplements
reduced the risk of progression and vision loss
over 6 years compared with placebo.
22 Homeopathy
- Homeopathy is described as a 200 year old
system of medicine based on the Law of Similars
(let like be cured by like). -
- Micro doses of substances like
- Ruta graveolens for eye strain from over use.
Natrum muriaticum for heavy eye lid
24Euphrasia eyes inflamed watering and unable to
bear light
Pulsatillia - conjunctivitis
25Apis Mel eyelids swollen particularly the lower
Argentum Nit conjunctivitis with headaches
26Ernst (2003)
- CAMs should not be treated differently to any
other area of health care when testing their
effectiveness, safety and value to the patient
27Nurses must consider the ethical principles
- Autonomy - which allows the patient to make
choices in treatment. - Non-maleficence - which means not harming
patients when providing treatment. - Beneficence - using safe and effective treatments
and discussing with patients research about the
possible harm and benefits. - Justice - ensuring all patients have equal access
to treatments.
- Astbury, N.(2001) Alternative eye care. British
Journal of Ophthalmology. 85,7,767-769. - Dimond, B.(1998) The legal aspects of
complementary therapy practice. A guide for
health care professionals. Churchill
Livingstone.London. - Ernst,E Pittler, M Stevenson, C White, A
(2001) The Desktop Guide to Complementary
Alternative Medicine an evidence based approach.
Mosby. - Ernst, E Cassilith, B. (1998) The prevalence of
complementary/alternative medicine in cancer a
systematic review. Cancer. 83,1,32-36. - Fearon, J. (2001) Complementary therapy. Primary
Health care.11,10,33-36. - Haehl, R.(1985) Samuel Hahnemann.His life and
works.B.Jain, New Delhi, India,2 vol. - Rhee,DSpaeth,M Myers,JSteinmann,MAugsburger,J
Shatz,LTerebut,A Ritner,J Katz,L.(2002)
Prevalence of the use of complementary
alternative Medicine for glaucoma.Ophthalmology.10
9,438-443. - Downey,S and Busby, H. in Rankin-Box, D (2001)
The nurses handbook of complementary therapies.
2nd Edition. Bailliere Tindall. - Internet sites
- http//www.internethealthlibrary.com
- http//www.fihealth.org.uk