Mechanisms of heart failure - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Mechanisms of heart failure


Mechanisms of heart failure Definition of heart failure Heart failure is a complex clinical syndrome that can result from any cardiac disorder that impairs the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Mechanisms of heart failure

Mechanisms of heart failure
  • Definition of heart failure

Heart failure is a complex clinical syndrome that
can result from any cardiac disorder that
impairs the ability of the ventricle to eject
blood. The cardinal manifestations of heart
failure are dyspnoea and fatigue (which may limit
exercise tolerance) and fluid retention (Which
may lead to pulmonary and peripheral oedema).
Both abnormalities impair the functional capacity
and quality of life of affected individuals.
Consensus recommendations for the management of
chronic heart failure ACTION HF - AJC Jan 21,1999
vol 83(2A) - Packer M et al
Definition of heart failure
"Heart failure occurs when an abnormality of
cardiac function causes the heart to fail to pump
blood at a rate required by the
metabolizing tissues or when the heart can do so
only with an elevated filling pressure. The
heart's inability to pump a sufficient amount of
blood to meet the needs of the body tissues may
be due to insufficient or defective
cardiac filling and/or impaired contraction and
emptying. Compensatory mechanisms increase blood
volume and raise cardiac filling pressures,
heart rate, and cardiac muscle mass to maintain
the heart's pumping function and cause
redistribution of blood flow. National Heart,
Lung and Blood Institute
(No Transcript)
Mechanisms of heart failure
  • Reduced volume of blood delivered to the systemic
    arterial bed.
  • One or both ventricles has elevated filling
  • Result Retention of sodium and water in the
    intravascular and intersititial compartments.
  • Dyspnoea and oedema

Symptoms of heart failure
  • Dyspnoea - breathlessness - Increased awareness
    of respiration or difficulty in breathing .
  • If due to cardiac causes it is usually due to
    left ventricular failure and pulmonary
  • Pulm. capillary Hypertension
  • Restrictive ventilatory defect -VC and TV reduced
  • Lungs are stiffer -increased work of breathing
  • Air trapping - earlier closure of dependent
  • Airways resistance increased - congestion of
    peripheral airways.
  • V/Q mismatch - hypoxaemia
  • Increased ventilatory drive
  • Stretch receptors pulm. vessels interstitium
  • hypoxia acidosis
  • Incr. Work of breathing impaired perfusion of
    resp. musc (low CO) - fatigue - dyspnoea

Symptoms of heart failure
  • Orthopnoea Dyspnoea present when recumbent and
    relieved by elevation. No. of pillows.
  • Mech Reduced pooling of fluid in lower
    extremities and abd. Increased venous return
    Failing L Ventricle (flat portion of depressed
    F-S curve) - cannot accept extra volume -
    Increased pulmonary venous pressure - Pulmonary

Symptoms of heart failure
  • Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea
  • Patient awakes suddenly with feeling of anxiety
    and suffocation - sits upright and gasps for
  • Bronchspasm (Wheezing - cardiac asthma)
  • Congestion bronchial mucosa
  • Compression of small bronchi by interstitial
    pulmonary. oedema.
  • Increased work of breathing.

Symptoms of heart failure
  • Pulmonary oedema
  • Increased pulmonary venous pressure - (failing
  • Increased pulmonary capillary pressures.
  • Interstitial pulmonary oedema
  • Reduced pulmonary compliance
  • Increased airway resistance
  • Dyspnoea.

Pulmonary oedema
Braunwald Heart disease p463
Braunwald Heart disease p463
Reduced Exercise Capacity
Symptoms of heart failure
  • Dyspnoea - Pulmonary vascular congestion
  • Insufficient blood flow to exercising muscles
  • Inadequate augmentation of CO with exercise.
  • Impaired vasodilatation
  • Abnormal skeletal muscle. Metabolism
  • Deconditioning skeletal respiratory muscles
  • Anxiety
  • Grade cardiac status NYHA 1-4 - Degree of
    exertion - Determine if a change has occurred.

Symptoms of heart failure
  • Fatique and weakness -Poor perfusion of skeletal
  • Impaired vasodilatation
  • Abnormal skeletal musc. Metabolism
  • sodium depletion / hypovolaemia / beta blockers.
  • Urinary symptoms
  • Nocturia - redistribution blood flow to kidneys
    at night.
  • Cerebral symptoms
  • Confusion, memory impairment, insomnia,
    disorientation, etc

Congestive SymptomsForward vs. Backward failure
Symptoms of heart failure
  • Fluid localizes behind the chamber initially
  • Pressure in the venous and capillary bed behind
    the failing ventricle rises - Transudation of
    fluid into the interstitial bed
  • Fluid retention
  • Reduced GFR
  • Activation of RAAS

Congestive SymptomsForward vs. Backward failure
Symptoms of heart failure
  • Left ventricle Pulmonary congestion / oedema
  • Right ventricle
  • Raised Jugular Venous Pressure
  • Hepatic congestion
  • Splancnic ooedema and ascites
  • Pleural effusion
  • Ankle oedema

Pathophysiological mechanisms that causes raised
filling pressures and/ poor tissue perfusion HF
  • Reduced cardiac contraction
  • An increased cardiac load
  • Valvular dysfunction
  • Diastolic dysfunction
  • High output states

Pathophysiological mechanisms that causes raised
filling pressures and/ poor tissue perfusion HF
  • Reduced cardiac contraction myocardial failure
  • Primary abnormality of the heart muscle -
  • Coronary atherosclerosis - Ishaemia and
    infarction of the muscle
  • Longstanding excessive haemodynamic burden i.e
    valvular abnormality
  • causing myocardial damage

Systolic dysfunction with a depressed LV ejection
fraction (usually lt40) Generally accompanied by
an increase in left ventricular end-diastolic
and end systolic volumes
Pathophysiological mechanisms that causes raised
filling pressures and/ poor tissue perfusion HF
  • Reduced cardiac contraction myocardial failure
  • Adaptive mechanisms
  • The Frank Starling mechanism -Increased preload
    helps to
  • sustain cadiac performance
  • Myocardial hyperthophy
  • Neuro-hormonal actvation - to maintain arterial
    pressure and
  • perfusion vital organs. Vasoconstriction and
  • fluid and water retention

Pathophysiological mechanisms that causes raised
filling pressures and/ poor tissue perfusion HF
  • The Frank Starling mechanism -Increased preload
    helps to sustain cadiac performance

Pathophysiological mechanisms that causes raised
filling pressures and/ poor tissue perfusion HF
  • An increased cardiac load
  • Cardiac output Stroke vol x heart rate
  • Pre-load Contractility Afterload
  • Preload Tension of the myocardial fibers at the
    end of diastole (degree of stretch) Venous
    filling pressure.
  • Afterload Myocardial wall tension developed
    during systolic ejection LV resistance of
    aortic valve, peripheral vascular resistance and
    elasticity of major blood vessels. Laplace T
    PR/2xwall thickness. Ventricular wall tension is
    increased by ventricular dilatation, incr.
    intra-ventricular pressure or reduction in wall

Pathophysiological mechanisms that causes raised
filling pressures and/ poor tissue perfusion HF
  • An increased cardiac load
  • Preload
  • HF Ejection fraction reduced increase in
    volume blood remaining after systole increase
    in diastolic volume and venous pressure.
  • Depression of the ventricular function curve
  • Slight myocardial depression CO maintained by
    increase in venous pressure (diastolic volume)
    Starlings law and HR.
  • More severe myocardial dysfunction large incr.
    in venous pressure systemic and pulm. oedema.
    CO at rest may still be normal but fails to incr.
    with exercise
  • Severe HF Decr. CO at rest CO redistributed to
    vital organs

Pathophysiological mechanisms that causes raised
filling pressures and/ poor tissue perfusion HF
  • Afterload
  • Systemic and pulmonary resistance
  • Physical characteristics of the vessel walls
  • The volume of blood that is ejected.
  • Increase in after load decreases CO with an
    increase in end-diastolic volume which in turn
    increases afterload (Laplace)
  • Examples (LV)
  • Aortic stenosis
  • Hypertension
  • Elderly (Compliance vessels)
  • Conditions which causes ventricular dilatation,
    incr. Intra-ventricular pressure or reduction in
    wall thickness see Laplace conditions that
    cause volume overload I.e Aortic and mitral
    regurgitation, dilated cardiomyopathies etc

Mechanisms of load induced effects on cardiac
  • Myocardial remodelling in heart failure
  • Geometric remodelling
  • Change in myocardial gene expression
  • Contractile proteiens (Myosin heavy chains),
  • Ca-ATPase,Beta 1 adrenoreceptors
  • Abnormal calcium homeostasis
  • Prolongation of the calcium current in
    association with
  • prolongation of contraction and relaxation
  • (Decr. Sarcolemmm Ca-ATPase activty etc.)
  • Apoptosis.
  • Programmed cell death initiated cytokines, free
    radicals etc.

Mechanisms of load induced effects on cardiac
  • Myocardial remodelling in heart failure
  • Geometric remodelling
  • Ventricular hypertrophy - compensatory mechanism
    of increased load
  • Increase in size of cells, mitochondria,
    myofibrils,interstitial collagen
  • Stimulus for hypertrophy
  • Pressure overload
  • Systolic wall stress increases
  • Parallel replication of myofibrils
  • Thickening of myocytes
  • Concentric hypertrophy
  • Volume overload
  • Diastolic wall stress increases
  • Sarcomeres replicates in series
  • Elongation of myocytes
  • Ventricular dilatation / eccentric hypertrophy

The High Output States
Pathophysiological mechanisms that causes raised
filling pressures and/ poor tissue perfusion HF
  • Low out-put failure (commonest)
  • Impaired peripheral circulation with systemic
    vasoconstriction and shunting of blood to the
    vital organs
  • Cold, pale / cyanotic extremities.
  • Pulse pressure may narrow
  • High output failure Heart is required to pump
    abnormally large quantities of blood to deliver
    the required quota of oxygen to metabolizing
  • Reduced vascular resistance, increased vascular
    capacitance and blood volume
  • Extremities are warm and flushed, pulse pressure
    may be wide
  • Arterial-mixed venous oxygen difference normal or
    reduced due to delivery of large amounts of
    arterial blood to non-metabolizing tissues.

High output versus low output states
Systolic FailureThe heart does not deliver the
quantity of oxygen required by the
metabolizing tissues. High output Low
output Cardiac output Rest N -high Low -
N Exercise Fail to rise normally Fail to rise
normally Arterial-mixed venous oxygen
difference Low (? N rest) High (? N
rest) (Admixture of blood diverted
from metabolizing tissue) Peripheral
circulation Blood volume Increased Vascular
resistance Reduced Increased Vascular
capacitance Increased Extremities Warm/flushed
Cold/pale/cyanotic Pulse pressure Widens Narr
Pathophysiological mechanisms that causes raised
filling pressures and/ poor tissue perfusion HF
  • The high output states
  • Causes
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Thyroid hormone Direct effect on cardiac
    contractility and
  • Metabolism. Increased metabolic demands and decr.
  • Aneamia (O2 delivery blood flow x Hb x A V
  • Tissue hypoxia, decr. Blood viscosity, decr. SVR,
    incr. CO
  • Beriberi
  • Thiamine deficiency impairs pyruvate dehydrog.
  • Accumulation lactate and pyruvate, periheral
  • decr. SVR, Incr CO. (also impairs myocardial
  • Pregnancy
  • Arteriovenous fistulas Decreased SVR
  • Pagets disease

Pathophysiological mechanisms that causes raised
filling pressures and/ poor tissue perfusion HF
  • Valvular Dysfunction
  • Mitral stenosis LA pressure incr., pulm. venous
    congestion, pulm. arterial hypertension, R heart
  • Mitral regurgitation LA dilates and pressure
    rises (compliance), LV dilates (vol. overload -
    proportion of CO regurgitated) CO increases. LV
    dysfunction Pulm. venous congestion due to
    mitral regurgitation and LV failure.
  • Aortic stenosis Obstruction to LV outflow, LV
    hypertrophy (concentric pressure overload),
    relative LV ischaemia, LV dysfunction LV
    end-diastolic pressures and LA pressures rise,
    pulm. congestion.
  • Aortic regurgitation Proportion of LV EF
  • LV Dilates (volume overload) and CO
    increases. Diastolic pressure declines and
    coronary flow decreases. Dilated LV incr.
    myocardial O2 demand. LV dysfunction - LV
    end-diastolic pressures and LA pressures rise,
    pulm. congestion.

Diastolic dysfunction
Pathophysiological mechanisms that causes raised
filling pressures and/ poor tissue perfusion HF
  • Altered ventricular relaxation(isovolumetric
    relax. early vent filling phases)
  • Dynamic process
  • Uptake Ca sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca efflux from
  • Sarcoplasmic retic Ca ATPase and sarcolemmal Ca
  • Energy consuming

Diastolic dysfunction
  • Altered Ventricular Filling
  • Early ventricular filling Myocardium lenghtens
    rapidly and in-homogeneously
  • diastolic asynergy Regional variation in onset
    rate and extent of lengthening
  • diastolic asynchrony temporal dispersion.
  • End-diastolic filling
  • Myocardial elasticity Change muscle length for
    change in force
  • Ventricular compliance Change in volume for
    change in pressure
  • Ventricular stiffness Inverse of compliance

Diastolic dysfunction
  • Increased chamber stiffness
  • Rise in filling pressure. (steeper portion of
    pressure volume curve)
  • Volume overload Acute valvular regurgitation /
    Acute LV failure - myocarditis.
  • Steeper ventricular pressure volume curve
    Increase ventricular mass / wall thickness
    (hypertrophy) or intrinsic stiffness
    (infiltration, fibrosis, ischaemia)
  • Pressure volume curve displaced parallel upwards
    (Decreased ventricular distensibility Extrinsic
    compression of ventricle. - constrictive

Diastolic dysfunction
  • Effects of ventricular interaction
  • Ventricles anatomically interlinked
  • Systolic ventricular interaction
  • Septum part of load against which each ventricle
    must work
  • LV hypertrophy includes septum R ventricle must
    work harder and becomes hypertrophied
  • Diastolic ventricular interaction
  • Bernheim effect/reverse
  • Volume overloading of one ventricle impairs the
    filling/function of the other ventricle

Diastolic dysfunction
Diastolic dysfunction
Left Heart Failure Leads to Right heart failure
  • Left Ventricular Failure Causes Elevation of
  • Left Ventricular diastolic
  • Left Atrial
  • Pulmonary venous pressures
  • Backwards transmission of pressure
  • Protective mechanism against Pulmonary Oedema
  • Increased lymphatic drainage
  • Capillary/alveolar barrier thickened and less
  • Constriction of pulm. resistance vessels
  • Pulmonary vasoconstriction / Increased pulmonary
    vasc. resistance
  • Pulmonary hypertension
  • Ultimately Right Ventricular failure.

Right Heart Failure due to Pulmonary Disease (Cor
  • Chronic Bronchitis and Emphysema
  • Hypoxia induced pulmonary vasoconstriction.
  • Vasoconstrictive effect of hydrogen ions
  • Pulmonary artery pressure correlates
  • inversely with O2 sat
  • directly with PCO2
  • Muscular hypertrophy of pulmonary arterioles
  • Increased blood viscosity - Increased hematocrit.
  • Interstitial Pulm. Fibrosis / Vasculitides
  • Reduction in cross sectional area of pulm. vasc.
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