Fundamentals of Wireless LANs 1.2 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Fundamentals of Wireless LANs 1.2


Fundamentals of Wireless LANs 1.2 Module 3: Wireless Radio Technology Channels- 2.4 GHz DSSS 11 chips per bit means each bit sent redundantly 11 Mbps data rate ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Fundamentals of Wireless LANs 1.2

Fundamentals of Wireless LANs 1.2
  • Module 3
  • Wireless Radio Technology

Module Overview
Module Overview
  • In this module, the student will learn about
    wireless technology and radio waves.
  • This module will explore the technology and the
    mathematics of radio, so that the reader can
    understand how invisible radio waves work to make
    so many things possible, including WLANs.

Waves Sine Waves
  • A waveform is a representation of how alternating
    current (AC) varies with time.
  • The most familiar AC waveform is the sine wave,
    which derives its name from the fact that the
    current or voltage varies with the mathematical
    sine function of the elapsed time
  • Frequency measured in cycles per second or Hertz
  • A million cycles per second is represented by
    megahertz (MHz)
  • A billion cycles per second represented by
    gigahertz (GHz)

Sine Wave
There is an inverse relationship between time and
frequency t 1/f f 1/t
Sine Wave Properties
  • Amplitude The distance from zero to the maximum
    value of each alternation is called the
  • Period The time it takes for a sine wave to
    complete one cycle is defined as the period of
    the waveform.
  • The distance traveled by the sine wave during
    this period is referred to as its wavelength.
  • Wavelength Indicated by the Greek lambda symbol
    ?. It is the distance between one value to the
    same value on the next cycle.
  • Frequency The number of repetitions or cycles
    per unit time is the frequency, typically
    expressed in cycles per second, or Hz.

  • One definition of energy is the ability to do
  • There are many forms of energy, including
  • electrical energy
  • chemical energy
  • thermal energy
  • gravitational potential energy
  • The metric unit for measuring energy is the
  • Energy can be thought of as an amount.
  • 1 Watt I Joule of energy / one second
  • If one Joule of energy is transferred in one
    second, this is one watt (W) of power.

  • The U.S. Federal Communications Commission allows
    a maximum of 4 watts of power to be emitted in
    point-to-multipoint WLAN transmissions in the
    unlicensed 2.4-GHz band.
  • Typical WLAN NICS transmit at 100 mW.
  • Typical Access Points can transmit between 30 to
    100 mW (plus the gain from the Antenna).

  • Power levels on a single WLAN segment are rarely
    higher than 100 mW, enough to communicate for up
    to three-fourths of a kilometer or one-half of a
    mile under optimum conditions.
  • Access points generally have the ability to
    radiate from 30 to100 mW, depending on the
  • Outdoor building-to-building applications
    (bridges) are the only ones that use power levels
    over 100 mW.

  • The decibel (dB) is a unit that is used to
    measure electrical power.
  • The dB is measured on a base 10 logarithmic scale
  • The base increases ten-fold for every ten dB
  • The formula for calculating dB is
  • dB 10 log10 (Pfinal/Pref)

Calculating dB
  • dB The amount of decibels.
  • This usually represents a loss in power such as
    when the wave travels or interacts with matter,
    but it can also represent a gain as when
    traveling through an amplifier.
  • Pfinal The final power.
  • This is the delivered power after some process
    has occurred.
  • Pref The reference power.
  • This is the original power.
  • There are also some general rules for
    approximating the dB and power relationship
  • An increase of 3 dB Double the power
  • A decrease of 3 dB Half the power
  • An increase of 10 dB Ten times the power
  • A decrease of 10 dB One-tenth the power

Decibel Reference
The power gain or loss in a signal is determined
by comparing it to this fixed reference point,
the milliwatt.
dB milliWatt (dBm)
  • dB milliWatt (dBm) This is the unit of
    measurement for signal strength or power level.
  • If a person receives a signal at one milliwatt,
    this is a loss of zero dBm. However, if a person
    receives a signal that is 0.001 milliwatt, then a
    loss of 30 dBm occurs.
  • This loss is represented as -30 dBm.
  • To reduce interference with others, the 802.11b
    WLAN power levels are limited to the following
  • 36 dBm EIRP by the FCC
  • 20 dBm EIRP by ETSI

EIRP Effective Isotropic Radiated Power
dB dipole (dBd)
  • dB dipole (dBd) This refers to the gain an
    antenna has, as compared to a dipole antenna at
    the same frequency.
  • A dipole antenna is the smallest, least gain
    practical antenna that can be made.

dB isotropic (dBi)
  • dB isotropic (dBi) This refers to the gain a
    given antenna has, as compared to a theoretical
    isotropic, or point source, antenna.
  • An isotropic antenna cannot exist in the real
    world, but it is useful for calculating
    theoretical coverage and fade areas.
  • A dipole antenna has 2.14 dB gain over a 0 dBi
    isotropic antenna.
  • For example, a simple dipole antenna has a gain
    of 2.14 dBi or 0 dBd.

Effective Isotropic Radiated Power
  • Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP) is
    defined as the effective power found in the main
    lobe of a transmitter antenna.
  • EIRP is equal to the sum of the antenna gain, in
    dBi, plus the power level, in dBm, into that

  • Gain This refers to the amount of increase in
    energy that an antenna adds to an RF signal.
  • There are different methods for measuring gain,
    depending on the chosen reference point.
  • Cisco Aironet wireless is standardized on dBi to
    specify gain measurements.
  • Some antennas are rated in dBd.
  • To convert any number from dBd to dBi, simply add
    2.14 to the dBd number.

Electromagnetic Waves EM Waves
  • The EM spectrum is simply a name that scientists
    have given to the set of all types of radiation.
  • Radiation is energy that travels in waves and
    spreads out over distance.
  • All EM waves travel at the speed of light in a
    vacuum and have a characteristic wavelength (?)
    and frequency (f) which can be determined by
    using the following equation
  • c ? x f, where c the speed of light (3 x 108
  • EM waves exhibit the following properties
  • reflection or bouncing
  • refraction or bending
  • diffraction or spreading around obstacles
  • scattering or being redirected by particles

EM Radiation
EM waves can be classified by their frequency in
Hz or their wavelength in meters.
Eight EM Sections
  1. Power waves These are the slowest of all EM
    radiation and therefore also have the lowest
    energy and the longest wavelength.
  2. Radio waves This is the same kind of energy
    that radio stations emit into the air for a radio
    to capture and play. However, other things such
    as stars and gases in space also emit radio
    waves. Many communication functions use radio
  3. Microwaves Microwaves will cook popcorn in just
    a few minutes. In space, astronomers use
    microwaves to learn about the structure of nearby
  4. Infrared (IR) light Infrared is often thought
    of as being the same thing as heat, because it
    makes our skin feel warm. In space, IR light maps
    the dust between stars.
  5. Visible light This is the range that is visible
    to the human eye. Visible radiation is emitted by
    everything from fireflies to light bulbs to
    stars. It is also emitted by fast-moving
    particles hitting other particles.
  6. Ultra-violet (UV) light It is well known that
    the sun is a source of ultraviolet (UV)
    radiation. It is the UV rays that cause our skin
    to burn. Stars and other hot objects in space
    emit UV radiation.
  7. X-rays A doctor uses X-rays to look at bones
    and a dentist uses them to look at teeth. Hot
    gases in the universe also emit X-rays.
  8. Gamma rays Natural and man-made radioactive
    materials can emit gamma rays. Big particle
    accelerators that scientists use to help them
    understand what matter is made of can sometimes
    generate gamma rays. However, the biggest
    gamma-ray generator of all is the universe, which
    makes gamma radiation in many ways.

Increasing frequency and energy / decreasing
The EM spectrum has eight major sections, which
are presented in order of increasing frequency
and energy, and decreasing wavelength
ISM Bands of Spectrum
In the US, it is the FCC that regulates spectrum
use. In Europe, the European Telecommunications
Standards Institute (ETSI) regulates the spectrum
  • A very important concept in communications
    systems, including WLANs, is noise.
  • In the context of telecommunications, noise can
    be defined as undesirable voltages from both
    natural and technological sources.
  • Since noise is just another signal that produces
    waves, the noise will be added to other signals
    including wireless data!
  • Sources of noise in a WLAN include the
    electronics in the WLAN system, plus radio
    frequency interference (RFI), and electromagnetic
    interference (EMI) found in the WLAN environment.
  • Gaussian, or white noise affects all frequencies
  • Narrowband interference would only interfere with
    some radio stations or channels of a WLAN.

Modulation Techniques
  • A carrier frequency is an electronic wave that is
    combined with the information signal and carries
    it across the communications channel.
  • For WLANs, the carrier frequency is 2.4 GHz or 5
  • Using carrier frequencies in WLANs has added
    complexity because the carrier frequency is
    changed by frequency hopping or direct sequence
    chipping, to make the signal more immune to
    interference and noise.

Spread Spectrum (SS)
  • Spread-spectrum technology makes data
    transmission possible in the ISM bands
  • SS diffuses radio signals over a wide range of
  • The FCC requires that devices using the ISM bands
    use SS transmissions for data
  • By spreading data transmission over a wide range
    of frequencies, the transmission will look like
    noise to other non 802.11 devices
  • This also allows spread-spectrum devices to be
    more resilient to noise

Spread-Spectrum Technologies
  • 802.11 uses three types of spread-spectrum
  • Frequency Hopping (FHSS) systems jump from one
    frequency to another legacy
  • Direct Sequence (DSSS) spread the signal over a
    wide range of frequencies 802.11b/g
  • Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM)

Frequency Hopping
  • Frequency hopping (FH) systems are the least
    costly to produce but allow for the lowest data
  • FH rapidly changes from one frequency to another
    during data transmission using a predetermined
  • This pattern is pseudorandom which means it is
    practically, never the same
  • The receiver radio is synchronized to the hopping
    sequence of the transmitting radio to enable the
    receiver to be on the right frequency at the
    right time.
  • The amount of time a sender stays at a particular
    frequency is known as the dwell time

  • FHSS is a spread spectrum technique that uses
    frequency agility to spread data over more than
    83 MHz of spectrum.
  • Frequency agility is the ability of a radio to
    change transmission frequency quickly, within the
    useable RF frequency band.

FHSS (cont.)
  • Frequency hopping avoids interference between two
    stations using the same band by using different
    hopping sequences
  • If any two stations do interfere with each other,
    the interference is for such a short time that it
    appears as transient noise

Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum
  • In the US, each channel operates from one of 11
    defined center frequencies and extends 11 MHz in
    each direction
  • For example, Channel 1 operates from 2.401 GHz to
    2.423 GHz, which is 2.412 GHz plus or minus 11
    MHz. Channel 2 uses 2.417 plus or minus 11 MHz,
    and so on.
  • There is significant overlap between adjacent
    channels. Center frequencies are only 5 MHz
    apart, yet each channel uses 22 MHz of analog
  • In fact, channels should be co-located only if
    the channel numbers are at least five apart.
    Channels 1 and 6 do not overlap, Channels 2 and 7
    do not overlap, and so on.
  • In Europe, ETSI has defined a total of 14
    channels, which allows for four different sets of
    three non-overlapping channels.

Direct Sequence Spread-Spectrum (DSSS)
  • Whereas FHSS uses each frequency for a short
    period of time in a repeating pattern, DSSS uses
    a wide frequency range of 22 MHz all of the time.
  • Non-overlapping channels have 25 MHz of frequency
    between them which gives them a 3MHz buffer
  • Each data bit becomes a chipping sequence, or a
    string of chips that are transmitted in parallel,
    across the frequency range.
  • This is also referred to as the chipping code

Chipping Code Example
1 00110011011 0 11001100100 0
11001100100 1 00110011011
802.11b ChannelsFCC
2.4 GHz Channel Sets
Regulatory Domain
Center Frequency
Channel Identifier
Europe, Middle East and Asia
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
2412 MHz 2417 MHz 2422 MHz 2427 MHz 2432 MHz 2437
MHz 2442 MHz 2447 MHz 2452 MHz 2457 MHz 2462
MHz 2467 MHz 2472 MHz 2484 MHz
Channels- 2.4 GHz DSSS
  • 11 Channels each channel 22 MHz wide
  • 1 set of 3 non-overlapping channels
  • 14 Channels each channel 22 MHz wide
  • 4 sets of 3 non-overlapping channels, only one
    set used at a time
  • 11 chips per bit means each bit sent
  • 11 Mbps data rate
  • 3 access points can occupy same area

Non-overlapping Channels - again
802.11b Throughput
  • 802.11b uses three different types of modulation,
    depending upon the data rate used
  • Binary phase shift keyed (BPSK) BPSK uses one
    phase to represent a binary 1 and another to
    represent a binary 0, for a total of one bit of
    binary data.
  • BPSK is utilized to transmit data at 1 Mbps. 
  • Quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) With QPSK,
    the carrier undergoes four changes in phase and
    can thus represent two binary bits of data.
  • QPSK is utilized to transmit data at 2 Mbps.
  • Complementary Code Keying (CCK) CCK uses a
    complex set of functions known as complementary
    codes to send more data by representing 4 or 8
    binary bits.
  • CCK is can transmit data at 5.5 Mbps (4 bits) and
    11 Mbps (8bits).

Complementary Code Keying (CCK)
  • CCK is an alternative encoding method to PSK
    which can encode 4 to 8 bits into a code word
  • The benefit of CCK is that it uses an 8-bit
    encoding scheme instead of an 11-bit encoding
    scheme to produce 1.375 times as much data
    transmission as PSK
  • When CCK encodes 4 binary bits at a time it
    produces 5.5Mbps of throughput and when CCK
    encodes 8 bits at a time it produces 11Mbps of

DSSS Modulation and Data Rates
The D in the beginning stands for Differential
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
  • The 802.11a and 802.11g standards both use
    orthogonal frequency division multiplexing
    (OFDM), to achieve data rates of up to 54 Mbps.
  • OFDM works by breaking one high-speed data
    carrier into several lower-speed subcarriers,
    which are then transmitted in parallel.
  • Each high-speed carrier is 20 MHz wide and is
    broken up into 52 subchannels, each approximately
    300 KHz wide
  • OFDM uses 48 of these subchannels for data, while
    the remaining four are used for error correction.

OFDM Subcarriers
802.11a Modulation
  • The 802.11a standard specifies that all
    802.11a-compliant products must support three
    basic data rates which include
  • Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK) encodes 125
    Kbps of data per channel, resulting in a
    6,000-Kbps, or 6 Mbps Quadrature Phase Shift
    Keying (QPSK) encodes to 250 Kbps per channel,
    yielding a 12 Mbps data rate.
  • 16-level Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
    (16-QAM) encodes 4 bits per hertz, achieving a
    data rate of 24 Mbps.
  • In addition, the standard also lets the vendor
    extend the modulation scheme beyond 24 Mbps.
  • 64-level Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
    (64-QAM), which yields 8 bits per cycle or 10
    bits per cycle, for a total of up to 1.125 Mbps
    per 300-KHz channel. With 48 channels, this
    results in a 54 Mbps data rate.

  • A surface is considered smooth if the size of
    irregularities is small relative to the
    wavelength. Otherwise, it is considered to be
  • Electromagnetic waves are diffracted around
    intervening objects.
  • If the object is small relative to the
    wavelength, it has very little effect and the
    wave will pass around the object undisturbed.
  • However, if the object is large a shadow will
    appear behind the object and a significant amount
    of energy is reflected back toward the source.

Refraction (straight line)
Normal Refraction
  • Refraction (or bending) of signals is due to
    temperature, pressure, and water vapor content in
    the atmosphere.
  • Amount of refractivity depends on the height
    above ground.
  • Refractivity is usually largest at low
  • The refractivity gradient (k-factor) usually
    causes microwave signals to curve slightly
    downward toward the earth, making the radio
    horizon father away than the visual horizon.
  • This can increase the microwave path by about 15,

  • Radio waves also bend when entering different
  • This can be very important when analyzing
    propagation in the atmosphere.
  • It is not very significant in WLANs, but it is
    included here, as part of a general background
    for the behavior of electromagnetic waves.

  • Reflection is the light bouncing back in the
    general direction from which it came.
  • When waves travel from one medium to another, a
    certain percentage of the light is reflected.
  • This is called a Fresnel reflection.

Reflected Waves
  • When a wireless signal encounters an obstruction,
    normally two things happen
  • Attenuation The shorter the wavelength of the
    signal relative to the size of the obstruction,
    the more the signal is attenuated.
  • Reflection The shorter the wavelength of the
    signal relative to the size of the obstruction,
    the more likely it is that some of the signal
    will be reflected off the obstruction.

Microwave Reflections
  • Microwave signals
  • Frequencies between 1 GHz 30 GHz (this can vary
    among experts).
  • Wavelength between 12 inches down to less than 1
  • Microwave signals reflect off objects that are
    larger than their wavelength, such as buildings,
    cars, flat stretches of ground, and bodes of
  • Each time the signal is reflected, the amplitude
    is reduced.

  • Reflection is the light bouncing back in the
    general direction from which it came.
  • Consider a smooth metallic surface as an
  • As waves hit this surface, much of their energy
    will be bounced or reflected.
  • Think of common experiences, such as looking at a
    mirror or watching sunlight reflect off a
    metallic surface or water.
  • When waves travel from one medium to another, a
    certain percentage of the light is reflected.
  • This is called a Fresnel reflection (Fresnel
    coming later).

  • Radio waves can bounce off of different layers of
    the atmosphere.
  • The reflecting properties of the area where the
    WLAN is to be installed are extremely important
    and can determine whether a WLAN works or fails.
  • Furthermore, the connectors at both ends of the
    transmission line going to the antenna should be
    properly designed and installed, so that no
    reflection of radio waves takes place.

Microwave Reflections
Multipath Reflection
  • Advantage Can use reflection to go around
  • Disadvantage Multipath reflection occurs when
    reflections cause more than one copy of the same
    transmission to arrive at the receiver at
    slightly different times.

  • The spreading out of a wave around an obstacle is
    called diffraction
  • This spreading is sometimes referred to as
    bending around an obstacle.
  • Radio waves undergo both small-scale and
    large-scale diffraction.
  • An example of small-scale diffraction is radio
    waves in a WLAN spreading around indoors.
  • An example of large-scale diffraction is radio
    waves spreading around a mountain peak, to an
    inaccessible area.

Diffracted Signal
  • Diffraction of a wireless signal occurs when the
    signal is partially blocked or obstructed by a
    large object in the signals path.
  • A diffracted signal is usually attenuated so much
    it is too weak to provide a reliable microwave
  • Do not plan to use a diffracted signal, and
    always try to obtain an unobstructed path between
    microwave antennas.

  • In many common WLAN installations, the radio
    waves emitted from a transmitter are traveling at
    different angles.
  • They can reflect off of different surfaces and
    end up arriving at the receiver at slightly
    different times.
  • Multipath interference can cause high RF signal
    strength, but poor signal quality levels.
  • If this interference is destructive enough, the
    messages will not get through.

Multipath Reflection
  • Reflected signals 1 and 2 take slightly longer
    paths than direct signal, arriving slightly
  • These reflected signals sometimes cause problems
    at the receiver by partially canceling the direct
    signal, effectively reducing the amplitude.
  • The link throughput slows down because the
    receiver needs more time to either separate the
    real signal from the reflected echoes or to wait
    for missed frames to be retransmitted.
  • Solution discussed later.

  • A crucial factor of any communications system is
    how much power from the transmitter actually
    reaches the receiver.
  • All of the previous different effects discussed
    earlier can be combined and described by what are
    known as path loss calculations.
  • Path loss calculations determine how much power
    is lost along the communications path.
  • Free-space loss (FSL) is the signal attenuation
    that would result if all absorbing, diffracting,
    obstructing, refracting, scattering, and
    reflecting influences were sufficiently removed
    so as to have no effect on propagation.
  • - The formula is as follows
  • FSL (in dB) 20 log10(f) 20 log10(d) 36.6

Path-Loss (cont.)
  • Every time the distance from the transmitter to
    the receiver is doubled, the signal level is
    lowered (or increased) by 6 dB.
  • Also, for each frequency, there is a series of
    wavelengths, where energy will escape out of the
    transmission line and enter the surrounding
    space. This is called the launch effect.
  • The launch effect typically occurs at multiples
    of half-wavelengths of the signal.

  • This module covered the mathematics and physics
    necessary for understanding how WLANs operate.
    Although it is not usually necessary to perform
    complex calculations to install a WLAN, an
    understanding of the underlying principles makes
    it easier to account for the many factors that
    can interfere with the proper operation of the
  • When performing a site survey for a new or
    existing WLAN, be sure to take into account
    factors such as refraction, reflection, and
    multipath distortion that were discussed in this
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