Title: Political Parties
1Political Parties
- Interest Aggregation
- Interest Representation
- March 30th, 2004
2Political Parties vs. Interest Groups
- interest groups strive to influence political
outcomes - political parties strive to become the governing
party - both represent political interests
- political parties also aggregate interests
- in doing so, political parties act to filter of
3Type of Political Parties
- basis of organization
- electoral-professional parties vs. mass parties
- basis of electoral competition
- pragmatic parties (brokerage parties)
- ideological-programmatic parties
- interest parties
4Ideological/Programmatic Parties
- organized around social cleavages
- class
- religion
- ethnicity
- region
- traditional conceptions of ideology
- left vs. right
5The Ideological Spectrum
The Left -- Socialist
The Right -- Conservative
Less Govt
More Govt
- greater reliance on the market
- fewer government regulations
- no special treatment for special interest groups
- lower taxes
- government regulation of the economy
- policies to help disadvantaged groups
- policies to redistribute income
6General Trends -- Political Parties
7The Ideological Spectrum The Rise of Pragmatism
The Left -- Socialist
The Right -- Conservative
Tony Blair (Britain) New Labour Bill Clinton (US)
New Democrats
George W. Bush (US) Compassionate Conservatism
8General Trends -- Political Parties
- single member plurality systems encourage
pragmatic parties PR promotes ideological/interes
t parties - the rise of pragmatism
- parties increasingly competing to occupy the
centre of the political spectrum - reasons?
- success of pragmatic parties has been
self-reinforcing - the fall of communism
- affluence of western industrialized societies
9Political Parties Democracy
- mass parties vs. electoral-professional parties
- mass parties encourage greater participation in
politics by the public - majoritarian democrats
- electoral-professional parties
- elite democrats
10Political Parties Democracy
- ideological/interest parties vs. pragmatic
parties - ideological/interest parties
- gives clear electoral choices
- help make elections meaningful
- encourages greater mass participation
- majoritarian democrats
- pragmatic parties
- depend on party elites (to broker deals among
various interests) - elections
- differences between parties are limited
- electoral choice is really about best management
team - elite democrats
11Political Parties Democracy
- liberal democrats
- crucial point is that individuals remain free to
form political parties (and contest elections)
free from state interference