Title: Transition to Adulthood
1Transition to Adulthood
2Changing landscape of early adulthood
- Entry into adulthood is longer, often ambiguous,
and generally occurs in a more complex and less
uniform fashion. - We can now say that adulthood no longer begins
when adolescence ends.
3Changing times
- A lengthy period, often spanning the 20s, is now
devoted to - further education
- job exploration
- experimentation in romantic relationships
- personal development.
- The path to adulthood has become less linear,
from school to work, marriage and childbearing
4Two revolutions that reorganized work and family
- Technological revolution raised the importance of
technical knowledge, and thus education, in the
labor market. - Gender relationships within home and work lowered
barriers to the workforce for women and created
space for more egalitarian
- The varied timing and sequence of adult
transitions contributes to a mismatch between
institutions and young adults. - Workplaces also do not accommodate the competing
demands young adults face. - Consequently, families are required to fill in,
but they frequently lack sufficient resources and
know-how to help young people successfully
negotiate this complex period.
6- Children in families in the top quarter of income
categories receive at least 70 percent more in
material assistance than children in the bottom
7Other supports
- Two other institutions can provide a bridge
between the end of adolescence and an independent
adult existence residential four-year colleges
and the military. - Four-year colleges provide some supervision,
direction, supports such as medical care, housing
and opportunities for civic engagement and public
service, while also providing more independence
than is usually provided to adolescents. - The military provides a similar institutional
bridge between dependence and independence.
8Problems create additional risks
- Youth who are disconnected between the ages of 16
and 23that is, youth who for a substantial
period of time are far more likely during later
adulthood to be poor, to be on welfare, to have
weak ties to the work-force, and to have a lower
likelihood of marriage
9Vulnerable Populations
- Populations which are especially vulnerable
during the transition to adulthood, are those - in the mental health system,
- in foster care,
- in juvenile justice systems
- reentering the community from the criminal
justice system as well as - high school dropouts
- needing special education services and
- the homeless, disabled or chronically ill
- Government programs play a major role in the
lives of these children and youth, yet support
typically ends between the ages of 18 and 21
10Todays institutions dont fit with the needs of
todays youth
- Many features of American society operate on the
assumption that the attainment of adulthood
occurs earlier or that most youth are in college - From the late teens through the late 20s, many
young people do not have the social support and
financial resources to sustain them.
11Theories of Young Adulthood
- Erikson
- Individual must make a commitment
- Levinson
- Forming a dream
- Vague sense of self in adult world
- Finding an occupation
- Define the set of activities young adults pursue
- Establishing a relationship with a mentor
- Enables the young adult to see how all the tasks
of the period can be woven together - Establishing love relationships
12Understanding School-to-Work Connection
- Those who believe in a payoff for high school
achievement work harder - Facets of the worlds of education and work
- Transparency--extent to which young people can
see through the intricacies of the rules of
school/work and plan a course of action - Permeability-Ease of movement from one part of
the system to another - Clearly specifie rules greater tranparency
- Difficult to obtain credential less
permeability - Hamilton--Role of Apprenticeships and mentors
Does mentoring promote positive outcomes? What
are the underlying processes? What are the
implications for the field of prevention?
14Impact Study
A landmark study in 1995 by Public/Private
Ventures, an independent research group,
documented the positive impact this type of
relationship can have. The study demonstrated
that Little Brothers and Little Sisters are 46
less likely to begin using illegal drugs 27
less likely to begin using alcohol 52 less
likely to skip school 37 less likely to skip a
class 33 less prone to violence less likely to
use hitting to deal with problems. Big Brothers
Big Sisters of Baltimore
15Programs Organizations
- Formal Programs
- Wide-ranging effects on youth outcomes
emotional/psychological, problem behavior, social
competence, academic, career/employment - But
16- Size of effects small (d .18) and preliminary
cost-benefit ratios are not compelling "small, d
.20," "medium, d .50," and "large, d .80
(Cohen, 1988) - Significant variability in quality of mentoring
relationships established in programs - Effect sizes vary significantly across programs
17(No Transcript)
18- Effect sizes increase with greater use of theory-
and empirically-based practices -
Size of Effect on Youth Outcomes
Number of Practices
19- Theory- Empirically-
- Practice Based Based
- __________________________________________________
__________ - Monitoring of Program Implementation X X
- Setting for Mentoring Activities
(Community-based) X - Screening of Prospective Mentors X
- Mentor Background Helping Role or
Profession X - Mentor/Youth Matching X
- Mentor Pre-Match Training X
- Expectations Frequency of Contact X X
- Expectations Length of Relationship X
- Supervision X
- Ongoing Training X X
- Mentor Support Group X
- Structured Activities for Mentors and
Youth X X - Parent Support/Involvement X X
20The State of the Field