Title: Environmental Fund for Lebanon (EFL)
1Environmental Fund for Lebanon (EFL) Technical
training on environmental compliance and
environmental audits for industrial wastewater
management Friday 17 June 2011 Monroe Hotel,
Ein El Mreisseh
2Objectives of EFL
- Under its Category 2 Abatement of industrial
wastewater pollution by adopting cleaner
production measures in private enterprises the
EFL is financing 6 industries at a cost of
956,658 to obtain necessary technical
assistance and investment costs for the treatment
of industrial wastewater in order to - Meet the Environmental Limit Values set by the
Ministry of - Environment for discharge into the sewerage
system or surface - water
- Reduce the negative impacts of industrial
wastewater on the - wastewater treatment plants
3Objectives of EFL
- In addition EFL is also planning the following
support - Policy paper on the legal, institutional and
individual capacities - related to industrial wastewater management in
Lebanon - Conducting necessary studies and training on
industrial wastewater - management
- In coordination with the Ministry of Environment
in the - framework of the Lebanon Pollution Abatement
- Programme (LPAP) with the World Bank
4Objectives of the training
- The purpose of the training is to provide
- Comprehensive approach for industrial compliance
through - Environmental Audits
- Highlight the various steps needed for the
development of - Environmental Audits at the level of
industrial plants in Lebanon -
- 3. Adoption of necessary mitigation measures
for industrial - wastewater pollution and other pollution
sources - Adoption of cleaner production measures in the
industrial - sector
5Objectives of the training
The training will focus on the most polluting
industrial sectors with regards to industrial
wastewater and will include the following
industrial sectors 1. Metal industries 2.
Agro-food industries including slaughterhouses 3.
Paint industries.
6 Industrial sectors eligible under EFL
ISIC-2 Reference Industrial sectors eligible under EFL Second Call for Proposals
15 Food Products and Beverages
17 Textile
21 Pulp and Paper
24 Chemicals
26 Other non metallic mineral products
27 Basic Metals
28 Metal Products
7Selected industries under category 2
No Institution Sector Town/Caza EFL/GIZ budget () Own Contribution ()
1 Sanitary Paper co. MIMOSA Pulp and Paper Qaa El Rim/ Zahle 66,657.5 66,657.5
2 Ahmad M.S. Al Dirani Brothers factory Food Beverages Kasarnaba/ Baalbeck 200,000 200,000
3 SIDEM Metal Products Zouk Mosbeh/ Keserwan 200,000 554,300
4 ZM Vegetable Oils Food Beverages Zouk Mosbeh/ Keserwan 200,000 200,000
5 PULPER S.A.L. Food Beverages Nahr Ibrahim/ Jbeil 200,000 246,500
6 Wilco PM S.A.R.L. Food Beverages Chekka/ Batroun 200,000 305,550
8Overview of the 6 selected industries
- 1. Sanitary Paper co. MIMOSA
- Sector Pulp and Paper
- Location Qaa El Rim - Beqaa
- GIZ/EFL budget () 68,657.5
- Total budget () 137,315
- Waste Water quantity 300 to 700 m3/ day
- Main Pollutants Biological, Chemical,
sulphate, nitrogen, - phosphorus, chloride, carbon
9Overview of the 6 selected industries
- 2. Ahmad M.S. Al Dirani Brothers Factory
- Sector Food Beverages
- Location Kasarnaba - Beqaa
- GIZ/EFL budget () 200,000
- Total budget () 400,000
- Waste Water quantity 70 - 80 m3/ day
- Main Pollutants Chemical, Biological, pH, oil
grease, nitrates - and bacterial contamination (from mix with
municipal wastewater)
10Overview of the 6 selected industries
- 3. SIDEM S.A.L.
- Sector Metal Products
- Location Zouk Mosbeh - Keserwan
- GIZ/EFL budget () 200,000
- Total budget () 754,300
- Waste Water quantity 1,050 m3/ day
- Main Pollutants Biological , pH, sulphate,
aluminium, zinc, - hydrocarbons (no heavy metals)
11Overview of the 6 selected industries
- 4. ZM Vegetable Oils Industries S.A.L.
- Sector Food Beverages
- Location Zouk Mosbeh - Keserwan
- GIZ/EFL budget () 90,000
- Total budget () 180,000
- Waste Water quantity 40 m3/ day
- Main Pollutants Chemical, Biological, pH, oil
grease, nitrates - and bacterial contamination (from mix with
municipal wastewater)
12Overview of the 6 selected industries
- Sector Food Beverages
- Location Nahr Ibrahim - Jbeil
- GIZ/EFL budget () 200,000
- Total budget () 446,500
- Waste Water quantity 150 m3/ day
- Main Pollutants Chemical, Biological , pH
13Overview of the 6 selected industries
- 6. Wilco PM S.A.R.L.
- Sector Food Beverages
- Location Chekka - Batroun
- GIZ/EFL budget () 200,000
- Total budget () 505,550
- Waste Water quantity 300 m3/ day
- Main Pollutants Oil grease, Biological,
Chemical, chlorides, - phosphorus, ammonium-nitrogen, bacterial
14Programme of the training
- 945 - 1045 Legal and technical framework for
environmental compliance in Lebanon. (Mr. Farouk
Merhebi, Consultant) - 1045 - 1100 Coffee break
- 1100 - 1200 The experience of GIZ/PREMA in
improving the environmental performance of SME.
(Dr. Kerstin Bark, Consultant) - 1200 - 1230 Next steps