Title: The Public Sector
1The Public Sector
The term public sector refers to federal,
state, and local government units.
Here we want to examine the economicfunctions
carried outby the public sector units.We also
want to describegovernment expendituresand
2Providing the legal framework
- Enact and enforce laws governing product and
factor market transactions. - Enact and enforce laws to protect the
environment, ensure workplace and product safety,
truth in advertising, and provide other social
regulation. - Contract enforcement
The public sectormust establish and enforce the
rulesof the game.
3Enforcing rights to "intangible" property
Europes Software Piracy Rankings, 1994
Source Business Software Alliance
4Promoting competition in the marketplace
The JusticeDepartmentsprosecution of
Microsoft is anexample of antitrust
- Enforcement of antitrust statutes (such as the
Sherman Act). - Regulation of telephone, electricity, natural
gas, or cable TV rates.
5Redistribution of income
The market cant be trusted to produce an
equitable, or in any case,politically
acceptable distribution of income
Income redistribution is accomplished by means of
transfer payments. These include
- Social security payments
- Aid to the permanently disabled
- Medicare
- Medicaid
- Unemployment compensation
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8Provision of Public Goods
Public goods aregenerally impossibleto withhold
from thosenot willing to pay for them.
9Free riders
- Free riders are those who enjoy the benefits of
public goods without paying for them. - Public goods cannot be supplied by profit seekers
since there is both opportunity and incentive to
free ride. - Fees for boating licenses and property taxes are
two ways government can limit free riding.
10Correcting for externalities or spillover costs
- Negative externalities (or spillover costs)
result when private production or consumption
activity imposes costs on third parties. - Examples include acid rain, noise and vibration
near airports, water pollution, cigarette smoke,
mosquitoes in Jonesboro, rice pesticides that
damage tomatoes.
11How does government correct for externalities?
- EPA emissions standards for cars pursuant to the
Clean Air Act. - EPA regulations on sulphur-dioxide emissions from
coal-fired power plants. - Effluent fees, taxes, and fines imposed on
polluters. - Restrictions on smoking in public places.
- Cigarette taxes.
12Economic Stabilization
The Employment Act of 1946 makes the
Federalgovernment responsiblefor promoting
maximum production, employment, and purchasing