Water and Solutions - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Water and Solutions


Chapter 11 Water and Solutions Water The universal solvent. It has the ability to dissolve many molecules. In living systems these molecules can then be transported ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Water and Solutions

Chapter 11
  • Water and Solutions

  • The universal solvent. It has the ability to
    dissolve many molecules.
  • In living systems these molecules can then be
    transported from one place to another by
    diffusion or by some kind of a circulatory
  • Liquid water has a higher density than ice (solid
    water). Ice thus floats on the surface of liquid
    water. Fish and other organisms can then live
    below the ice in natural bodies of water.
  • Water has a very high specific heat. Therefore,
    large bodies of water can moderate temperature by
    absorbing great amounts of heat.
  • Water has a very high latent heat. This means
    that a great amount of heat is needed to
    evaporate water. This is what occurs when people
    perspire, we get rid of a lot of heat from our
    bodies, thus enabling us to withstand high

Bonds in the Water Molecule
  • The H-O bonds in the water molecule are polar
    covalent. The oxygen atom attracts the electrons
    more than the hydrogen atoms because it is more
  • Since the molecule has a V shape
  • O Negative end
  • H H Positive end
  • The oxygen end of the molecule is therefore more
    negative and the hydrogen end of the molecule is
    more positive.
  • The molecule is said to be polar and thus
    possesses a dipole (a negative and a positive

Hydrogen Bonding
  • Due to the dipole moment in the water molecule
    water has many unusual characteristics.
  • Hydrogen bonding occurs whenever a H atom is
    bonded to an O, N, or F atom, since these are the
    most electronegative elements. The electrons are
    pulled very close to the O, N, or F atom and
    therefore the O, N, or F atom becomes partially
    negative whereas the H atom bonded to it becomes
    partially positive.
  • A dotted line is used to represent a hydrogen
    bond, as opposed to the solid line which is used
    for a single bond.

Hydrogen Bonding
  • The partially negative oxygen of one water
    molecule attracts and is hydrogen bonded to a
    partially positive hydrogen of another water
    molecule. This happens throughout the water
    molecules present in a sample of water.

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Effects of Hydrogen Bonding
  • Due to the hydrogen bonding in the water
    molecules water exhibits all the unusual
    properties that it is known for and which
    ultimately permit life on earth to exist.
  • Due to the great attraction of water molecules
    for one another the boiling point and melting
    points of water are very high for such a small
    molecule, the molecules like to stay as close to
    one another as possible.
  • Other small molecules like water tend to be
    gases at room temperature and do not become
    solids unless the temperature is extremely low,
    much lower than 0oC.

Hydrogen Bonding in Ice
Hydrogen bonding occurs in solid water (ice), but
it occurs as part of a very organized
crystalline structure in the forms of hexagons.
When the ice melts the molecule collapses from
its highly organized crystal structure to a more
compact structure which permits greater approach
of the hydrogen bonded H and O atoms. This is why
liquid water is more dense than ice.
Dissolving Process
  • There are two types of mixtures
  • Heterogeneous mixtures, like oil and vinegar, or
    sand and water, are those where two or more
    distinct layers exist. The two substances are not
    soluble in one another.
  • Homogeneous mixtures, like table salt in water or
    sugar in water, are those where there is only one
    layer, since the substances are soluble in one
    another. A homogeneous mixture is a solution.
  • A homogeneous mixture that is in the liquid state
    can be recognized because it is clear
    (transparent). It can be colored or colorless.

  • A solution is made up of a solute and a solvent.
  • The solvent is the substance which is present in
    the higher amount. The solute is present in the
    lesser amount.
  • Solutions can be in the gas, liquid or solid
    states, although the most common are in the
    liquid state.
  • Solutions in the liquid state can have a gas, a
    liquid, or a solid dissolved in a liquid.
  • Air is a gaseous solution made up of 78 N2, 21
    O2, .9 Ar, and other miscellaneous gases.
    Therefore N2 is the solvent.

  • Aqueous solutions are those in which the solvent
    is water. Aqueous comes from aqua, the latin word
    for water. The solute can be a solid, a liquid,
    or a gas.
  • A solution becomes saturated when the maximum
    amount of solute is dissolved in the solvent.
  • A solution which has less than the maximum amount
    of solute dissolved is unsaturated.
  • If more than the maximum amount of solute is
    added to a solvent than can dissolve in it at a
    certain temperature, then the excess will settle
    on the bottom of the container (in the case of a
    solid solute) and the solution itself will be
    saturated, since only the maximum that can
    dissolve will be dissolved.
  • For example, if the maximum solubility of
    substance A in water is 20 grams of A per 100
    grams of water
  • Adding 15 grams of A to 100 grams of
  • Adding 20 grams of A to 100 grams of
  • Adding 30 grams of A to 100 grams of
  • Adding 20 grams of A to 150 grams of
  • Adding 10 grams of A to 50 grams of

Degrees of solubility
  • Miscible substances
  • When there is not limit to how much of a
    solute can dissolve in a solvent.
  • Mixtures of gases are always miscible.
  • Like dissolves like Two polar substances tend to
    dissolve in one another. Two non polar substances
    tend to dissolve in one another. Water and ethyl
    alcohol are both polar and are miscible in one

Degrees of Solubility
  • Water is a polar substance, CCl4 (carbon
    tetrachloride) is a non-polar substance, since
    even though the C-Cl bonds are polar the molecule
    has a symmetrical geometry, so it does not have a
    more positive or a more negative end.
  • CCl4 will dissolve greases and oils, which are
    non polar.
  • Soap consists of a molecule which has a part that
    is polar and a part that is non polar. Oils and
    grease will not dissolve in water alone. However,
    soap can be dissolved in water through its polar
    end and it will in turn dissolve oils and grease
    and is therefore used for cleaning.

Geometry of CCl4
  • C

The less electronegative atom, the C, is in the
middle symmetrically surrounded by Cl atoms in
the form of a tetrahedron. Therefore the
molecule does not have a more positive or more
negative end and it is nonpolar.
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Dissolving Ionic Compounds in Water
  • Many ionic compounds, like NaCl, are soluble in
    water because the Na is attracted to the
    partially negative O of the water molecule. The
    Cl- is attracted to the partially positive H of
    the water molecule.
  • This is called hydration, since the ions become
    surrounded by water molecule.

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Dissolving Ionic Compounds in Water
  • There is also the effect of the great attraction
    that positive and negative ions in an ionic
    compound have for one another.
  • For an ionic compound to be soluble in water the
    attraction of the water molecules and the ions
    has to be greater than that of the ions for one
  • Saturation occurs because there are less water
    molecules available to compete for the ions. It
    is like a tug of war.
  • Ionic compounds that have a greater attraction
    for its ions than for water are said to be
    insoluble in water. Usually some miniscule
    amount will dissolve when the compound is
    considered insoluble. Often this will be ionic
    compounds which have ions that have 2 and -2
    charges or higher. Most ionic compounds that
    contain at least one ion with a 1 or -1 charge
    are soluble in water.

Ionic Compounds dissolved in Water
  • NaCl(s) H2O Na(aq) Cl-(aq)
  • CaCO3(s) H2O CaCO3(s)

Concentration of Solutions
  • Concentration refers to the amount of solute
    which is dissolved in a given amount of solvent.
  • In a qualitative manner when the concentration is
    high the solution is said to be concentrated.
    When the concentration is low the solution is
    said to be dilute.

Concentration of Solutions
  • In a quantitative manner one can express
    concentration of solutions in many ways. One of
    the ways that are used are
  • by volume volume of solute x 100
  • volume of solution
  • An example is rubbing alcohol, which can be, for
    example, 12 by volume. This means that there are
    12 mLof isopropyl alcohol per 100 mL of aqueous

Concentration of Solutions
  • by massmass of solute x 100
  • mass of solution
  • The mass can be in grams or any other mass unit
    in the metric system. It could also be in weight
    units in the English system, like ounces. by
    weight is equivalent to by mass.
  • Hydrogen Peroxide, H2O2 is sold as 3 by weight,
    which means that there are 3 ounces of H2O2 per
    100 ounces of aqueous solution.

2 parts solute x 100 2 100 parts soln
2 mL solute x 100 2 100 mL soln
2 g solute x 100 2 100 g soln
The by mass of salts in salt water (salinity)
is 35 g salts x 100 3.5 1000 g soln
Solubility of Ionic Compounds
  • Solubility is defined as the maximum amount of a
    solute that will dissolve in a given solvent at a
    specified temperature. When you reach this
    maximum amount of solute the solution is said to
    be saturated.
  • For example, adding sugar to tea. If you add too
    much sugar, some will not dissolve because the
    solution becomes saturated.
  • For most solutions solubility increases with
    temperature. There are exceptions, however.

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Solubility of Gases
  • Gases are the opposite of the majority of ionic
    compounds when it comes to the relationship
    between solubility and temperature.
  • The higher the temperature the lower the
    solubility of gases in a solution.
  • If you open up a soda can at room temperature
    more of the dissolved carbon dioxide gas will
    escape and the soda will become flat faster than
    if you open it after just taking it out of the
    refrigerator. This is because the carbon dioxide
    gas is less soluble in water at the higher

  • Electrolytes are substances or solutions which
    conduct electricity. Often these will be aqueous
  • In order to conduct electricity there has to be a
    flow of electrons through the solution.
  • In order for there to be a flow of electrons
    through a solution there have to be ions in the
  • The more ions there are the stronger the
    electrolyte will be.

Only ionic compounds Or acids dissolved in water
will produce ions in solution and electricity
can be then conducted through the Solution.
Non Electrolytes
  • All covalent compounds except for acids are non
    electrolytes, since no ions are present in
  • Water is a covalent compound, so it is a non
    electrolyte, so are all alcohols and most other
    substances which are liquids or gases at room
  • Acids are unique, since they are covalent
    compounds but they ionize when dissolved in
    water. All acids are soluble in water.

Aqueous Solutions of Acids
  • HCl(g) H2O H(aq) Cl-(aq)
  • hydrogen ion
  • This is the same as
  • HCl(g) H2O H3O(aq) Cl-(aq)
  • hydronium ion
  • The hydrogen ion (H) is the same thing as the
    hydronium (H3O) ion.
  • The hydrochloric acid, HCl is ionized or
    dissociated in water, so hydrochloric acid is an
    electrolyte. The name hydrochloric acid already
    implies that the acid, HCl or hydrogen chloride,
    is dissolved in water.

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Boiling Point
  • Occurs when the pressure of the vapor escaping
    from a liquid is equal to the atmospheric
  • The pressure exerted by the vapor is called the
    vapor pressure.
  • The normal boiling point of a liquid is the
    boiling point at 1 atm of pressure, which is the
    pressure at sea level.
  • The normal boiling point of water is 100oC, or

Pure Solvent
The rate of evaporation, and thus the vapor
pressure, is less for a solution than for a
solvent in the pure state. The greater the solute
concentration, the less the vapor pressure.
Therefore, the higher the boiling point.
Boiling Point of Solutions
  • It doesnt matter what the substance is, the more
    particles of solute are present, the more the
    boiling point will be increased, because boiling
    occurs from the surface and the presence of
    solute particles decreases the rate of particles
    escaping to the gas state. They hinder the
    boiling process.
  • This is called boiling point elevation

The more solute particles there are, the higher
the boiling point. For ionic compounds each ion
counts as a particle, so the effect is greater.
Freezing Point
  • Freezing occurs when the kinetic energy of
    molecules has been reduced sufficiently so the
    molecules can come together, forming the crystal
    structure of the solid.
  • The freezing point of water at 1 atm is 0oC or
  • In aqueous solutions, the presence of solute
    particles interferes with the water molecules as
    they attempt to form the six-sided hexagonal
    crystalline structure.
  • The temperature has to be below the freezing
    point of the solvent for the solution to freeze.

Freezing Point of Seawater
  • The freezing point of seawater is lower than that
    of water.
  • The ice which forms does not contain any solute
    particles, it is pure water.
  • As some ice forms the remaining water contains a
    higher solute concentration, so the freezing
    point is further decreased.
  • This is called freezing point depression.

Practical Uses of Freezing Point Depression and
Boiling Point Elevation
  • Salt is spread on snow to lower the freezing
    point of water, which is what snow is made up of.
    CaCl2, calcium chloride, is often used for this
    purpose. This avoids the roads to become slippery
    after the snow melts.
  • Ethylene glycol is antifreeze and is added to
    radiator water to lower the freezing point and
    raise the boiling point of water. This is
    protection against temperatures that are too high
    or too low.

Acids, Bases, and Salts
  • Salts are ionic compounds. The hardness of water
    is related to ionic compounds or salts dissolved
    in water.
  • The acidity of soils determines how well plants
  • Acid rain is a by product of industry and
    automobiles. This is harmful for living organisms.

Acids, bases and salts
  • Acids have sour tastes
  • Changes litmus paper from blue to red
  • Acids react with metals releasing hydrogen gas
  • Acids neutralize bases forming water and salt

Acids, bases and salts
  • Bases have bitter taste (caffeine)
  • Bases turn litmus paper blue
  • Basic solutions feel slippery on skin.
  • Bases neutralize acids forming water and salts

Acids, bases and salts
  • Are there any similarities in the lists shown

Hydronium ion
Acid - any substance that is a proton donor when
dissolved in water.
This is the same as H2O HCl
H(aq) Cl-(aq)
A proton is a hydrogen ion, H
  • Many bases are ionic compounds which contain
    hydroxide ion (OH-) as the negative ion.
  • They produce OH- when dissolved in water
  • NaOH Na(aq) OH-(aq)

Proton acceptor A proton is a hydrogen ion (H)
Acids, bases and salts
  • Other bases, like ammonia, NH3, will produce the
    OH- once it is dissolved in water, since a
    hydrogen ion gets transferred from a water
    molecule to the ammonia molecule.

Hydroxide ion
Base - Any substance that is a proton acceptor
when dissolved in water.
Proton acceptor
Acids, bases and salts
  • What happens when acids and bases mix?

The H from the acid and the OH- from the base
react to form water
H (aq) OH-(aq) H2O(l)
This is called neutralization
Strong Acids
  • A strong acid is one that ionizes (dissociates)
    100 in aqueous solution.
  • HNO3 H2O H(aq) NO3-(aq)
  • 100
  • Acids can be recognized because the formula
    begins with H.
  • Common strong acids include
  • HCl hydrochloric acid
  • HBr hydrobromic acid
  • HI hydroiodic acid
  • H2SO4 sulfuric acid
  • HNO3 nitric acid

Weak Acids
  • Weak acids only partially ionize (dissociate) in
    aqueous solution. They only produce a small
    percentage of hydrogen ions (H).
  • HF H2O H(aq) F-(aq)
  • not 100
  • A double arrow indicates an equilibrium, so the
    reaction occurs both ways, to the right and to
    the left.
  • The arrow to the left is longer because there is
    more of the non ionized acid present than of the
    ions at any given time.

Weak Acids
  • Common weak acids include
  • HC2H3O2 acetic acid
  • H2CO3 carbonic acid
  • HC2H3O2 H2O H(aq) C2H3O2-(aq)
  • In the case of acetic acid, only about 1 of
    the acid molecules ionize in aqueous solution.

Strong Bases
  • Strong bases are those that completely (100)
    ionize (dissociate) in aqueous solution.
  • NaOH H2O Na(aq) OH-(aq)
  • 100
  • Common strong bases include
  • NaOH sodium hydroxide, common name lye, which
    is used to make soap.
  • KOH potassium hydroxide
  • Also the other Group IA and Group IIA hydroxides
    except for Be(OH)2 and Mg(OH)2.

Weak Bases
  • Weak bases only partially ionize (dissociate) in
    aqueous solution.
  • Mg(OH)2 Mg2(aq) 2OH-(aq)
  • not 100
  • NH3(aq) H2O NH4(aq)
  • not 100

The pH Scale
  • The strength of acids and bases is measured using
    the pH scale.
  • A neutral substance, like water, which is neither
    an acid nor a base, has a pH of 7.
  • Acidic solutions (acids dissolved in water) have
    a pH lower than 7.
  • Basic solutions (bases dissolved in water) have a
    pH higher than 7.

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  • When an acid reacts with a base a salt (ionic
    compound, except bases) is formed. Water is also
  • HCl NaOH NaCl H2O
  • acid base salt water
  • 2HNO3 Ca(OH)2 Ca(NO3)2 2H2O
  • acid base salt
  • Neutralization always occurs 100 between an acid
    and a base even if they are weak.

Importance of Salts
  • Salts are important in the diet, since we need
    them as electrolytes and as a source of certain
    elements. These are minerals.
  • Plants also require the elements that can be
    provided by certain salts and are added to plants
    as fertilizers. For example, K, N (supplied as
    nitrates, NO3-), and P (supplied as phosphates,
  • Not all salts are soluble in water. Insoluble
    salts is what gives rise to hard water that ends
    up forming rings in your bathtub because when
    mixed with soap insoluble salts are formed.

Practice Exercises
  • p. 294-296 Applying the Concepts
  • 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
    17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27

Review Chapter 11
  • Water-polar molecule, undergoes
  • H-bonding.
  • Unusual characteristics of water molecule.
  • Heterogeneous and Homogeneous (Solutions)
  • Saturated, unsaturated, and miscible solutions.
  • Like dissolves like Polar solvents like water
    dissolve polar molecules and ionic compounds. Non
    polar solvents, like Carbon Tetrachloride
    dissolve nonpolar solutes, like grease.
  • Soap-Polar and non polar ends, dissolves in water
    and in oils and greases.
  • How ionic compounds dissolve in water.
  • Concentrated vs. dilute. by mass and by
  • Solubility-maximum amt. of solute that can
    dissolve in a solvent at a given temperature.
  • Solubility of ionic compounds usually increases
    with increasing T, solubility of gases decreases
    with increasing T.
  • Electrolytes contain ions in solution. Includes
    ionic compounds dissolved in water and also acids
    dissolved in water. Covalent compounds, including
    water, are non electrolytes.

Review for Chapter 11 (cont.)
  • Ionization of strong and weak acids in aqueous
    solution (100 for strong acids, equilibrium for
    weak acids). (Strong acids are sulfuric, nitric,
    hydrochloric, hydrobromic, and hydroiodic acids.
    The rest are weak acids.)
  • Ionization of strong and weak bases in aqueous
    solution.(100 for strong bases, equilibrium for
    weak bases). (Strong bases are the group IA
    (alkali metals) combined with hydroxide ion.
  • What is vapor pressure-The pressure exerted by
    the vapor that evaporates from a liquid on the
    surface of the liquid. Vapor Pressure increases
    with temperature.
  • What is boiling point. The temperature at which
    the vapor pressure of a liquid is equal to the
    atmospheric pressure.
  • Boiling point elevation and freezing point
    depression in solutions. (The boiling point
    increases, the freezing point decreases).
  • Properties of acids and bases.
  • How ammonia, NH3 is a base because it reacts with
    water to form NH4 and OH- in aqueous solution.
  • Neutralization reactions Acid Base react to
    produce salt (ionic compound) plus water.
  • The pH scale 0-14. 7 is neutral, like water.
    Less than7 is acidic, higher than 7 is basic.
  • The importance of salts They provide
    electrolytes to living organisms, including
    plants, animals and humans and they are a source
    of some essential elements.
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