Title: Indigenous Peoples, Poverty and Human Development in Latin America
1Indigenous Peoples, Poverty and Human Development
in Latin America
- Harry Anthony Patrinos
- World Bank
February 9, 2007 Georgetown University Washington,
- UN Decade of Indigenous Peoples 1994-2004
- Indigenous gains in political influence
- Upheavals Mexico, Ecuador, Bolivia
- Indigenous political representation increasing
- Changes in international national policy
3Good news the education gap has been narrowing
Percent of population that had some schooling
Peru by birth cohort, 1950-1980 ( of population
with some schooling)
Lines are logarithmic estimates of trends
4But indigenous people still have fewer years of
5 and receive less added income for each year of
6Evidence of labor market discrimination is still
7Low tests scores for indigenous children suggest
low quality schooling
8Some new and successful social programs reach
indigenous peoples
Mexico portion of indigenous/non-indigenous
peoples in income quintile that benefit from
Oportunidades conditional cash transfers
9But social insurance systems cover fewer
indigenous peoples
Percent of workers in firms with 10 employees
who contribute to social security, Guatemala 2000
10Evidence of poor health among indigenous peoples
is widespread
11Little progress in income poverty reduction for
indigenous people
12Indigenous people also recover more slowly from
economic crisis
13Four priority areas for action
- More and better education
- Decrease gap in years of schooling
- Improve school quality (bilingual/bicultural
education) - Promote equal opportunities head start for
indigenous - Maternal and child health projects
- Improve accountability in delivery of social
services - Improve data collection efforts
- Include identification questions for indigenous
14Moving beyond poverty human development
- Link between indigenous poverty established
- Poverty has not diminished over time
- But need to move beyond human development
- Need to examine distribution returns to income
generating assets (physical, human, public,
social capital)
15Objectives of new study
- Economic Opportunities for Indigenous Peoples in
Latin America - Examine composition of income and
income-generating activities of indigenous - Investigate factors determining participation of
indigenous in income-generating activities - Identify key features of policies programs to
increase economic opportunities