Molecular Biology Fourth Edition - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Molecular Biology Fourth Edition


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Molecular Biology Fourth Edition

Molecular BiologyFourth Edition
  • Chapter 17
  • The Mechanism of Translation I Initiation

Chapter 18 The Mechanism of Translation II
Elongation and Termination
Chapter 19 Ribosomes and Transfer RNA
Robert F. Weaver
18.1 Direction of Polypeptide Synthesis and mRNA
  • Messenger RNAs are read in the 5?3 direction
  • This is the same direction in which they are
  • Proteins are made in the amino?carboxyl direction
  • This means that the amino terminal amino acid is
    added first

Strategy to Determine Direction of Translation
18.2 The Genetic Code
  • The term genetic code refers to the set of 3-base
    code words (codons) in mRNA that represent the 20
    amino acids in proteins
  • Basic questions were answered about translation
    in the process of breaking the genetic code

Nonoverlapping Codons
  • Each base is part of at most one codon in
    nonoverlapping codons
  • In an overlapping code, one base may be part of
    two or even three codones
  • No overlapping AUG UUC
  • Overlapping AUG UGU GUU UUC
  • If no overlapping, a change of one base in an
    mRNA would change no more than one a.a. in the
    resulting protein.
  • If overlapping, up to three adjacent amino acids
    could be changed.

  • One base change in TMV mRNA never caused more
    than one a.a. mutation

No Gaps in the Code
  • If the code contained untranslated gaps or
    commas, mutations adding or subtracting a base
    from the message might change a few codons
  • Would still expect ribosome to be back on track
    after the next such comma
  • Mutations might frequently be lethal
  • Many cases of mutations should occur just before
    a comma and have little, if any, effect

Frameshift Mutations
  • Frameshift mutations
  • Translation starts AUGCAGCCAACG
  • Insert an extra base AUXGCAGCCAACG
  • Extra base changes not only the codon in which is
    appears, but every codon from that point on
  • The reading frame has shifted one base to the
  • Code with commas
  • Each codon is flanked by one or more untranslated
  • Commas would serve to set off each codon so that
    ribosomes recognize it
  • Translation starts AUGZCAGZCCAZACGZ
  • Insert an extra base AUXGZCAGZCCAZACGZ
  • First codon wrong, all others separated by Z,
    translated normally

Frameshift Mutation Sequences
The Triplet Code
  • The genetic code is a set of three-base code
    words, or codons
  • In mRNA, codons instruct the ribosome to
    incorporate specific amino acids into a
  • Code is nonoverlapping
  • Each base is part of only one codon
  • Devoid of gaps or commas
  • Each base in the coding region of an mRNA is part
    of a codon

Breaking the Code
  • The genetic code was broken
  • Using
  • Synthetic messengers
  • Synthetic trinucleotides
  • Then observing
  • Polypeptides synthesized
  • Aminoacyl-tRNAs bound to ribosomes
  • There are 64 codons
  • 3 are stop signals
  • Remainder code for amino acids
  • The genetic code is highly degenerate

How to test the the triplet code hypothesis
  • In 1961, Nirenberg and Matthaei,
  • Poly(U) can be translated into poly-Phe
  • Synthetic mRNA of defined sequence can shed light
    on the nature of the code

First, the codons contained odd number of bases.
  • PolyUC or UCUCUCUC.
  • Odd number of bases------UCU or CUC will code for
  • Even number of bases-----CUCU or UCUC will code
    for single repeat
  • Found. code for poly(ser-leu)---So, the codons
    contained an odd number of bases

Odd bases!
Three bases?
Four bases?
Four different bases, only twenty amino
acids Triplet 4x4x464 Two-base codon 4x416 not
enough combination Nine-base codon 49262,144
too many
The Genetic Code
Unusual Base Pairs Between Codon and Anticodon
  • Degeneracy of genetic code is accommodated by
  • Isoaccepting species of tRNA bind same amino
    acid, but recognize different codons
  • Wobble, the 3rd base of a codon is allowed to
    move slightly from its normal position to form a
    non-Watson-Crick base pair with the anticodon
  • Wobble allows same aminoacyl-tRNA to pair with
    more than one codon (to reduce the number of tRNA
    to translate genetic code)

Wobble Base Pairs
  • Compare standard Watson-Crick base pairing with
    wobble base pairs
  • Wobble pairs are
  • G-U
  • I-A (or C, or U)

Wobble Position
Almost Universal Code
  • Genetic code is NOT strictly universal
  • Certain eukaryotic nuclei and mitochondria along
    with at least one bacterium
  • Codons cause termination in standard genetic code
    can code for amino acids Trp, Glu
  • Mitochondrial genomes and nuclei of at least one
    yeast have sense of codon changed from one amino
    acid to another
  • Deviant codes are still closely related to
    standard one from which they evolved
  • Genetic code a frozen accident or the product of
  • Ability to cope with mutations evolution

Deviations from Universal Genetic Code
18.3 The Elongation Mechanism
  • Elongation takes place in three steps
  • EF-Tu with GTP binds aminoacyl-tRNA to the
    ribosomal A site
  • Peptidyl transferase forms a peptide bond between
    peptide in P site and newly arrived
    aminoacyl-tRNA in the A site
  • Lengthens peptide by one amino acid and shifts
    it to the A site
  • EF-G with GTP translocates the growing
    peptidyl-tRNA with its mRNA codon to the P site

Elongation in Translation
A Three-Site Model of the Ribosome
  • Puromycin
  • Resembles an aminoacyl-tRNA
  • Can bind to the A site
  • Couple with the peptide in the P site
  • Release it as peptidyl puromycin
  • If peptidyl-tRNA is in the A site, puromycin will
    not bind to ribosome, peptide will not be
  • Two sites are defined on the ribosome
  • Puromycin-reactive site (P)
  • Puromycin unreactive site (A)
  • 3rd site (E) for deacylated tRNA bind to E site
    as exits ribosome

Puromycin Structure and Activity
Protein Factors and Peptide Bond Formation
  • One factor is T, transfer
  • It transfers aminoacyl-tRNAs to the ribosome
  • Actually 2 different proteins
  • Tu, u stands for unstable
  • Ts, s stands for stable
  • Second factor is G, GTPase activity
  • Factors EF-Tu and EF-Ts are involved in the first
    elongation step
  • Factor EF-g participates in the third step

Elongation Step 1
  • Binding aminoacyl-tRNA to A site of ribosome
  • Ternary complex formed from
  • EF-Tu
  • Aminoacyl-tRNA
  • GTP
  • Delivers aminoacyl-tRNA to ribosome A
  • site without hydrolysis of GTP
  • Next step
  • EF-Tu hydrolyzes GTP
  • Ribosome-dependent GTPase activity
  • EF-Tu-GDP complex dissociates from ribosome
  • Addition of aminoacyl-tRNA reconstitutes ternary
  • complex for another round of translation
  • elongation

Aminoacyl-tRNA Binding to Ribosome A Site
  • Protein synthesis accuracy comes from charging
    tRNAs with correct amino acids
  • Proofreading is correcting translation by
    rejecting an incorrect aminoacyl-tRNA before it
    can donate its amino acid
  • Protein-synthesizing machinery achieves accuracy
    during elongation in two steps

Protein-Synthesizing Machinery
  • Two steps achieve accuracy
  • Gets rid of ternary complexes bearing wrong
    aminoacyl-tRNA before GTP hydrolysis
  • If this screen fails, still eliminate incorrect
    aminoacyl-tRNA in the proofreading step before
    wrong amino acid is incorporated into growing
    protein chain
  • Steps rely on weakness of incorrect
    codon-anticodon base pairing to ensure
    dissociation occurs more rapidly than either GTP
    hydrolysis or peptide bond formation

Proofreading Balance
  • Balance between speed and accuracy of translation
    is delicate
  • If peptide bond formation goes too fast
  • Incorrect aminoacyl-tRNAs do not have enough time
    to leave the ribosome
  • Incorrect amino acids are incorporated into
  • If translation goes too slowly
  • Proteins are not made fast enough for the
    organism to grow successfully
  • Actual error rate, 0.01 per amino acid is a
    good balance between speed and accuracy

Elongation Step 2
  • One the initiation factors and EF-Tu have done
    their jobs, the ribosome has fMet-tRNA in the P
    site and aminoacyl-tRNA in the A site
  • Now form the first peptide bond
  • No new elongation factors participate in this
  • Ribosome contains the enzymatic activity,
    peptidyl transferase, that forms peptide bond

Assay for Peptidyl Transferase
Peptide Bond Formation
  • The peptidyl transferase resides on the 50S
    ribosomal particle
  • Minimum components necessary for activity are 23S
    rRNA and proteins L2 and L3
  • 23S rRNA is at the catalytic center of peptidyl

Elongation Step 3
  • When peptidyl transferase has worked
  • Ribosome has peptidyl-tRNA in the A site
  • Deacylated tRNA in the P site
  • Translocation, next step, moves mRNA and
    peptidyl-tRNA one codons length through the
  • Places peptidyl-tRNA in the P site
  • Ejects the deacylated tRNA
  • Process requires elongation factor EF-G which
    hydrolyzes GTP after translocation is complete

Three-Nucleotide Movement
  • Each translocation event moves the mRNA on codon
    length, or 3 nt through the ribosome

Role of GTP and EF-G
  • GTP and EF-G are necessary for translocation
  • Translocation activity appears to be inherent in
    the ribosome
  • This activity can be expressed without EF-G and
  • GTP hydrolysis
  • Precedes translocation
  • Significantly accelerate translocation
  • New round of elongation occurs if
  • EF-G must be released from the ribosome
  • Release depends on GTP hydrolysis

GTPases and Translation
  • Some translation factors harness GTP energy to
    catalyze molecular motions
  • These factors belong to a large class of G
  • Activated by GTP
  • Have intrinsic GTPase activity activated by an
    external factor (GAP)
  • Inactivated when they cleave their own GTP to GDP
  • Reactivated by another external factor (guanine
    nucleotide exchange protein) that replaces GDP
    with GTP

Structures of EF-Tu and EF-G
  • Three-dimensional shapes determined by x-ray
  • EF-Tu-tRNA-GDPNP ternary complex
  • EF-G-GDP binary complex
  • As predicted, the shapes are very similar

18.4 Termination
  • Elongation cycle repeats over and over
  • Adds amino acids one at a time
  • Grows the polypeptide product
  • Finally ribosome encounters a stop codon
  • Stop codon signals time for last step
  • Translation last step is termination

Termination Codons
  • Three codons are the natural stop signals at the
    ends of coding regions in mRNA
  • UAG
  • UAA
  • UGA
  • Mutations can create termination codons within an
    mRNA causing premature termination of translation
  • Amber mutation creates UAG
  • Ochre mutation creates UAA
  • Opal mutation creates UGA

Amber Mutation Effects in a Fused Gene
Termination Mutations
  • Amber mutations are caused by mutagens that give
    rise to missense mutations
  • Ochre and opal mutations do not respond to the
    same suppressors as do the amber mutations
  • Ochre mutations have their own suppressors
  • Opal mutations also have unique suppressors

Termination Mutations
Stop Codon Suppression
  • Most suppressor tRNAs have altered anticodons
  • Recognize stop codons
  • Prevent termination by inserting an amino acid
  • Allow ribosome to move on to the next codon

Release Factors
  • Prokaryotic translation termination is mediated
    by 3 factors
  • RF1 recognizes UAA and UAG
  • RF2 recognizes UAA and UGA
  • RF3 is a GTP-binding protein facilitating binding
    of RF1 and RF2 to the ribosome
  • Eukaryotes has 2 release factors
  • eRF1 recognizes all 3 termination codons
  • eRF3 is a ribosome-dependent GTPase helping eRF1
    release the finished polypeptide

Release Factor Assays
Dealing with Aberrant Termination
  • Two kinds of aberrant mRNAs can lead to aberrant
  • Nonsense mutations can occur that cause premature
  • Some mRNAs (non-stop mRNAs) lack termination
  • Synthesis of mRNA was aborted upstream of
    termination codon
  • Ribosomes translate through non-stop mRNAs and
    then stall
  • Both events cause problems in the cell yielding
    incomplete proteins with adverse effects on the
  • Stalled ribosomes out of action
  • Unable to participate in further protein synthesis

Non-Stop mRNAs
  • Prokaryotes deal with non-stop mRNAs by
    tmRNA-mediated ribosome rescue
  • Alanyl-tmRNA resembles alanyl-tRNA
  • Binds to vacant A site of a ribosome stalled on a
    non-stop mRNA
  • Donates its alanine to the stalled polypeptide
  • Ribosome shifts to translating an ORF on the
    tmRNA (transfer-messenger RNA)
  • Adds another 9 amino acids to the polypeptide
    before terminating
  • Extra amino acids target the polypeptide for
  • Nuclease destroys non-stop mRNA

Non-Stop mRNAs
  • Prokaryotes deal with non-stop mRNAs by
    tmRNA-mediated ribosome rescue
  • tmRNA are about 300 nt long
  • 5- and 3-ends come together to form a tRNA-like
    domain (TLD) resembling a tRNA

Eukaryotic Aberrant Termination
  • Eukaryotes do not have tmRNA
  • Eukaryotic ribosomes stalled at the end of the
    poly(A) tail contain 0 3 nt of poly(A) tail
  • This stalled ribosome state is recognized by
    carboxyl-terminal domain of a protein called
  • Ski7p also associates tightly with cytoplasmic
    exosome, cousin of nuclear exosome
  • Non-stop mRNA recruit Ski7p-exosome complex to
    the vacant A site
  • Ski complex is recruited to the A site
  • Exosome, positioned just at the end of non-stop
    mRNA, degrades that RNA
  • Aberrant polypeptide is presumably destroyed

Exosome-Mediated Degradation
  • This stalled ribosome state is recognized by
    carboxyl-terminal domain of a protein called
  • Ski7p also associates tightly with cytoplasmic
    exosome, cousin of nuclear exosome
  • Non-stop mRNA recruit Ski7p-exosome complex to
    the vacant A site
  • Ski complex is recruited to the A site

Premature Termination
  • Eukaryotes deal with premature termination codons
    by 2 mechanisms
  • NMD (nonsense-mediated mRNA decay)
  • Mammalian cells use a downstream destabilizing
  • Yeast cells appear to recognize a premature stop
  • NAS (nonsense-associated altered splicing)
  • Senses a stop codon in the middle of a reading
  • Changes the splicing pattern so premature stop
    codon is spliced out of mature mRNA
  • Both mechanisms require Upf1

Mammalian NMD
  • NMD in mammalian cells involves a downstream
    destabilizing element
  • Upf1
  • Upf2
  • Bind to mRNA at exon-exon junction that measures
    distance to a stop codon
  • Codon far enough upstream
  • Looks like a stop codon
  • Activates downstream destabilizing element to
    degrade mRNA

Yeast NMD
  • Yeast cells appear to recognize a premature stop
    codon by the absence of a normal 3-UTR or poly
    (A) nearby
  • Ribosome stopping at premature stop codon moves
    to an upstream AUG
  • This may mark the mRNA for destruction

NAS and NMD Models
Use of Stop Codons to Insert Unusual Amino Acids
  • Unusual amino acids are incorporated into growing
    polypeptides in response to termination codons
  • Selenocysteine uses a special tRNA
  • Anticodon for UGA codon
  • Charged with serine then converted to
  • Selenocysteyl-tRNA escorted to ribosome by
    special EF-Tu
  • Pyrrolysine uses a special tRNA synthetase that
    joins preformed pyrrolysine with a special tRNA
    having an anticodon recognizing UAG

18.5 Posttranslation
  • Translation events do not end with termination
  • Proteins must fold properly
  • Ribosomes need to be released from mRNA and
    engage in further translation rounds
  • Folding is actually a cotranslational event
    occurring as nascent polypeptide is being made

Folding Nascent Proteins
  • Most newly-made polypeptides do not fold properly
  • Polypeptides require folding help from molecular
  • E. coli cells use a trigger factor
  • Associates with the large ribosomal subunit
  • Catches the nascent polypeptide emerging from
    ribosomal exit tunnel in a hydrophobic basket to
    protect from water
  • Archaea and eukaryotes lack trigger factor, use
    freestanding chaperones

Release of Ribosomes from mRNA
  • Ribosomes do not release from mRNA spontaneously
    after termination
  • Help is required from ribosome recycling factor
    (RRF) and EF-G
  • RRF resembles a tRNA
  • Binds to ribosome A site
  • Uses a position not normally taken by a tRNA
  • Collaborates with EF-G in releasing either 50S
    ribosome subunit or whole ribosome
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