Title: Ms. Vaughn
- Ms. Vaughns Classroom
- Turner College and Career High School
- Pearland
Please get out your Procedures Handout
2Why do We have Procedures?
- A procedure tells us how to do things and makes a
classroom less stressful. - In life, we have to follow some simple
procedures - To open your locker, you have to select your
combination. - To place a call on your phone, you need to enter
the number in the right order. - To be successful in learning, you need to follow
some simple procedures.
3How do I Show Understanding?
- Ms. Vaughn will ask if you understand the
material. - You can give a thumbs up, if you feel confident
about your understanding. - If you have a few questions give a thumbs
sideways. - When you feel lost, overwhelmed, or confused you
can give a thumbs down.
- Bring all necessary materials for the class with
you. - Enter the classroom quietly and facing the door.
- Go directly to your assigned seat.
- Start Working.
5After the Bell Rings
- Finish the bellwork.
- Check the board and get out your homework and
other materials needed for the lesson.
6When You are Tardy
- The door will be closed and the Tardy sign will
be posted. - Go to the Tardy station and get a pass.
- Bring back the pass, and place it in the Tardy
basket. It will be marked and returned before
the end of class. - If you have a pass from a teacher or the office,
place it in the basket. - You will not be excused from any work you missed.
Get the work from a classmate and finish in
class or at home.
7When You are Absent
- You may look on the class website for handouts
and homework you missed. - Come by and check the handout and homework folder
when you return. - You can turn-in homework early or online.
- If you missed a test because of your absence,
inform Ms. Vaughn and arrange a time to make up
the test.
8During Instruction
- Listen to the teacher with full attention, and
please raise your hand when you have a question. - If you have a question that is unrelated to the
current topic. Write it down to ask later. - There should be no pencil sharpening, talking, or
whispering while I am talking.
9While You are Working
- Make sure you read/listen to the directions and
understand them. - If you did not understand, give a thumbs down.
- If you are asked to help, be polite and kind.
- Voices should be lower than the music level.
- Respect each other and be friendly.
- Use your time wisely. Put forth your best effort
to finish your work on time.
- We will follow the school and district BYOD
policy. - The color for this class will be posted on the
door and board as reminders. - Todays is color is yellow.
11How to Pass Papers
- Please pass the papers along rows to the person
on your right until there is no one left to pass
to. - There should be no whispering, talking, poking,
pushing, or other disturbances. - If you do not receive a paper raise your hand and
wait quietly while one is brought to you.
12Homework Procedure
- Your homework and class take-home work will be
due on Fridays. - For this class you will write in pen. It will
make your papers easier to read. - Sample Heading
World Geography / Ms. Vaughn Your Last Name,
First Name Month Day, Year
13If the Teacher Raises Her Hand
- Stop whatever you are doing at that moment.
- Face the teacher and wait silently.
- Notify any classmates who havent noticed that
the teacher has raised her hand. - No talking or whispering. All of your attention
should be given to the teacher.
14After You are Done
- Double check your work. Make sure you addressed
all the every part of the question/instructions. - If the assignment is to be turned in, turn it
over on your desk. - Check the assignment board to see what you should
be working on next.
15How to Turn In Assignments
- Have your work ready on your desk.
- When directed by the teacher, pass your papers to
the person on your left. - The person at the end of the row will stack up
the papers for me to collect.
16If You do not Have Your Materials
- Clean your desk area and take all garbage to the
trash can. - Wait for Ms. Vaughn to dismiss you. The bell does
not dismiss you. - After you get permission to leave, leave
quietly. - Thank You.
- District and School rules will be followed at all
times. - Actions or behaviors shall be appropriate for the
classroom - Act and speak in a way that treats yourself and
others with respect. - Bring all necessary materials to class and take
them with you when you leave.
19What Happens if I Forget the Rules?
- You will receive a Warning Sheet. This is not a
punishment. It is just a reminder of the rules
and a chance for you to correct your actions. - Next, you will work out an Action Plan with me
and your parents/guardians. You will
automatically receive a Friday detention. - After that, you will be referred to the
20Example of a Warning Card
21Example of an Action Plan
22When You Want to Know Your Grade
- You can check your grade online.
- You may check with me during tutorials.
23What If I Want to Use an Electronic Device?
- Device use will follow School and District
policies. - The appropriate time to use devices is determined
by the teacher. - The teacher should never be able to hear the
device. - If a device inhibits or distracts from the
learning environment the teacher will collect it
and the student will receive a warning.
- If you need to use the bathroom, cross your
fingers and wait for my nod. Make sure you take
the pass. - If the pass is gone you will have to wait until
it returns. - No one may leave the room during the first or
last 10 minutes.
25If You Need to Leave the Room
- Let me know when you enter the room.
- Raise your hand and let me know that you have
completed your assigned work for the day. - No one may leave the room during the first or
last 10 minutes of class. - If you need to go to the nurse, raise your hand
and let me know.
26Moving Around the Classroom
- If you need to leave your desk for any reason,
you must first have permission. - Raise your hand to get my attention and point to
what you need.
27What if Someone is in My Space?
- Please be respectful of boundaries in this
classroom. - Your hands and all other body parts should remain
within the boundaries of your desk area. - Your belongings should also be safely stowed
within your desk area. - The teachers desk belongs to the teacher.
28If You Need Materials
- First check the Materials bin and replace your
used pen/pencil with a new one. - There are extra sheets of paper if you should run
out. - Please remember to raise your hand and point
before moving.
29How to Use the Textbook
- Start by reading your assignment first.
- Check the index and glossary at the back of the
book. - Look and the Chapter Guide at the very beginning
of the chapter. - Skip to the parts of the chapter that you know
will answer a question. - Use the Headlines and bold words to help you find
answers quicker. - Read the first and last sentence of a paragraph
to see if it will have the information you seek. - You should not have to read the entire chapter to
complete an assignment.
Ms. Vaughn